WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
P1 Grapple Animation Codes |
1 | Front Weak A1 | 81086212 ???? |
2 | Front Weak Side A2 | 81086214 ???? |
3 | Front Weak Up A3 | 81086216 ???? |
4 | Front Weak Down A | 81086218 ???? |
5 | Front Weak B | 8108621A ???? |
6 | Front Weak Side B | 81086224 ???? |
7 | Front Weak Up B | 8108622E ???? |
8 | Front Weak Down B | 81086238 ???? |
9 | Front Strong A | 81086242 ???? |
10 | Front Strong Side A | 8108624C ???? |
11 | Front Strong Up A | 81086256 ???? |
12 | Front Strong Down A | 81086260 ???? |
13 | Front Strong B | 8108626A ???? |
14 | Front Strong Side B | 81086274 ???? |
15 | Front Strong Up B | 8108627E ???? |
16 | Front Strong Down B | 81086288 ???? |
17 | Front Special | 8108629C ???? |
18 | Back Weak A | 810862A2 ???? |
19 | Back Weak Dir. A | 810862A4 ???? |
20 | Back Weak B | 810862A6 ???? |
21 | Back Weak Dir. B | 810862A8 ???? |
22 | Back Strong A | 810862AA ???? |
23 | Back Strong Dir. A | 810862AC ???? |
24 | Back Strong B | 810862AE ???? |
25 | Back Strong Dir. B | 810862B0 ???? |
26 | Back Special | 810862B2 ???? |
27 | Weak Irish Tap A | 810862BE ???? |
28 | Weak Irish Hold A | 810862C6 ???? |
29 | Strong Irish Tap A | 810862CE ???? |
30 | Strong Irish Hold A | 810862D6 ???? |
31 | Irish Special | 810862DE ???? |
32 | Weak Turnbuckle A | 810862E8 ???? |
33 | Weak Turnbuckle B | 810862F2 ???? |
34 | Strong Turnbuckle A | 810862FC ???? |
35 | Strong Turnbuckle B | 81086306 ???? |
36 | Turnbuckle Special | 81086310 ???? |
37 | Weak Back Turnbuckle A | 81086314 ???? |
38 | Weak Back Turnbuckle B | 81086316 ???? |
39 | Strong Back Turnbuckle A | 81086318 ???? |
40 | Strong Back Turnbuckle B | 8108631A ???? |
41 | Back Turnbuckle | 8108631C ???? |
P2 Grapple Animation Codes |
42 | Front Weak A | 8108665A ???? |
43 | Front Weak Side A | 8108665C ???? |
44 | Front Weak Up A | 8108665E ???? |
45 | Front Weak Down A | 81086660 ???? |
46 | Front Weak B | 81086662 ???? |
47 | Front Weak Side B | 8108666C ???? |
48 | Front Weak Up B | 81086676 ???? |
49 | Front Weak Down B | 81086680 ???? |
50 | Front Strong A | 8108668A ???? |
51 | Front Strong Side A | 81086694 ???? |
52 | Front Strong Up A | 8108669E ???? |
53 | Front Strong Down A | 810866A8 ???? |
54 | Front Strong B | 810866B2 ???? |
55 | Front Strong Side B | 810866BC ???? |
56 | Front Strong Up B | 810866C6 ???? |
57 | Front Strong Down B | 810866D0 ???? |
58 | Front Special | 810866E4 ???? |
59 | Back Weak A | 810866EA ???? |
60 | Back Weak Dir. A | 810866EC ???? |
61 | Back Weak B | 810866EE ???? |
62 | Back Weak Dir. B | 810866F0 ???? |
63 | Back Strong A | 810866F2 ???? |
64 | Back Strong Dir. A | 810866F4 ???? |
65 | Back Strong B | 810866F6 ???? |
66 | Back Strong Dir. B | 810866F8 ???? |
67 | Back Special | 810866FA ???? |
68 | Weak Irish Tap A | 81086706 ???? |
69 | Weak Irish Hold A | 8108670E ???? |
70 | Strong Irish Tap A | 81086716 ???? |
71 | Strong Irish Hold A | 810867IE ???? |
72 | Irish Special | 81086726 ???? |
73 | Weak Turnbuckle A | 81086730 ???? |
74 | Weak Turnbuckle B | 8108673A ???? |
75 | Strong Turnbuckle A | 81086744 ???? |
76 | Strong Turnbuckle B | 8108674E ???? |
77 | Turnbuckle Special | 81086758 ???? |
78 | Weak Back Turnbuckle A | 8108675C ???? |
