WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
1 | Change "Felicity" To "Facility" | 80114EED 0061 80114EEE 0063 80114EF0 006C |
Rename Simulant Codes |
2 | Simulant 1 | 800AC538 00?? 800AC539 00?? 800AC53A 00?? 800AC53B 00?? 800AC53C 00?? 800AC53D 00?? 800AC53E 00?? 800AC53F 00?? 800AC540 00?? 800AC541 00?? 800AC542 00?? 800AC543 00?? 800AC544 00?? 800AC545 00?? 800AC546 00?? 800AC547 00?? |
3 | Simulant 2 | 800AC584 00?? 800AC585 00?? 800AC586 00?? 800AC587 00?? 800AC588 00?? 800AC589 00?? 800AC58A 00?? 800AC58B 00?? 800AC58C 00?? 800AC58D 00?? 800AC58E 00?? 800AC58F 00?? 800AC590 00?? 800AC591 00?? 800AC592 00?? 800AC593 00?? |
4 | Simulant 3 | 800AC5D0 00?? 800AC5D1 00?? 800AC5D2 00?? 800AC5D3 00?? 800AC5D4 00?? 800AC5D5 00?? 800AC5D6 00?? 800AC5D7 00?? 800AC5D8 00?? 800AC5D9 00?? 800AC5DA 00?? 800AC5DB 00?? 800AC5DC 00?? 800AC5DD 00?? 800AC5DE 00?? 800AC5DF 00?? |
5 | Simulant 4 | 800AC61C 00?? 800AC61D 00?? 800AC61E 00?? 800AC61F 00?? 800AC620 00?? 800AC621 00?? 800AC622 00?? 800AC623 00?? 800AC624 00?? 800AC635 00?? 800AC626 00?? 800AC627 00?? 800AC628 00?? 800AC629 00?? 800AC62A 00?? 800AC62B 00?? |
6 | Simulant 5 | 800AC668 00?? 800AC669 00?? 800AC66A 00?? 800AC66B 00?? 800AC66C 00?? 800AC66D 00?? 800AC66E 00?? 800AC66F 00?? 800AC670 00?? 800AC671 00?? 800AC672 00?? 800AC673 00?? 800AC674 00?? 800AC675 00?? 800AC676 00?? 800AC677 00?? |
7 | Simulant 6 | 800AC6B4 00?? 800AC6B5 00?? 800AC6B6 00?? 800AC6B7 00?? 800AC6B8 00?? 800AC6B9 00?? 800AC6BA 00?? 800AC6BB 00?? 800AC6BC 00?? 800AC6BD 00?? 800AC6BE 00?? 800AC6BF 00?? 800AC6C0 00?? 800AC6C1 00?? 800AC6C2 00?? 800AC6C2 00?? |
8 | Simulant 7 | 800AC700 00?? 800AC701 00?? 800AC702 00?? 800AC703 00?? 800AC704 00?? 800AC705 00?? 800AC706 00?? 800AC707 00?? 800AC708 00?? 800AC709 00?? 800AC70A 00?? 800AC70B 00?? 800AC70C 00?? 800AC70D 00?? 800AC70E 00?? 800AC70F 00?? |
9 | Simulant 8 | 800AC74C 00?? 800AC74D 00?? 800AC74E 00?? 800AC74F 00?? 800AC750 00?? 800AC751 00?? 800AC752 00?? 800AC753 00?? 800AC754 00?? 800AC755 00?? 800AC756 00?? 800AC757 00?? 800AC758 00?? 800AC759 00?? 800AC75A 00?? 800AC75B 00?? |
10 | Text Value List Viewer (View In Any Briefing)1 | 8109DFC8 xxxx |
11 | Briefing Text Modifier (To Right Of Objectives - Hi-Res)2 | 8109DFC8 XXXX |
12 | Briefing Text Modifier (To The Right Of Objectives - Hi-Res)3 | 8009DFC9 00XX |
olley has been shut down 43 Equipment cannot be checked in. |
Notes |
1 | 5204 - a 5205 - A 5206 - an 5207 - An 5208 - the 5209 - The 520A - ammo 520B - cartridge 520C - Magnum bullet 520D - Golden Bullet 520E - grenade 520F - Grenade Round 5210 - rocket 5211 - Homing Rocket 5212 - Remote Mine 5213- Proximity Mine 5214 - Timed Mine 5219 - Dart 5216 - N-Bombs 521A - sedatives 521B - Explosive Pen 521C - Explosive case 521D - flare 521E - piton 521F - of dynamite 5220 - stick 5221 - sticks 5222 - bug 5223 - micro camera 5224 - GoldenEye Key 5225 - token 5226 - plastique 5227 - Picked up a key. 5228 - Picked up a shield. 5229 - A shield 522A - Picked up something 522B - This door is locked. 522C - bolt 522D - orb 522E - reaper ammo 522F - cloaking device 5230 - boost pill 5231 - your 5232 - your 5239 - a 523A - A 523B - an 523C - An 523D - the 523E - The 5209 - ammo 520A - cartridge 520B - Magnum bullet 520C - Golden Bullet 520D - grenade 520E - Grenade Round 520F - rocket 5210 - Homing Rocket 5211 - Remote Mine 5212 - Proximity Mine 5213 - Timed Mine 5216 - Dart 5217 - N-Bombs 5218 - sedatives 5219 - Explosive Pen 521A - Explosive case 521B - flare 521C - piton 521D - of dynamite 521E - stick 521F - sticks 5220 - bug 5221 - micro camera 5222 - GoldenEye Key 5223 - token 5224 - plastique 5225 - Picked up a key. 5226 - Picked up a shield. 5227 - A shield 5228 - Picked up something 5229 - This door is locked. 522A - bolt 522B - orb 522C - reaper ammo 522D - cloaking device 522E - boost pill 522F - your 5230 - your 5400 - %shasthe.%s 5201 - %shasthe%s%s 5402 - %shasour.%s 5403 - Gotthe%s%s 5404 - You captured.the %s%s 5405 - %scaptured our.%s 5406 - %scaptured.the %s%s 5407 - Have a point for living! 5408 - You're supposed to look 5409 - after your friends! 540A - Well done! 540B - You popped a cap! 540C - Have 2 points... 540D - YOu are the victim! 540E - Protect %s! 540F - Get %s! 5410 - Download successful. 5411 - Connection broken 5412 - Starting download 5413 - You need to use the Data Uplink 5414 - King of the Hill! 5215 - We have the Hill! 5416 - %s has captured the Hill! 5216 - %ds/Point 5418 - 1 Point! 5419 - No Shield 541A - Automatics 541B - Rocket Launcher 541C - Simulants 541D - King of the Hill 541E - Complex Farsight 541F - Hold the Briefcase 5420 - Pistol one-hit kills 5421 - Capture the case 5422 - Cloaking 5423 - Temple Explosives 5424 - Slayer 5425 - Tranquilliser 5426 - Slow Motion 5427 - Press START 5428 - Paused 5429 - Custom 542A - Random 542B - Random Five 542C - Close Combat 542D - Proximity Mine 542E - Rocket Launcher 542F - Grenade Launcher 5430 - Explosive 5431 - Golden Magnum 5432 - Heavy 5433 - Tranquilliser 5434 - Farsight 5435 - Power 5436 - Automatics 5437 - Pistols 5438 - test 5439 - 4MB Test 543A - Nothing 543B - Shield 543C - Disabled 543D - Objectives Completed 543E - Unknown 543F - Missing 5440 - Damaged Controller Pak 5441 - is damage or 5442 - inserted incorrectly. 5443 - Attempt Repair 5444 - Retry 5445 - Continue without using the Controller Pak 5446 - Full Controller Pak 5447 - is to (sic) full to save note - 1 note and 28 pages are required to save. 5448 - Enter the Controller Pak menu to free some space 5449 - OK 544A - -------- 544B - Hurricane Fists 544C - Cloaking Device 544D - Invincible 544E - All Guns in Solo 544F - Unlimited Mode 5450 - Unlimited Ammo, No Reloads 5451 - Slo-mo Single Player 5452 - DK Mode 5453 - Trent's Magnum 5454 - Farsight 5455 - Small Jo 5456 - Small characters 5457 - Enemy Shields 5458 - Jo Shield 5459 - SUper Shield 545A - Classic Sight 545B - team heads only 545C - Play as Elvis 545D - Enemy Rockets 545E - Unlimited Ammo - Laptop Sentry Gun 545F - Marquis of Queensbury 5460 - Perfect Darkness 5461 - Pugilist 5462 - Hotshot 5463 - Hit and Run 5464 - Alien 5465 - R-Tracker/Weapons Cache Locations 5466 - Rocket Launcher 5467 - Sniper Rifle 5468 - X-Ray Scanner 5469 - Super Dragon 546A - Laptop Gun 546B - Phoenix 546C - Psychosis Gun 546D - PP9i 546E - CC13 546F - KL01313 5470 - KF7 Special 5471 - ZZT (9mm) 5473 - AR53 5474 - RC-P45 5475 - Velvet Dark 5476 - Fun 5477 - Gameplay 5478 - Weapons 5479 - Buddies 547A - Weapons for Jo in Solo 547B - Classic Weapons in Solo 547C - dataDyne Defection547D - dataDyne Extraction 547E - A51 Infiltration 547F - A51 - Rescue 5480 - A51 Escape 5481 - Difficulty 5482 - Cheat Solo Missions 5483 - Cheat Combat Simulator 5485 - Cheat Counter-Operative 5486 - Dishonoured 5487 - Cheated 5488 - Cheat Available 5489 - Complete 548A - for cheat: 548B - on 548C - in under 548D - or insert Game Boy Perfect Dark 548E - Select Cheat for info 548F - Buddy Available 5490 - WIn Golds in firing range to enable classic guns 5491 - Sight on Screen 5492 - Target 5493 - Zoom Range 5494 - Show Ammo 5495 - Gun Function5496 - Paintball 5497 - Subtitles 5498 - Mission time 5499 - Mode 549A - Split 549B - Do you want to abort the mission? 