
Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Master Quest

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D011BB10 00??
2Activator 2 P1D011BB11 00??
3Dual Activator P1D111BB10 ????
4Activator 1 P1 #2D011BB16 00??
5Activator 2 P1 #2D011BB17 00??
6Dual Activator P1 #2D111BB16 ????
7Activator 1 P1 #3D011BB70 00??
8Activator 2 P1 #3D011BB71 00??
9Dual Activator P1 #3D111BB70 ????
10Activator 1 P1 #4D01C6E34 00??
11Activator 2 P1 #4D01C6E35 00??
12Dual Activator P1 #4D11C6E34 ????
13Activator 1 P1 #5D01C6E3A 00??
14Activator 2 P1 #5D01C6E3B 00??
15Dual Activator P1 #5D11C6E3A ????
16Control Stick Activator 1 P1D011BB12 00??
17Control Stick Activator 2 P1D011BB13 00??
18Dual Control Stick Activator P1D111BB12 ????
19Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #2D011BB18 00??
20Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #2D011BB19 00??
21Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #2D111BB18 ????
22Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #3D011BB72 00??
23Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #3D011BB73 00??
24Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #3D111BB72 ????
25Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #4D01C6E36 00??
26Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #4D01C6E37 00??
27Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #4D11C6E36 ????
28Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #5D01C6E3C 00??
29Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #5D01C6E3D 00??
30Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #5D11C6E3C ????
31Infinite Rupees8111896C 00FF
32Infinite Rupees (Alternate)81075620 A6AB
33Infinite Health81118968 0140
34Max Health81118966 0140
35All Equipment811189D4 7777
36Don't Take Any Damage81071C58 2400
37Invincible8139EC74 2400
38Max Skulltulas Killed80118A09 00FF
39All Quest/Status Items811189DC 30FF
811189DE FFFF
40Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R ButtonsD01C681D 0030
811D961A 000D
41Have Big Key, Compass, & Map801189E0 0007
42Have Ocarina of Time801189B3 0008
43Have Din's Fire (MP6)801189B1 0005
44Have Fairie's Wind (MP6)801189B7 000D
45Have Nayru's Love (MP12)801189BD 0013
46Infinite MagicD0118971 0008
80118972 0001
80118974 0001
8011896B 0060
47Have Deku Stick/Infinite Deku Sticks801189AC 0000
801189C4 0009
48Have Deku Nuts/Infinite Deku Nuts801189AD 0001
801189C5 0009
49Have Bombs/Infinite Bombs801189AE 0002
801189C6 0009
50Have Arrows/Infinite Arrows801189AF 0003
801189C7 0009
51Have Slingshot/Infinite Slingshots801189B2 0006
801189CA 0009
52Have Bombchus/Infinite Bombchu's801189B4 0009
801189CC 0009
53Have Fire Arrow (MP2)801189B0 0004
54Have Ice Arrow (MP2)801189B6 000C
55Have Light Arrow (MP4)801189BC 0012
56Always Have Fairy Ocarina801189B3 0007
57Always Have Hookshot801189B5 000A
58Always Have Longshot801189B5 000B
59Always Have Boomerang801189B8 000E
60Always Have Lens of Truth801189B9 000F
61Always Have Magic Beans801189BA 0010
62Infinite Magic Beans801189D2 0009
63Always Have Megaton Hammer801189BB 0011
64Always Have Bottle 1 Modifier1801189BE 00??
65Always Have Bottle 2 Modifier801189BF 00??
66Always Have Bottle 3 Modifier801189C0 00??
67Always Have Bottle 4 Modifier801189C1 00??
68Item Modifier 12801189C2 00??
69Item Modifier 23801189C3 00??
70Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword80118976 0001
71Infinite Time To Ride Epona At Lon Lon's Ranch480119D09 003B
72Items Equipped On C-Left Modifier5801189A1 00??
73Items Equipped On C-Left Modifier Digits (Part 2)6N/A
74Items Equipped On C-Right Modifier801189A3 00??
75Golden Gauntlet + 2nd Bomb Bag (Holds 50) + 2nd Quiver (Holds 30) + Golden Scale801189D9 0001
801189DA 0004
801189DB 00D8
76Clothing Equipped Modifier7811189D4 7777
801189A8 00??
77Have Quiver (Holds 30)801189D9 0001
78Equipment Modifier 18801189DA 00??
79Equipment Modifier 29801189DB 00??
80Equipped Stuff Modifier801189A8 00??
81Time of Day Modifier1081118944 ????
82Starting Point Modifier118011899F 00??
83Music Modifier128012089D 00XX

114 - Empty Bottle
15 - Red Potion
16 - Green Potion
17 - Blue Potion
18 - Bottled Fairy
19 - Fish
1A - Lon Lon Milk
1B - Letter
1C - Blue Fire
1D - Bug
1E - Big Poe
1F - Lon Lon Milk (Half)
20 - Poe
22D - Pocket Egg
2E - Pocket Cucco
2F - Cojiro
30 - Odd Mushroom
31 - Odd Potion
32 - Poacher's Saw
33 - Goron's Sword (Broken)
34 - Prescription
35 - Eyeball Frog
36 - Eye Drops
37 - Claim Check
321 - Weird Egg
22 - Chicken
23 - Zelda's Letter
24 - Keaton Mask
25 - Skull Mask
26 - Spooky Mask
27 - Bunny Hood
28 - Goron Mask
29 - Zora Mask
2A - Gerudo Mask
2B - Mask of Truth
4This code gives you infinite time to ride the horse [Epona] after paying Ingo the 10 rupees. Normally you can only ride Epona for a minute before having to get off.

