WCW Vs NWO - World Tour Version 1.0 |
WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
1 | Players Are Frozen In The Middle Of The Ring P1 | 800F07FB 0033 |
2 | Players Are Frozen In The Middle Of The Ring P2 | 800F0B9B 0033 |
3 | Players Are Frozen In The Middle Of The Ring P3 | 800F0F3B 0033 |
4 | Players Are Frozen In The Middle Of The Ring P4 | 800F12DB 0033 |
5 | Players Can't Get Up From Mat/Get Out Of Submissions P11 | 800F0807 0023 |
6 | Players Can't Get Up From Mat/Get Out Of Submissions P2 [See Above Note] | 800F0BA7 0023 |
7 | Players Can't Get Up From Mat/Get Out Of Submissions P3 [See Above Note] | 800F0F47 0023 |
8 | Players Can't Get Up From Mat/Get Out Of Submissions P4 [See Above Note] | 800F12E7 0023 |
9 | Unmasked Players P12 | 800F080A 00BB 810F1C20 0000 |
10 | Unmasked Players P2 [See Above Note] | 800F0BAA 00BB 810F1C20 0000 |
11 | Unmasked Players P3 [See Above Note] | 800F0F4A 00BB 810F1C20 0000 |
12 | Unmasked Players P4 [See Above Note] | 800F12EA 00BB 810F1C20 0000 |
13 | Can't Come Back In The Ring P13 | 800F080E 0023 |
14 | Can't Come Back In The Ring P2 [See Above Note] | 800F0BAE 0023 |
15 | Can't Come Back In The Ring P3 [See Above Note] | 800F0F4E 0023 |
16 | Can't Come Back In The Ring P4 [See Above Note] | 800F12EE 0023 |
17 | P1 Can't Grapple Other Players4 | 800F080D 0016 |
18 | P2 Can't Grapple Other Players [See Above Note] | 800F0BAD 0016 |
19 | P3 Can't Grapple Other Players [See Above Note] | 800F0F4D 0016 |
20 | P4 Can't Grapple Other Players [See Above Note] | 800F12ED 0016 |
21 | Flickering P15 | 800F080C 0016 |
22 | Shaking Head P16 | A10F080A 0024 A10F0801 0005 |
23 | Tall Wrestler P1 | 800F0831 FFFF |
24 | Tall Wrestler P2 | 800F0BD1 FFFF |
25 | Tall Wrestler P3 | 800F0F71 FFFF |
26 | Tall Wrestler P4 | 800F1311 FFFF |
27 | Only Computer Players Can Move7 | 800F0802 5916 |
28 | P1 Can't Run Very Far/Always Falls Down8 | 800F080D 555F |
29 | Every 60 Seconds Announcer Says "1, 2, 3" | 800F080E 2226 |
30 | Match Starts With P1 Outside The Ring & Wins By Submission | 800F080F 19A2 |
31 | Match Starts With P1 Outside The Ring & Wins By TKO | 800F080F F449 |
32 | P1 Wins By TKO, Then Keeps Running Into Ropes After Match | 800F080F FFFF |
33 | P1 Walks On Air Outside The Ring | 800F080F E600 |
34 | P1 Can't KnockDown Opponent By Punching Or Kicking Him | 800F0807 00FF |
35 | Confusion Code9 | 800F080E BBBF |
36 | P2 Is Hurt | 800F0ECC 2617 |
37 | P1 Frozen10 | 800F0802 0032 |
38 | P2 Frozen [See Above Note] | 800F0BA2 0032 |
39 | P3 Frozen [See Above Note] | 800F0F42 0032 |
40 | P1 Is Unbeatable11 | 800F0B55 FFFF |
41 | P2 Is Unbeatable (See Above Note) | 800F0EF5 FFFF |
42 | Sleeping CPU/Special Spirit P1/ No Spirit Other Opponents12 | A00F0800 0075 A00F12E1 0000 A00F0F41 0000 A00F0BA1 0000 |
43 | Have All Belts & Characters13 | 80060669 00FF 8106066A FFFF 80060665 00FF |
44 | Start Match Hurt P1 | 800F0B2C 2617 |
45 | Can't Run Left Or Right P1 | 800F0B1C 2617 |
46 | Ring Out Counter Is Counting/CPU-Controlled P1 | 800F080F 2617 |
47 | Easy Give Up/P1 Wins | 800F080F 0036 |
48 | P1 Walks Around Holding Invisible Rope/CPU-Controlled | 800F080F 000F |
49 | P1 Can't Jump-Off Turnbuckle/Grapple Moves Have No Effect/Can't Make Others Run/Can't Run | 800F080D 000F |
50 | Easy TKO/P1 Keeps Going Through Invisible Ropes & Into The Crowd | 800F080F CCCC |
51 | P1 Starts Behind Rope/Easy Give Up/Keep Going Through Invisible Ropes | 800F080F AAAA |
52 | Easy TKO/Go Back & Forth While Holding An Invivsible Rope | 800F080F DDDD |
53 | Game Freezes At Versus Screen | 800F0F33 AAAA |
54 | P1 Moves Back & Forth When Doing A Grapple Move Outside The Ring | 800F085C 2617 |
Notes |
1 | As soon as you knock down your opponent he will stay down forever (I'm guessing). He can never get out of submissions, but you can't either. When your opponent is knocked down just jump down on him and you can pin him for the 1,2,3. |
2 | This code will unmask any player with something covering his face, even Sting! The player will also have an invisible weapon. The basecode of the unmask player is the first code of each of the players. |
3 | As soon as the match starts your will player will go out of the ring and when you try to get inside of the ring you can't get in. |
4 | This code makes the chosen player unable to grapple the other players. If you throw that player into the ropes, he will always reverse on you. |
5 | This code makes player 1 blink a lot when he is doing a move from a grapple position. This code also does the following. It makes player 1 run backwards. When you roll on the mat you always go towards Player 2. Whenever you do a closeline or a drop kick in any directions you go towards player 2. This code gives player 1 sort of a slow motion kind of look. Sometimes it makes player 1 look like there are 2 of him, because he blinks so fast. When player 1 jumps from the top rope he stands on air sometimes and spins around before he jumps. Sometimes player 1 freezes in a grapple position. I know this was a long note, but I wanted to give you all the details. |
6 | This code makes player 1 shake his head up and down. To see it shakes more hold in the top R button. I found this code when I was trying to make the custom modifier. |
7 | When you start a match, all the human players will remain still, but the computer players can move around. |
8 | When you try to run, you only run a few feet and then stop. Also, when you do a dropkick or get punched by an opponent, you fall on your face. |
9 | When you are in a One v. One match, P1 will exit the ring and announcer will say the P1 won by pinfall. When you are in a Battle Royal match, P1 will exit the ring, the anouncer will say "1,2,3" (no one wins though), P1 has special, and can't enter the ring. |
10 | Try adding a 8 to the second digit in this code. Now you can freeze the players whenever you want to. Just push the Cheat Device button. |
11 | This code makes player one unbeatable. Hardly no one can touch player 1. This is the best code, in my opinion. 9 out of 10 times no one can touch you. |
12 | This code gives player 1 special on his spirit meter, no spirit for all other opponents, and as soon as you knock down your opponent he will stay down for up to 3 minutes. Try giving him some moves like the Manhattan drop, it is funny just watching him. He will stay like that for the rest of the time. If you give your opponent a power bomb he will be T.K.O.'d. Well, most of the time. |
13 | This code will give you all the belts including the WWW League Challenge. Plus you have all the hidden characters. This code is best to use if you do not have a memory pack. |
Credits |
Death Unknown | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 |
cordt845 | 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 |