549C - Joanna Leather 549D - Joanna Negotiator 549E - Elvis (Waistcoat) 549F - Error 54A0 - Cannot delete file as it is being used 54A1 - Cancel 54A2 - Time Limit: 54A3 - Score Limit: 54A4 - Team Score Limit: 54A5 - Challenge Completed! 54A6 - Challenge Failed! 54A7 - Challenge Cheated! 54A8 - Cutscene SUbtitles 54A9 - In-game SubtitleS 54AA - Alternate Title Screen 54AB - Start Challenge 54AC - dataDyne Investiongation 54AD - Error 54AE - The Controller Pak has been removed. 54AF - Attempt Repair 54B0 - Are you sure you want to attempt repair of 54B1 - Data may be lost! 54B2 - Cancel 54B3 - Repair 54B4 - Repair Successful 54B5 - The Controller Pak has been repaired 54B6 - Repair failed 54B7 - The Controller Pak cannot be repaired 54B8 - Player Handicaps 54B9 - L/R Buttons: 54BA - UP C BUTTONS: 54BB - LEFT/RIGHT C BUTTONS: 54BC - DOWN C BUTTONS: 54BD - A BUTTON: 54BE - B BUTTON: 54BF - CONTROL STICK: 54C0 - Z BUTTON: 54C1 - + CONTROL PAD: 54C2 - AIM 54C3 - AIM TOGGLE 54C4 - LOOK UP 54C5 - LOOK DOWN 54C6 - LOOK DOWN 54C7 - LOOK UP 54C8 - FORWARDS 54C9 - BACKWARDS 54CA - STRAFE 54CB - WEAPON 54CC - ACTION/RELOAD 54CD - FIRE 54CE - WALK/TURN54CF - LOOK 54D0 - WALK/STRAFE 54D1 - LOOK/STRAFE 54D2 - AS C BUTTONS 54D3 - Controller 1: 54D4 - Controller 2: 54D5 - COntrol Style %s %s 54D6 - (One - Handed) 54D7 - (Two - Handed) 54D8 - Hold weapon button for quick menu, Hold action button to toggle function 54D9 - Turn off all Cheats 54DA - Language filter 54DB - USERNAME: 54DC - PASSWORD: 54DD - Perfect Dark 54DE - Choose Settings 54DF - Enemy Reaction Speed: 54E0 - Enemy Health: 54E1 - Enemy Damage: 54E2 - Enemy Accuracy: 54E3 - OK 54E4 - Cancel 54E5 - Controller Pak not found 54E6 - Name: 54E7 - Location: 54E8 - Duplicate File Name 54E9 - Already contains 54EA - a file named 54EB - Rename file 54EC- change location 54ED - Cancel 54EE - Change File Name 54EF - Enter new file name: 54F0 - The file you are copying cannot be deleted. 54F1 - Shocksim: %d 54F2 - Target Time: 54F3 - New Cheat Available!: 54F4 - Continue 54F5 - Replay last level 54F6 - Save player 54F7 - Save new player and statistics? 54F8 - Save now 54F9 - No Thanks! 54FA - Confirm player name: 54FB - The file has been erased due 54FC - Continue 54FD - Error 54FE - Cannot read game boy pak. Check connections and make sure the game is inserted correctly. 54FF - Cancel 5500 - Error 5501 - The save data has 5502 - been erased due to 5503 - corruption or damage. 5504 - Cancel 5600 - Complete 5601 - Incomplete 5602 - Failed 5605 - earth: 5606 - prehistory5608 - Red 5609 - Yellow 560A - Blue 560B - Magenta 560C -Cyan 560D - Orange 560E - Pink 560F - Brown 5610 - Joanna Combat 5611 - Joanna Trench Coat 5612 - Joanna Party Frock 5613 - Joanna Frock (Ripped) 5614 - Joanna Stewardess 5615 - Joanna Wet Suit 5616 - Joanna Aqualung 5617 - Joanna Arctic 5618 - Joanna Lab Tech. 5619 - Elvis 561A - Maian 561B - Daniel Carrington 561C - Carrington Evening Wear 561D - Mr. Blonde 561E - Cassandra De Vries 561F - Trent Easton 5620 - Jonathan 5621 - CI Male Lab Technician 5622 - CI Female Lab Technician 5623 - CI Soldier 5624 - dataDyne Shock Trooper 5625 - dataDyne Female Guard 5626 - dataDyne Security5627 - dataDyne Infantry 5628 - dataDyne Trooper 5629 - Secretary 562A - Office Suit 562B - Office Casual 562C - Negotiator 562D - dataDyne Sniper 562E - G5 Guard 562F - G5 SWAT Guard 5630 - CIA Agent 5631 - FBI Agent 5632 - Area 51 guard
5633 - Area 51 Trooper 5634 - Pilot 5635 - Overalls 5637 - Male Lab Technician 5638 - Female Lab Technician 5639 - dataDyne Lab Technicians 563A - Biotechnician 563B - Alaskan Guard 563C - Air Force One Pilot 563D - Steward 563E - Stewardess 563F - Head Stewardess 5640 - The President 5641 - NSA Lackey 5642 - Presidential Security 5643 - President's Clone 5644 - Pelagic II Guard 5645 - Maian Soldier 5646 - Dinner Jacket 5647 - - NO controller in controller sockets - 5648 - Please power off and attach a controller 5649 - DETECTED 564A - NOT DETECTED 564B - tm 564C - N64 EXPANSION PAK 564D - Nintendo 64 Product identification564E - Product ID: 564F - Product Code: 5650 - Variant: 5651 - Developer: 5652 - Perfect Dark 5653 - NUS-NPDE-USA 5654 - PAL Version 8.7 Final 5655 - Rare LTD. (Twycross) 5656 - Copyright Rare LTD. 2000 5677 - 5659 - Part of the text belonging to the same screen as words from above 565A - 565C - nothing 565D - Rare designs on the future<<< 565E - Published by Rareware 565F - Perfect Dark 5660 - Choose your reality 5661 - New... 5662- New Agents... 5663 - Game Files 5664 - Copy: 5665 - Delete: 5666 - Delete game notes... 5667 - Single Player Agent File 5668 - Combat Simulator Settings File 5669 - Combat Simulator Player File 566A - PerfectHead Files 566B - Controller Pak Menu 566C - Use this menu to delete notes from you Controller Paks. 566D - Choose Controller Pak to edit:566E - Exit 566F - Gamepak5670 - Controller Pak 1 5671 - Controller Pak 2 5672 - Controller Pak 3 5673 - Controller Pak 4 5674 - Perfect Menu 5675 - Solo Missions 5676 - Combat Simulator 5677 - Co-Operative 5678 - Counter-Operative 5679 - Cinema 567A - Mission Select 567B - 5683 Mission 1 = Mission 9 5684 - Special Assignments 5685 - dataDyne Central 5686 - -Defection5687 - dataDyne Research 5688 - Investigation 5689 - dataDyne Central 568A - - Extraction 568B - Carrington Villa 568C - - Hostage One 568D - Chicago 568E - - Stealth 568F - G5 Building 5690 - - Reconnaissance 5691 - Area 51 5692 - - Infiltration 5693 - Area 51 5694 - - Rescue 5695 - Area 51 5696 - - Escape 5697 - Air Base 5698 - - Espionage 5699 - Air Force One 569A - - Antiterrorism 569B - Crash Site 569C - - Confrontation 569D - Pelagic II 569E - - Exploration 569F - Deep Sea 56A0 - - Nullify Threat 56A1 - Carrington Institute 56A2 - - Defence 56A3 - Attack Ship 56A4 - - Covert Assault 56A5 - Skedar Ruins 56A6 - - Battle Shrine 56A7 - Mr. Blonde's Revenge 56A8 - Maian SOS 56A9 - Retaking The Institue 56AA - WAR! 56AB - Duel 56AC - Status 56AD - Abort! 