79 | Weak Back Turnbuckle B | 8108675E ???? |
80 | Strong Back Turnbuckle A | 81086760 ???? |
81 | Strong Back Turnbuckle B | 81086762 ???? |
82 | Back Turnbuckle Special | 81086764 ???? |
P3 Grapple Animation Codes |
83 | Front Weak A | 81086AA2 ???? |
84 | Front Weak Side A | 81086AA4 ???? |
85 | Front Weak Up A | 81086AA6 ???? |
86 | Front Weak Down A | 81086AA8 ???? |
87 | Front Weak B | 81086AAA ???? |
88 | Front Weak Side B | 81086AB4 ???? |
89 | Front Weak Up B | 81086ABE ???? |
90 | Front Weak Down B | 81086AC8 ???? |
91 | Front Strong A | 81086AD2 ???? |
92 | Front Strong Side A | 81086ADC ???? |
93 | Front Strong Up A | 81086AE6 ???? |
94 | Front Strong Down A | 81086AF0 ???? |
95 | Front Strong B | 81086AFA ???? |
96 | Front Strong Side B | 81086B04 ???? |
97 | Front Strong Up B | 81086B0E ???? |
98 | Front Strong Down B | 81086B18 ???? |
99 | Front Special | 81086B2C ???? |
100 | Back Weak A | 81086B22 ???? |
101 | Back Weak Dir. A | 81086B24 ???? |
102 | Back Weak B | 81086B26 ???? |
103 | Back Weak Dir. B | 81086B28 ???? |
104 | Back Strong A | 81086B3A ???? |
105 | Back Strong Dir. A | 81086B3C ???? |
106 | Back Strong B | 81086B3E ???? |
107 | Back Strong Dir. B | 81086B40 ???? |
108 | Back Special | 81086B42 ???? |
109 | Weak Irish Tap A | 81086B4E ???? |
110 | Weak Irish Hold A | 81086B56 ???? |
111 | Strong Irish Tap A | 81086B5E ???? |
112 | Strong Irish Hold A | 81086B66 ???? |
113 | Irish Special | 81086B6E ???? |
114 | Weak Turnbuckle A | 81086B78 ???? |
115 | Weak Turnbuckle B | 81086B82 ???? |
116 | Strong Turnbuckle A | 81086B8C ???? |
117 | Strong Turnbuckle B | 81086B96 ???? |
118 | Turnbuckle Special | 81086BA0 ???? |
119 | Weak Back Turnbuckle A | 81086BA4 ???? |
120 | Weak Back Turnbuckle B | 81086BA6 ???? |
121 | Strong Back Turnbuckle A | 81086BA8 ???? |
122 | Strong Back Turnbuckle B | 81086BAA ???? |
123 | Back Turnbuckle | 81086BAC ???? |
P4 Grapple Animation Codes |
124 | Front Weak A | 81086EEA ???? |
125 | Front Weak Side A | 81086EEC ???? |
126 | Front Weak Up A | 81086EEE ???? |
127 | Front Weak Down A | 81086EF0 ???? |
128 | Front Weak B | 81086EF2 ???? |
129 | Front Weak Side B | 81086EFC ???? |
130 | Front Weak Up B | 81086F06 ???? |
131 | Front Weak Down B | 81086F10 ???? |
132 | Front Strong A | 81086F1A ???? |
133 | Front Strong Side A | 81086F24 ???? |
134 | Front Strong Up A | 81086F2E ???? |
135 | Front Strong Down A | 81086F38 ???? |
136 | Front Strong B | 81086F42 ???? |
137 | Front Strong Side B | 81086F4C ???? |
138 | Front Strong Up B | 81086F56 ???? |
139 | Front Strong Down B | 81086F60 ???? |
140 | Front Special | 81086F74 ???? |
141 | Back Weak A | 81086F7A ???? |
142 | Back Weak Dir. A | 81086F7C ???? |
143 | Back Weak B | 81086F7E ???? |
144 | Back Weak Dir. B | 81086F80 ???? |
145 | Back Strong A | 81086F82 ???? |
146 | Back Strong Dir. A | 81086F84 ???? |
147 | Back Strong B | 81086F86 ???? |
148 | Back Strong Dir. B | 81086F88 ???? |
149 | Back Special | 81086F8A ???? |
150 | Weak Irish Tap A | 81086F96 ???? |
151 | Weak Irish Hold A | 81086F9E ???? |
152 | Strong Irish Tap A | 81086FA6 ???? |
153 | Strong Irish Hold A | 81086FAE ???? |
154 | Irish Special | 81086FB6 ???? |
155 | Weak Turnbuckle A | 81086FC0 ???? |
