
Resident Evil 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1File Quantity Digits1N/A
2Character Quantity Digits2N/A
3Item Quantity Digits3N/A

100 - Chris's Diary
01 - Mail to Chris
02 - Memo to Leon
03 - Police Memorandum
04 - Operation Report 1
05 - Mail to The Chief
06 - Mail to The Chief (2)
07 - Secretary's Diary A
08 - Secretary's Diary B
09 - Operation Report 2
0A - User Registration
0B - Film A
0C - Film B
0D - Film C
0E - Patrol Report
0F - Watchman's Diary
10 - Chief's Diary
11 - Sewer Manager Diary
12 - Sewer Manager Fax
13 - Film D
14 - Vaccine Synthesis
15 - Lab Security Manual
16 - P-epsilon Report
17 - Rookie Files

When you use Sherry and equip a weapon, she floats off the ground so she is tall enough to use a weapon. The game thinks Sherry is Ada. Claire is glitchy when she uses a flamethrower. Other than that it works perfectly. Have fun with it!

00 - Leon Bloodied
01 - Claire
02 - Leon Bloodied With Side Pack
03 - Claire With Side Pack
04 - Leon Bloodied & Bandaged
05 - Claire No Vest
06 - Leon Bloodied & Bandaged With Side Pack
07 - Claire No Vest With Side Pack
08 - Leon In Special R.P.D. Outfit
09 - Claire In Special Purple Outfit
0A - Leon In Special Hippy Outfit
0B - Leon With His Vest Up To His Mouth?
0C - Hunk!
0D - Tofu
0E - Ada
0F - Sherry

Quantity Digits - Item - Equipped By

0101 - Knife - Hunk, Tofu, Leon, Claire
6302 - Handgun - Hunk, Tofu, Leon
6303 - Handgun Different - Ada, Hunk, Claire
6304 - Custom Handgun - Hunk, Leon
6305 - Magnum - Hunk, Leon
6306 - Custom Magnum - Hunk, Leon
6307 - Shotgun - Hunk, Leon
6308 - Custom Shotgun - Hunk, Leon
6309 - Grenade Launcher - Claire
630A - Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) - Claire
630B - Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) - Claire
630C - Bowgun - Claire
630D - Colt S.A.A. - Claire, Leon
630E - Spark Shot - Claire
630F - Sub Machine Gun - Leon
6310 - Flamethrower - Leon
6311 - Rocket Launcher - Claire, Leon
6312 - Gatling Gun - Claire, Leon
6313 - Machine Gun - ???
6314 - Handgun Bullets - N/A
6315 - Shotgun Shells - N/A
6316 - Magnum Bullets - N/A
6317 - Fuel - N/A
6318 - Grenade Rounds - N/A
6319 - Flame Rounds - N/A
631A - Acid Rounds - N/A
631B - Machine Gun Bullets - N/A
631C - S. Shot Bullets - N/A
631D - Bow Gun Bolts - N/A
631E - Ink Ribbon - N/A
001F - Small Key - N/A
0020 - Hand Gun Parts - N/A
0021 - Magnum Parts - N/A
0022 - Shotgun Parts - N/A
6323 - First Aid Spray - N/A
0024 - Chemical FR-W09 - N/A
0025 - Chemical AC-W24 - N/A
0026 - Green Herb - N/A
0027 - Red Herb - N/A
0028 - Blue Herb - N/A
0029 - Mixed Herb (Green) - N/A
002A - Mixed Herb (Red&Green) - N/A
002B - Mixed Herb (Blue&Green) - N/A
002C - Mixed Herb (?) - N/A
002D - Mixed Herb (?) - N/A
002E - Mixed Herb (?) - N/A
002F - Lighter - N/A
0030 - Lock Pick - N/A
0031 - Picture - N/A
0032 - Valve Handle - N/A
0033 - Red Jewel - N/A
0034 - Red Card Key - N/A
0035 - Blue Card Key - N/A
0036 - Serpent Stone - N/A
0037 - Jaguar Stone - N/A
0038 - Blue Stone - N/A
0039 - Blue Stone (?) - N/A
003A - Eagle Stone - N/A
003B - Bishop Plug - N/A
003C - Rook Plug - N/A
003D - Knight Plug - N/A
003E - King Plug - N/A
003F - W. Box Key - N/A
0040 - Detonator - N/A
0041 - Plastic Bomb - N/A
0042 - Bomb&Detonator - N/A
0043 - Crank - N/A
0044 - Film - N/A
0045 - Film (?) - N/A
0046 - Film (?) - N/A
0047 - Unicorn Medal - N/A
0048 - Eagle Medal - N/A
0049 - Wolf Medal - N/A
004A - G. Cogwheel - N/A
004B - Manhole Opener - N/A
004C - Main Fuse - N/A
004D - Fuse Case - N/A
004E - Vaccine - N/A
004F - Vaccine Cart. - N/A
0050 - Film - N/A
0051 - Base Vaccine - N/A
0052 - G-Virus - N/A
0053 - Special Key - N/A
0054 - Joint S Plug - N/A
0055 - Joint N Plug - N/A
0056 - Cord - N/A
0057 - Film - N/A
0058 - Cabin Key - N/A
0059 - Precinct Key (blue) - N/A
005A - Precinct Key (red) - N/A
005B - Precinct Key (?) - N/A
005C - Precinct Key (green) - N/A
005D - C. Panel Key (red) - N/A
005E - C. Panel Key (yellow) - N/A
005F - P. Room Key - N/A
0060 - MO Disk - N/A
0061 - Lab Card Key - N/A
0062 - Master Key - N/A
0063 - Platform Key - N/A
0064 - No Item - N/A
0065 - No Item - N/A
0066 - No Item - N/A
0067 - No Item - N/A
0068 - Chris's Diary - N/A
0069 - Mail to Chris - N/A
006A - Memo to Leon - N/A
006B - Police Memorandum - N/A
006C - Operation Report 1 - N/A
006D - Mail to the Chief - N/A
006E - Mail to the Chief (?) - N/A
006F - Secretary's Diary A - N/A
0070 - Secretary's Diary B - N/A
0071 - Operation Report 2 - N/A
0072 - User Registration - N/A
0073 - Film A - N/A
0074 - Film B - N/A
0075 - Film C - N/A
0076 - Patrol Report - N/A
0077 - Watchman's Diary - N/A
0078 - Chief's Diary - N/A
0079 - Sewer Manager Diary - N/A
007A - Sewer Manager Fax - N/A
007B - Film D - N/A
007C - Vaccine Synthesis - N/A
007D - Lab Security Manual - N/A
007E - P-Epsilon Report - N/A
007F - Rookie Files - N/A
0080 - Rookie Files (?) - N/A
0081 - No Item - N/A
0082 - Spade Key - N/A
0083 - Diamond Key - N/A
0084 - Desk Key - N/A
0085 - Heart Key - N/A
0086 - Club Key - N/A
0087 - Virgin Heart - N/A
0088 - Square Crank - N/A
0089 - Down Key - N/A
008A - Up Key - N/A
008B - Locker Key - N/A

N/A1, 3