
WWF Attitude Version 1.0

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Stone Cold Steve Austin18012C640 ????
2Blackman8012C644 ????
3Bossman8012C648 ????
4Bradshaw8012C64C ????
5Too Sexy8012C650 ????
6Christian8012C654 ????
7Chyna8012C658 ????
8D-LO8012C65C ????
9Road Dogg8012C660 ????
10Dr.Death8012C664 ????
11Droz8012C668 ????
12Edge8012C66C ????
13Farooq8012C670 ????
14Gangrel8012C674 ????
15Goldust8012C678 ????
16Godfather8012C67C ????
17Billy Gunn8012C680 ????
18Head8012C684 ????
19Mark Henry8012C688 ????
20Triple H8012C68C ????
21Jacqueline8012C690 ????
22Jeff Jarett8012C694 ????
23Trainer8012C698 ????
24Kane8012C69C ????
25Jerry Lawler8012C6A0 ????
26Kurrgan8012C6A4 ????
27Mankind8012C6A8 ????
28Marc Mero8012C6AC ????
29Mosh8012C6B0 ????
30Owen Hart8012C6B4 ????
31Paul Bearer8012C6B8 ????
32The Rock8012C6BC ????
33Sable8012C6C0 ????
34Slaughter8012C6C4 ????
35Shawn Michaels8012C6C8 ????
36Al Snow8012C6CC ????
37Shamrock8012C6D0 ????
38Taka8012C6D4 ????
39Thrasher8012C6D8 ????
40Undertaker8012C6DC ????
41Val Venis8012C6E0 ????
42X-Pac8012C6E4 ????

10047 - Stone Cold Steve Austin's Entrance
0048 - Blackman's Entrance
0049 - Bossman's Entrance
004A - Bradshaw's Entrance
004B - Too Sexy's Entrance
004C - Christian's Entrance
004D - Chyna's Entrance
004E - D-LO's Entrance
004F - Road Dogg's Entrance
0050 - Dr.Death's Entrance
0051 - Droz's Entrance
0052 - Edge's Entrance
0053 - Farooq's Entrance
0054 - Gangrel's Entrance
0055 - Goldust's Entrance
0056 - Godfather's Entrance
0057 - Billy Gunn's Entrance
0058 - Head's Entrance
0059 - Mark Henry's Entrance
005A - Triple H's Entrance
005B - Jacqueline's Entrance
005C - Jeff Jarett's Entrance
005D - Trainer's Entrance
005E - Kane's Entrance
005F - Jerry Lawler's Entrance
0060 - Kurrgan's Entrance
0061 - Mankind's Entrance
0062 - Marc Mero's Entrance
0063 - Mosh's Entrance
0064 - Owen Hart's Entrance
0065 - Paul Bearer's Entrance
0066 - The Rock's Entrance
0067 - Sable's Entrance
0068 - Slaughter's Entrance
0069 - Shawn Michaels' Entrance
006A - Al Snow's Entrance
006B - Shamrock's Entrance
006C - Taka's Entrance
006D - Thrasher's Entrance
006E - Undertaker's Entrance
006F - Val Venis' Entrance
0070 - X-Pac's Entrance

tokidoim1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42