WCW Vs NWO - World Tour Version 1.0 |
WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
Activators |
1 | Activator 1 P1 | D0047940 00?? |
2 | Activator 2 P1 | D0047941 00?? |
3 | Dual Activator P1 | D1047940 00?? |
Main |
4 | Costume Modifier1 | 800574D1 00?? |
5 | P1-P4 Can't be The Same Character | 80060503 0002 |
6 | Time Always 00:00 | 800F16EF 0000 |
7 | Have 6 Hidden Characters | 80060665 00FF |
8 | Always Max Spirit P1 | 800F0801 0064 |
9 | Always No Spirit P1 | 800F0801 0000 |
10 | Always Max Spirit P2 | 800F0BA1 0064 |
11 | Always No Spirit P2 | 800F0BA1 0000 |
12 | P1 Character Modifier2 | 8106182A ???? |
13 | P2 Character Modifier | 8106182E ???? |
14 | P3 Character Modifier | 81061832 ???? |
15 | P4 Character Modifier | 81061836 ???? |
16 | All Wrestlers Look Like Modifier | 813439C0 ???? |
17 | Only One Wrestler Image | 813439CE ???? |
18 | Body Modifier | 810574B0 ???? |
19 | Character Select Modifier P1 | 81060566 ???? |
20 | Character Select Modifier P2 | 81060576 ???? |
21 | Character Select Modifier P3 | 81060586 ???? |
22 | Character Select Modifier P4 | 81060596 ???? |
23 | Height Modifiers P1 | 810F0830 ???? |
24 | Height Modifiers P2 | 810F0BD0 ???? |
25 | Height Modifiers P3 | 810F0F70 ???? |
26 | Height Modifiers P4 | 810F1310 ???? |
27 | Starting Point Modifiers P13 | 810F082C ???? 810F0830 ???? 810F0834 ???? |
28 | Starting Point Modifiers P2 | 810F0BCC ???? 810F0BD0 ???? 810F0BD4 ???? |
29 | Starting Point Modifiers P3 | 810F0F6C ???? 810F0F70 ???? 810F0F74 ???? |
30 | Starting Point Modifiers P4 | 810F130C ???? 810F1310 ???? 810F1314 ???? |
31 | Health Modifier P1 | 800F07FD 00?? |
32 | Health Modifier P2 | 800F0B9D 00?? |
33 | Health Modifier P3 | 800F0F3D 00?? |
34 | Health Modifier P4 | 800F12DD 00?? |
35 | Always Have Aluminum Baseball Bat P1 | 800F080A 0064 810F1C20 0000 800F1C22 0000 |
36 | Always Have Baseball Bat P1 | 800F080A 0064 810F1C20 0101 800F1C22 0000 |
37 | Always Have Silver Chair P1 | 800F080A 0024 810F1C20 0202 800F1C22 0000 |
38 | Always Have Table Piece P1 | 800F080A 0024 810F1C20 0303 800F1C22 0000 |
39 | Always Have Aluminum Baseball Bat P2 | 800F0BAA 0064 810F1C40 0000 800F1C42 0001 |
40 | Always Have Baseball Bat P2 | 800F0BAA 0064 810F1C40 0101 800F1C42 0001 |
41 | Always Have Silver Chair P2 | 800F0BAA 0024 810F1C40 0202 800F1C42 0001 |
42 | Always Have Table Piece P2 | 800F0BAA 0024 810F1C40 0303 800F1C42 0001 |
43 | Always Have Aluminum Baseball Bat P3 | 800F0F4A 0064 810F1C60 0000 800F1C62 0002 |
44 | Always Have Baseball Bat P3 | 800F0F4A 0064 810F1C60 0101 800F1C62 0002 |
45 | Always Have Silver Chair P3 | 800F0F4A 0024 810F1C60 0202 800F1C62 0002 |
46 | Always Have Table Piece P3 | 800F0F4A 0024 810F1C60 0303 800F1C62 0002 |
47 | Always Have Aluminum Baseball Bat P4 | 800F12EA 0064 810F1C80 0000 800F1C82 0003 |
48 | Always Have Baseball Bat P4 | 800F12EA 0064 810F1C80 0101 800F1C82 0003 |
49 | Always Have Silver Chair P4 | 800F12EA 0024 810F1C80 0202 800F1C82 0003 |
50 | Always Have Table Piece P4 | 800F12EA 0024 810F1C80 0303 800F1C82 0003 |
51 | Always Normal Spirit P1 | 800F0801 0032 |
52 | Always Normal Spirit P2 | 800F0BA1 0032 |
53 | Always Max Spirit P3 | 800F0F41 0064 |
54 | Always Normal Spirit P3 | 800F0F41 0032 |
55 | Always No Spirit P3 | 800F0F41 0000 |
56 | Always Max Spirit P4 | 800F12E1 0064 |