156 | Weak Turnbuckle B | 81086FCA ???? |
157 | Strong Turnbuckle A | 81086FD4 ???? |
158 | Strong Turnbuckle B | 81086FDE ???? |
159 | Turnbuckle Special | 81086FE8 ???? |
160 | Weak Back Turnbuckle A | 81086FEC ???? |
161 | Weak Back Turnbuckle B | 81086FEE ???? |
162 | Strong Back Turnbuckle A | 81086FF0 ???? |
163 | Strong Back Turnbuckle B | 81086FF2 ???? |
164 | Back Turnbuckle Special | 81086FF4 ???? |
Miscellaneous Codes |
165 | 3 Irish Whip Specials4 | N/A |
166 | Canadian Backbreaker Powerbomb Splash To Groin Combo | 81086212 01CC 81086350 01CD 81086352 03C2 81086354 2670 8009FDE5 00A0 800A11C5 00A1 800A11E5 00A2 |
167 | Alternating Taunts5 | D0166F8D 0000 800EF9F7 00E4 D0166F8D 0010 800EF9F7 00E0 D0166F8D 0000 800EF963 00E5 D0166F8D 0010 800EF963 00E2 |
168 | Blood Fart (Replaces Bloodmist) ***NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH*** | D11671E8 1D91 811671E8 27E0 D116767C 1D91 8116767C 27E0 D1167B10 1D91 81167B10 27E0 D1167FA4 1D91 81167FA4 27E0 |
169 | Sour Butt Music (Replaces Sweet Chin Music) | D11671E8 1D25 811671E8 2249 D116767C 1D25 8116767C 2249 D1167B10 1D25 81167B10 2249 D1167FA4 1D25 81167FA4 2249 |
170 | Strong Grapple Up+B Specials6 | D1166EB0 4800 D1167216 0805 8014E58D 0048 D1167216 0804 D0166EB0 0048 8014E58D 0037 D1166EB0 4802 D1167216 0805 8014E58D 0047 D1166EE6 4800 D11676AA 0805 8014E58D 0048 D11676AA 0804 D016 6EE6 0048 8014E58D 0037 D1166EE6 4802 D11676AA 0805 8014E58D 0047 D1166F1C 4800 D1167B3E 0805 8014E58D 0048 D1167B3E 0804 D016 6F1C 0048 8014E58D 0037 D1166F1C 4802 D1167B3E 0805 8014E58D 0047 D1166F52 4800 D1167FD2 0805 8014E58D 0048 D1167FD2 0804 D016 6F52 0048 8014E58D 0037 D1166F52 4802 D1167FD2 0805 8014E58D 0047 |
171 | Regular Grapple Modifiers | 8014E571 00?? 8014E573 00?? 8014E575 00?? 8014E577 00?? 8014E579 00?? 8014E57B 00?? 8014E57D 00?? 8014E57F 00?? 8014E581 00?? 8014E583 00?? 8014E585 00?? 8014E587 00?? 8014E589 00?? 8014E58B 00?? 8014E58D 00?? 8014E58F 00?? 8014E591 00?? 8014E593 00?? 8014E595 00?? 8014E597 00?? 8014E599 00?? 8014E59B 00?? 8014E59D 00?? 8014E59F 00?? 8014E5A1 00?? 8014E5A3 00?? 8014E5A5 00?? 8014E5A7 00?? 8014E5A9 00?? 8014E5AB 00?? 8014E5AD 00?? 8014E5AF 00?? |
Ground Striking |
172 | U | 8014E551 00?? |
173 | D | 8014E553 00?? |
174 | SU | 8014E555 00?? |
175 | SD | 8014E557 00?? |
176 | R U | 8014E559 00?? |
177 | R D | 8014E55B 00?? |
178 | R SU | 8014E55D 00?? |
179 | R SD | 8014E55F 00?? |
Ground Grappling |
180 | U F | 8014EF51 00?? |
181 | D F | 8014EF53 00?? |
182 | SU F | 8014EF55 00?? |
183 | SD F | 8014EF57 00?? |
184 | U H | 8014EF59 00?? |
185 | D H | 8014EF5B 00?? |
186 | SU h | 8014EF5D 00?? |
187 | SD h | 8014EF5F 00?? |
Regular Taunts |
188 | Left Taunt | 800EF957 00?? |
189 | Up Taunt | 800EF95F 00?? |
190 | Right Taunt | 800EF963 00?? |
Notes |
