
Star Wars - Shadows Of The Empire Version 1.0

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Cutscene Modifier18013C44F 00??

1There are three types of cutscenes in this game: in-game ones or ones that come before/after the level. If it is during the level then you can play the rest of that level, making this code very diverse! In some ways, this code is better than a Level Modifier because it can place you in the different stages of each level, AND also lets you view the various cutscenes in the game! If you watch a cutscene (ie. Main Menu) the one you chose in the quantity digits comes after that one.

Sometimes cutscenes don't work with other ones so keep trying! Occasionally a quantity digit has two consecutive cutscenes. I have tested all of these quantity digits AFTER and BEFORE a cutscene, so if a specified cutscene doesn't show when it says that it is the right quantity digits then try something else.

00 Main Menu + Han Solo/Dash Rendar Cutscene
01 Hoth A
02 Hoth A
03 Escape From Echo Base Beginning / Stage 2!
04 Stage 2 of Escape From Echo Base / sometimes something else
05 IG-88 A + Asteroid Field Cutscene
06 Start of Ord Mantell Cutscene
07 IG-88 B /Start of Ord Mantell Cutscene
08 IG-88 B
09 Gall Spaceport A
0A Game Over Screen
0B Gall Spaceport B / Game Over Screen
0C Beginning of Gall Spaceport / Gall Spaceport B
0D Stage 2 of Gall Spaceport
0E Swoop Bike Cutscene / Stage 2 of Gall Spaceport
0F Mos Eisley + Beggar's Canyon Stage (Daylight)
10 Mos Eisley + Beggar's Canyon Level (Daylight)
11 Approaching Imperial Freighter Suprosa / Swoop Bike Rescue Cutscene
12 Beginning of Imperial Freighter Suprosa Level / Approaching Imperial Freighter Suprosa Cutscene
13 Beginning of Imperial Freighter Suprosa LevelC:Cutscene Modifier Quantity Digits (2/2)

Rune a.k.a. Hitler1