56AE - Warning 56AF - Do you want to abort the mission? 56B0 - Cancel 56B1 - Abort 56B2 - Inventory 56B3 - Weapons Available 56B4 - Options 56B5 - Audio56B7 - Control 56B8 - Display 56B9 - Cheats56BA - Save Game 56BB - Change Agent... 56BC - Warning 56BD - Do you want to load another Agent? 56BE - Yes 56BF - No 56C0 - Control Options 56C1 - Control Player 2 56C2 - Control Style 56C3 - Reverse Pitch 56C4 - Look Ahead 56C5 - Head Roll 56C6 - Auto-Aim 56C7 - Aim Control 56C8 - Back 56C9 - Hold 56CA - Trigger 56CB - Display Options 56CC - Display Player 2 56CD - Sight on Screen 56CE - Always show target 56CF - Always show target 56D0 - Ammo on Screen 56D1 - Show gun function 56D2 - Paintball 56D3 - Subtitles 56D4 - Show mission time 56D5 - Back 56D6 - Video Options 56D7 - Screen Size 56D8 - Ratio 56D9 - Hi-res 56DA - 2-Player Split Screen 56DB - Back 56DC - Full 56DD - Wide 56DE - Cinema 56DF - Normal 56E0 - 16:9 56E1 - Horizontal 56E2 - Vertical 56E3 - Audio Options 56E4 - Sound 56E5 - Music 56E6 - Sound Mode 56E7 - Back 56E8 - Mono 56E9 - Stereo 56EA - Headphone 56EB - Surround 56EC - Control 56ED - Single 56EE - Double 56EF - 56F2 - 1.1 - 1.4 56F3 - 56F6 - 2.1 - 2.4 Briefing 56F8 - Select Difficulty 56F9 - Difficulty 56FA - Best Time 56FB - Agent 56FC - Special Agent 56FD - Perfect Agent 56FE - Cancel 56FF - Co-Operative Options 5700 - Radar on 5701 - Friendly fire 5702 - Perfect Buddy 5703 - Continue 5704 - Cancel 5705 - Human 5706 - 5709 - 1 Simulant - 4 Simulants 570A - Counter-Op options 570B - Radar On 570C - Counter-Operative 570D - Continue 570E - Cancel 570F - Player 1 5710 - Player 2 5711 - Overview 5712 - Accept 5713 - Decline 5714 - Completed 5715 - Failed 5716 - Mission Status 5717 - Agent Status: 5718 - Mission Time: 5719 - Weapon of Choice 571A - Kills: 571B - Accuracy: 571C - Shot total: 571D - Head shots 571E - Body Shots: 571F - Limb Shots: 5720 - Others: 5721 - Press START 5722 - Deceased 5723 - Active 5724 - Disfavoured 5725 - Failed 5726 - Completed 5727 - Aborted 5728 - Retry 5729 - Next Mission 572A - Accept 572B - Decline 572C - Objectives 572D - Press START 572E - Small but Perfect Menu 572F - COmbat SImulator 5730 - Training 5731 - Audio/Video 5732 - Change Agent 5733 - Audio/Visual 5734 - Sound 5735 - Music 5736 - Sound Mode 5737 - Ratio 5738 - Back 5739 - NOTHING 573A - DEL 573B - CAPS 573C - CANCEL 573D - OK 573E - Combat Simulator Heads 573F - Mission Heads 5740 - Error 5741 - Cancel 5742 - The COntroller Pak was not found 5743 - File was not saved 5744 - File would not load 5745 - Could not delete the file 5746 - Out of memory 5747 - This player is already loaded for this game 5748 - has been removed 5749 - Controller Pak is damage or incorrupt 574A - game note delete failed 574B - error loading game 574C - Error Saving game 574D - Error Loading player 574E - Error saving player 574F - Error loading PerfectHead 5750 - Error saving PerfectHead 5751 - Error reading file 5752 - Error writing file 5753 - Error 5754 - Delete failed 5755 - Could not delete the file. 5756 - - Check that the Controller Pak is inserted correctly 5757 - Cancel 5758 - there is no space 5759 - Cool! 575A - File saved. 575B - OK 575C - An error occurred while trying to save. 575D - Try again 575E - save elsewhere 575F - Cancel 5760 - An error occured while trying to load. 5761 - Try again 5762 - Cancel 5763 - No space for Head 5764 - Choose a Head to load over: 5765 - OK 5766 - Cancel 5767 - Save 5768 - Would you like to save your file else where? 5769 - Yes 576A - No 576B - Please insert your Controller Pak containing your saved files 576C - Please insert the Controller Pak 576D - OK 576E - Cancel 576F - Select Location 5770 - Where 5771 - Spaces 5772 - Delete files... 5773 - Cancel 5774 - Full 5775 - Copy File 5776 - Select a file to copy: 5777 - Press B to exit 5778 - Delete file 5779 - Select a file to delete 577A - Press B to exit. 577B - Warning 577C - Are you sure you want to delete this file? 577D - Cancel 577E - OK 577F - Delete game note 5780 - Are you sure you want to delete 5781 - No 5782 - Yes 5783 - Game notes 5784 - Delete game notes: 5785 - Note 5786 - Pages 5787 - Press the B button to exit 5788 - Empty 5789 - -- 578A - Pages free: 578B - Pages free: %d 578C - Pages used: 578D - Pages used: %d 578E - Perfect Dark note already exists on this Controller Pak 578F - there is not enough space for Perfect Dark not 5790 - Controller Pak is too full to save and 28 pages required to save to Controller Pak 5791 - Enter Agent Name 5792 - New... 5793 - New Agent... 5794 - New Recruit 5795 - Mission time: 5796 - 57B3 - Challenge 1 - Challenge 3057B4 - Special 57B5 - Intro 57B6 - Mission 1: dataDyne central 57B7 - Mission 2 - carrington Villa 57B8 - Mission 3 - G5 Building 57B9 - Mission 4 - Area 51 57BA - Mission 5 - Air Force One 57BB - Mission 6 - Pelagic II 57BC - Mission 7 - Defence 57BD - Mission 8 -Attack Ship 578E - Mission 9 - Skedar Ruins 57BF - Finale 57C0 - Play All 57C1 - Intro 57C2 - 1:1 Intro - Enter the Dark 57C3 - 1:1 Outro - Descent into the Depths 57C4 - 1:2 Intro - Going Down 57C5 - 1:2 Outro - Meet the Doctor 57C6 - 1:3 Intro - Lights Out 57C7 - 1:3 Outro - Going Somewhere? 57C8 - 2:1 Intro - Negotiate This! 57C9 - 2:1 Intro 2 - Life on the Line 57CA - 2:1 Outro - Carrington Rescued 57CB - 3:1 Intro - Dark Alley 57CC - 3:1 Outro - G5 Penetrated 57CD - 3:2 Intro - Guns 'n' Poses 57CE - 3:2 Special - Conspiracy 57CF - 3:2 Outro - fire Escape 57D0 - 4:1 Intro - Video Nasty 57D1 - 4:1 Outro - Loose Ends 57D2 - 4:2 Intro - Pearls of Wisdom 57D3 - 4:2 Outro - Under the Knife 57D4 - 4:3 Intro - Gas! 57D5 - 4:3 Special - Elvis Wakes Up 57D6 - 4:3 Outro - Escape 57D7 - 5:1 Intro - High Altitude 57D8 - 5:1 Outro - Takeoff 57D9 - 5:2 Intro - Last Chance 57DA - 5:2 Special - Docking 57DB - 5:2 Outro - Out of Options 57DC - 5:3 Intro - Red Horizons 57DD - 5:3 Outro - Blonde Freak 57DE - 6:1 Intro - Sneak on Board 57DF - 6:1 Outro - Descent Into the Depths 57E0 - 6:2 Intro - Deeper Inside 57E1 - 6:2 Special - Virus! 