1 | ???? values: Front Finishers (Just about all of these look good as Irish Whip moves) 060E: Bearhug 0618: Big Swing 0622: Bloodmist 062C: Brainbuster DDT 0636: Chickenwing Jawbreaker 0640: Cradle DDT 064A: Cross DDT 0654: Cross Heel Hold 065E: Dizzy Combo 0668: Dominator 0672: Double Dragon Screw 067C: Double Underhook Driver 0686: Downward Spiral 0690: Emerald Fusion 069A: Fame Asser 06A4: Flipping Armbar 06AE: Flowing DDT 06B8: Gargoyle SUplex 06C2: Gigantic Bomb 06CC: Hangman's DDT 06D6: Helicopter Pin 06E0: InSider Edge 06EA: Inverted DDT 06F4: Jackknife Powerbomb 06FE: Jarrett Facebuster 0708: Jump Swinging DDT 0712: Kick Comination 071C: Mac Stunner 0726: Mandible Claw 0730: Muken 073A: Orange Crush Pin 0744: Pedigree 074E: Pimp Drop 0758: Powerbomb and DVD Combination 0762: Powerbomb to Facebuster 076C: Power Clothesline 0776: Powerbomb Pin with Slide 0780: Praying Cross Powerbomb Pin 078A: Punching Combination 01 0794: Punching Combination 02 079E: Quick Double Dragon Screw 07A8: Rock Bottom 07B2: Running Scissor Kick 07BC: Samoan Neckbreaker 07C6: Samurai Driver 07D0: Scoop Reverse DDT 07DA: Screwdriver 07E4: Shake, Rattle, and Roll 07EE: Show Stopper 07F8: Sidewalk Slam to Submission 0802: Sky High 080C: Sledgehammer 0816: Snowplow 0820: Spinning Falcon Arrow 082A: Spiral Bomb 0834: Stalling Falling Powerbomb Pin 083E: Stalling Powerbomb Pin 0848: Stone Cold Stunner 0852: Striking Combination Pin 085C: Strong Kicking Combination 0866: Strong Lariat 0870: Sumo Attack 087A: Sweet Chin Music 0884: TakeDown with Punching and Armbar 088E: Tombstone Piledriver 0898: Two-handed Chokeslam 08A2: T-bone DDT 08AC: X Factor 08B6: 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker
???? Values: Back Finishers (Any of these moves that do not cause a rope break would be good to put as a back Turnbuckle move) 08C0: Abdominal Stretch Pin 08CA: Blue Thunder Pin 08D4: DD DDT 08DE: Cobra Clutch SUplex 08E8: Electric Chair Drop 08F2: Impaler 08FC: Multiple German SUplex 0906: Pump Handle Drop 0910: Pump Handle Slam 091A: Reverse DVD 0924: Reverse DDT Drop 092E: Spinning Huracanrana Pin 0938: Spinning Torture Rack 0942: Walking Sidewalk Slam
???? Values: Turnbuckle 0ED8: Throw from Turnbuckle reversal(Looks good with Irish Whip) 0E42: Bronco Buster 0E4C: Dragonsteiner 0E56: Jumping Armbar TakeDown 0E60: Flipping Neckbreaker 0E6A: SUper Brainbuster 0E74: SUper DVD 0E7E: SUper Dragon Screw 0E88: SUper Powerbomb 0E92: 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker
???? Values: Irish Whip(These moves look good as Front grapple moves also) 0D04: Bossman Slam 0D0E: Canadian Crossface Armbar 0BF6: Body Press Drop(Looks good as front or back grapple move!) 0C00: Body Press Slam 0C0A: Body Press 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker 0C14: Tiger sUplex 0CD2: Spinebuster
???? Values: Front Grapple reversals 0156: ***** slap 0160: Flip armtoss 016A: Duck under 0174: Back club 0176: Knee 2 face 017E: Backtoss 0188: Hipthrow 01C4: Flipover opp. 01C6: SUplex rev. to sUplex 01C8: SUplex rev. to snap sUplex 01D2: Powerbomb bloodmist 01D4: Huracanrana 01D8: Rib punch 01EC: Hipthrow 0200: Duck into back grapple 0214: Duck ensigiri 0220: Ensigiri 022E: Cross powerbomb escape 0252: Knee strike 025A: Knee strike 2 026E: Northern lights sUplex 0278: Backtoss 2 02E6: Quick back grapple 02F0: Back grapple 0318: Fireman carry escape 0354: Block headbutt 0372: Rib punch 2 037C: SUplex from Side headlock 0386: Back grapple from Side headlock 0390: Toss from headscissors 039A: Back grapple from hipthrow 03AC: Backdrop from spinning huracanrana 03C2: Speed powerbomb 03D6: Slapoff 03E0: Block DDT 03FE: Block kneestrike 041C: Block elbowstrike 042C: Kneestrike 2 0480: Backtoss from pulling piledriver 048A: Armbreaker escape 04A8: Rolling leglock escape 04B2: Irish whip reversal drop toeHold 04B4: Irish whip reversal lariat 04D0: Russian elbow 04DA: Step elbow 04F8: Hairgrab throwDown 0516: TakeDown gut kick 0534: Violent shove to mat 0570: SUplex from armbar 05C0: Gut punch 05CA: Elbow from T-bone 05F2: Cartwheel from headscissors 05F4: ThrowDown from headscissors 05FC: Tilt-a-whirl piledriver from same
