
WWF No Mercy

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Damage Modifiers
1Damage Modifier - Front Weak Grapple A800AB5EA 00??
2Damage Modifier - Front Weak Grapple A & Left or Right800AB60E 00??
3Damage Modifier - Front Weak Grapple A & Up800AB632 00??
4Damage Modifier - Front Weak Grapple A & Down800AB656 00??
5Damage Modifier - Front Weak Grapple B800AB67A 00??
6Damage Modifier - Front Weak Grapple B & Left or Right800AB72E 00??
7Damage Modifier - Front Weak Grapple B & Up800AB7E2 00??
8Damage Modifier - Front Weak Grapple B & Down800AB896 00??
9Damage Modifier - Front Strong Grapple A800ADF66 00??
10Damage Modifier - Front Strong Grapple A & Left or Right800AB9FE 00??
11Damage Modifier - Front Strong Grapple A & Up800ABAB2 00??
12Damage Modifier - Front Strong Grapple A & Down800ABB66 00??
13Damage Modifier - Front Strong Grapple B800ABC1A 00??
14Damage Modifier - Front Strong Grapple B & Left or Right800ABCCE 00??
15Damage Modifier - Front Strong Grapple B & Up800ABD82 00??
16Damage Modifier - Front Strong Grapple B & Down800ABE36 00??
17Damage Modifier - Front Special Grapple800ABF9E 00??
18Damage Modifier - Back Weak Grapple A800AC00A 00??
19Damage Modifier - Back Weak Grapple A & Any Direction800AC02E 00??
20Damage Modifier - Back Weak Grapple B800AC052 00??
21Damage Modifier - Back Weak Grapple B & Any Direction800AC076 00??
22Damage Modifier - Back Strong Grapple A800AC09A 00??
23Damage Modifier - Back Strong Grapple A & Any Direction800AC0BE 00??
24Damage Modifier - Back Strong Grapple B800AC0E2 00??
25Damage Modifier - Back Strong Grapple B & Any Direction800AC106 00??
26Damage Modifier - Back Special Grapple800AC12A 00??
27Damage Modifier - Weak Arm Striking B800ACDF6 00??
28Damage Modifier - Weak Arm Striking B + Any Direction800ACE1A 00??
29Damage Modifier - Weak Leg Striking B800ACE3E 00??
30Damage Modifier - Weak Leg Striking B + Any Direction800ACE62 00??
31Damage Modifier - Strong Striking B800ACFEE 00??
32Damage Modifier - Strong Striking B + Any Direction800AD036 00??
33Damage Modifier - Strong Striking A + B800AD07E 00??
34Damage Modifier - Recovering Attack800AD44A 00??
35Damage Modifier - Weak Running Attack B800AD0C6 00??
36Damage Modifier - Weak Running Attack A + B800AD10E 00??
37Damage Modifier - Strong Running Attack B800AD156 00??
38Damage Modifier - Strong Running Attack A + B800AD19E 00??
39Damage Modifier - Running Front Grapple800AC466 00??
40Damage Modifier - Running Back Grapple800AC48A 00??
41Damage Modifier - Running Ground Attack(Face Up)800AD372 00??
42Damage Modifier - Running Ground Attack(Face Down)800AD396 00??
43Damage Modifier - Running Ground Attack(Sitting Up)800AD402 00??
44Damage Modifier - Running Ground Attack(Sitting Down)800AD426 00??
45Damage Modifier - Upper Body Submission(Face Up)800AE1EE 00??
46Damage Modifier - Upper Body Submission(Face Down)800AE452 00??
47Damage Modifier - Upper Body Submission(Sitting Up)800AE476 00??
48Damage Modifier - Upper Body Submission(Sitting Down)800AE49A 00??
49Damage Modifier - Upper Body Submission(Face Up Special)800AE332 00??
50Damage Modifier - Upper Body Submission(Face Down Special)800ACBB6 00??
51Damage Modifier - Lower Body Submission(Face Up)800AD786 00??
52Damage Modifier - Lower Body Submission(Face Down)800AD7CE 00??
53Damage Modifier - Lower Body Submission(Face Up Special)800AE356 00??
54Damage Modifier - Lower Body Submission(Face Down Special)800AE73A 00??
55Damage Modifier - Turnbuckle Attack B800ACE86 00??
56Damage Modifier - Turnbuckle Attack B + Any Direction800ACEAA 00??
57Damage Modifier - Running Turnbuckle Attack B800AD1E6 00??
58Damage Modifier - Running Turnbuckle Attack A + B800AD22E 00??
59Damage Modifier - Tree of Woe Attack B800ACECE 00??
60Damage Modifier - Tree of Woe Attack B + Any Direction800ACEF2 00??
61Damage Modifier - Running Tree of Woe Attack800AD276 00??
62Damage Modifier - Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AE03E 00??
63Damage Modifier - Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AE236 00??
64Damage Modifier - Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC65E 00??
65Damage Modifier - Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC712 00??
66Damage Modifier - Front Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC7C6 00??
67Damage Modifier - Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC80E 00??
68Damage Modifier - Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC856 00??
69Damage Modifier - Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC89E 00??
70Damage Modifier - Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC8E6 00??
71Damage Modifier - Back Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC92E 00??
72Damage Modifier - Front Corner Counter800AC99A 00??
73Damage Modifier - Back Corner Counter800AC9BE 00??
74Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Standing Opponent800AD9C6 00??
75Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Standing Opponent Outside800ADAC2 00??
76Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Standing Opponent Special800AD9EA 00??
77Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Laying Opponent800ADA7A 00??
78Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Laying Opponent Outside800ADAE6 00??
79Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Laying Opponent Special800ADA9E 00??
80Damage Modifier - Turnbuckle Inside Attack800ADBBE 00??
81Damage Modifier - Weak Grapple to Apron800ACA2A 00??
82Damage Modifier - Strong Grapple to Apron800ACA4E 00??
83Damage Modifier - Special Grapple to Apron800ACA72 00??
84Damage Modifier - Reverse Grapple from Apron800ACB26 00??
85Damage Modifier - Damage Modifier - Rope Inside Attack800ADB9A 00??
86Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Outside800ADB76 00??
87Damage Modifier - Running Diving Attack A800ADB0A 00??
88Damage Modifier - Running Diving Attack A + Any Direction800ADB2E 00??
