
Turok Dinosaur Hunter Version 1.0

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Demon #11802CFDAC 00??
2Demon #2802CFFD4 00??
3Demon #3802C91DC 00??
4Demon #4802C9404 00??
5Demon With Spear #1802C9A7C 00??
6Demon With Axe #1802C962C 00??
7Demon #5802C9854 00??
8Bionically Enhanced Raptor #1802CD28C 00??
9Killer Plant #1802D01FC 00??
10Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #1802D064C 00??
11Demon #6802CB45C 00??
12Demon #7802CB684 00??
13Alien MI #1802CF95C 00??
14Alien MI #2802D202C 00??
15Alien MI #3802C66BC 00??
16Alien MI #4802C6494 00??
17Alien MI #5802CF734 00??
18Alien MI #6802C626C 00??
19Demon #8802CC7C4 00??
20Demon #9802CC9EC 00??
21Demon #10802CCC14 00??
22Killer Plant #2802CBF24 00??
23Triceratops #1802D0424 00??
24Demon #11802CF2E4 00??
25Demon #12802CF50C 00??
26Demon Lord #1802D2254 00??
27Demon #13802CD064 00??
28Pur-Lin #1802CD4B4 00??
29Pur-Lin #2802CD6DC 00??
30Pur-Lin #3802CDB2C 00??
31Killer Plant #3802CD904 00??
32Killer Plant #4802CFB84 00??
33Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #2802D0874 00??
34Demon #14802D19B4 00??
35Demon #15802D1BDC 00??
36Bionically Enhanced Raptor # 2802CDD54 00??
37Demon Lord #2802CCE3C 00??
38Demon With Spear #2802D0CC4 00??
39Demon #16802D0EEC 00??
40Demon Lord #3802D0A9C 00??
41Pur-Lin #4802C6B74 00??
42Demon With Axe #2802C763C 00??
43Demon With Spear #3802C7864 00??
44Demon #17802C71EC 00??
45Demon #18802C8104 00??
46Demon #19802C832C 00??
47Demon Lord #4802C7EDC 00??
48Killer Plant #5802C7414 00??
49Killer Plant #6802C7A8C 00??
50Demon Lord #5802C694C 00??
51Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #3802CB914 00??
52Bionically Enhanced Raptor #3802C9D0C 00??
53Killer Plant #7802C8554 00??
54Demon Lord #6802C9244 00??
55Demon Lord #7802C9AE4 00??
56Demon #20802C8BCC 00??
57Demon #21802C8DF4 00??
58Demon #22802C901C 00??
59Killer Plant #8802C89A4 00??
60Demon Lord #8802C6D9C 00??
61Demon Lord #9802C6FC4 00??
62Pur-Lin #5802CBB3C 00??
63Subterranean #1802A4974 00??
64Subterranean #2802A4B9C 00??
65Subterranean #3802CC59C 00??
66Subterranean #4802CC374 00??
67Subterranean #5802CC14C 00??
68Alien MI #7802B8004 00??
69Alien MI #8802B822C 00??
70Alien MI #9802B8454 00??
71Alien MI #10802B867C 00??
72Alien MI #11802B88A4 00??
73Bionically Enhanced Raptor #4802B9144 00??
74Bionically Enhanced Raptor #5802B936C 00??
75Red Robot Guard #1802BEBD4 00??
76Red Robot guard #2802BEDFC 00??
77Demon Lord #10802B8ACC 00??
78Demon #23802B8CF4 00??
79Demon #24802B8F1C 00??
80Demon #25802BF8C4 00??
81Demon #26802BFAEC 00??
82Bionically Enhanced Raptor #6802B9594 00??
83Bionically Enhanced Raptor #7802B97BC 00??
84Demon Lord #11802BA284 00??
85Demon Lord #12802B99E4 00??
86Demon #27802B9C0C 00??
87Bionically Enhanced Raptor #8802B9E34 00??
88Bionically Enhanced Raptor #9802BA05C 00??
89Bionically Enhanced Raptor #10802BA4AC 00??
90Yellow Robot Guard #1802BF024 00??
91Demon With Axe #3802BA6D4 00??
92Demon With Spear #4802BA8FC 00??
93Demon With Spear #5802BB3C4 00??
94Demon #28802BAB24 00??
95Demon #29802BAD4C 00??
96Demon Lord #13802BAF74 00??
97Demon Lord #14802BB19C 00??
98Demon #30802BB5EC 00??
99Demon #31802BB814 00??
100Demon #32802BC2DC 00??
101Demon #33802BC504 00??
102Demon #34802BC72C 00??
103Demon #35802BC954 00??
104Yellow Robot Guard #2802BF24C 00??
105Red Robot Guard #3802BFD14 00??
106Demon #36802BCFCC 00??
107Drone Gun #1802BBA3C 00??
108Drone Gun #2802BBC64 00??
109Demon Lord #15802BD1F4 00??
110Demon Lord #16802BD41C 00??
111Drone Gun #3802BC0B4 00??
112Alien MI #12802BD644 00??
113Alien MI #13802BE334 00??
114Alien MI #14802BD86C 00??
115Drone Gun #4802BBE8C 00??
116Alien MI #15802BDA94 00??
117Drone Gun #5802BDCBC 00??
118Drone Gun #6802BDEE4 00??
119Alien MI #16802BE55C 00??
120Red Robot Guard #4802BF474 00??
121Red Robot Guard #5802BF69C 00??
122Yellow Robot Guard #3802BFF3C 00??
123Roach #1812CA31C ????
124Roach #2812CA76C ????
125Roach #3812CABBC ????
126Roach #4812CADE4 ????
127Roach #5812CB00C ????
128Roach #6812CA544 ????
129Roach #7812CB234 ????
130Roach #8812C9ECC ????
131Roach #9812CA994 ????
132Roach #10812CB8AC ????
133Roach #11812CBAD4 ????
134Roach #12812CBCFC ????
135Roach #13812CE3CC ????
136Roach #14812DEA44 ????
137Roach #15812CEC6C ????
138Roach #16812CEE94 ????
139Roach #17812CF0BC ????
140Roach #18812CE81C ????
141Roach #19812CFD7C ????
142Roach #20812CE1A4 ????
143Roach #21812CE5F4 ????

1C0 will cause the enemy to explode instantly. Any other value will freeze the enemy for a certain amount of time before it explodes (the value determines how long). I recommend usinng these with an activator.

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143