note: This works best on Single-animation moves. Submission and Pinning moves are multiple-animation moves. The pinfall or submission animations are not included into the move, nor do these codes remove pinfall or submission animations from any moves you are changing with this code. Austin - 0001 The Rock - 0002 S. Michaels - 0003 Dude Love - 0004 Cactus Jack - 0005 Undertaker - 0101 Triple H - 0102 Vince - 0103 Shane - 0104 Farooq - 0105 Bradshaw - 0106 Big Bossman - 0106 Viscera - 0108 Mideon - 0109 Pail Bearer - 010B Big Show - 0201 Mankind - 0202 Ken Shamrock - 0203 Test - 0204 Road Dogg - 0301 Mr. Ass - 0302 X-Pac - 0303 Kane - 0304 Val Venis - 0401 Godfather - 0402 Jericho - 0403 Mark Henry - 0403 D'Lo Brown - 0405 Jeff Jarrett - 0406 Steve Blackman - 0502 Droz - 0503 Prince Albert - 0504 Meat - 0505 Thrasher - 0506 Chaz - 0507 Edge - 0601 Gangrel - 0602 Christian - 0603 Al Snow - 0701 Hardcore Holly - 0702 Blue Meanie - 0704 Too Sexy - 0801 Too Hot - 0802 J. Hardy - 0803 M. Hardy - 0804 Pat Patterson - 0901 Gerald Brisco - 0902 Michael Hayes - 0903 Jerry Lawler - 0904 Jim Ross - 0905 Terri Runnels - 0A02 Jacqulene - 0A03 Ivory - 0A04 Debra - 0A05 Tori - 0A06 Chyna - 0A07 Stephanie - 0A08 Original A CAW - 0C01 Original B CAW - 0C02 Original C CAW - 0C03 Original D CAW - 0C04 Original E CAW - 0C05 Original F CAW - 0C06 Original G CAW - 0C07 Original H CAW - 0C08 Original I CAW - 0C09 Original J CAW - 0C0A Original K CAW - 0C0B Original L CAW - 0C0C Original M CAW - 0C0D Original N CAW - 0C0E Original O CAW - 0C0F Original P CAW - 0C10 |
2 | Any animation as Entryway, In-ring, or walk taunt May not work if Referee is on in options Primary Wrestler codes D111C0F2 ???? : Primary wrestler activator Place the above code before any one/each of the following codes 81247F96 TTTT : Walk taunt 81247F94 TTTT : Entryway taunt 81247F98 TTTT : In-ring taunt Accompanying Wrestler codes D111C0F6 ???? : Accompanying wrestler activator Place the above code before any one/each of the following codes 812482A2 TTTT : Walk taunt 812482A0 TTTT : Entryway taunt 812482A4 TTTT : In-ring taunt TTTT=value of animation to be performed, you are not limited to taunts Finding TTTT values: If there is a specific taunt or move you want your wrestler to do, go to the edit moves menus and preview the move. While the move is being previewed go into the memory editor and get the 4-digit value at 8105B124. That will be the value for the move. If you want your wrestler to move as if he is the recipient of a move (do what Dummy does) , get the value at 8105B1E4. Values for all non-selectable animations (like grappling, running, getting hit) can be found at the same addresses (8105B124 for P1 and 8105B1E4 for P2) while the animation is taking place. ???? Values Austin - 0001 The Rock - 0002 S. Michaels - 0003 Dude Love - 0004 Cactus Jack - 0005 Undertaker - 0101 Triple H - 0102 Vince - 0103 Shane - 0104 Farooq - 0105 Bradshaw - 0106 Big Bossman - 0106 Viscera - 0108 Mideon - 0109 Pail Bearer - 010B Big Show - 0201 Mankind - 0202 Ken Shamrock - 0203 Test - 0204 Road Dogg - 0301 Mr. Ass - 0302 X-Pac - 0303 Kane - 0304 Val Venis - 0401 Godfather - 0402 Jericho - 0403 Mark Henry - 0403 D'Lo Brown - 0405 Jeff Jarrett - 0406 Steve Blackman - 0502 Droz - 0503 Prince Albert - 0504 Meat - 0505 Thrasher - 0506 Chaz - 0507 Edge - 0601 Gangrel - 0602 Christian - 0603 Al Snow - 0701 Hardcore Holly - 0702 Blue Meanie - 0704 Too Sexy - 0801 Too Hot - 0802 J. Hardy - 0803 M. Hardy - 0804 Pat Patterson - 0901 Gerald Brisco - 0902 Michael Hayes - 0903 Jerry Lawler - 0904 Jim Ross - 0905 Terri Runnels - 0A02 Jacqulene - 0A03 Ivory - 0A04 Debra - 0A05 Tori - 0A06 Chyna - 0A07 Stephanie - 0A08 Original A CAW - 0C01 Original B CAW - 0C02 Original C CAW - 0C03 Original D CAW - 0C04 Original E CAW - 0C05 Original F CAW - 0C06 Original G CAW - 0C07 Original H CAW - 0C08 Original I CAW - 0C09 Original J CAW - 0C0A Original K CAW - 0C0B Original L CAW - 0C0C Original M CAW - 0C0D Original N CAW - 0C0E Original O CAW - 0C0F Original P CAW - 0C10 |
3 | u=Up d=Down su=sitting Up sd=sitting Down r=running f=at feet h=at head ?? Values: (only included regular and special grapples specific to the addresses. Irish whip grapple values can be used quite well with front grapple addresses. Irish whip values range from 54-6B. Reversal values for front grapples: add 1-4 to any front grapple that has a reversal (Weak B-Strong Down B, all of these will have at least one reversal). Other values (reversals, ground grappling, etc.) can be found by going to address 80167628 while P1 is performing the (first animation if it is a 2-animation move) desired move) * = looks good as front grapple move
01 : Weak front grapple A 02 : Weak front grapple Dir. A 03 : Weak front grapple Up A 04 : Weak front grapple Down A 05 : Weak front grapple B 0A : Weak front grapple Dir. B 0F : Weak front grapple Up B 14 : Weak front grapple Down B 19 : Strong front grapple A 1E : Strong front grapple Dir. A 23 : Strong front grapple Up A 28 : Strong front grapple Down A 2D : Strong front grapple B 32 : Strong front grapple Dir. B 37 : Strong front grapple Up B 3C : Strong front grapple Down B 46 : Front special 47 : Front level 2 special 48 : Front stolen special 49 : Weak back grapple A 4A : Weak back grapple Dir. A 4B : Weak back grapple B 4C : Weak back grapple Dir. B 4D : Strong back grapple A 4E : Strong back grapple Dir. A 4F : Strong back grapple B 50 : Strong back grapple Dir. B 51 : Back special 52 : Back level 2 special 53 : Back stolen special 54 : Weak back grapple reversal 55 : Strong back grapple reversal 56 : SetUp for Weak Irish grapple Tap A 57 : Weak Irish grapple Tap A * 58, 59 : ? 5A : SetUp for Weak Irish grapple Hold A 5B : Weak Irish grapple Hold A * 5C,5D : ? 5E : SetUp for Strong Irish grapple Tap A 5F : Strong Irish grapple Tap A * 60,61 : ? 62 : SetUp for Strong Irish grapple Hold A 63 : Strong Irish grapple Hold A * 64,65 : ? 66 : SetUp for Special Irish grapple 67 : Special Irish grapple * 68,69,6A,6B : ? 