
Snowboard Kids 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D00A1C08 00??
2Activator 2 P1D00A1C09 00??
3Dual Activator P1D10A1C08 00??
Miscellaneous Codes
4Extra Points & Money18025A5BF 00C8
5Have All Gold Medals81259130 0101
81259132 0101
81259134 0101
81259136 0101
81259138 0101
6Have 300 Points - Trick Game8125A7F2 012C
7Infinite Time - Trick Game28126D440 0A8C
8Infinite Time - Speed Cross8126D442 293C
9Infinite Papers - Shoot Cross8025A853 001E
10FAKE All Houses Delivered To - Shoot Cross8025942A 001E
111-Hit Death Bosses8025B213 0000
12Track Modifier80259CCC 000?
13Press L Button To Send All CPU Back To Starting Point Of The Course3D00A1C09 0020
8025BDB5 0000
D00A1C09 0020
8025B1CD 0000
D00A1C09 0020
8025C99D 0000
1-Player Games Only
P1 Codes
14Coin Modifier8125A5BE ????
15Start on Lap Modifier4D025A615 0000
8025A615 00??
16FAKE Always Have 1st8025A614 0000
17Left Weapon Modifier58025A622 00??
18Infinite Left Weapon8025A623 0003
19Infinite Right Weapon Modifier68025A624 00??
2-Player Games Only
P1 Codes
20Coin Modifier8125AB2E ????
21Start on Lap ModifierD025AB85 0000
8025AB85 00??
22FAKE Always Have 1st8025AB84 0000
23Left Weapon Modifier8025AB92 00??
24Infinite Left Weapon8025AB93 0003
25Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025AB94 00??
P2 Codes
26Coin Modifier8125B716 ????
27Start on Lap ModifierD025B76D 0000
8025B76D 00??
28FAKE Always Have 1st8025B76C 0000
29Left Weapon Modifier8025B77A 00??
30Infinite Left Weapon8025B77B 0003
31Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025B77C 00??
3-Player Games Only
P1 Codes
32Coin Modifier8125B0CE ????
33Start on Lap ModifierD025B125 0000
8025B125 00??
34FAKE Always Have 1st8025B124 0000
35Left Weapon Modifier8025B132 00??
36Infinite Left Weapon8025B133 0003
37Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025B134 00??
P2 Codes
38Coin Modifier8125BCB6 ????
39Start on Lap ModifierD025BD0D 0000
8025BD0D 00??
40FAKE Always Have 1st8025BD0C 0000
41Left Weapon Modifier8025BD1A 00??
42Infinite Left Weapon8025BD1B 0003
43Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025BD1C 00??
P3 Codes
44Coin Modifier8125C89E ????
45Start on Lap ModifierD025C8F5 0000
8025C8F5 00??
46FAKE Always Have 1st8025C8F4 0000
47Left Weapon Modifier8025C902 00??
48Infinite Left Weapon8025C903 0003
49Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025C904 00??
4-Player Games Only
P1 Codes
50Coin Modifier8125B63E ????
51Start on Lap ModifierD025B695 0000
8025B695 00??
52FAKE Always Have 1st8025B694 0000
53Left Weapon Modifier8025B6A2 00??
54Infinite Left Weapon8025B6A3 0003
55Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025B6A4 00??
P2 Codes
56Coin Modifier8125C226 ????
57Start on Lap ModifierD025C27D 0000
8025C27D 00??
58FAKE Always Have 1st8025C27C 0000
59Left Weapon Modifier8025C28A 00??
60Infinite Left Weapon8025C28B 0003
61Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025C28C 00??
P3 Codes
62Coin Modifier8125CE0E ????
63Start on Lap ModifierD025CE65 0000
8025CE65 00??
64FAKE Always Have 1st8025CE64 0000
65Left Weapon Modifier8025CE72 00??
66Infinite Left Weapon8025CE73 0003
67Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025CE74 00??
P4 Codes
68Coin Modifier8125D9F6 ????
69Start on Lap ModifierD025DA4D 0000
8025DA4D 00??
70FAKE Always Have 1st8025DA4C 0000
71Left Weapon Modifier8025DA5A 00??
72Infinite Left Weapon8025DA5B 0003
73Infinite Right Weapon Modifier8025DA5C 00??
All Mode Codes
Gold Medal Codes
74Sunny Mountain80259130 0001
75Turtle Island80259131 0001
76Jingle Town80259132 0001
77Jingle Town Boss80259133 0001
78Wendy's House80259134 0001
79Linda's Castle80259135 0001
80Crazy Jungle80259136 0001
81Crazy Jungle Boss80259137 0001
82Starlight Highway80259138 0001
83Haunted House80259139 0001
Open Battle Levels Codes
84Sunny Mountain80259140 0001
85Turtle Island80259141 0001
86Jingle Town80259142 0001
87Jingle Town 280259143 0001
88Wendy's House80259144 0001
89Linda's Castle80259145 0001
90Crazy Jungle80259146 0001
91Crazy Jungle 280259147 0001
92Starlight Highway80259148 0001
93Haunted House802591549 0001
94Ice Land8025914A 0001
95Ice Land 28025914B 0001
96Snowboard Street8025914C 0001
97Snowboard Street 28025914D 0001
98X-Course8025914E 0001
99Enable All Battle Mode Courses80259140 0001
80259141 0001
80259142 0001
80259143 0001
80259144 0001
80259145 0001
80259146 0001
80259147 0001
80259148 0001
80259149 0001
8025914A 0001
8025914B 0001
8025914C 0001
8025914D 0001
8025914E 0001

1When you do a trick or get money, it will say that you have almost double what you should have got!
2These `Infinite Time' codes also cause some minor graphical glitches. In town Tommy will have a stretched nose, and Jam and Wendy will have some stretched polygons on the screen where you choose your board. Nothing is stretched in the actual race though.
3For this code, press L to launch all CPU back to start in the middle of the race. You can obivously tell by looking at the bar where everyone is on the course.
Works in any level

This note applies to all `Start On Lap Modifier' codes.

00 - Lap 1
01 - Lap 2
02 - Lap 3
03 - Lap 4
04 - Lap 5

This note applies to all `Left Weapon Modifier' codes.

00 - Nothing
01 - Slapstick
02 - Parachute
03 - Freeze Shot
04 - Snowman
05 - Bomb
06 - Whirlwind

This note applies to all `Right Weapon Modifier' codes.

00 - Nothing
01 - Pan
02 - Ghost
03 - Super Ghost
04 - Speed Fan
05 - Rocket
06 - Invisible
07 - Rock
08 - Rat Face
09 - Super Rat Face
0A - Wing

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83
Zap26, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Crock (of shit)84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99