89Damage Modifier - Rebound Flying Attack800ADCDE 00??
90Damage Modifier - Apron Kick to Inside800AD46E 00??
91Damage Modifier - Apron Kick to Outside800AD492 00??
92Damage Modifier - Weak Grapple from Apron800ACABA 00??
93Damage Modifier - Strong Grapple from Apron800ACADE 00??
94Damage Modifier - Special Grapple from Apron800ACB02 00??
95Damage Modifier - Reverse Grapple to Apron800ACA96 00??
96Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Outside800ADBE2 00??
97Damage Modifier - Running Flying Attack to Outside800ADC06 00??
98Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Standing Opponent Inside800ADC2A 00??
99Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Laying Opponent Inside800ADC4E 00??
100Damage Modifier - Flying Attack to Standing Opponent Inside Special800ADC72 00??
101Damage Modifier - Irish Whip Attack800AD29A 00??
102Damage Modifier - Weak Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC202 00??
103Damage Modifier - Weak Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC24A 00??
104Damage Modifier - Strong Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC292 00??
105Damage Modifier - Strong Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC2DA 00??
106Damage Modifier - Special Irish Whip Grapple800AC322 00??
Grapple/Move Modifiers
107Front Weak A81090fa2 ????
108Front Weak A & Left or Right81090fa4 ????
109Front Weak A & Up81090fa6 ????
110Front Weak A & Down81090fa8 ????
111Front Weak B81090faa ????
112Reversal 1 for Front Weak B81090fac ????
113Reversal 2 for Front Weak B81090fae ????
114Reversal 3 for Front Weak B81090fb0 ????
115Reversal 4 for Front Weak B81090fb2 ????
116Front Weak B & Left or Right81090fb4 ????
117Reversal 1 for Front Weak B & Left or Right81090fb6 ????
118Reversal 2 for Front Weak B & Left or Right81090fb8 ????
119Reversal 3 for Front Weak B & Left or Right81090fba ????
120Reversal 4 for Front Weak B & Left or Right81090fbc ????
121Front Weak B & Up81090fbe ????
122Reversal 1 for Front Weak B & Up81090fc0 ????
123Reversal 2 for Front Weak B & Up81090fc2 ????
124Reversal 3 for Front Weak B & Up81090fc4 ????
125Reversal 4 for Front Weak B & Up81090fc6 ????
126Front Weak B & Down81090fc8 ????
127Reversal for 1 Front Weak B & Down81090fca ????
128Reversal for 2 Front Weak B & Down81090fcc ????
129Reversal for 3 Front Weak B & Down81090fce ????
130Reversal for 4 Front Weak B & Down81090fd0 ????
131Front Strong A81090fd2 ????
132Reversal 1 for Front Strong A81090fd4 ????
133Reversal 2 for Front Strong A81090fd6 ????
134Reversal 3 for Front Strong A81090fd8 ????
135Reversal 4 for Front Strong A81090fda ????
136Front Strong A & Left or Right81090fdc ????
137Reversal 1 for Front Strong A & Left or Right81090fde ????
138Reversal 2 for Front Strong A & Left or Right81090fe0 ????
139Reversal 3 for Front Strong A & Left or Right81090fe2 ????
140Reversal 4 for Front Strong A & Left or Right81090fe4 ????
141Front Strong A & Up81090fe6 ????
142Reversal 1 for Front Strong A & Up81090fe8 ????
143Reversal 2 for Front Strong A & Up81090fea ????
144Reversal 3 for Front Strong A & Up81090fec ????
145Reversal 4 for Front Strong A & Up81090fee ????
146Front Strong A & Down81090ff0 ????
147Reversal 1 for Front Strong A & Down81090ff2 ????
148Reversal 2 for Front Strong A & Down81090ff4 ????
149Reversal 3 for Front Strong A & Down81090ff6 ????
150Reversal 4 for Front Strong A & Down81090ff8 ????
151Front Strong B81090ffa ????
152Reversal 1 for Front Strong B81090ffc ????
153Reversal 2 for Front Strong B81090ffe ????
154Reversal 3 for Front Strong B81091000 ????
155Reversal 4 for Front Strong B81091002 ????
156Front Strong B & Left or Right81091004 ????
157Reversal 1 for Front Strong B & Left or Right81091006 ????
158Reversal 2 for Front Strong B & Left or Right81091008 ????
159Reversal 3 for Front Strong B & Left or Right8109100a ????
160Reversal 4 for Front Strong B & Left or Right8109100c ????
161Front Strong B & Up8109100e ????
162Reversal for Front Strong B & Up81091010 ????
163Reversal for Front Strong B & Up81091012 ????
164Reversal for Front Strong B & Up81091014 ????
165Reversal for Front Strong B & Up81091016 ????
166Front Strong B & Down81091018 ????
167Reversal for Front Strong B & Down8109101a ????
168Reversal for Front Strong B & Down8109101c ????
169Reversal for Front Strong B & Down8109101e ????
170Reversal for Front Strong B & Down81091020 ????
171Front Special8109102c ????
172Back Weak A81091032 ????
173Back Weak A & Direction81091034 ????
174Back Weak B81091036 ????
175Back Weak B & Direction81091038 ????
176Back Strong A8109103a ????
177Back Strong A & Direction8109103c ????
178Back Strong B8109103e ????
179Back Strong B & Direction81091040 ????
180Back Special81091042 ????
181Weak Back Grapple Reversal81091048 ????
182Strong Back Grapple Reversal8109104a ????
183Setup for Weak Irish Whip Tap A8109104c ????
184Weak Irish Whip Tap A8109104e ????
185Setup for Weak Irish Whip Hold A81091050 ????
186Weak Irish Whip Hold A81091052 ????
187Setup for Strong Irish Whip Tap A81091054 ????
188Strong Irish Whip Tap A81091056 ????
189Setup for Strong Irish Whip Hold A81091058 ????
190Strong Irish Whip Hold A8109105a ????
191Setup for Irish Whip Special8109105c ????
192Irish Whip Special8109105e ????
193Setup for Irish Whip Double Team81091060 ????
194Irish Whip Double Team81091062 ????
195Front Running Grapple81091070 ????
196Back Running Grapple81091072 ????
197Front Weak Turnbuckle A81091078 ????
198Reversal 1 for Front Weak Turnbuckle A8109107a ????