6C : Weak front Turnbuckle grapple A 6D,6E,6F,70 : Turnbuckle reversals 71 : Weak front Turnbuckle grapple B 72,73,74,75 : Turnbuckle reversals 76 : Strong front Turnbuckle grapple A 77,78,79,7A : Turnbuckle reversals 7B : Strong front Turnbuckle grapple B 7C,7D,7E,7F : Turnbuckle reversals 80 : Front Turnbuckle special 81 : Front stolen Turnbuckle special 82 : Weak back Turnbuckle grapple A 83 : Reversal for " 84 : Weak back Turnbuckle grapple B 85 : Reversal for " 86 : Strong back Turnbuckle grapple A 87 : Reversal for " 88 : Strong back Turnbuckle grapple B 89 : Reversal for " 8A : Back Turnbuckle special 8B : Back stolen Turnbuckle special 8C : ? 8D : Front Turnbuckle throw 8E : Back Turnbuckle throw 8F,90 : ? 91 : Weak grapple to apron / Use values 91,92,93,94,95,96 92 : Strong grapple to apron / as Weak A button grapples 93 : Special grapple to apron / for easy Royal Rumble 94 : Grapple to apron reversal / 95 : Weak grapple from apron / 96 : Strong grapple from apron / 97 : Special grapple from apron 98 : Grapple from apron reversal * 99 : ? 9A : Pull off apron from floor 9B,9C,9D,9E : ? 9F : Silent bodyslam A0 : Silent DDT reversal A1 : Silent backdrop A2 : Silent back grapple reversal A3 : Front doubleteam A4 : Back doubleteam A5 : Sandwich doubleteam A6,A7 : ? A8 : Doubleteam reversal A9,AA : ? AB : Silent sUplex reversal AC : Arm striking 1 AD : Arm striking 2 AE : Leg striking 1 AF : Leg striking 2 B0 : Turnbuckle striking 1 B1 : Turnbuckle striking 2 B2 : Tree of woe striking 1 B3 : Tree of woe striking 2 B4 : Arm striking reversal 1 * B5 : Arm striking reversal 2 * B6 : Leg trap reversal (Ensigiri) * B7 : Leg striking reversal A * B8 : Leg striking reversal B * B9 : Special leg striking reversal * BA : Strong striking B BB : Reversal for " * BC : Strong striking Dir. B BD : Reversal for " * BE : Strong striking A+B BF : Reversal for " * C0 : Weak running attack B C1 : Reversal for " * C2 : Weak running attack A+B C3 : Reversal for " * C4 : Strong running attack B C5 : Reversal for " * C6 : Strong running attack A+B C7 : Reversal for " * C8 : Turnbuckle running attack B C9 : Reversal for " * CA : Turnbuckle running attack A+B CB : Reversal for " * CC : Tree of woe running attack B
CD : Tree of woe running attack A+B CE : ? CF : Turnbuckle recovery D0 : Evasion D1 : Ground striking face Up / Use values D1,D2,D5,D6 D2 : Ground stiking face Down / as running ground striking D3 : Running ground striking face Up / moves D4 : Running ground striking face Down D5 : Ground striking sitting Up D6 : Ground striking sitting Down D7 : Running ground striking sitting Up D8 : Running ground striking sitting Down D9 : Getting Up attack DA : Striking from apron inSide DB : Striking from apron outSide DC : Striking from apron to left DD : Striking from apron to right DE,DF : ? E0 : Entranceway taunt E1 : Walk taunt E2 : In-ring taunt E3 : Up taunt E4 : Left taunt E5 : Right taunt E6 : Special taunt E7 : Down taunt E8 : Corner taunt E9 : Top rope taunt EA : Apron taunt EB : Win taunt EC : Ground grappling at head face Up / Some look good as front ED : Reversal for " / grapples, but I wouldn't use these values without EE : Ground grappling at head face Down / appropriate activators EF : Reversal for " * / for