
StarFox 64 Version 1.1

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Have Gold Medals In Expert & Normal
1Meteo80178870 0007
2Area 680178871 0007
3Bolse80178872 0007
4Sector Z80178873 0007
5Sector X80178874 0007
6Sector Y80178875 0007
7Katina80178876 0007
8Macbeth80178877 0007
9Zoness80178878 0007
10Coneria80178879 0007
11Titania8017887A 0007
12Aquas8017887B 0007
13Fortuna8017887C 0007
14Solar8017887D 0007
15Venom8016E67F 0077
16Have All Medals (Cheat Device 3.0 or Higher Needed!)50000802 0000
81178870 7777
17Infinite Health P28013CB17 00FF
8013F9F7 00FF
18Infinite Health P38013CFF7 00FF
8013FED7 00FF
19Infinite Health P48013D4D7 00FF
801403B7 00FF
20Titanium Wings Peppy (2nd Player - Left & Right Wings)80177D17 003C
80177D2F 003C
21Titanium Wings Slippy (3rd Player - Left & Right Wings)80177D1B 003C
80177D33 003C
22Titanium Wings Falco (4th Player - Left & Right Wings)80177D1F 003C
80177D37 003C
23Infinite Smart Bombs P280177DA7 0004
24Infinite Smart Bombs P380177DAB 0004
25Infinite Smart Bombs P480177DAF 0004
26Infinite Dual Blue Lasers P280161AAF 0002
27Stops Players Laser Shots P280161AAF 0040
28Infinite Dual Blue Lasers P380161AB3 0002
29Stops Players Laser Shots P380161AB3 0040
30Infinite Dual Blue Lasers P480161AB7 0002
31Stops Players Laser Shots P480161AB7 0040
32Infinite Boost P28113CB6C 0000
8113CB6E 0000
8113FA4C 0000
8113FA4E 0000
33No Boost P28113CB6C 42C8
8113CB6E 0000
8113FA4C 42C8
8113FA4E 0000
34Infinite Boost P38113D04C 0000
8113D04E 0000
8113FF2C 0000
8113FF2E 0000
35No Boost P38113D04C 42C8
8113D04E 0000
8113FF2C 42C8
8113FF2E 0000
36Infinite Boost P48113D52C 0000
8113D52E 0000
8114040C 0000
8114040E 0000
37No Boost P48113D52C 42C8
8113D52E 0000
8114040C 42C8
8114040E 0000
38Instant Bomb Detonation (All Players)81174746 0001
391-Hit Kills (Regular Corneria Boss)8016F1D3 0000
40Always Have Shield P18013C653 FFFF
41Always Have Shield P28013CB33 FFFF
42Always Locked P180177B13 00FF
43Always Locked P280177B07 00FF
44Always Have Charged Laser (Best If Used With Always Locked Code) P1801779CB 0020
45Always Have Charged Laser (Best If Used With Always Locked Code) P2801779CF 0020
46Bomb Distance Modifier81174746 1002
47Bomb Detonator1D00DD880 0020
81174746 0000
Miscellaneous Codes
48Always Play Corneria Multi80161A2B 0000
49Always Play Sector Z Multi80161A2B 0001
50Don't View Any Character Text Only Voices8017829F 0000
51Always View Any Character Text8017829F 0004
52Glitchy Voices Between Missions8014F702 0002
8014F63A 0002
8014E92C 0007
8014E7E0 0064
53Always Sound Select801B91A7 0007
54Distortion Codes280161A3A ????
55Always Have No Fog80161A40 0044
56Always Have Heavy Fog80161A40 003F
57Your Ships and Enemies Are Larger80161A3A EE9A
58Background Color Modifier #180161A36 00??
59Background Color Modifier #280161A37 00??
60Shadowing Mode Modifier80161A38 00??
61Corneria Is Covered In Snow80161A88 0024
62Player 1 Always Has Shield Around Him38013C653 00FF
8013C5AF 00FF
63Modify Size of Charged Laser P24801779CF 00??
64Blue Shield Always Around Ship P158013C653 00B4
65Blue Shield Always Around Ship P28013CB33 00B4
66Blue Shield Always Around Ship P38013D013 00B4
67Blue Shield Always Around Ship P48013D4F3 00B4

1The bomb detonator has to be an activator other than 'B' button. You can shoot a bomb and it will go forward until it hits something or you use the activator on it. Once it detonates the explosion will remain fully in tact until you HOLD DOWN THE ACTIVATOR button. When the image of a smart bomb next to the amount of bombs you have becomes un-shaded then you can shoot another bomb.

These wicked codes can change practically the whole game and challenge! Also try any of these in Multi-Player to make matches VERY cool!

FFFF- Huge Fox & Small Crew (At Intro) / This makes everything VERY small!

0000- Huge Fox & Crew (At Intro) / This makes everything very BIG!

DD9A - Everything is relatively inbetween small and huge

BB9A - Everything is 1-quarter of the size of the 'Huge'code!

EE9A - This makes your ship and your enemies more viewable.

3You can't roll.
4The value must be at least 15 (hex) for the charged laser to even exist. If you too high you will not be able to see due to the outreageous size of the laser.
5Do not Exceed B4 (180) or rolling will not be executable and the game's freezing is at a higher potential.

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 55, 56
Parasyte15, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Protomus20, 21, 22
GameDr440, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
GAMEDR444, 45
Ass Wigit48, 49, 50, 51, 53