57 | Always Normal Spirit P4 | 800F12E1 0032 |
58 | Always No Spirit P4 | 800F12E1 0000 |
59 | Have WWW League Challenge & All Belts | 80060669 00FF 8106066A FFFF |
60 | Fake Infinite Time Out Of Ring | 800ECFCB 0000 |
61 | Infinite Time Out Of Ring | 800F16C4 0014 |
62 | Cheat Device Button For Quick Out Of Ring Count Out | 880F16C4 0001 |
Ultimate Codes |
63 | Ultimate Code P14 | 800F0800 2617 |
64 | Ultimate Code P2 [See Above Note] | 800F0BA0 2617 |
65 | Ultimate Code P3 [See Above Note] | 800F0F40 2617 |
66 | Ultimate Code P4 [See Above Note] | 800F12E0 2617 |
Walk During Moves Codes |
67 | P15 | D0047941 0002 800F07FB 0001 |
68 | P2 | D0047947 0002 800F0B9B 0001 |
69 | P3 | D004794D 0002 800F0F3B 0001 |
70 | P4 | D0047953 0002 800F12DB 0001 |
Miscellaneous Codes |
71 | Messed Up Players P16 | 800F07F8 0010 |
72 | Messed Up Players P2 [See Above Note] | 800F0B98 0010 |
73 | Messed Up Players P3 [See Above Note] | 800F0F38 0010 |
74 | Messed Up Players P4 [See Above Note] | 800F12D8 0010 |
75 | Slow Motion Players P1 | 800F07F6 0023 |
76 | Slow Motion Players P2 | 800F0B96 0023 |
77 | Slow Motion Players P3 | 800F0F36 0023 |
78 | Slow Motion Players P4 | 800F12D6 0023 |
79 | Players Float Away While Getting Knocked Out P1 | 800F07FB 0012 |
80 | Players Float Away While Getting Knocked Out P2 | 800F0B9B 0012 |
81 | Players Float Away While Getting Knocked Out P3 | 800F0F3B 0012 |
82 | Players Float Away While Getting Knocked Out P4 | 800F12DB 0012 |
83 | Players Keep Getting Knocked Out In The Corner P1 | 800F07FB 0026 |
84 | Players Keep Getting Knocked Out In The Corner P2 | 800F0B9B 0026 |
85 | Players Keep Getting Knocked Out In The Corner P3 | 800F0F3B 0026 |
86 | Players Keep Getting Knocked Out In The Corner P4 | 800F12DB 0026 |
87 | Taunt Modifiers P17 | 800F07F9 00?? |
88 | Taunt Modifiers P2 [See Above Note] | 800F0B99 00?? |
89 | Taunt Modifiers P3 [See Above Note] | 800F0F39 00?? |
90 | Taunt Modifiers P4 [See Above Note] | 800F12D9 00?? |
91 | Messed-Up Clock | A00F16EF 4444 |
92 | Teleport Punching P18 | 800F0894 5445 |
93 | Player 2 Climbs His Turnbuckle At The Start Of The Match | 800F0B9B 0009 |
94 | Players Are In Player 2's Corner P1 | 800F07FB 0013 |
95 | Players Are In Player 2's Corner P2 | 800F0B9B 0013 |
96 | Players Are In Player 2's Corner P3 | 800F0F3B 0013 |
97 | Players Are In Player 2's Corner P4 | 800F12DB 0013 |
98 | Players Keep Getting Attacked By An Invisible Man P1 | 800F07FB 0011 |
99 | Players Keep Getting Attacked By An Invisible Man P2 | 800F0B9B 0011 |
100 | Players Keep Getting Attacked By An Invisible Man P3 | 800F0F3B 0011 |
101 | Players Keep Getting Attacked By An Invisible Man P4 | 800F12DB 0011 |
102 | Player Keep Taunting P1 | 800F07FB 0016 |
103 | Player Keep Taunting P2 | 800F0B9B 0016 |
104 | Player Keep Taunting P3 | 800F0F3B 0016 |
105 | Player Keep Taunting P4 | 800F12DB 0016 |
106 | Players Still Want To Try To Cheap Shot Other Players In The Opposite Corners P19 | 800F07FB 0021 |
107 | Players Still Want To Try To Cheap Shot Other Players In The Opposite Corners P2 [See Above Note] | 800F0B9B 0021 |
108 | Players Still Want To Try To Cheap Shot Other Players In The Opposite Corners P3 [See Above Note] | 800F0F3B 0021 |
109 | Players Still Want To Try To Cheap Shot Other Players In The Opposite Corners P4 [See Above Note] | 800F12DB 0021 |