57E2 - 6:2 Outro - Pulling Out 57E3 - 7:1 Intro - Victory Salute 57E4 - 7:1 Outro - Dash For Freedom 57E5 - 8:1 Intro - Snatched! 57E6 - 8:1 Outro - Heading for Trouble 57E7 - 9:1 Intro - Air of Calm 57E8 - 9:1 Outro - Gotcha! 57E9 - End Sequence 57EA - Cinema 57EB - Cloak %d 57EC - Pick target 57ED - Kills Score 4C01 - Kill Count 4C02 - Died Once 4C03 - Died 4C04 - Times 4C05 - Suicide Count 4C06 - Unarmed 4C07 - Falcon 2 4C08 - Falcon 2 (Silencer) 4C09 - Falcon 2 (Scope) 4C0A - MagSec 4 4C0B - Mauler 4C0C - DY357 Magnum 4C0D - DY357-LX 4C0E - Phoenix 4C0F - CMP150 4C10 - AR34 4C11 - Dragon 4C12 - SuperDragon 4C13 - K7 Avenger 4C14 - Cyclone 4C15 - MagSec SMG 4C16 - RC-P120 4C17 - Callisto NTG 4C18 - Laptop Gun 4C19 - Shotgun 4C1A - Reaper 4C1B - Rocket Launcher 4C1C - Devestator 4C1D - Slayer 4C1E - Maian Grenade 4C1F - Farsight XR-20 4C20 - Sniper Rifle 4C21 - Crossbow 4C22 - Tranquillizer 4C23 - Combat Knife 4C24 - Grenade 4C25 - N-Bomb 4C26 - Timed Mine 4C27 - Proximity Mine 4C28 - Remote Mine 4C29 - ECM Mine 4C2A - Flashbang 4C2B - Disguie 4C2C - Rocket 4C2D - Homing Rocket 4C2E - Grenade Round 4C2F - Laser 4C30 - Bolt 4C31 - Psychosis Gun 4C32 - PP9i 4C33 - CC13 4C34 - KLO1313 4C35 - KF7 Special 4C36 - ZZT (9mm) 4C37 - DMC 4C38 - AR53 4C39 - RC-P45 4C3A - Tester 4C3B - Night Vision 4C3C - Camspy 4C3D - Drugspy 4C3E - Bombspy 4C3F - Door Decoder 4C40 - Explosives 4C41 - X-Ray Scanner 4C42 - Alien Medpack 4C43 - Suitcae 4C44 - Disguise 4C45 - IR Scanner 4C46 - R-Tracker 4C47 - Briefcase 4C48 - Suicide Pill 4C49 - Cloaking Device 4C4A - Combat Boost 4C4B - Data Uplink 4C4C - Horizon Scanner 4C4D - Falcon 2 (s) 4C4E - Falcon 2 (+) 4C4F - Farsight 4C50 - R-Launcher 4C51 - Proxy Mines 4C52 - Psychosis 4C53 - Knife 4C54 - DY357 4C55 - Single Shot 4C56 - Rapid Fire 4C57 - Burst Fire 4C58 - Reapage 4C59 - Shotgun Fire 4C5A - Rail-Gun Effect 4C5B - Rocket Launcher 4C5C - Targeted Rocket 4C5D - Fly-by-wire Rocket 4C5E - Pistol Whip 4C5F - Explosive Shells 4C60 - Guided Shots 4C61 - Magazine Discharge 4C62 - Grenade Launcher 4C63 - Wall Hugger 4C64 - Punch 4C65 - Disarm 4C66 - Follow Lock-on 4C67 - Use Scope 4C68 - Half Magazine Discharge 4C69 - Double Blast 4C6A - Grinder 4C6B - Sedate 4C6C - Lethal Injection 4C6E - Knife Slash 4C6F - Target Locator 4C70 - Instant Kill 4C71 - Boost 4C72 - Revert 4C73 - High Impact Shells 4C74 - Cloak 4C75 - Deploy as Sentry Gun 4C76 - Proximity Self-Destruct 4C77 - Threat Detector 4C78 - Timed Explosive 4C79 - Proximity Explosive 4C7A - Remote Explosive 4C7B - Detonate 4C7C - 4-Second Fuse 4C7D - Proximity Pinball 4C7E - Timed Detonation 4C7F - Proximity Detonation 4C80 - 3-Round Burst 4C81 - Charge-up Shot 4C82 - Crouch 4C83 - Infect 4C84 - Pulse Fire 4C85 - Short Range Stream 4C86 - Impact Detonation 4C87 - Light Amplifier 4C88 - Mobile Camera 4C89 - X-Ray Vision 4C8A - Thermal Imager 4C8B - Zoom 4C8C - Jamming Device 4C8D - Connect 4C8E - Identify Target 4C8F - Wear Disguise 4C90 - Place Explosives 4C91 - Telescopic Sight 4C92 - Silencer 4C93 - Magazine Extension 4C94 - Laser Sight 4C95 - dataDyne 4C96 - Carrington 4C97 - Chesluk Industries 4C98 - Skedar 4C99 - Maian 4C9A - Jones Corp 4C9B - Unarmed Description 4C9C - Falcon 2 Description 4C9D - Falcon 2 Silencer Description 4C9E - Falcon 2 Scope Description 4C9F - Magsec 4 Description 4CA0 - Mauler Description 4CA1 - DY357 Description 4CA2 - DY357-LX Description 4CA3 - Phoenix Description 4CA4 - CMP150 Description 4CA5 - AR32 Description 4CA6 - Dragon Description 4CA7 - SuperDragon Description 4CA8 - K7 Avenger Description 4CA9 - Cyclone Description 4CAA - RC-P120 Description 4CAB - Callisto NTG Description 4CAC - Laptop Gun Description 4CAD - Shotgun Description 4CAE - Reaper Description 4CAF - Rocket Launcher Description 4CB0 - Devastator Description 4CB1 - Slayer Description 4CB2 - FarSight XR-20 Description 4CB3 - Sniper Rifle Description 4CB4 - Crossbow Description 4CB5 - Tranquilizer Description 4CB6 - Combat Knife Description 4CB7 - Grenade Description 4CB8 - N-Bomb Description 4CB9 - Timed Mine Description 4CBA - Proximity Mine Description 4CBC - FCM Mine Description 4CBD - Laser Description 4CBE - Combat Boost Description 4CBF - Night Vision Description 4CC0 - CamSpy Description 4CC1 - X-Ray Scanner Description 4CC2 - IR Scanner Description 4CC3 - Cloaking Device Description 4CC4 - Horizon Scanner Description 4CC5 - Data Uplink Description 4CC6 - R-Tracker Description 4CC7 - Presidential Scanner Description 4CC8 - Door Decoder Description 4CC9 - Alien Medpak Description 4CCA - Explosives Description 4CCB - Skedar Bomb Description 4CCC - Comms. Rider Description 4CCD - Tracer Bug Description 4CCE - Target Amplifier Description 4CCF - Flight Plans Description 4CD0 - Information Discs from Pelagic II Description 4CD1 - Dr. Caroll's Backup Disc Description 4CD2 - Psychosis Gun Description 4CD3 - Disguise Description 4CD4 - PROXY 4CD5 - TIMED 4CD6 - REMOTE 4CD7 - AUTOGUN 4CD8 - IMPACT 4CD9 - Big King Rocket 4CDA - Data Uplink 4CDB - President Scanner 4CDC - AutoSurgeon 4CDD - Skedar Bombs 4CDE - Comms Rider 4CDF - Tracer Bug 4CE0 - Target Amplifier 4CE1 - Flight Plans 4CE2 - Research Tape 4CE3 - Backup Disk 4CE4 - Keycard 4CE5 - Briefcase 4CE6 - Necklace 4CE7 - PresidentScan 4CE8 - Boost 4CE9 - XRayScan 4CEA - HorizonScan 4CEB - Target Amp 4CEC - BombSpy Description 4CED - DrugSpy Description 4CEE - Cassandra De Vries necklace Description 4CEF - Cassandra De Vries replacement necklace. Username: %s Password: %s 4CF0 - Shield 4CF1 - Shield Description 4CF2 - Combat Boosts 4CF3 - Data Uplink 4CF4 - Night Vision 4CF5 - Door Decoder 4CF6 - Suicide Pill 4CF7 - Tranquilizer 4CF8 - AutoSurgeon 4CF9 - Backup Disk 4CFA - Disguise 4CFB - Laptop Gun 4CFC - Remote Mine 4CFD - Shotgun 4CFE - Sniper Rifle 4CFF - Timed Mine 5000 - Most Suicidal 5001 - Who Needs Ammo? 5002 - Least Shielded 5003 - Best Protected 5004 - Marksmanship 5005 - Most Professional 5006 - Most Deadly 5007 - Most Harmless 5008 - Most Cowardly 5009 - Most Frantic 500A - Most Honorable 500B - Most Dishonorable 500C - Shortest Life 500D - Longest Life 500E - Double Kill 500F - Triple Kill 5010 - Quad Kill 5011 - Game Setup 5012 - Load Settings 5013 - Scenario 5014 - Arena 5015 - Options 5016 - Teams 5017 - Weapons 5018 - Limits 5019 - Simulants 501A - Save settings 501B - Abort Game 501C - Player Setup 501D - Load Player 501E - Name 501F - Character 5020 - Handicap 5021 - COntrol 5022 - Player