front grapples. Face Up values are inter- F0 : Ground grappling at feet face Up / changeable with sitting Up F1 : Reversal for " * / values & face Down values are interchangeable with F2 : Ground grappling at feet face Down / sitting Down values with respect F3 : Reversal for " / to head&feet F4 : Ground grapple at head sitting Up F5 : Reversal for " F6 : Ground grapple at head sitting Down F7 : Reversal for " * F8 : Ground grapple at feet sitting Up F9 : Reversal for " * FA : Ground grapple at feet sitting Down FB : Reversal for " FC,FD,FE,FF : ? ***For any values following use 16-bit codes*** 100 : Top rope, opp. standing 101 : Special top rope, opp. standing 102,103,104 : ? 105 : Top rope, opp. Down 106 : Special top rope, opp. Down 107 : Top rope to outSide, opp. standing 108 : Top rope to outSide, opp. Down 109 : Rush under reversal? 10A : SetUp for springboard 10B : ? 10C : Attack to outSide 10D : ? 10E : Turnbuckle attack, opponent Down near corner 10F : Attack from apron to outSide 110 : Running " 111 : Attack from apron to inSide, opp. standing 112 : Attack from apron to inSide, opp. Down 113 : Special attack from apron to inSide, opp. standing 114 : Special attack from apron to inSide, opp. Down 115 : ? 116 : Rebound flying attack, opp. standing 117 : Rebound flying attack, opp. Down 118,119,11A : ? *11B-11E : P1 ONLY Striking combo from grapple animations? 11F-124 : ? 125-variable : 2nd animations for 2-animation moves |
4 | D0057210 0002 : When you press left on controller one D0167629 0066 : and P1 Irish Special is being performed 80167629 0045 : P1 does Front Special D0057210 0001 : When you press right on controller one D0167629 0066 : and P1 Irish Special is being performed 80167629 0047 : P1 does P1's stolen Front Special D0057216 0002 : left on controller 2 D0167ABD 0066 : P2 irish special 80167ABD 0045 : is front special D0057216 0001 : right on controller 2 D0167ABD 0066 : P2 irish special 80167ABD 0047 : is P2 stolen front special D005721C 0002 : left on controller 3 D0167F51 0066 : P3 irish special 80167F51 0045 : is P3 front special D005721C 0001 : right on controller 3 D0167F51 0066 : P3 irish special 80167F51 0047 : is P3 stolen front special D0057222 0002 : left on controller 4 D01683E5 0066 : P4 irish special 801684E5 0045 : is P4 front special D0057222 0001 : right on controller 4 D01683E5 0066 : P4 irish special 801683E5 0047 : is P4 stolen front special |
5 | When counter reaches beginning of a second Left taunt is left taunt When counter reaches 1/2 second Left taunt is entryway taunt When counter reaches beginning of a second Right taunt is right taunt When counter reaches 1/2 second Right taunt is in-ring taunt |
6 | When any player is on special, their Strong front grapple Up+B move is their Stolen Front Special(not their opponent's stolen special). Hold c-left while pressing Up+B to perform 2nd level Special. You must use all the codes for P1-P4. Any player codes that are not used will cause that player to be able to perform Specials instead of their Strong Up+B move at any time between when P1 performs a Strong Up+B special and when he performs his regular Strong grapple Up+B move while not on special. |
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