110 | Players Keep Acting Like They Just Got Special Spirit P1 | 800F07FB 0017 |
111 | Players Keep Acting Like They Just Got Special Spirit P2 | 800F0B9B 0017 |
112 | Players Keep Acting Like They Just Got Special Spirit P3 | 800F0F3B 0017 |
113 | Players Keep Acting Like They Just Got Special Spirit P4 | 800F12DB 0017 |
114 | Players Fall Out Of The Ring & Act Dead On The Floor P1 | 800F07FB 0059 |
115 | Players Fall Out Of The Ring & Act Dead On The Floor P2 | 800F0B9B 0059 |
116 | Players Fall Out Of The Ring & Act Dead On The Floor P3 | 800F0F3B 0059 |
117 | Players Fall Out Of The Ring & Act Dead On The Floor P4 | 800F12DB 0059 |
Notes |
1 | 00 - 1st Costume 01 - 2nd Costume 02 - 3rd Costume 03 - 4th Costume |
2 | 0001 - Hollywood Hogan 0002 - "Sting" 0003 - Buff Bagwell 0004 - Eric Bischoff 0005 - Scott Norton 0006 - Kevin Nash 0007 - Scott Hall 0008 - Syxx 0009 - Macho Man Randy Savage 0101 - Lex Luger 0102 - Sting 0103 - Giant 0104 - Scott Steiner 0105 - Rick Steiner 0106 - Ric Flair 0107 - Ultimo Dragon 0108 - Dean Malenko 0109 - Eddy Geurrero 010A - Rey Mysterio Jr. 010B - Chris Benoit 010C - Steven Regal 010D - DDP 0201 - Sumo Jo 0202 - Kim Chee 0203 - Blackheart 0204 - Puchteca 0205 - Hannibal 0206 - Powder Keg 0207 - Dim Sum 0208 - Saladin 0209 - Ali Baba 020A - Wrath 0301 - Black Ninja 0302 - Shaolin 0303 - The Unknown 0304 - The Claw 0305 - Black Belt 0306 - PacoLoco 0307 - Shaman 0308 - Master Fuji 0309 - Glacier 0401 - Joe Bruiser 0501 - Black Widow |
3 | Find the place you want to start at, then look up the codes in the memory editor. If you want to use them as a starting point modifier, make the codes Cheat Device button activated (89). Also, the first code is the x co-ordinate, the second is the y co-ordinate, and the third code is the z co-ordinate. |
4 | This code makes Player 1-4 get special the whole time through-out the match. It also lets you do submission holds on any player forever until you press the R button. Also, when you slam somebody down on the ground they stay on the ground until you pick them up. |
5 | Press Left-C. |
6 | Player (?) looks deformed and does some kind of move when you move the joystick. |
7 | 18: Lifts his arms in the air and drops them down suddenly. 19: The Claw, Shaman, Dean Malenko, Kevin Nash, Kim Chee, Blackheart. 20: Shaolin 21: Hannibal, Black Ninja 23: Part of Sumo Jo's taunt 24: Syxx 26: ??? (Raises his arms then dorps them down and stomps his feet) 27: Part of Eric Bischoff and Dim Sum's Taunt. 28: Saladin 29: Ali Baba 30: ??? 31: ??? (spreads out his arms) 32: Joe Bruiser's Taunt. 33: Macho Man's Taunt. 35: Glacier's Taunt. 37: ??? (Bell rings when you knock him down on the mat.) 38: ??? 39: ??? (Raises his arms and then touches his tights) 45: Steven Regal (push B to jump up in the air and fall down, does a lot of damage.) 50: Giant's second taunt |
8 | Whenever you hit someone you teleport somewhere on the screen! |
9 | All of these codes by this name, are slightly different, that's why I may have used this name before. |
Credits |
CodeMaster | 1, 2, 3, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 |
Crock (of shit) | 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 67, 68, 69, 70 |
InterAct | 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 |
Death Unknown | 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 |
CodeKing | 91, 92 |