Options 5023 - Statistics 5024 - Start Game 5025 - Drop Out 5026 - Save Player 5027 - Save Copy of Player 5028 - Stuff 5029 - Soundtrack 502A - Team Names 502B - Ratio 502C - Lock 502D - None 502E - Last Winner 502F - Last Loser 5030 - Random 5031 - Challenge 5032 - Combat Challenges 5033 - Abort Challenges 5034 - Abort 5035 - Are you sure you want to abort the game? 5036 - Abort 5037 - Cancel 5038 - %s 5039 - Accept 503A - Cancel 503B - Team Names 503C - Back 503D - Change Team Names 503E - Soundtrack 503F - Current: 5040 - Multiple Tunes 5041 - Back 5042 - Multiple Tunes 5043 - Random 5044 - Select Tunes 5045 - Select Tunes 5046 - Team Control 5047 - Teams enabled 5048 - Teams 5049 - Auto team... 504A - Back 504B - Auto Team 504C - Two teams 504D - Three teams 504E - Four Teams 504F - Maximum temas 5050 - Humans vs. Simulants 5051 - Human-Simulant Pairs 5052 - Cancel 5053 - Simulants 5054 - Add Simulant 5055 - 1: 5056 - 2: 5057 - 3: 5058 - 4: 5059 - 5: 505A - 6: 505B - 7: 505C - 8: 505D - Clear All 505E - Back 505F - Difficulty 5060 - Change Type 5061 - Character... 5062 - Delete Simulant 5063 - Back 5064 - Simulant Character 5065 - Add Simulant 5066 - Change Simulant 5067 - Normal Simulants 5068 - Special Simulants 5069 - Ready! 506A - ...And Waiting 506B - Limits 506C - Time 506D - Score 506E - Restore Defaults 506F - Back 5070 - No Limit 5071 - %d 5072 - %d Min 5073 - Arena 5074 - Dark 5075 - Classic 5076 - Random 5077 - Skedar 5078 - Pipes 5079 - Ravine 507A - G5 Building 507B - Sewers 507C - Warehouse 507D - Grid 507E - Ruins 507F - Area 52 5080 - Base 5081 - Rooftop 5082 - Fortress 5083 - Villa 5084 - Car Park 5085 - Temple 5086 - Complex 5087 - Felicity 5088 - Random 5089 - Load Player 508A - B Button to cancel 508B - Load Game Settings 508C - Scenario: %s Arena: %s Simulants: %d 508D - Presets 508e - Player Name 508F - Character 5090 - Load Head... 5091 - Stats for %s 5092 - Kills: 5093 - Deaths: 5094 - Accuracy: 5095 - Headshots 5096 - Ammo Used: 5097 - Damage Dealt: 5098 - Pain Received 5099 - Games Played 509A - Games Won: 509B - Games Lost: 509C - Time: 509D - Distance 509E - Medals Won: 509F - Accuracy: 50A0 - Head Shot: 50A1 - Killmaster: 50A2 - Survivor: 50A3 - Your Title: 50A4 - Back 50A5 - Completed Challenges 50A6 - Back 50A7 - Options 50A8 - Highlight Pickups 50A9 - Highlight Players 50AA - Highlight Teams 50AB - Radar 50AC - Back 50AD - Weapons 50AE - Set: 50AF - Current Weapons Setup: 50B0 - 1: 50B1 - 2: 50B2 - 3: 50B3 - 4: 50B4 - 5: 50B5 - 6: 50B6 - Back 50B7 - Save Game Setup 50B8 - Do you want to save over your original game? 50B9 - Save over original 50BA - Save Copy 50BB - Do not save 50BC - Game file name 50BD - Enter a name for your game setup file: 50BE - Confirm 50BF - Your player file is always saved 50C0 - Save a copy now? 50C1 - No 50C2 - Yes 50C3 - Drop out 50C4 - Are you sure you want to drop out? 50C5 - Drop out 50C6 - Cancel 50C7 - Control 50C8 - Control Style 50C9 - Reverse Pitch 50CA - Look Ahead 50CB - Head Roll 50CC - Auto-aim 50CD - Aim Control 50CE - Sight on Screen 50CF - Show Target 50D0 - Zoom Range 50D1 - Ammo on Screen 50D2 - Gun Function 50D3 - Paintball 50D4 - Back 50D5 - Hold 50D6 - Toggle 50D7 - Combat Options 50D8 - Briefcase Options 50D9 - Hacker Options 50DA - Pop a Cap Options 50DB - Hill Options 50DC - Capture Options 50DD - Boxes Options 50DE - One-Hit Kills 50DF - Slow Motion 50E0 - Fast Movement 50E1 - Display Team 50E2 - No Radar 50E3 - No AUto-aim 50E4 - No Player Highlight 50E5 - No Pickup Highlight 50E6 - Highlight Target 50E7 - Highlight Terminal 50E8 - Boxes on radar 50E9 - Hill on Radar 50EA - Mobile Hill 50EB - Time 50EC - Show on Radar 50ED - Highlight Briefcase 50EE - Show on Radar 50EF - Back 50F0 - Off 50F1 - On 50F2 - Smart 50F3 - Scenario 50F4 - Free for All 50F5 - Teamwork - 50F6 - Combat 50F7 - Hold the Briefcase 50F8 - Hacker Central 50F9 - Pop a Cap 50FA - King of the Hill 50FB - Capture the Case 50FC - Touch that Box 50FD - Combat 50FE - Briefcase 50FF - Hacker 5100 - Pop 5101 - Hill 5102 - Capture 5103 - Boxes 5104 - Game Over 5105 - Title: 5106 - Weapon of Choice: 5107 - Awards 5108 - 1st 5109 - 2nd 510A - 3rd 510B - 4th 510C - 5th 510D - 6th 510E - 7th 510F - 8th 5110 - 9th 5111 - 10th 5112 - 11th 5113 - 12th 5114 - Player Ranking 5115 - Deaths 5116 - Score 5117 - Team Ranking 5118 - Stats for %s 5119 - Suicides 511A - Deaths 511B - Kills 511C - Inventory 511D - Control 511E - Game Time: 511F - End Game 5120 - Pause 5121 - Unpause 5122 - End Game 5123 - Are you sure? 5124 - Cancel 5125 - End Game 5126 - PerfectHead 5127 - Load a saved Head 5128 - Make a new Head 5129 - Edit a loaded Head 512A - Edit a PerfectHead 512B - Choose a slot to edit: 512C - Cancel 512d - Make a new Head 512E - Load a Saved Head 512F - Where do you want to be able 5130 - to use this Head? 5131 - Combat Simulator 5132 - All Missions 5133 - Both 5134 - Cancel 5135 - Camera Setup 5136 - Insert your camera into your 5137 - game boy pak. 5138 - Then, inset (sic) your game boy pak 5139 - into any controller. 513A - OK 513B - Cancel 513C - Error 513D - Game boy camera not detected! 513E - Please check all connections 513F - and try again 5140 - cancel 5141 - Choose camera 5142 - More than one camera detected. 5143 - Please select which camera you want to use 5144 - OK 5145 - Cancel 5146 - PerfectHead 5147 - Take a picture from camera 5148 - Load picture from camera 5149 - Cancel 514A - Load from camera 514B - Choose picture to read from camera 514C - Cancel 514D - Take picture 514E - Shoot! 514F - Cancel 5150 - Keep picture 5151 - Try again 5152 - Load PerfectHead 5153 - Inset (sic) the controller pak 5154 - containing the Head you 5155 - wish to load into any 5156 - controller. 5157 - Controller pak: 5158 - Cancel 5159 - Source: 515A - Pak 1 515B - Pak 2 515C - Pak 3 515D - Pak 4 515F - PerfectHead Editor 5160 - Take another picture 5161 - Change Head 5162 - Position picture 5163 - Color face and hair 5164 - Shape Head 5165 - Remove Head 5166 - Cancel changes 5167 - Keep Changes 5168 - Shape Head 5169 - Depth 516A - OK 516B - Cancel 516C - Position image 516D - Brightness 516E - OK 516F - Cancel 5170 - Choose Head 5171 - OK 5172 - Cancel 5173 - Remove PerfectHead 5174 - Are you sure you want to 5175 - remove this Head from memory? 5176 - Delete 5177 - Cancel 5178 - Cancel changes 5179 - Are you sure you want to 517A - throw away your changes? 