Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Version 1.1 |
WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
Activators |
1 | Activator 1 | D0121758 00?? |
2 | Activator 2 | D0121759 00?? |
3 | Dual Activator | D1121758 ???? |
Main |
4 | Invincibility1 | 8012171D 00FF |
5 | Secondary Weapon Modifier2 | 80121713 000? |
6 | Power-Up Collected3 | 80121757 0001 |
7 | Rapid Fire Primary Weapon | 80128AEC 00FF |
8 | Enable All Ships & All Levels (Including 3 Bonus Levels)4 | 8112174D 7EFF |
9 | Always Pass Mission | 801216E4 0001 |
10 | All Power-Ups Available | 8012171E 00FF |
11 | Ship Modifier5 | 80121711 000? |
12 | Rapid Fire Secondary Weapons | 800FE621 0000 |
Notes |
1 | Can hit dead on with the ground and walls, can fly through ships. |
2 | 1 - Ion Cannon 2 - Missles 3 - Seeker Missles 4 - Bombs 5 - Proton Torpedoes 6 - Advanced Bombs? (havent tried them yet) 7 - Cluster Missles 8 - Seeker Torpedoes 9 - Seeker Cluster Missles
3 | I don't know if this code will give you the powerup or not, I just know that it allows you to pass the mission if you needed to collect one. |
4 | You still need to pass the mission before you can use the Naboo Fighter. |
5 | 0 - X-Wing 1 - Y-Wing 2 - A-Wing 3 - V-Wing 4 - Snowspeeder 5 - Millenium Falcon 6 - Tie Intercepter 7 - T-16 Skyhopper 8 - Naboo Starfighter (Must have passed mission previously)
Credits |
DGenerateKane | 1, 2, 3, 6 |
DGenerateKane & Zap2 | 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 |
GS_hacker@yahoo.com | 12 |
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