199Reversal 2 for Front Weak Turnbuckle A8109107c ????
200Reversal 3 for Front Weak Turnbuckle A8109107e ????
201Reversal 4 for Front Weak Turnbuckle A81091080 ????
202Front Weak Turnbuckle B81091082 ????
203Reversal 1 for Front Weak Turnbuckle B81091084 ????
204Reversal 2 for Front Weak Turnbuckle B81091086 ????
205Reversal 3 for Front Weak Turnbuckle B81091088 ????
206Reversal 4 for Front Weak Turnbuckle B8109108a ????
207Front Strong Turnbuckle A8109108c ????
208Reversal 1 for Front Strong Turnbuckle A8109108e ????
209Reversal 2 for Front Strong Turnbuckle A81091090 ????
210Reversal 3 for Front Strong Turnbuckle A81091092 ????
211Reversal 4 for Front Strong Turnbuckle A81091094 ????
212Front Strong Turnbuckle B81091096 ????
213Reversal 1 for Front Strong Turnbuckle B81091098 ????
214Reversal 2 for Front Strong Turnbuckle B8109109a ????
215Reversal 3 for Front Strong Turnbuckle B8109109c ????
216Reversal 4 for Front Strong Turnbuckle B8109109e ????
217Front Turnbuckle Special810910a0 ????
218Back Weak Turnbuckle A810910a4 ????
219Reversal for Back Weak Turnbuckle A810910A6 ????
220Back Weak Turnbuckle B810910a8 ????
221Reversal for Back Weak Turnbuckle B810910AA ????
222Back Strong Turnbuckle A810910ac ????
223Reversal for Back Strong Turnbuckle A810910ae ????
224Back Strong Turnbuckle B810910b0 ????
225Reversal for Back Strong Turnbuckle B810910b2 ????
226Back Turnbuckle Special810910b4 ????
227Front Turnbuckle Counter Grapple810910ba ????
228Back Turnbuckle Counter Grapple810910bc ????
229Weak Grapple to Apron810910c2 ????
230Strong Grapple to Apron810910c4 ????
231Special Grapple to Apron810910c6 ????
232Counter Grapple from Apron810910c8 ????
233Weak Grapple from Apron810910ca ????
234Strong Grapple from Apron810910cc ????
235Special Grapple from Apron810910ce ????
236Counter Grapple to Apron810910d0 ????
237Pull Off of Apron810910d4 ????
238Special Ground Grapple at Head (Facing Up)810910d6 ????
239Special Ground Grapple at Head (Facing Down)810910d8 ????
240Special Ground Grapple at Feet (Facing Up)810910da ????
241Special Ground Grapple at Feet (Facing Down)810910dc ????
242Front Grapple to Super Heavyweights810910de ????
243Reversal for Front Grapple to Super Heavyweights810910e0 ????
244Back Grapple to Super Heavyweights810910e2 ????
245Reversal for Back Grapple to Super Heavyweights810910e4 ????
246Front Grapple Double Team810910e6 ????
247Back Grapple Double Team810910e8 ????
248Sandwich Grapple Double Team810910ea ????
249Double Team Evasion810910f0 ????
250Weak Arm Striking (B)810910f8 ????
251Weak Arm Striking (Direction & B)810910fa ????
252Weak Leg Striking (B)810910fc ????
253Weak Leg Striking (Direction & B)810910fe ????
254Turnbuckle Attack (B)81091100 ????
255Turnbuckle Attack (Direction & B)81091102 ????
256Tree of Woe Attack (B)81091104 ????
257Tree of Woe Attack (Direction & B)81091106 ????
258Setup for Block & Counter Punch81091108 ????
259Setup for Special Block & Counter Punch8109110a ????
260Reaction to Blocked Kick8109110c ????
261Block & Counter Kick 18109110e ????
262Block & Counter Kick 281091110 ????
263Special Block & Counter Kick81091112 ????
264Strong Striking (B)81091114 ????
265Reversal for Strong Striking (B)81091116 ????
266Strong Striking (Direction & B)81091118 ????
267Reversal for Strong Striking (Direction & B)8109111a ????
268Strong Striking (A & B)8109111c ????
269Reversal for Strong Striking (A & B)8109111e ????
270Weak Running Attack (B)81091120 ????
271Reversal for Weak Running Attack (B)81091122 ????
272Weak Running Attack (A & B)81091124 ????
273Reversal for Weak Running Attack (A & B)81091126 ????
274Strong Running Attack (B)81091128 ????
275Reversal for Strong Running Attack (B)8109112a ????
276Strong Running Attack8109112c ????
277Reversal for Strong Running Attack (A & B)8109112e ????
278Running Turnbuckle Attack (B)81091130 ????
279Reversal for Running Turnbuckle Attack (B)81091132 ????
280Running Turnbuckle Attack (A & B)81091134 ????
281Reversal for Running Turnbuckle Attack (A & B)81091136 ????
282Running Tree of Woe Attack81091138 ????
283Irish Whip Attack8109113a ????
284Block Irish Whip to Turnbuckle8109113e ????
285Evasion81091140 ????
286Ground Attack (Facing Up)81091142 ????
287Ground Attack (Facing Down)81091144 ????
288Running Ground Attack (Facing Up)81091146 ????
289Running Ground Attack (Facing Down)81091148 ????
290Ground Attack (Sitting Up)8109114a ????
291Ground Attack (Sitting Down)8109114c ????
292Running Ground Attack (Sitting Up)8109114e ????
293Running Ground Attack (Sitting Down)81091150 ????
294Ducking Attack81091152 ????
295Apron Kick to Inside81091154 ????
296Apron Kick to Outside81091156 ????
297Kick to Opponent (Both on Apron)81091158 ????
298Punch to Opponent (Both on Apron)8109115a ????
299Attack to Break Submission8109115c ????
300Running Attack to Break Submission8109115e ????
301Entrance Taunt81091160 ????
302Entrance Walk Taunt81091162 ????
303In Ring Taunt???81091164 ????
304Taunt (Up)81091166 ????
305Taunt (Left)81091168 ????
306Taunt (Right)8109116a ????
307Taunt (Down)8109116c ????
308Ducking Taunt8109116e ????
309Corner Taunt81091170 ????
310Turnbuckle Taunt81091172 ????
311Apron Taunt81091174 ????
