
Rush 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D00D0192 00??
2Activator 2 P1D00D0193 00??
3Dual Activator P1D10D0192 00??
4Always Place 1st80112589 0000
5Extra Cars810C1DBC FFFF
6Game Timer Off800D9E88 0001
7Have Midway Track800E7D19 0001
8Stunts All Tracks8010C200 0001
9Speed ModifierD00D0193 0010
810F54AC 4519
10P1 Super Speed/Super Brake1D00D0193 0010
810F54AC 4519
D00D0193 0004
810F54AC 3000
11P2 Super Speed/Super Brake2D00D0192 0008
810F5CC8 4519
D00D0192 0004
810F5CC8 3000
12Out Of Control Car810F59F0 439D
810F5994 439D
13Press R to Shrink CarD00D0193 0010
8010C43C 0001
14Track Modifier38010C3F0 000?
15Best Points Modifier P1 In Stunt Mode8010C068 00??
16Total Points Modifier P1 In Stunt Mode8010C075 00??
17Best Points Modifier P2 In Stunt Mode8010C069 00??
18Total Points Modifier P2 In Stunt Mode8010C077 00??
19Car Modifier P14803CB362 00??
20Car Modifier P2803CB363 00??
21P1 Circuit Points Modifier810D3B2A ????
22P2 Circuit Points Modifier810D3B82 ????
23P1 Circuit Position Modifier5800D3B29 00??
24P2 Circuit Position Modifier800D3B81 00??
25P1 Accelleration Modifier800F9BE3 00??
800F9C77 00??
26P2 Accelleration Modifier800F9BF3 00??
800F9C77 00??
27P1 Top Speed Modifier800F9B03 00??
800F9C97 00??
28P2 Top Speed Modifier800F9B13 00??
800F9C97 00??
29P1 Control Modifier800F9B23 00??
800F9CB7 00??
30P2 Control Modifier800F9B33 00??
800F9CB7 00??
31P1 Drifting Modifier800F9B43 00??
800F9CD7 00??
32P2 Drifting Modifier800F9B53 00??
800F9CD7 00??
33Laps To Go Modifier8010C020 00??
34Press R For Nitrous BoostD00D0193 0010
810F58DC 44CB
D00D0193 0010
810F5938 44CB
35All Keys & Cans (Midway Track)810C1DD0 FFFF
36All Keys & Cans (Stunt Track)810C1DD2 FFFF
37Tag Mode While Playing 2-Player In Practice Mode8010C169 0001
38Front Pickup Tire Size Modifier P16800C0AC5 00??
39Rear Pickup Tire Size Modifier P1800C0BCD 00??
40Mt. Dew Front Tire Size Modifier P1800C0B19 00??
41Mt. Dew Rear Tire Size Modifier P1800C0 C2100??
42Rocket Front Tire Size Modifier P1800C0B15 00??
43Rocket Rear Tire Size Modifier P1800C0C1D 00??
44Prototype Front Tire Size Modifier P1800C0B11 00??
45Prototype Rear Tire Size Modifier P1800C0C19 00??
46Formula Front Tire Size Modifier P1800C0B0D 00??
47Formula Rear Tire Size Modifier P1800C0C15 00??
48Hot Rod Front Tire Size Modifier P1800C0B09 00??
49Hot Rod Rear Tire Size Modifier P1800C0C11 00??
50Cruiser Front Tire Size Modifier P1800C0AF9 00??
51Cruiser Rear Tire Size Modifier P1800C0C01 00??
52Van Front Tire Size Modifier P1800C0AE5 00??
53Van Rear Tire Size Modifier P1800C0BED 00??
54Pickup Front Tire Size Modifier P2800C0B1D 00??
55Rear Tire Size Modifier P2800C0C25 00??
Miscellaneous Codes
56Auto Abort Disable8010C168 0001
57Resurrect In Place8010C210 0001
58New York Cabs800D9E89 0001
59Car Collisions Off8011249A 0001
60Cone Mines On8010C166 0001
61Car Mines On8010C167 0001
62Super Speed80111950 0001
63Damage Off8011CDB0 0001
64Light Gravity800E7D22 0000
65Heavy Gravity800E7D22 0002
66Jovian Gravity800E7D22 0003
67Brakes Off80125C64 0001
68Heavy Mass8010C179 0001
69Massive Mass8010C179 0002
70Invincible80119634 0001
71Invisible Cars8010C170 0001
72Invisible Tracks8010C178 0001
73Large Frame8010C43C 0003
74Killer Rats On8010C17C 0001
75Inside-Out Car On801174E0 0001
76Upside Down Mode800D0171 0001
77Fog Colour Modifier78010C440 00??
78Suicide Mode On80119628 0001
79Suicide Mode Humans On80119628 0002
80Levitation8010C254 0001
81Super Tires8010D3A6 0002
82Backward Modifier80119848 00??
83Mirror Modifier800D0190 00??
84Fog Modifier80144A9C 00??
85Wind Modifier800D576F 00??
86Laps Modifier8010C0E3 00??
87Drones Modifier800D3E91 00??
88Difficulty Modifier8010C211 00??
89Check Points Modifier8010C17B 00??
90Deaths Modifier8010BC98 00??
91Rumble Pak800D5772 00??
92Track Map800D5762 00??
93Radar800D5763 00??
94Time Elapsed800D5764 00??
95Time Remaining800D5765 00??
96Tachometer800D5766 00??
97Speedometer800D5767 00??
98Place800D5768 00??
99Gearshift800D5769 00??
100Metric800D5770 00??
101Wrong Way800D5778 00??
102Have All Cars In Pipe810C1DCE FFFF
103Upside Down To Right Side Up8D00D0193 0010
800D0171 0001
D00D0193 0004
800D0171 0000
104Go Invisable And Come Back To Normal9D00D0193 0010
8010C170 0001
D00D0193 0010
8010C170 0000
105Cheat Device Button To Activate Cheat Menu880C2132 0001
106Your Car Is Invisible801127A1 0001
107Unlock All Cheats50000E02 0000
810C20E8 0101
108Fog Level Modifier10800D1FA8 000?
109Wind Level Modifier118010D388 000?
110# Of Laps Modifier128010C0E3 00??
111Backwards Track Modifier1380119848 000?
112Mirror Track Modifier14800D0190 000?
113# Of Drones Modifier15800D5761 000?
114Difficulty Modifier168010C211 000?
115Checkpoint Modifier178010C17B 000?
116Death Mode Modifier188010BC98 000?
117Patched Big Tires All Cars50002C04 0000
800C0AC5 00FF
50002C04 0000
800C0BCD 00FF
118Taxi Accent Modifier19800C0F3A 00??
119Mt. Dew Main Color Modifier800C0EFB 00??
120Mt. Dew Accent Modifier800C0F3F 00??
121Rocket Engine All Cars50001601 0000
800C0C92 0004


