WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
Activators |
1 | Activator 1 P1 | D0077058 00?? |
2 | Activator 2 P1 | D0077059 00?? |
3 | Dual Activator P1 | D1077058 00?? |
Main |
4 | Extra Cars | 801022FB 000E 801022F1 000E |
5 | Extra Tracks | 811022E8 0501 811022EA 0101 811022EC 0101 811022EE 0101 801022F0 0001 |
6 | Infinite Money | 810F50C5 270F |
7 | Infinite Nitros P1 | 810F50CE 0009 |
8 | Max Handling | 801022FF 0005 |
9 | Max Acceleration | 80102300 0005 |
10 | Max Top Speed | 80102301 0005 |
11 | FAKE Always Place 1st | 800E1BFF 0001 800F5112 0000 |
12 | Car Modifier P11 | 800E97C5 00?? |
13 | Infinite Nitros P2 | 800F52BB 0003 |
14 | Car Modifier P2 | 800EE263 00?? |
15 | Level Modifier (Championship & Vs Mode)2 | 8011D0B0 000? |
16 | Lap Modifier (All Modes)3 | 801186A0 000? |
Timer Codes |
17 | Timer 00'00"00 Lap 1 | 810F50F8 0000 810F50FA 0000 |
18 | Timer 00'00"00 Lap 2 | 810F50FC 0000 810F50FE 0000 |
19 | Timer 00'00"00 Lap 3 | 810F5100 0000 810F5102 0000 |
20 | Timer 00'00"00 Lap 4 | 810F5104 0000 810F5106 0000 |
21 | Timer 00'00"00 Lap 5 | 810F5108 0000 810F510A 0000 |
Notes |
1 | 00 - Type BG 01 - Type EC 02 - Type YD 03 - Type CA 04 - Type BP 05 - Type HM 06 - Type PO 07 - Type FO 08 - Type JS 09 - Type MC 0A - Hot Dog 0B - Nintendo Power 0C - N64 Logo 0D - Taco 0E - Museum Exhibit |
2 | 0 - Frigid Peaks - Snowy/Daytime 1 - Fertile Canyon - Day/Lightning 2 - Swampy Depot - Day/Rainbow 3 - Downtown - Clear/Rainbow 4 - Sandy Beaches - Day/Lightning 5 - Fertile Canyon - Night 6 - Swampy Depot - Clear (?) 7 - Space Truckin' (Hidden Stage) |
3 | Important Note. A value of '0' makes it so that everyone (CPU-controlled players, human players P1 - P4) have to cross the finish line [NOT finish the race] to get their ranking. |
Credits |
CodeMaster | 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 |
InterAct | 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
Crock (of shit) | 6 |
Rune a.k.a. Hitler | 13, 14, 15, 16 |
Powered by Psycho Snake Script v5.0.0 - Anti-GSC Mod
Everything here is copryight my ass. That's right, my ass 0wnz j00!
© Anti-GSC 2005