312Celebration Taunt81091176 ????
313Ground Grapple at Head (Facing Up)81091178 ????
314Block Ground Grapple to Head (Facing Up)8109117a ????
315Ground Grapple at Head (Facing Down)8109117c ????
316Block Ground Grapple to Head (Facing Down)8109117e ????
317Ground Grapple at Feet (Facing Up)81091180 ????
318Block Ground Grapple to Feet (Facing Up)81091182 ????
319Ground Grapple at Feet (Facing Down)81091184 ????
320Block Ground Grapple to Feet (Facing Down)81091186 ????
321Ground Grapple at Head (Sitting Up)81091188 ????
322Block Ground Grapple to Head (Sitting Up)8109118a ????
323Ground Grapple at Head (Sitting Down)8109118c ????
324Block Ground Grapple to Head (Sitting Down)8109118e ????
325Ground Grapple at Feet (Sitting Up)81091190 ????
326Block Ground Grapple to Feet (Sitting Up)81091192 ????
327Ground Grapple at Feet (Sitting Down)81091194 ????
328Block Ground Grapple to Feet (Sitting Down)81091196 ????
329Reversal for Armbar?8109119a ????
330Reversal for Choke Hold?8109119e ????
331High Flying (Opponent Standing)810911a0 ????
332Special High Flying (Opponent Standing)810911a2 ????
333High Flying (Opponent On Ground)810911aa ????
334Special High Flying (Opponent On Ground)810911ac ????
335High Flying To Outside (Opponent Standing)810911ae ????
336High Flying To Outside (Opponent On Ground)810911b0 ????
337Running Diving Attack to Outside810911b2 ????
338Running Diving Attack to Outside810911b4 ????
339Running Diving Taunt810911b6 ????
340Flying Attack to Outside810911b8 ????
341Rope Inside Attack810911ba ????
342Slingshot Corner Attack810911bc ????
343Apron Attack to Outside810911be ????
344Running Apron Attack to Outside810911c0 ????
345Flying Attack to Inside (Standing Opponent)810911c2 ????
346Flying Attack to Inside (Laying Opponent)810911c4 ????
347Special Flying Attack to Inside (Standing Opponent)810911c6 ????
348Rebound Flying Attack810911cc ????
349Flying Doomsday Device Attack (In Ring)810911ce ????
350Flying Doomsday Device Attack (Out of Ring)810911d0 ????
351Flying Doomsday Device Attack From Apron810911d2 ????
Spirit Gained Modifiers
352Front Weak Grapple A1800AB5EB 00??
353Front Weak Grapple A & Left or Right800AB60F 00??
354Front Weak Grapple A & Up800AB633 00??
355Front Weak Grapple A & Down800AB657 00??
356Front Weak Grapple B800AB67B 00??
357Front Weak Grapple B & Left or Right800AB72F 00??
358Front Weak Grapple B & Up800AB7E3 00??
359Front Weak Grapple B & Down800AB897 00??
360Front Strong Grapple A800AB94B 00??
361Front Strong Grapple A & Left or Right800AB9FF 00??
362Front Strong Grapple A & Up800ABAB3 00??
363Front Strong Grapple A & Down800ABB67 00??
364Front Strong Grapple B800ABC1B 00??
365Front Strong Grapple B & Left or Right800ABCCF 00??
366Front Strong Grapple B & Up800ABD83 00??
367Front Strong Grapple B & Down800ABE37 00??
368Front Special Grapple800ABF9F 00??
369Back Weak Grapple A800AC00B 00??
370Back Weak Grapple A & Any Direction800AC02F 00??
371Back Weak Grapple B800AC053 00??
372Back Weak Grapple B & Any Direction800AC077 00??
373Back Strong Grapple A800AC09B 00??
374Back Strong Grapple A & Any Direction800AC0BF 00??
375Back Strong Grapple B800AC0E3 00??
376Back Strong Grapple B & Any Direction800AC107 00??
377Back Special Grapple800AC12B 00??
378Weak Arm Striking B800ACDF7 00??
379Weak Arm Striking B + Any Direction800ACE1B 00??
380Weak Leg Striking B800ACE3F 00??
381Weak Leg Striking B + Any Direction800ACE63 00??
382Strong Striking B800ACFEF 00??
383Strong Striking B + Any Direction800AD037 00??
384Strong Striking A + B Any Direction800AD07F 00??
385Recovering Attack B800AD44B 00??
386Weak Running Attack B800AD0C7 00??
387Weak Running Attack A + B800AD10F 00??
388Strong Running Attack B + Any Direction800AD157 00??
389Strong Running Attack A + B + Any Direction800AD19F 00??
390Running Front Grapple800AC467 00??
391Running Back Grapple800AC48B 00??
392Running Ground Attack (Face Up)800AD373 00??
393Running Ground Attack (Face Down)800AD397 00??
394Running Ground Attack (Sitting Up)800AD403 00??
395Running Ground Attack (Sitting Down)800AD427 00??
396Upper Body Submission (Face Up)800AE30F 00??
397Upper Body Submission (Face Down)800AE333 00??
398Upper Body Submission (Sitting Up)800AE39F 00??
399Upper Body Submission (Sitting Down)800AE3C3 00??
400Upper Body Submission (Face Up Special)800AE213 00??
401Upper Body Submission (Face Down Special)800ACBB7 00??
402Lower Body Submission (Face Up)800AD787 00??
403Lower Body Submission (Face Down)800AD7CF 00??
404Lower Body Submission (Face Up Special)800AE25B 00??
405Lower Body Submission (Face Down Special)800AE27F 00??
406Turnbuckle Attack B800ACE87 00??
407Turnbuckle Attack B + Any Direction800ACEAB 00??
408Running Turnbuckle Attack B800AD1E7 00??
409Running Turnbuckle Attack A + B800AD22F 00??
410Tree of Woe Attack B800ACECF 00??
411Tree of Woe Attack B + Any Direction800ACEF3 00??
412Running Tree of Woe Attack800AD277 00??
413Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC4F7 00??
414Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC5AB 00??
415Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC65F 00??
416Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC713 00??
417Front Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC7C7 00??
418Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC80F 00??
419Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC857 00??
420Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC89F 00??
421Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC8E7 00??
422Back Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC92F 00??
423Front Corner Counter800AC99B 00??
