
Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
This Game Requires A Version 1.08+ Cheat Device
1Enable Code (Must Be On)DE061600 0000
2Activator 1 P1D00F9804 00??
3Activator 2 P1D00F9805 00??
4Dual Activator P1D10F9804 00??
5Infinite Strikes8021AC48 0000
61 Strike And You Are OutD021AC48 0000
8021AC48 0002
72 Strikes And You Are OutD021AC48 0000
8021AC48 0001
8Infinite Balls8021AC47 0000
91 Ball And You WalkD021AC47 0000
8021AC47 0003
102 Balls And You WalkD021AC47 0000
8021AC47 0002
113 Balls And You WalkD021AC47 0000
8021AC47 0001
12Infinite Outs8021AC41 0000
131 Out And You Are OutD021AC41 0000
8021AC41 0002
142 Outs And You Are OutD021AC41 0000
8021AC41 0001
15Away Team Score Modifier80104E5D ????
16Home Team Score Modifier80104EFC ????
17Away Team Hits Modifier80104E5F ????
18Home Team Hits Modifier80104EFE ????
19Away Team Errors Modifier80104E61 ????
20Home Team Errors Modifier80104E60 ????
21Inning Modifier18021AC42 00??
22Start On Inning ModifierD021AC42 0001
8021AC42 00??
23Day/Night Modifier280104FD3 00??
24Difficulty Modifier380104E77 00??
25MPH Pitched Modifier48021AC34 00??
26Home Run Derby Hitter Modifier5801062E7 00??
27Enable Cheat Modifier681106252 ????
Character Creation Codes
28Max Batting78105D6D8 4120
29Max Power8105D270 4120
30Max Speed8105CE68 4120
31Max Defense8105CA60 4120
32Max Arm Strength8105C5F8 4120
33Max Durability8105C098 4120
34Max Clutch8105BB98 4120
35Max Control8105B760 4120
36Max Stamina8105B2F8 4120
37Max Pitch Speed8105AE90 4120
38Infinite Creation Points81059408 420C

101 - 1st Inning
02 - 2nd Inning
03 - 3rd Inning
04 - 4th Inning
05 - 5th Inning
06 - 6th Inning
07 - 7th Inning
08 - 8th Inning
09 - 9th Inning
201 - Day
02 - Night
301 - Rookie
02 - Veteran
03 - All-Star
04 - Arcade

Also it only says what you put. It doesn't make the ball go faster.


Now this code will only work for the team you choose. So what team you choose it will be the person you put want it to be, but if you go to another team it will be that person for that team.

00 - 1st hitter
01 - 2nd hitter
02 - 3rd hitter
03 - 4th hitter
04 - 5th hitter
05 - 6th hitter
06 - 7th hitter
07 - 8th hitter
08 - 9th hitter
09 - 10th hitter
0A - 11th hitter
0B - 12th hitter
0C - 13th hitter
0D - 14th hitter
0E - 15th hitter
60001 - Thin Players
0002 - Invisible Players
0004 - Flat Players
0008 - Tick-Bodied Players
0010 - ?
0020 - Tiny Players
0040 - Weeble Wobble Players
0080 - Big Feet
0100 - ?
0200 - Big Head
0400 - Computer vs. Computer
07FF - All Of The Above
7With these codes, they may or may not be able to be saved.

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
kuhl stud21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26