517B - Throw away 517C - Go back to editor 517D - Save PerfectHead 517E - YOU have edited this head. 517F - Do you want to keep your changes? 5180 - Keep 5181 - Revert 5182 - Save PerfectHead 5183 - Your changes will be kept in memory 5184 - Would you like to save your changes 5185 - to the controller pak? 5186 - Save 5187 - Don't Save 5188 - Save PerfectHead 5189 - You can now save you Head on 518A - a controller pak if you wish. 518B - If you want to do this please 518C - ensure a controller pak is inserted 518D - and choose 'Save'. 518E - Save 518F -Don't save 5190 - Head complete! 5191 - To use you Head in the Combat Simulator 5192 - select the Head from the character 5193 - of the player/simulant settings menu 5194 - Your mission Heads will now appear 5195 - in any level you play. 5196 - You can now edit your Head further. 5197 - Finish 5198 - Edit Head 5199 - Head colour 519A - Face: 519B - Hairstyle: 519C - OK 519D - Cancel 519E - Press the B button to go back 519F - Hanger Information 51A0 - Holotraing 51A1 - Device List 51A2 - Information 51A3 - Locations 51A4 - Vehicles 51A5 - Character Profiles 51A6 - Other information 51A7 - Training stats 51A8 - Time taken: 51A9 - Completed! 51AA - Failed 51AB - OK 51AC - Resume 51AD - Cancel 51AE - Abort 51AF - Character Profiles 51B0 - Name: 51B1 - Age: 51B2 - Race: 51B3 - Press B button to go back. 51B4 - Cheats 51B5 - It is now safe to turn off your console. 51B6 - Cancel 51B7 - Bronze 51B8 - Silver 51B9 - Gold 51BA - Difficulty 51BB - Difficulty: 51BC - Select Difficulty: 51BD - Nothing 51BE - Weapon 51BF - Training Info 51C0 - Training Stats 51C1 - Completed! 51C2 - Score: 51C3 - Targets Destroyed: 51C4 - Difficulty: 51C5 - Time Taken: 51C6 - Weapon: 51C7 - Accuracy: 51C8 - Not Failed 51C9 - Out of Ammo 51CA - Time Over 51CB - Score Unattainable 51CC - Too Inaccurate 51CD - Bull's Eye 51CE - Zone 1 51CF - Zone 2 51D0 - Zone 3 51D1 - Hit Total 51D2 - Scoring 51D3 - 10 51D4 - 5 51D5 - 2 51D6 - 1 51D7 - Ammo Limit: 51D8 - Time Limit: 51D9 - Min Accuracy: 51DA - Goal Targets: 51DB - Goal Score: 51DC - Cheats 51DD - Done 51DE - Warning 51DF - If you activate any cheats you will be unable to progress any further in the game, while those cheats are active 51E0 - OK 51E1 - Cancel 51E2 - Player %d 51E3 - Press START 51E4 - Searching for Camera! 51E5 - Calibrating Camera 51E6 - Downloading Image 51E7 - Loading Image 51E8 - Saving Image 51E9 - Transferring Image 51EA - Uploading Segment 51EB - Checking Controller Pak 51EC - Getting PerfectHead 51ED - Saving PerfectHead 51EE - Auto Camera Adjustment 51EF - please wait... 5800 - Invincible 5801 - All Guns 5802 - Super x2 Health 5803 - Super X2 Armor 5804 - Invisible 5805 - Phase 5806 - Infinite Ammo 5807 - DK Mode 5808 - Tiny 5809 - Super x10 Health 580A - Magnum 580B - Laser 580C - Gun 580D - Silver PP7 580E - Gold PP7 580F - Invincibility On 5810 - All Guns on 5811 - Maximum Ammo 5812 - Super x2 Health 5813 - Super x2 Armor 5814 - Invisiblity 5815 - Phase On 5816 - Infinite Ammo On 5817 - DK Mode ON 5818 - Extra Weapons 5819 - Tiny On 581A - Painball Mode On 581B - Super x10 Health 581C - Happy? 581D - Fast Mode On 581E - Invincibility Off 581F - All Guns Off 5820 - Invisibility Off 5821 - Phase Off 5822 - Infinite Ammo Off 5823 - DK Mode Off 5824 - Tiny Off 5825 - Paintball Mode Off 5826 - Radar On 5827 - fast Mode Off 5828 - NO NAME 5830 - Slowest Motion 5831 - Very Slow Motion 5832 - Slow Motion 5833 - Normal Motion 5834 -Fast Motion 5835 - Very Fast Mode 5836 - Fastest Motion 5837 - Line Mode 5838 - Paintball Mode 5839 - Enemy Rockets 583A - 2x Rocket L 583B - 2x Grenade L 583C - 2x RC-P90 583D - 2x throwing knife 583E - 2x Hunting Knife 583F - 2x Laser 5840 - Turbo Mode 5841 - Fast Animation 5842 - Slow Animation 5843 - No Radar [Multi] 58DB - Joanna Dark 5BDC - Human (Female) 5BDD - 23 Years 2 Months 58DE - Joanna Description 58DF - Jonathan 58E0 - Human (Male) 58E1 - 28 years 5 months 58E2 - Jonathan Description 58E3 - Daniel Carrington 58E4 - Human (Male) 58E5 - 62 years 8 months 58E6 - Daniel Carrington Description 58E7 - Cassandra De Vries 58E8 - Human (Female) 58E9 - 39 years ? months 58EA - Cassandra De Vries Description 58EB - Trent Easton 58EC - Human (Male) 58ED - 46 tears ? months 58EE - Trent Easton Description 58EF - Dr. Caroll 58F0 - The Caroll Sapient (AI) 58F1 - 6 months 58F2 - Dr. Caroll Description 58F3 - Elvis 58F4 - Maian (Male) 58F5 - 320 years 58F6 - Elvis Description 58F7 - Mr. Blonde 58F8 - Human (Male) 58F9 - Late 20's 58FA - Mr. Blonde Human Description 58FB - Mr. Blonde 58FC - Skedar (Disguised) 58FD - Unknown 58FE - Mr. Blonde Skedar Description 58FF - The U.S. President 5900 - Human (Male) 5901 - 50 years 5902 - President Description 5903 - Maians 5904 - Maians Description 5905 - Skedar Warrior 5906 - Skedar Descriptions 5907 - Background 5908 - Background text 5909 - The Story 590A - THe Story Text 590B - dataDyne Corporation 590C - The monolithic corporation the dataDyne has become started off as an AI systems programming business. When it became apparent that much of their income came from their work as a defense contractor for the U.S. military, a young and foward-looking manager called Cassandra De Vries started pushing for deals with weapons manufacturers, while ignoring offers from Daniel Carrington and the Institute for collaboration on quantum computing and AI research. After the third armament company was bought by dataDyne, profits became astronomical. Within a month of the receipt of a government contract for weapons development, Cassandra De Vries was CEO. A significant portion of corporation profits were redirected into AI research, with excellent results. 590D - Carrington Institute 590E - Briefly dismissed as a crackpot inventor, Daniel Carrington was the first to release anti-gravity technology to the world. Revenues from this and related development helped set up the Carrington Institute, ostensibly a technology think tank situated in a remote part of the continental U.S. In actual fact, the Institute is also a training ground for agents who are sent out into the world to keep track of technological development around the globe, for reasons best known to Daniel Carrington himself 590F - Camspy Training Description 5910 - Night Vision Training Description 5911 - Door Decoder Training Description 5912 - X-Ray Scanner Training Description 5913 - Disguise Training Description 5914 - IR Scanner Training Description 5915 - Tracker (Radar) Training Description 5916 - Cloaking Device training Description 5917 - ECM Mine training Description 5918 - Data Uplink training Description 5919 - FIRING. Press Z Button to fire gun. 591A - AUTO REPLOAD - Release Z Button when out of ammo 591B - MANUAL RELOAD - Press B Button to reload early if magizine not full 591C - Aiming: Hold down R Button to enter Aim Mod 591D - Use control Stick to move aiming sight 591E - AUTO FIRE. Hold Z Button to repeatedly fire auromatically. 