424Back Corner Counter800AC9BF 00??
425Flying Attack To Standing Opponent800AD9C7 00??
426Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Outside800ADAC3 00??
427Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Special800AD9EB 00??
428Flying Attack To Laying Opponent800ADA7B 00??
429Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Outside800ADAE7 00??
430Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Special800ADA9F 00??
431Turnbuckle Inside Attack800ADBBF 00??
432Weak Grapple To Apron800ACA2B 00??
433Strong Grapple To Apron800ACA4F 00??
434Special Grapple To Apron800ACA73 00??
435Reverse Grapple From Apron800ACB27 00??
436Rope Inside Attack800ADB9B 00??
437Flying Attack To Outside800ADB77 00??
438Running Diving Attack A800ADB0B 00??
439Running Diving Attack A + Any Direction800ADB2F 00??
440Rebound Flying Attack800ADCDF 00??
441Apron Kick To Inside800AD46F 00??
442Apron Kick To Outside800AD493 00??
443Weak Grapple From Apron800ACABB 00??
444Strong Grapple From Apron800ACADF 00??
445Special Grapple From Apron800ACB03 00??
446Reverse Grapple To Apron800ACA97 00??
447Flying Attack To Outside800ADBE3 00??
448Running Flying Attack To Outside800ADC07 00??
449Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Inside800ADC2B 00??
450Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Inside800ADC4F 00??
451Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Inside Special800ADC73 00??
452Irish Whip Attack800AD29B 00??
453Weak Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC203 00??
454Weak Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC24B 00??
455Strong Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC293 00??
456Strong Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC2DB 00??
457Special Irish Whip Grapple800AC323 00??
Spirit Drained Modifiers
458Front Weak Grapple A2800AB5EC 00??
459Front Weak Grapple A & Left Or Right800AB610 00??
460Front Weak Grapple A & Up800AB634 00??
461Front Weak Grapple A & Down800AB658 00??
462Front Weak Grapple B800AB67C 00??
463Front Weak Grapple B & Left or Right800AB730 00??
464Front Weak Grapple B & Up800AB7E4 00??
465Front Weak Grapple B & Down800AB898 00??
466Front Strong Grapple A800AB94C 00??
467Front Strong Grapple A & Left or Right800ABA00 00??
468Front Strong Grapple A & Up800ABAB4 00??
469Front Strong Grapple A & Down800ABB68 00??
470Front Strong Grapple B800ABC1C 00??
471Front Strong Grapple B & Left or Right800ABCD0 00??
472Front Strong Grapple B & Up800ABD84 00??
473Front Strong Grapple B & Down800ABE38 00??
474Front Special Grapple800ABFA0 00??
475Back Weak Grapple A800AC00C 00??
476Back Weak Grapple A & Any Direction800AC030 00??
477Back Weak Grapple B800AC054 00??
478Back Weak Grapple B & Any Direction800AC078 00??
479Back Strong Grapple A800AC09C 00??
480Back Strong Grapple A & Any Direction800AC0C0 00??
481Back Strong Grapple B800AC0E4 00??
482Back Strong Grapple B & Any Direction800AC108 00??
483Back Special Grapple800AC12C 00??
484Weak Arm Striking B800ACDF8 00??
485Weak Arm Striking B + Any Direction800ACE1C 00??
486Weak Leg Striking B800ACE40 00??
487Weak Leg Striking B + Any Direction800ACE64 00??
488Strong Striking B800ACFF0 00??
489Strong Striking B + Any Direction800AD038 00??
490Strong Striking A + B Any Direction800AD080 00??
491Recovering Attack B800AD44C 00??
492Weak Running Attack B800AD0C8 00??
493Weak Running Attack A + B800AD110 00??
494Strong Running Attack B + Any Direction800AD158 00??
495Strong Running Attack A + B + Any Direction800AD1A0 00??
496Running Front Grapple800AC468 00??
497Running Back Grapple800AC48C 00??
498Running Ground Attack (Face Up)800AD374 00??
499Running Ground Attack (Face Down)800AD398 00??
500Running Ground Attack (Sitting Up)800AD404 00??
501Running Ground Attack (Sitting Down)800AD428 00??
502Upper Body Submission (Face Up)800AE310 00??
503Upper Body Submission (Face Down)800AE334 00??
504Upper Body Submission (Sitting Up)800AE3A0 00??
505Upper Body Submission (Sitting Down)800AE3C4 00??
506Upper Body Submission (Face Up Special)800AE214 00??
507Upper Body Submission (Face Down Special)800ACBB8 00??
508Lower Body Submission (Face Up)800AD788 00??
509Lower Body Submission (Face Down)800AD7D0 00??
510Lower Body Submission (Face Up Special)800AE25C 00??
511Lower Body Submission (Face Down Special)800AE280 00??
512Turnbuckle Attack B800ACE88 00??
513Turnbuckle Attack B + Any Direction800ACEAC 00??
514Running Turnbuckle Attack B800AD1E8 00??
515Running Turnbuckle Attack A + B800AD230 00??
516Tree of Woe Attack B800ACED0 00??
517Tree of Woe Attack B + Any Direction800ACEF4 00??
518Running Tree of Woe Attack800AD278 00??
519Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC4F8 00??
520Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC5AC 00??
521Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC660 00??
522Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC714 00??
523Front Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC7C8 00??
524Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC810 00??
525Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC858 00??
526Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC8A0 00??
527Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC8E8 00??
528Back Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC930 00??
529Front Corner Counter800AC99C 00??
530Back Corner Counter800AC9C0 00??
531Flying Attack To Standing Opponent800AD9C8 00??
532Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Outside800ADAC4 00??
533Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Special800AD9EC 00??
534Flying Attack To Laying Opponent800ADA7C 00??
535Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Outside800ADAE8 00??
536Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Special800ADAA0 00??
537Turnbuckle Inside Attack800ADBC0 00??
538Weak Grapple To Apron800ACA2C 00??
539Strong Grapple To Apron800ACA50 00??
540Special Grapple To Apron800ACA74 00??
541Reverse Grapple From Apron800ACB28 00??
542Rope Inside Attack800ADB9C 00??
543Flying Attack To Outside800ADB78 00??
544Running Diving Attack A800ADB0C 00??
545Running Diving Attack A + Any Direction800ADB30 00??
546Rebound Flying Attack800ADCE0 00??
547Apron Kick To Inside800AD470 00??
