
Rush 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Las Vegas
11st Place1800D2166 00??
800D2167 00??
800D2160 00??
22nd Place800D2168 00??
800D2169 00??
800D2161 00??
33rd Place800D216A 00??
800D216B 00??
800D2162 00??
44th Place800D216C 00??
800D216D 00??
800D2163 00??
55th Place800D216E 00??
800D216F 00??
800D2164 00??
New York: Downtown
61st Place800D2178 00??
800D2179 00??
800D2172 00??
72nd Place800D217A 00??
800D217B 00??
800D2173 00??
83rd Place800D217C 00??
800D217D 00??
800D2174 00??
94th Place800D217E 00??
800D217F 00??
800D2175 00??
105th Place800D2180 00??
800D2181 00??
800D2176 00??
111st Place800D218A 00??
800D218B 00??
800D2184 00??
122nd Place800D218C 00??
800D218D 00??
800D2185 00??
133rd Place800D218E 00??
800D218F 00??
800D2186 00??
144th Place800D2190 00??
800D2191 00??
800D2187 00??
155th Place800D2192 00??
800D2193 00??
800D2188 00??
New York: Uptown
161st Place800D219C 00??
800D219D 00??
800D2196 00??
172nd Place800D219E 00??
800D219F 00??
800D2197 00??
183rd Place800D21A0 00??
800D21A1 00??
800D2198 00??
194th Place800D21A2 00??
800D21A3 00??
800D2199 00??
205th Place800D21A4 00??
800D21A5 00??
800D219A 00??
211st Place800D21AE 00??
800D21AF 00??
800D21A8 00??
222nd Place800D21B0 00??
800D21B1 00??
800D21A9 00??
233rd Place800D21B2 00??
800D21B3 00??
800D21AA 00??
244th Place800D21B4 00??
800D21B5 00??
800D21AB 00??
255th Place800D21B6 00??
800D21B7 00??
800D21AC 00??
Los Angeles
261st Place800D21C0 00??
800D21C1 00??
800D21BA 00??
272nd Place800D21C2 00??
800D21C3 00??
800D21BB 00??
283rd Place800D21C4 00??
800D21C5 00??
800D21BC 00??
294th Place800D21C6 00??
800D21C7 00??
800D21BD 00??
305th Place800D21B6 00??
800D21B7 00??
800D21BD 00??
311st Place800D21D2 00??
800D21D3 00??
800D21CC 00??
322nd Place800D21D4 00??
800D21D5 00??
800D21CD 00??
333rd Place800D21D6 00??
800D21D7 00??
800D21CE 00??
344th Place800D21D8 00??
800D21D9 00??
800D21CF 00??
355th Place800D21DA 00??
800D21DB 00??
800D21D0 00??
Half Pipe
361st Place800D21E4 00??
800D21E5 00??
800D21DE 00??
372nd Place800D21E6 00??
800D21E7 00??
800D21DF 00??
383rd Place800D21E8 00??
800D21E9 00??
800D21E0 00??
394th Place800D21EA 00??
800D21EB 00??
800D21E1 00??
405th Place800D21EC 00??
800D21ED 00??
800D21E2 00??
411st Place800D21F6 00??
800D21F7 00??
800D21F0 00??
422nd Place800D21F8 00??
800D21F9 00??
800D21F1 00??
433rd Place800D21FA 00??
800D21FB 00??
800D21F2 00??
444th Place800D21FC 00??
800D21FD 00??
800D21F3 00??
455th Place800D21FE 00??
800D21FF 00??
800D21F4 00??

1The second line of code can go up to a max of E3 or 0:01.99. For every time the second line goes to E3 and returns to 00, the first line goes up one. The highest possible time is 7:63.99. The third line controls the name of the person that appears next to the record. If you use FF for the quantity digits the name will be randomly picked by the computer. If you use 00 and you have a memory card plugged in the name will be whatever file you have open in the memory card (for this you may need an activator). Any other number willl make the name portion be blank. I'll have to see if you need a activator if you'll be using memory cards, but I think you do.

Gold640071, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45