
Quake II

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Hi-Rez Enable Code (Works With Or Without Code Gen)F0000319 0078
2Activator 1 P1D007A3C4 00??
3Activator 2 P1D007A3C5 00??
4Dual Activator P1D107A3C4 00??
5Activator 1 P1D007651C 00??
6Activator 2 P1D007651D 00??
716-Bit Activator P1D107651C ????
8Activator 1 P2D008EBFE 00??
9Activator 2 P2D008EBFF 00??
1016-Bit Activator P2D107A3CC ????
11Activator 1 P3D008EC04 00??
12Activator 2 P3D008EC05 00??
13Activator 1 P4D008EC0A 00??
14Activator 2 P4D008EC0B 00??
1516-Bit Activator P3D107A3D4 ????
1616-Bit Activator P4D107A3DC ????
Miscellaneous Codes
17P1 Frag Modifier1801857E7 00??
80185963 00??
18P2 Frag Modifier80185B4B 00??
80185CC7 00??
19P3 Frag Modifier80185EAF 00??
8018602B 00??
20P4 Frag Modifier80186213 00??
8018638F 00??
21Stop Time281085950 3F3B
22Crosshair Modifier380087AB7 000?
23Status Bar Modifier8008E4FF 000?
24Auto Center Modifier8008592F 000?
25Always Run Modifier800777A7 000?
26X Sensitivity Modifier81085A78 ????
27Y Sensitivity Modifier810A7D1C ????
28Rename Player 148007A410 00??
29Music Volume Modifier81064AD0 ????
30Sound FX Volume Modifier81064AD4 ????
31Stereo Modifier80064ADB 000?
32Brightness Modifier810644A0 ????
33Infinite Ammo800760FE 0002
34Enable New Textures800760FF 0080
35Enable Low Gravity In MP800760FE 0001
36Enable Low Gravity (MP) & Inf Ammo800760FE 0003
37Make Game EXTREMELY Fast (Press L)5D007A3C4 0020
81084B82 0971
38Game Never Goes Into Demo Mode (Main Menu)8107654A 0000
39Game Always In Demo Mode (Main Menu)8107654A 0384
40Cursor Position Modifier8007A977 000?
41Dark Guns & Characters8101ACA6 3C20
42Quick Level Restart (Press L+R)D007A3C4 0030
80084B8E 0063
43Quick Quit Game (Press L+R)D007A3C4 0030
80084B8E 0065
44All Guns, Items, and TONS of Ammo65000A001 0000
800A7D70 0011
45TONS of Armor7800A7D69 00FF
46Can't Shoot81047860 2400
47Never Lose Armor8102E124 2400
48Never Lose Shotgun Shells81047CFC 2400
81047F78 2400
49Never Lose Bullets (Machine Gun/Chaingun)810481CC 2400
8104852E 2400
50Never Lose Grenades810486E8 2400
51Never Lose Rockets810488C4 2400
52Never Lose Slugs (Railgun)81048C64 2400
53Never Lose Cells (Hyperblaster/BFG10K)81048AD8 2400
81048EB4 2400
54Everyone Takes x Damage Modifier (You AND Enemies)88102E6D0 0800
8102E6D2 0015
8102E6D4 8E02
8102E6D6 0204
81000054 0011
81000056 88??
81000058 0800
8100005A B9B6
8100005C 0051
8100005E 1023
55Infinite Health And Armor8104AD2C 0800
8104AD2E 0018
81000060 8E30
81000062 0068
81000064 241B
81000066 03E7
81000068 AE1B
8100006A 0030
8100006C 0801
8100006E 2B4D
81000070 AC9B
81000072 0204
56Infinite Health, Infinite Armor, and All Guns8104AD2C 0800
8104AD2E 0018
81000060 8E30
81000062 0068
81000064 241B
81000066 03E7
81000068 AE1B
8100006A 0030
8100006C AC9B
8100006E 0204
81000070 A219
81000072 004B
81000074 A219
81000076 004C
81000078 1000
8100007A 0005
8100007C A219
8100007E 0050
81000090 A219
81000092 0054
81000094 A219
81000096 0058
81000098 A219
8100009A 005C
8100009C A219
8100009E 0060
810000A0 A219
810000A2 0064
810000A4 0801
810000A6 2B4D
810000A8 A219
810000AA 0068
57Infinite Health, Infinite Armor, and All Guns - Patched8104AD2C 0800
8104AD2E 0018
81000060 8E30
81000062 0068
81000064 241B
81000066 03E7
81000068 AE1B
8100006A 0030
8100006C AC9B
8100006E 0204
81000070 A219
81000072 004B
81000074 A219
81000076 004C
81000078 1000
8100007A 0005
8100007C A219
8100007E 0050
50000504 0000
81000090 A219
50000504 0004
81000092 0054
810000A4 0801
810000A6 2B4D
810000A8 A219
810000AA 0068
58Infinite Health, Infinite Armor, All Guns, and Infinite Ammo8104AD2C 0800
8104AD2E 0018
81000060 8E30
81000062 0068
81000064 241B
81000066 03E7
81000068 AE1B
8100006A 0030
8100006C AC9B
8100006E 0204
81000070 A219
81000072 004B
81000074 A219
81000076 004C
81000078 1000
8100007A 0005
8100007C A219
8100007E 0050
81000090 A219
81000092 0054
81000094 A219
81000096 0058
81000098 A219
8100009A 005C
8100009C A219
8100009E 0060
810000A0 A219
810000A2 0064
810000A4 A219
810000A6 0068
810000A8 AE1B
810000AA 006C
810000AC AE1B
810000AE 0070
810000B0 AE1B
810000B2 0074
810000B4 AE1B
810000B6 0078
810000B8 AE1B
810000BA 007C
810000BC 0801
810000BE 2B4D
810000C0 AE1B
810000C2 0080
59Infinite Health, Infinite Armor, All Guns, and Infinite Ammo - Patched Version8104AD2C 0800
8104AD2E 0018
81000060 8E30
81000062 0068
81000064 241B
81000066 03E7
81000068 AE1B
8100006A 0030
8100006C AC9B
8100006E 0204
81000070 A219
81000072 004B
81000074 A219
81000076 004C
81000078 1000
8100007A 0005
8100007C A219
8100007E 0050
50000604 0000
81000090 A219
50000604 0004
81000092 0054
50000504 0000
810000A8 AE1B
50000504 0004
810000AA 006C
810000BC 0801
810000BE 2B4D
810000C0 AE1B
810000C2 0080

1For the second `Frag Modifier' code, set the frag count to one below the frag limit you set so one kill lets you win.
2This code will stop ALL time. It will stop enemies from moving, dying, particle effects, lifts from coming back down... nearly everything. It's best to put this one on an activator, so you can just pause the game and press a button to reset the timer.
30 - Off
1 - On
4Player One's name goes to 8007A414 00??.
5This code is fast. It's so fast that if you activate it in certain spots, you will go though walls! This is not neccessarily a good thing, because you usually fall in acid of some type.
6This code works for every level except the first level.
7This code works for every level except the first level.
840 - 2x damage
43 - 1/2 damage
80 - 4x damage

Animal & Parasyte1
Thunder22, 3, 4
Zapdos5, 6, 7, 21
Viper6668, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Studman Jr.17, 18, 19, 20
Goldenboy33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
Viper18746, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59