548Apron Kick To Outside800AD494 00??
549Weak Grapple From Apron800ACABC 00??
550Strong Grapple From Apron800ACAE0 00??
551Special Grapple From Apron800ACB04 00??
552Reverse Grapple To Apron800ACA98 00??
553Flying Attack To Outside800ADBE4 00??
554Running Flying Attack To Outside800ADC08 00??
555Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Inside800ADC2C 00??
556Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Inside800ADC50 00??
557Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Inside Special800ADC74 00??
558Irish Whip Attack800AD29C 00??
559Weak Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC204 00??
560Weak Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC24C 00??
561Strong Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC294 00??
562Strong Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC2DC 00??
563Special Irish Whip Grapple800AC324 00??
Blood Probability Modifiers
564Front Weak Grapple A3800AB5ED 00??
565Front Weak Grapple A & Left or Right800AB611 00??
566Front Weak Grapple A & Up800AB635 00??
567Front Weak Grapple A & Down800AB659 00??
568Front Weak Grapple B800AB67D 00??
569Front Weak Grapple B & Left or Right800AB731 00??
570Front Weak Grapple B & Up800AB7E5 00??
571Front Weak Grapple B & Down800AB899 00??
572Front Strong Grapple A800AB94D 00??
573Front Strong Grapple A & Left or Right800ABA01 00??
574Front Strong Grapple A & Up800ABAB5 00??
575Front Strong Grapple A & Down800ABB69 00??
576Front Strong Grapple B800ABC1D 00??
577Front Strong Grapple B & Left or Right800ABCD1 00??
578Front Strong Grapple B & Up800ABD85 00??
579Front Strong Grapple B & Down800ABE39 00??
580Front Special Grapple800ABFA1 00??
581Back Weak Grapple A800AC00D 00??
582Back Weak Grapple A & Any Direction800AC031 00??
583Back Weak Grapple B800AC055 00??
584Back Weak Grapple B & Any Direction800AC079 00??
585Back Strong Grapple A800AC09D 00??
586Back Strong Grapple A & Any Direction800AC0C1 00??
587Back Strong Grapple B800AC0E5 00??
588Back Strong Grapple B & Any Direction800AC109 00??
589Back Special Grapple800AC12D 00??
590Weak Arm Striking B800ACDF9 00??
591Weak Arm Striking B + Any Direction800ACE1D 00??
592Weak Leg Striking B800ACE41 00??
593Weak Leg Striking B + Any Direction800ACE65 00??
594Strong Striking B800ACFF1 00??
595Strong Striking B + Any Direction800AD039 00??
596Strong Striking A + B Any Direction800AD081 00??
597Recovering Attack B800AD44D 00??
598Weak Running Attack B800AD0C9 00??
599Weak Running Attack A + B800AD111 00??
600Strong Running Attack B + Any Direction800AD159 00??
601Strong Running Attack A + B + Any Direction800AD1A1 00??
602Running Front Grapple800AC469 00??
603Running Back Grapple800AC48D 00??
604Running Ground Attack (Face Up)800AD375 00??
605Running Ground Attack (Face Down)800AD399 00??
606Running Ground Attack (Sitting Up)800AD405 00??
607Running Ground Attack (Sitting Down)800AD429 00??
608Upper Body Submission (Face Up)800AE311 00??
609Upper Body Submission (Face Down)800AE335 00??
610Upper Body Submission (Sitting Up)800AE3A1 00??
611Upper Body Submission (Sitting Down)800AE3C5 00??
612Upper Body Submission (Face Up Special)800AE215 00??
613Upper Body Submission (Face Down Special)800ACBB9 00??
614Lower Body Submission (Face Up)800AD789 00??
615Lower Body Submission (Face Down)800AD7D1 00??
616Lower Body Submission (Face Up Special)800AE25D 00??
617Lower Body Submission (Face Down Special)800AE281 00??
618Turnbuckle Attack B800ACE89 00??
619Turnbuckle Attack B + Any Direction800ACEAD 00??
620Running Turnbuckle Attack B800AD1E9 00??
621Running Turnbuckle Attack A + B800AD231 00??
622Tree of Woe Attack B800ACED1 00??
623Tree of Woe Attack B + Any Direction800ACEF5 00??
624Running Tree of Woe Attack800AD279 00??
625Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC4F9 00??
626Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC5AD 00??
627Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC661 00??
628Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC715 00??
629Front Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC7C9 00??
630Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC811 00??
631Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC859 00??
632Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC8A1 00??
633Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC8E9 00??
634Back Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC931 00??
635Front Corner Counter800AC99D 00??
636Back Corner Counter800AC9C1 00??
637Flying Attack To Standing Opponent800AD9C9 00??
638Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Outside800ADAC5 00??
639Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Special800AD9ED 00??
640Flying Attack To Laying Opponent800ADA7D 00??
641Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Outside800ADAE9 00??
642Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Special800ADAA1 00??
643Turnbuckle Inside Attack800ADBC1 00??
644Weak Grapple To Apron800ACA2D 00??
645Strong Grapple To Apron800ACA51 00??
646Special Grapple To Apron800ACA75 00??
647Reverse Grapple From Apron800ACB29 00??
648Rope Inside Attack800ADB9D 00??
649Flying Attack To Outside800ADB79 00??
650Running Diving Attack A800ADB0D 00??
651Running Diving Attack A + Any Direction800ADB31 00??
652Rebound Flying Attack800ADCE1 00??
653Apron Kick To Inside800AD471 00??
654Apron Kick To Outside800AD495 00??
655Weak Grapple From Apron800ACABD 00??
656Strong Grapple From Apron800ACAE1 00??
657Special Grapple From Apron800ACB05 00??
658Reverse Grapple To Apron800ACA99 00??
659Flying Attack To Outside800ADBE5 00??
660Running Flying Attack To Outside800ADC09 00??
661Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Inside800ADC2D 00??
662Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Inside800ADC51 00??
663Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Inside Special800ADC75 00??
664Irish Whip Attack800AD29D 00??
665Weak Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC205 00??
666Weak Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC24D 00??
667Strong Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC295 00??
668Strong Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC2DD 00??
669Special Irish Whip Grapple800AC325 00??
Knockout Probability Modifiers
670Front Weak Grapple A4800AB5EF 00??
671Front Weak Grapple A & Left or Right800AB612 00??
