WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
This Game Requires A Version 3.0+ Cheat Device |
Use Diddy Kong Keycode |
Activators |
1 | Enable Code (Must Be On) | DE000400 0000 F103D8A0 2400 |
2 | Activator 1 | D00489E0 00?? |
3 | Activator 2 | D00489E1 00?? |
4 | Dual Activator P1 | D10489E0 00?? |
Main |
5 | Press L Button To Pull Mew Closer To Camera1 | D00489E1 0020 8118C890 4300 |
6 | Mew's Green Shield Modifier | 8034AE4B 000? |
7 | Mew's Yellow Shield Modifier | 8034AE4F 000? |
8 | Press L For Point Modifier For Size2 | D00489E1 00?? 81232E52 ???? |
9 | Press L For Fake Score Modifier | D00489E1 0020 81232E6A ???? |
10 | Press L For Fake Report Score Modifier3 | D00489E1 0020 81232F60 00?? D00489E1 0020 81232F62 ???? |
11 | Always Have 65535 Types Of Pokémon When Multiplying For The Score4 | 8024A1DB FFFF |
12 | Have All Levels | 810C2212 0006 |
13 | Have Apple | 803AE51F 0001 |
14 | Have Apple & Bomb | 803AE51F 0002 |
15 | Have Apple, Bomb & Flute | 803AE51F 0004 |
16 | Have Rocket Boost (R Button) | 803AE51F 0020 |
17 | Rapid-Fire Apples and PesterBalls | 80382CB7 0000 |
18 | Hide First Digit In Roll Of Film | 80388F5A 009D |
19 | See Entire Introduction Fully & Various In-Game Effects | 81049C7E 025A |
20 | Missing Polygons | 81049C7C FCF6 |
21 | Can't See Some Pokémon | 8120A2AC 453F |
22 | Dizzy Wold Modifier5 | 81040CFA ???? |
23 | Unlimited Film6 | 800AC0E3 0000 |
Stop Movement In Levels |
24 | Press L To Stop On Beach Level7 | D00489E1 0020 802020F5 0001 |
25 | Press L To Stop On Tunnel Level | D00489E1 0020 801DDC55 0001 |
26 | Press L To Stop On Volcano Level | D00489E1 0020 801FC5C5 0001 |
27 | Press L To Stop On River Level | D00489E1 0020 801EF96D 0001 |
28 | Press L To Stop On Cave Level | D00489E1 0020 80202225 0001 |
29 | Press L To Stop On Valley Level | D00489E1 0020 801D9ABD 0001 |
Options |
30 | Sound Modifier | 800E8375 000? |
31 | Control Stick Modifier | 800E8396 000? |
32 | Z-Button Switch Modifier | 800E8395 000? |
Notes |
1 | Use the code, then when you get Mew out of his ball, hold the L button and he should be right at the side of you! |
2 | With this code, you must press and hold the L Button from the time it says 'How's The Size?' and then after it shows your 'Total' has gone up, let go of the L Button. |
3 | With this code, you must press and hold this on the screen where says, 'No. of PKMN seen' & 'Report Score', and then after it shows the Report Score, let go of the L Button. |
4 | You MUST empty your roll of film, and each picture MUST have at least one Pokémon in it (it doesn't matter if it's in the center though). |
5 | 0943 - No Pokémon 0E44 - Pester/Mew's Pokéball Is Bigger |
6 | ...and to think that the game adds a number to this address to decrease the number of shots you have left on your roll of film...the code is not "perfect," since it decreases the number of shots left the first time you take a picture in a level, but it doesn't decrease after that. |
7 | For these `Press L To Stop On...' codes press start to start moving again. |
Credits |
Code Master | 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 |
Zapdos | 5 |
Zelda9782@aol.com | 6, 7, 18 |
Zuut Suit Ryan | 11 |
Crock (of shit) | 16 |
Kamek | 17 |
GSHQ | 19, 20, 21, 22 |
Icy Guy | 23 |
AntGalore | 30, 31, 32 |
Powered by Psycho Snake Script v5.0.0 - Anti-GSC Mod
Everything here is copryight my ass. That's right, my ass 0wnz j00!
© Anti-GSC 2005