The speed code propels you up to 1670 mph with a touch of a button. And the super brake stops you in your tracks even when going 1670 so it kind of gives you more control over this boost. Also when using the speed codes turn on invinsibility and jovian gravity because when you start off your car will explode if you don't have invincibility and if you don't have jovian gravity your car will start to come off of the ground because you are going so fast. Also put both the player one super speed and brake in one code and player two super speed codes in another code so that you will be able to use both of the effects at the same time. So you should have player one code and a player two code but you will have 1 player speed and brake under player one and player 2 speed and brake under player two.

To use the first player's super speed hit button R and to use the super brake hit C down.

2To use the second player's super speed hit up on the crosspad and to use the super brake hit down on the crosspad.
30 - Las Vegas
1 - New York Downtown
2 - Hawaii
3 - New York Uptown
4 - Alcatraz
5 - Los Angeles
6 - Seattle
7 - Half Pipe
8 - Crash
9 - Pipe
A - Midway
B - Stunt
400 - Pickup
01 - Compact
02 - Muscle Car
03 - Mobster
04 - Sedan
05 - Bandit
06 - Coupe
07 - Exotic
08 - Van
09 - Sportster
0A - Subcompact
0B - Concept
0C - Stallion
0D - Cruiser
0E - Stallion
0F - 4x4
10 - Taxi
11 - Hot Rod
12 - Formula
13 - Prototype
14 - Rocket
15 - Mtn Dew
5The Position Modifier's quantity digits start at 00 = 1st Place and go through 07 = 8th Place.
600 - Tiny
01-FE - Between Tiny/Gigantic
FF - Gigantic
70C - Black
0D - Red
0E - Green
0F - Blue
10 - Yellow
11 - White
12 - Orange
13 - Pink
8Press R to flip screen upside down. Press C-Down to return to normal.
9Press R to go invisable. Press c-down to return to normal.
101 - None
2 - Low
3 - Medium
4 - High
110 - None
1 - Low
2 - Medium
3 - High
4 - Very High
12Any # from 0 to 127 in Hex.
130 - Off
1 - On
140 - Off
1 - On
15Any # From 0 To 7
160 - Very Easy
1 - Easy
2 - Medium
3 - Hard
4 - Very Hard
5 - Extremely Hard
170 - Off
1 - On
180 - Off
1 - On
1900 - White
01 - Light Grey
02 - Dark Grey
03 - Black
04 - Pink
05 - Red
06 - Dark Red
07 - Darker Red
08 - Darkest Red
09 - Light Blue
0a - Blue
0b - Dark Blue
0c - Darker Blue
0d - Darkest Blue
0e - Light Green
0f - Green
10 - Dark Green
11 - Darker Green
12 - Light Turquoise
13 - Turquoise
14 - Dark Turquoise
15 - Hot Pink
16 - Light Purple
17 - Purple
18 - Dark Purple
19 - Darker Purple
1a - Yellow
1b - Yellow-Orange
1c - Orange
1d - Dark Orange
1e - Tan
1f - Brown

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 8, 34, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81
InterAct4, 5, 6, 7, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
Akumajr9, 10, 11
Zapdos12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101
Gold6400721, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
yhwh@c-zone.net35, 36
ghandi0@hotmail.com38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
jackbox55102, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
Robert Grim103, 104
ghandi0117, 118, 119, 120, 121