672Front Weak Grapple A & Up800AB636 00??
673Front Weak Grapple A & Down800AB65A 00??
674Front Weak Grapple B800AB67E 00??
675Front Weak Grapple B & Left or Right800AB732 00??
676Front Weak Grapple B & Up800AB7E6 00??
677Front Weak Grapple B & Down800AB89A 00??
678Front Strong Grapple A800AB94E 00??
679Front Strong Grapple A & Left or Right800ABA02 00??
680Front Strong Grapple A & Up800ABAB6 00??
681Front Strong Grapple A & Down800ABB6A 00??
682Front Strong Grapple B800ABC1E 00??
683Front Strong Grapple B & Left or Right800ABCD2 00??
684Front Strong Grapple B & Up800ABD86 00??
685Front Strong Grapple B & Down800ABE3A 00??
686Front Special Grapple800ABFA2 00??
687Back Weak Grapple A800AC00C 00??
688Back Weak Grapple A & Any Direction800AC032 00??
689Back Weak Grapple B800AC056 00??
690Back Weak Grapple B & Any Direction800AC07A 00??
691Back Strong Grapple A800AC09E 00??
692Back Strong Grapple A & Any Direction800AC0C2 00??
693Back Strong Grapple B800AC0E6 00??
694Back Strong Grapple B & Any Direction800AC10A 00??
695Back Special Grapple800AC12E 00??
696Weak Arm Striking B800ACDFA 00??
697Weak Arm Striking B + Any Direction800ACE1E 00??
698Weak Leg Striking B800ACE42 00??
699Weak Leg Striking B + Any Direction800ACE66 00??
700Strong Striking B800ACFF2 00??
701Strong Striking B + Any Direction800AD03A 00??
702Strong Striking A + B Any Direction800AD082 00??
703Recovering Attack B800AD44E 00??
704Weak Running Attack B800AD0CA 00??
705Weak Running Attack A + B800AD112 00??
706Strong Running Attack B + Any Direction800AD15A 00??
707Strong Running Attack A + B + Any Direction800AD1A2 00??
708Running Front Grapple800AC46A 00??
709Running Back Grapple800AC48E 00??
710Running Ground Attack (Face Up)800AD376 00??
711Running Ground Attack (Face Down)800AD39A 00??
712Running Ground Attack (Sitting Up)800AD406 00??
713Running Ground Attack (Sitting Down)800AD42A 00??
714Upper Body Submission (Face Up)800AE312 00??
715Upper Body Submission (Face Down)800AE336 00??
716Upper Body Submission (Sitting Up)800AE3A2 00??
717Upper Body Submission (Sitting Down)800AE3C6 00??
718Upper Body Submission (Face Up Special)800AE216 00??
719Upper Body Submission (Face Down Special)800ACBBA 00??
720Lower Body Submission (Face Up)800AD78A 00??
721Lower Body Submission (Face Down)800AD7D2 00??
722Lower Body Submission (Face Up Special)800AE25E 00??
723Lower Body Submission (Face Down Special)800AE282 00??
724Turnbuckle Attack B800ACE8A 00??
725Turnbuckle Attack B + Any Direction800ACEAE 00??
726Running Turnbuckle Attack B800AD1EA 00??
727Running Turnbuckle Attack A + B800AD232 00??
728Tree of Woe Attack B800ACED2 00??
729Tree of Woe Attack B + Any Direction800ACEF6 00??
730Running Tree of Woe Attack800AD27A 00??
731Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC4FA 00??
732Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC5AE 00??
733Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC662 00??
734Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC716 00??
735Front Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC7CA 00??
736Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC812 00??
737Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC85A 00??
738Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple A800AC8A2 00??
739Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple B800AC8EA 00??
740Back Special Turnbuckle Grapple800AC932 00??
741Front Corner Counter800AC99E 00??
742Back Corner Counter800AC9C2 00??
743Flying Attack To Standing Opponent800AD9CA 00??
744Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Outside800ADAC6 00??
745Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Special800AD9EE 00??
746Flying Attack To Laying Opponent800ADA7E 00??
747Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Outside800ADAEA 00??
748Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Special800ADAA2 00??
749Turnbuckle Inside Attack800ADBC2 00??
750Weak Grapple To Apron800ACA2E 00??
751Strong Grapple To Apron800ACA52 00??
752Special Grapple To Apron800ACA76 00??
753Reverse Grapple From Apron800ACB2A 00??
754Rope Inside Attack800ADB9E 00??
755Flying Attack To Outside800ADB7A 00??
756Running Diving Attack A800ADB0E 00??
757Running Diving Attack A + Any Direction800ADB32 00??
758Rebound Flying Attack800ADCE2 00??
759Apron Kick To Inside800AD472 00??
760Apron Kick To Outside800AD496 00??
761Weak Grapple From Apron800ACABE 00??
762Strong Grapple From Apron800ACAE2 00??
763Special Grapple From Apron800ACB06 00??
764Reverse Grapple To Apron800ACA9A 00??
765Flying Attack To Outside800ADBE6 00??
766Running Flying Attack To Outside800ADC0A 00??
767Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Inside800ADC2E 00??
768Flying Attack To Laying Opponent Inside800ADC52 00??
769Flying Attack To Standing Opponent Inside Special800ADC76 00??
770Irish Whip Attack800AD29E 00??
771Weak Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC206 00??
772Weak Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC24E 00??
773Strong Irish Whip Grapple Tap A800AC296 00??
774Strong Irish Whip Grapple Hold A800AC2DE 00??
775Special Irish Whip Grapple800AC326 00??