(* Means Item Can Be Equipped By Adult Link Only)

00 Deku Sticks
01 Deku Nuts
02 Bombs
03 Fairy Bow*
04 Fire Arrow*
05 Din's Magic
06 Slingshot
07 Fairy Ocarina
08 Ocarina of Time
09 Bombchus
0A Hookshot*
0B Longshot*
0C Ice Arrow*
0D Farores' Magic
0E Boomerang
0F Lens of Truth
10 Beans
11 Megaton Hammer (this item can also be used as a child!)
12 Light Arrow
13 Nayrus' Magic
14 Empty Bottle
15 Red Potion In Bottle
16 Green Potion In Bottle
17 Blue Potion In Bottle
18 Fairy In Bottle
19 Fish In Bottle
1A Lon Lon Milk In Bottle
1B Letter In Bottle
1C Blue Flame In Bottle
1D Bug In Bottle
1E Big Poe In Bottle
1F Half Lon Lon Milk In Bottle
20 Poe In Bottle
21 Egg
22 Cucco
23 Zelda's Letter
24 Keaton Mask
25 Skull Mask
26 Spooky Mask
27 Bunnyhood
28 Goron Mask
29 Zora Mask
2A Gerudo Mask
2B Mask Of Truth
62D Pocket Egg*
2E Pocket Cucco*
2F Cojiro*
30 Mushroom*
31 Potion*
32 Saw*
33 Broken Goron Sword*
34 Prescription*
35 Eyeball Frog*
36 Eyedrops
37 Claim Check

Some quantity digits (14, 15, 16, 10) are by Gray Vader. All others are by Kong K. Rool! To get Hover or Iron Boots, replace the next to last digit (from 1 to 2 for Iron Boots and 1 to 3 for Hover Boots).

11 Normal Clothing
21 Normal Tunic + Iron Boots
31 Normal Tunic + Hover Boots
12 Goron Tunic + Normal Boots
22 Goron Tunic + Iron Boots
32 Goron Tunic + Hover Boots
13 Zora Tunic + Normal Boots
23 Zora Tunic + Iron Boots
33 Zora Tunic + Hover Boots
14: Black Tunic & Kokiri Boots
15: White Tunic & Kokiri Boots
16: Yellow Tunic & Kokiri Boots
10: Slightly Darker Green Tunic & Kokiri Boots
802 - Silver Scale
04 - Golden Scale
06 - Giant's Knife (Broken)
40 - Bullet Bag (Holds 30)
80 - Bullet Bag (Holds 40)
C0 - Bullet Bag (Holds 50)
908 - Bomb Bag (Holds 20)
10 - Bomb Bag (Holds 30)
18 - Bomb Bag (Holds 40)
20 - Goron's Bracelet
28 - Silver Gauntlets
30 - Silver Scale
104000 - At Sunrise
5800 - Daylight Out
7000 - Very Bright Out
C000 - At Sunset
D0000 - Fairly Dark

The asterisk (*) indicates that only adult link will start here and the (+) indicates that only young link will start here.

01 - Dodongo's Cavern(*)
02 - Inside Jabu-Jabu
06 - Spirit Temple(+)
07 - Shadow Temple(*)
09 - Ice Cavern(*)
0A - Gannon's Castle
0C - Thieves Hideout(+)
0E - Gannon's Castle
0F - Gannon's Castle

12To get the song(s) you want to play, simply plan a song on your ocarina

00 - Nothing
01 - Nothing
02 to 17 - Hyrule Field
18 - Death Crater
19 - Kakariko Village 1
1A - Enemy
1B - Boss 1
1C - Inside the Deku Tree
1D - Market
1E - Intro to Game
1F - House
20 - Game Over
21 - Beaten Boss
22 - Got something good!
23 - Ganodorf
24 - Got something very good!
25 - Prelude of Light
26 - Jabu-Jabu's Belly
27 - Kakariko Village 2
28 - Fairy Fountain
29 - Zelda's Lullaby 1 (Ocarina)
2A - Fire Temple
2B - Opening chest!
2C - Forest Temple
2D - Castle Courtyard
2E - Ganondorf's Organ
2F - Lon Lon Ranch
30 - Goron City
31 - Hyrule Field
32 - Got a spiritual stone
33 - Bolero of Fire
34 - Minuet of Forest
35 - Serenade of Water
36 - Requiem of Spirit
37 - Nocturne of Shadow
38 - Mini-boss
39 - Got skulltula token!
3A - Temple of Time
3B - Escape from Lon Lon Ranch!
3C - Kokiri Forest
3D - Something good has happened
3E - Lost Woods
3F - Spirit Temple
40 - Horse Race
41 - Won horse race!
42 - Beaten horse race
43 - Getting medallion!
44 - Saria's Song
45 - Epona's Song
46 - Zelda's Lullaby
47 - Sun Song
48 - Song of Time
49 - Song of Storms
4A - Flying with the owl
4B - The Great Deku Tree
4C - Song of Storms
4D - The three goddesses cut-scene
4E - Game house
4F - Sheik
50 - Zora's Domain
51 - Seen something important
52 - Zelda's Lullaby 2 (Piano, Violin)
53 - Drawing the Master Sword from its pedestal!
54 - Ganondorf's Tower (without organ)
55 - Shop
56 - Chamber of Sages
57 - Main Menu (Fairy's Fountain)
58 - Ice Cavern
59 - Opening the Door of Time!
5A - Owl's Melody
5B - Shadow Temple
5C - Water Temple
5D - Sage
5E - Sages opening the portal to the sacred realm!
5F - Gerudo Valley
60 - Ghost Shop
61 - Kotake and Koume
62 - Escape from the collapsing Ganon's tower
63 - Ganondorf's Castle
64 - First Battle against Ganondorf
65 - Second Battle against Ganon
66 to 6A - End Credits
6B - Boss 2
6C - Diving Game

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82