
WWF Wrestlemania 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Action Modifier
1P11801671EB 00??
2P28016767F 00??
3P380167B13 00??
4P480167FA7 00??
Press L To Walk In Moves
5P12D0057211 0020
801671EB 0000
6P2D0057217 0020
8016767F 0000
7P3D005721D 0020
80167B13 0000
8P4D0057223 0020
80167FA7 0000
Control Modifier
9P1380167230 00??
10P2801676C4 00??
11P380167B58 00??
12P480167FEC 00??
Focus Modifier
13P14801675FB 00??
14P280167A8F 00??
15P380167F23 00??
16P4801683B7 00??
Frozen Wrestler
17P1801671ED 000C
18P280167681 000C
19P380167B15 000C
20P480167FA9 000C
Camera Never Focuses On..
21P180167230 0000
22P2801676C4 0000
23P380167B58 0000
24P480167FEC 0000
Rarely Hits Opponents
25P1580167230 00FF
26P2801676C4 00FF
27P380167B58 00FF
28P480167FEC 00FF
No Managers
29P18109B0C8 FFFF
30P28109B0CC FFFF
Can't Pick Up Weapons
31P180167236 0000
32P2801676CA 0000
33P380167B5E 0000
34P480167FF2 0000
Royal Rumble Move Set Modifiers
35P16810B0FC0 ????
36P2810B0FC2 ????
37P3810B0FC4 ????
38P4810B0FC6 ????
Weapon Modifier Codes
39P1781167236 0300
81166D90 ????
81166D92 0000
80166E50 0000
40P2811676CA 0300
81166DC0 ????
80166DC2 0001
80166E51 0001
41P381167B5E 0300
81166DF0 ????
80166DF2 0002
80166E52 0002
42P481167FF2 0300
81166E18 ????
81166E1A 0003
80166E53 0003

1This controls your wrestler's action, i.e. running.
2When your opponent is performing a move on your wrestler, press the L button, and you can actually walk out of the move!
3Digits For Control Modifier
03 - Human/Manager
04 - CPU/Manager
08 - Human/Wrestler
0C - CPU/Wrestler

This code modifies how your character will act, and who controls it.
4Digits For Focus Modifier
00 - P1
01 - P2
02 - P3
03 - P4

This modifies who your wrestler focuses/looks at.
5When you hit the opponent, they'll just sit there and take, and not fight back!
6These modify the list of moves that your character uses. If you entered 0101, your character would be the one you picked, but their moves would be the Undertaker's (his digit is 0101). Once you're eliminated for the first time, the code no longer effects your wrestler.

These codes glitch quite a bit, especially when you hit certain people (it occurs purely by random).

0000 - Broom
0101 - Shovel
0202 - Red And White Hockey Stick
0303 - Guitar
0404 - Night Stick
0505 - Head
0606 - Black Hockey Stick
0707 - Bottle
0808 - 2x4
0909 - Big Purple Sheet
0A0A - White Jug
0B0B - Suit Case
0C0C - Stick
0D0D - Head
0E0E - Big Mallot
0F0F - Black Microphone
1010 - BaseBall Bat
1111 - Folding Chair
1212 - Board
1313 - Stairs
1414 - Trashcan
FFFF - Nothing

Crock (of shit)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
Robb39, 40, 41, 42