Miscellaneous Codes
77630 Second Clock8015AEEB 00XX
777Broad Action Modifiers Inside58015AEC7 00XX
778Ring Or No Ring - Walk Through Ropes8015AF33 00XX
779Super Speed8015AF39 00XX
780Losing it8015AF3C 00XX
781AutoWin8015AF44 0001
782Leave Ring No Camera8015AF45 0003
783Animation Frame (Countdown)8115AF52 XXXX
784Frame Count Up To Max Frame8115AF54 XXXX
785Animation Addy (specific)8115AF56 XXXX
786Current Health68115AF5A XXXX
787Max Health78115AF5C XXXX
788Spirit Modifier88115AF5F XXXX
789Who Controls Player 1 (18=CPU)(17=Human)8015AF99 00XX
790Left/Right-Major98115AFAC XXXX
791Height Mods108015AFB0 00XX
792Bottom/Top-Major118115AFB4 XXXX
793Bottom/Top-Minor128115AFB6 XXXX
794Head Damage138115B174 XXXX
795Body Damage148115B178 XXXX
796Arm Damage158115B17C XXXX
797Leg Damage168115B180 XXXX
798Speed Damage178115B184 XXXX
799Points To Move Damage8015B1C0 00XX
800Ring or No Ring / Walk Through Ropes8015AF33 00XX
801Super Speed8015AF39 00XX
802Losing It8015AF3C 00XX
803Broad Action Modifiers8015AEC6 00XX
804AutoWin8015AF44 0001
805Leave Ring No Camera8015AF45 00XX
806GS ID188115AF50 XXXX
807Whether Move Has Fire/Mist Or Not198115B1A4 XXYY

1Experimentation is required to find values that are suitable for your use. These codes work for whoever is in the Player 1 slot.

00 - No Spirit Gained
64 - Maximum Spirit Gained
2Experimentation is required to find values that are suitable for your use. These codes work for whoever is in the Player 1 slot.

FF - No Spirit Drained
9A - Maximum Spirit Drained
3The probability of bleeding:

09 - Very High
07 - High
05 - Medium
03 - Low
01 - Very Low
00 - Not Possible
4These codes work for whoever is in the Player 1 slot.

05 - High
03 - Medium
01 - Low
00 - Not Possible
501- Standing
02- Swing around turnbuckle
03- Running
04- Bounce off ropes
05- like when two people run into each other
06- Roll
07- Running Attack
08- Running with weapon and swing it
09- Lean back on ropes
0A- Climb Turnbuckle
0B- Whippd
0C- You being Whipped
0D- Throwing someone outside
0F- Throwing someone inside
10- Break Grapple
11- Ram Head it to Turnbuckle on the Apron from inside
12- on the Grond Holding Head
13- Ram Head it to Turnbuckle on the Apron from outside
15- Run into the Barricade
16- Whipped tinto the Turnbuckle Outside (Boing)
17- Hanging on the Ropes
18- Whipped into turnbuckle
19- Stopped the whip into the Turnbuckle (in the corner Reverse like)
1A- Whip reverse in corner (Kick......)
1B- Taunt
1C- Taunt in Corner
1D- Jump over a Running oppenent (leap frog)
1E- Running continuosly
1F- Apron to Inside striking
20- Apron to Outside kick
21- Apron to Apron kick
22- Weak Stirking
23- Strong Striking
24- Running Opponent Attack
25- Crouch Move (low blow, rising clothesline..)
26- weapon swing
29- stomp
2F- Bleed
31- On the Ground (Face up,down,sitting up,and on all fours)
32- Standing Dazed
34- tree of woe
35- take big hit
36- Flip some over(on the ground)
37- Being Flipped Over(on Ground)
38- Pick someone up
39- fall off corner ropes
3E- hang opponent upside down
40- pull down action
41- arms out taunt
44- Pin
45- Being Pin
46- head to groin
47- Hurt Stomach
4C- Block
4F- Crouch position
50- weak grapple
51- strong grapple
55- Doing Move
56- Receiving Move
61- elbow drop
6B- Dodge
6E- Get off things(table, latter, cage)
6F- Climb things(table, latter, cage)
70- getting up slow
71- baseball slide
7A- Jump off Turnbuckle
7F- Holding someone
81- Putting someone on Shoulders
86- Pulling someone out the ring
8A- Grap Weapon
8B- Drop Weapon
8C- Pick Weapon up
8D- Set Ladder up
8E- Set weapon in ring Table.... or NEW drop weapon out the ring
8F- Throw weapon
90- Catch Weapon that has been Throwen
91- Grap weapon from outside from inside
93- Untagged partner Tags
94- legal man tags
95- Untagged Partner taunt for when he wants a tag
9A- Slide out ring
9B- Slide in Ring
9E- jump over Opponent on the Ground
9F- jump over Opponent on the Ground
A3- Start the Rumble counter
A6- *Pin
A7- *sumbit
A8- *Count out
A9- *DQ
AA- Start climb ladder
AB- Walk down off ladder
AC- Climb Ladder
AD- go down on the ladder
AE- On ladder
B0- at the top of the ladder go down one rung
B1- at the top of the ladder
B6- Jump off ladder
B7- punch on ladder
B8- jumpoff ladder
B9- on ladder kick
BA- Punch two times on top of the ladder
BB- catch punch on ladder
BC- Fall off ladder
BD- Tty to Grap it(on ladder)win as well
C0- Jump off Table Double Axe handle
C1- Teetering on the table
C2- Ram Head into Cage (Someone Else)
C3- Ramhead into Cage (You)
C4- TAP on Cage
C5- Climb over the cage
C6- Hanging on the Cage
C7- fall off Cage
C8- Shake Cage
C9- Punch on Ground the person on Cage
CA- on Cage get hit
CB- running and hit the prson on the cage
CC- Kick While on Cage
CD- Grap and Throw the person off the cage
CE- On Cage Someone Pulls you off
CF- Elbow drop off Cage
D0- Throw someone in the Back
D1- Be throw somewhere in the back
6Starts out 00FF, goes down to 0000 which can cause a run in to occur. regains up to max health
7Starts out 00FF. goes down to 0040
832 is starting spirit green. 00 is danger blue, 64 flashing red
9Moves you left and right slightly
1042b4. height of mat. 0000 is floor
11C334 is bottom starting point. 4334 is top
12Moves you in and out slightly
134248 is starting value. at 4100 hold head
144248 is starting value. at 4100 hold body
154248 is starting value. at 4100 hold arms
164248 is starting value. at 4100 hold leg
174248 is starting value. goes down with leg damage
180001 is rock
0101 is scsa
0a01 is caw
19XX values: 01 = Poisonmist, 02 = Fireball
YY value: Frame you want effect to occur on.

SSJ Vegeta 50001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106
JHROKOK107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351
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goatman776, 778, 782, 786, 787, 790, 792, 793, 799, 800, 805, 806
JHRKOK777, 791, 803
Spectrumz779, 781, 789, 801, 804
13 Kane780, 802
Unknown784, 785
IceDonkey 2788, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798