
Paper Mario

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Requires Diddy Kong Keycode
1Enable Code (Must Be On)DE025C00 0000
F106C6B0 2400
2Activator 1 P1D00B0ED4 00??
3Activator 2 P1D00B0ED5 00??
4Dual Activator P1D10B0ED4 00??
5Boots Modifier18010F290 00??
6Hammer Modifier28010F291 00??
7Infinite HP8010F292 0032
8Max HP8010F293 0032
9Infinite FP8010F295 0032
10Max FP8010F296 0032
11Max BP8010F298 001E
12Level 278010F299 001B
13Infinite Coins8010F29C 03E7
14Max Star Pieces8010F29F 00A0
15Max Star Points38010F2A0 0063
16Have All Star Spirits48010F51E 0007
17Infinite Star Spirits8010F520 0007
18Glitchy Music8107817E 0268
19Stop Game Time8110F54E 0000
20Chuck Quizmo Quiz 100% Complete!8110F550 0040
8110F552 0040
8010F5BD 0040
800CCEB6 0040
800D90D2 0040
800DBED0 0040
21Max Star Pieces On Statistics Chart!8010F5BD 00A0
22Infinite BP5D12473EC 8223
812473EC 2403
D12473EE 0008
812473EE 7FFF
23All Badges Are Grayed Out, But You Can Still Equip Those You Normally CouldD12475EC 8108
812475EC 2400
24Move Available BP DisplayD1248430 2483
81248430 2400
25Disable Remaining BP BarD12484E0 8210
812484E0 2400
26All Badges650007302 0001
8110F344 00E0
8110F42A 0000
D00B0ED5 0020
8010F344 0001
27Infinite HP (Must Have Goombario)7D010F2AC 0001
8010F292 0063
28Max HP (Must Have Goombario)D010F2AC 0001
8010F293 0063
29Quick Level Gain8D210F2A0 0000
800DC0E8 0003
D010F2A0 0000
800DC0E8 0000
D00B0ED5 0010
8010F2A0 0001
Character Codes
30Have Goombario8010F2AC 0001
31Super Rank Goombario8010F2AD 0001
32Ultra Rank Goombario8010F2AD 0002
33Have Kooper8010F2B4 0001
34Super Rank Kooper8010F2B5 0001
35Ultra Rank Kooper8010F2B5 0002
36Have Bombette8010F2BC 0001
37Super Rank Bombette8010F2BD 0001
38Ultra Rank Bombette8010F2BD 0002
39Have Parakarry8010F2C4 0001
40Super Rank Parakarry8010F2C5 0001
41Ultra Rank Parakarry8010F2C5 0002
42Have Bow8010F2EC 0001
43Super Rank Bow8010F2ED 0001
44Ultra Rank Bow8010F2ED 0002
45Have Watt8010F2D4 0001
46Super Rank Watt8010F2D5 0001
47Ultra Rank Watt8010F2D5 0002
48Have Sushie8010F2DC 0001
49Super Rank Sushie8010F2DD 0001
50Ultra Rank Sushie8010F2DD 0002
51Have Lakilester8010F2E4 0001
52Super Rank Lakilester8010F2E4 0001
53Ultra Rank Lakilester8010F2E4 0002
54Have Goompa98010F2CC 0001
55Super Rank Goompa108010F2CD 0001
56Ultra Rank Goompa8010F2CD 0002
57Have Goombaria118010F2F4 0001
58Super Rank Goombaria8010F2F5 0001
59Ultra Rank Goombaria8010F2F5 0002
60Have Twink128010F2FC 0001
61Super Rank Twink8010F2FD 0001
62Ultra Rank Twink8010F2FD 0002
Statistics Codes
63Coins Earned Modifier8110F546 ????
64Number of Battles Modifier8110F532 ????
65Your First Strikes Modifier8110F52C ????
66Enemies' First Strikes Modifier8110F52E ????
67Total Power Bounces Modifier8110F530 ????
Minigame Codes
68Number of Times You've Played Jump Attack8110F5BE ????
69Coins Won In Jump Attack Modifier8110F5C2 ????
70Highest Score In Jump Attack Modifier8110F5C4 ????
71Number of Times You've Played Smash Attack8110F5C6 ????
72Coins Won In Smash Attack Modifier8110F5CA ????
73Highest Score In Smash Attack Modifier8110F5CC ????

100 - Boots
01 - Super Boots
02 - Ultra Boots
FF - None
200 - Hammer
01 - Super Hammer
02 - Ultra Hammer
FF - None
3If you use this code you'll level up in every battle that you get a Star Point in.
4Use the code on a New Game. Leave it on every time you play until you reach Chapter 8 or the effects will be removed.
5Finally, an Infinite BP code! Apparently the game doesn't keep remaining BP in memory, since all it needs to do is subtract total from all your badges. This code makes it read your total as 32,767 instead. You can change the false total by changing the last 4 digits, but keep in mind if this number minus the total BP cost of all your badges is zero or less, you still won't be able to equip any. Note also, the remaining BP display will show various crap, just ignore it. Similarly, badges you normally wouldn't have enough BP for will be grayed out, but you can equip them anyway. FInally, note the D1-codes. This game switches code in and out of the same area of memory a lot, so it's important to make sure we only modify the BP code and not some other stuff.
6This will give you all the badges including some beta/unused ones. If the Badges tab disappears, unpause the game, press L, pause again, select it, go to Active Badges and back to see your badges.
7This solves the first battle bug that occurrs if you have Infinite HP on at the start. The code won't take effect until you get Goombario. (You don't need to have him out.)
8With this code you level up once per battle (assuming you get SP from it). Basically as long as you have more than 0 SP, you'll gain SP until the counter reaches 0 (you level up). Afterward, press R to set the counter to 1 so the code can work again.
9You can only bring Goompa out during battle, but if you do you'll be stuck with him until you reach an event where you receive a new character. It's not recommended that you use this after getting Lakilester. Goompa can't attack.
10Super or Ultra Ranking Goompa, Goombaria, and Twink have no effect but the codes are listed for completeness.
11The text to bring out Goombaria will be found in battle. However, if you do pick her, the game will freeze.
12Twink can't attack.

Code Master1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 30, 33, 36, 39
Sax5, 6, 15, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62
Erik16, 17, 18, 19
TerretDust20, 21
HyperHacker22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Nick45, 48, 51, 57, 60
Mike63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73