591F - ALTER AIM. Press Up C Button or Down C Button to move sight up/down 5920 - ZOOM Hold R Button to enter Zoom mode 5921 - FAST FIRE. Press Z Button quickly to fire faster. 5922 - Carrington Institute (Base of operations) 5923 - Lucerne Tower (Global headquarters) 5924 - Laboratory Basement (Underground research labs) 5925 - Carrington Villa (Private coastal retreat) 5926 - Chicago. (Backstreets of the city) 5927 - G5 Building (dataDyne front corporation) 5928 - Area 51 (Near Groom Dry Lake, Nevada) 5929 Alaskan Air Base (Brooks Range, Alaska) 592A - Air Force One (The President's airplane) 592B - Crash Site (Victoria Island 71N 118W) 592C - Pelagic II (Specialized deep-sea research ship) 592D - Cetan Ship (The most alien environment on Earth) 592E - Skedar Assault Ship (Troop carrying spacecraft) 592F - Skedar Homeworld (The planet of the Battle Shrine) 5930 - Jumpship (Agile troop craft) 5931 - HoverCrate (Gravity-negation device) 5932 - HoverBike (Low altitude vehicle) 5933 - Cleaning HovBot (Your helpful buddy) 5934 - Hovercopter (Urban AG gunship) 5935 - G5 Robot (Urban combat droid) 5936 - A51 Interceptor (Robotic air interceptor) 5937 - Maian Vessel (Scout and patrol vessel) 5938 - Skedar Shuttle (Alien troop dropship) 5939 - Carrington Institute Description 593A - Lucerne Tower (dataDyne Buliding) description 593B - DataDyne Underground Research Labs Description 593C - Vilaa Description 593D - Chicago Streets Description 593E - G5 Building Description 593F - Area 51 Description 5940 - Air Base Description 5941 - Air Force One Description 5942 - Crash Site Description 5943 - Pelagic II Description 5944 - Cetan Battle Cruiser Description 5945 - Skedar Assault Ship Description 5946 - Skedar Homeworld Description 5947 - Jumpship Description 5948 - Hovercrate Description 5949 - Hoverbike Description 594A - Hoverbot Description 594B - Hovercopter Description 594C - G5 Sentry Robot Description 594D - Area 51 Interceptor Description 594E - Maian Shuttle Description 594F - Skedar Shuttle Description 5950 - 5956 - Holo Training 1 description - Holo training 7 Description 5957 -595D - Holo Training 1 Hint - Holo Training 7 Hit 595E - 5964 - Holo Training 1 Complete Hint - Holo Training 7 Complete Hint 5965 - Data Uplink Device training Hint 5966 - ECM Mine Device training Hint 5967 - CamSpy Device training Hint 5968 - Night Vision Device Training Hint 5969 - Door Decoder Device training Hint 596A - Tracker Device Training Hint 596B - IR Scanner Device Training Hint 596C - X-Ray Scanner Device Training Hint 596D - Disguise Device Training Hint 596E - Cloaking Device Training Hint 596F - Data Uplink Device training Complete Hint 5970 - ECM Mine Device training Complete Hint 5971 - CamSpy Device training Complete Hint 5972 - Night Vision Device Training Complete Hint 5973 - Door Decoder Device training Hint 5974 - Tracker Device Training Complete Hint 5975 - IR Scanner Device Training Complete Hint 5976 - X-Ray Scanner Device Training Complete Hint 5977 - Disguise Device Training Complete Hint 5978 - Cloaking Device Training Complete Hint 5979 - Falcon 2 Firing Range Description 597A - Falcon 2 Scope Firing Range Description 597B - Falcon 2 Silencer Firing Range Description 597C - MagSec 4 Firing Range Description 597D - Mauler Firing range Description 597E - Phoenix firing range Description 597F - DY357 Magnum Firing Range Description 5980 - DY357 Golden Magnum Firing Range Description 5981 - CMP150 Firing Range Descripiton 5982 - Cyclone Firing Range Description 5983 - Callisto Firing Range DescriptioN 5984 - RC-P120 Firing Range Description 5985 - Laptop Gun Firing Range Description 5986 - Dragon Firing Range Description 5987 - K7 Avenge Firing Range Description 5988 - AR34 Firing Range Description 5989 - SuperDragon Firing Range Description 598A - Shotgun Firing range Description 598B - Sniper Rifle Firing Range Description 598C - Farsight XR-20 Firing Range Description 598D - Crossbow Firing Range Description 598E - Tranquilizer Firing Range Description 598F - Reaper Firing Range Description 5990 - Devastator Firing range Description 5991 - Rocket Launcher Firing Range Description 5992 - Slayer Firing Range Description 5993 - Combat Knife Firing Range Description 5994 - Laser Firing Range DescriptioN 5995 - Grenade firing Range Range Description 5996 - This Maian grenade plays havoc with the neurons in sentient creatures. If you wander into the blast radius, your vision will blur and you will lose your grip on whatever you're holding. The grenade can be set to go off on impact or by proximity trigger. Make sure you throw it far enough away. 5997 - timed Mine Firing Range description 5998 - Proximity Mine Firing range DescriptioN 5999 - Remote Mine Firing Range Description 599A - 59A0 - Holo 1 - Holo 7 0200 Perfect Agent Briefing 0201 LUCERNE TOWER 0202 Special Agent Briefing 0203 Agent Briefing 0204 NULL3 0205 NULL4 0206 NULL5 0207 NULL6 0208 NULL7 0209 dataDyne.Central Divisional HQ Chicago IL USA 020A 0230 Hours 15 AUG 2023 020B Obtain De Vries' necklace 020C Cassandra De Vries' MBR>020D Necklace 020E De Vries' necklace 020F Picked up De Vries' necklace 0210 Disable internal security hub 0211 Obtain keycode necklace 0212 Download project files 0213 Disable external comms hub 0214 Gain entrance to laboratory 0215 Who are you and what are you doing here? 0216 Look out! She's got a gun 0217 You won't shoot me, foolish child! 0218 Don't you know who I am? 0219 Let's see how you deal with security 021A PLEASE!!!! Don't kill me! 021B If I were you, I'd leave... NOW! 021C Badly placed ECM Mine 021D ECM Mine placed correctly 021E MISSION FAILED - objectives incomplete 021F MISSION SUCCESSFUL 0220 CANNOT complete all objectives 0221 Time to erase those files 0222 Computer executive erased 0223 I'll do what you want! 0224 HELP - Intruder! 0225 You talk too much 0226 HELP, HELP! 0227 I'll do what you want 0228 Logging on now 0229 Okay, I'm in... 022A Goodbye, Dr. Caroll 022B You've written your last bug, traitor! 022C File download initiated 022D File download completed 022E ACCESS DENIED - password needed 022F Door unlocked 0230 DOH! 0231 Unable to download - Data Uplink needed 0232 LIGHTS NOW ON 0233 LIGHTS NOW OFF 0234 Erase Dr. Caroll conversation 0235 Don't shoot, don't shoot! 0236 Critical mission object destroyed 0237 Unacceptable civilian casualties 0238 MISSION FAILED . - objectives cannot be completed 0239 Critical mission personnel killed. 023A Obtain ECM Mines 023B Dr. Caroll's 023C ECM Mine 023D An ECM Mine 023E Picked up an ECM Mine 023F Obtain Data Uplink 0240 Nothing 0241 Data Uplink 0242 A Data Uplink 0243 Picked up a Data Uplink 0244 Yes, yes, I agree. Personality is expendable. in this case 0245 No, I can start the process from my office. terminal and delete the necessary files. at the same time 0246 I'll begin at once. Goodbye 0247 Move it! 0248 Ive got a password problem, and you're .the man to help me with it 0249 Don't shoot, don't shoot! 024A Datalink broken - connection terminated 024B Datalink error - incomplete file download 024C Internal security system temporarily disabled 024D External ommunications hub disabled 024E Laboratory lift located 024F Security Help me! 0250 ECM Mine needed to disable security hub 0251 ECM Mine needed to disable comms hub 0252 Dummy 0253 How dare you disturb me! 0254 You will regret this intrusion, girl! 0255 If I were you, I'd leave...NOW! 0256 Please don't kill me! 0257 Don't shoot! 0258 Obtain CamSpy 0259 Dr. Caroll's 025A CamSpy 025B A CamSpy 025C Picked up a CamSpy 025D We're getting a positive reading - .the internal comms hub is nearby 025E You're on the same floor as .Cassandra's office 025F The other hub has got to be in the .Security Room 0260 The basement elevator must be around .there somewhere 0261 Security system is now back online 0262 You vandal, you've broken it! 0263 2023 AD, 2214 Hours Lucerne Tower - dataDyne HQ 0264 Why the big hurry? 0265 If Dr. Caroll is not extracted tonight, .dataDyne will put him through mind .conitioning, and we'll lose our best .chance of finding out what dataDyne .are up to 0266 Are they all expendable? 0267 Don't joke! You have to be careful, Joanna. .Code keys will only operate while the owner .is alive. If you kill them,the key is .useless. Armed guards are a different matter, .of course 0268 What's the target location? 0269 Work your way down the building to the ground .level. Dr. Caroll will be in a research lab .somewhere in the underground facility 026A How will I recognize him? 026B We don't have an image record, and we can't .find any official files. All we have is the .name. Good luck, Perfect Dark 026C Right, I'm in 026D I...I'm logging on now
Investigation 1EXX
1E00 Perfect Agent Briefing 1E01 BASEMENT ABORATORY 1E02 Special Agent Briefing 1E03 Agent Briefing 1E04 Nothing 1E05 Nothing 1E06 Nothing 1E07 Nothing 1E08 Nothing 1E09 Locate Dr. Caroll 1E0A Shut down experiments 1E0B Start security maintenance cycle 1E0C Obtain experimental technologies 1E0D Holograph radioactive isotope 1E0E Machinery scream sound Fx 1E0F Maintenance robots activated 1E10 Maintenance robos reprogrammed 1E01 Security doors unlocked 1E02 Maintenance cycle activated 1E03 Routine cleaning cycle activated 1E14 Operation not allowed - robots busy 1E15 Maintenance robots deactivated 1E16 Critical mission object destroyed 1E17 Maintenance robot system offline 1E18 MISSION FAILED . - objectives cannot be completed 1E19 Who are you? 1E1A Unacceptable scientist casualties 1E1B Terminal is not active 1E1C Powering down active systems 1E1D Experiment has been shut down 1E1E Alarm activated 1E1F Alarm deactivated 1E20 Don't shoot me - I'll help you 1E21 What the hell are you doing in my lab? 1E22 Let me help you 1E23 Accidents will happen 1E24 ACCESS DENIED - security code required 1E25 Searching for password 1E26 Nothing 1E27 Password located - bypassing lock 1E28 Contact broken - reestablish link 1E29 Security door already unlocked 1E2A Experiment aleady powered down 1E2B Strange - the experiment's already off! 1E2C It appears someone has broken my PC 1E2D Obtain Night Vision 1E2E Cassandra De Vries' 1E2F Night Vision 1E30 De Vries' briefcase 1E31 Picked up Night Vision 1E32 btain shield tech item 1E33 Cassandra De Vries' 1E34 Shield tech item 1E35 De Vries' briefcase 1E36 Picked up shield tech item 1E37 Obtain Data Uplink 1E38 Nothing 1E39 Data Uplink 1E3A A Data Uplink 1E3B Picked up a Data Uplink 1E3C Connection established 1E3D Maintenance hatch is now open 1E3E Maintenance hatch is already open 1E3F WARNING - radioactive matter detected 1E40 What are you doing in my lab? 1E41 I haven't seen you before 1E42 Who the hell are you? 1E43 Shut down the experiment 1E44 Pull the plug on that, NOW 1E45 Switch this thing off 1E46 I'll shut it down 1E47 Please don't hurt me 1E48 Allw me to assist you 1E49 My experiments! 1E4A There, the experiment is down 1E4B Leave this area NOW! 1E4C Security! 1E4D I'm calling security 1E4E Accidents will happen 1E4F How did that happen? 1E50 Looks like it's off already 1E51 Have you been tampering with this? 1E52 Someone's broken my equipment 1E53 What's happened to the terminal? 1E54 You vandal - you've broken it 1E55 Connection broken - experiments still active 1E56 Experimental item 1 acquired 1E57 Experimental item 2 acquired 1E58 Experimental item 3 acquired 1E59 Obtain CamSpy 1E5A Dr. Caroll's 1E5B CamSpy 1E5C A CamSpy 1E5D Picked up a CamSpy 1E5E That's the highest security sector - Dr. Caroll .has got to be nearby 1E5F Something around here's using a lot of power 1E60 Reprogram that cleaning bot - .it'll give you a way in 1E61 Get out, Jo! The levels are too high. .Use the CamSpy 1E62 Secet weapons compartment opened 1E63 Enemy detected - weapon cache locked. 1E64 Dr. Caroll? 1E65 Dr. Caroll, are you here? 1E66 Well, is it safe to come out? 1E67 Yes, all clear 1E68 Wh..what... you're 1E69 Very professionally done, my dear, but there's .no time to waste! We must leave immediately! 1E6A Come on. I have vital information, and you .must protect me
Extraction 06XX
0600 Perfect Agent Briefing 0601 LUCERNE TOWER 0602 Special Agent Briefing 0603 Agent Briefing 0604 Nothing 0605 Nothing 0606 Nothing 0607 Nothing 0608 Nothing 0609 Access foyer elevator 060A Reactivate office elevator 060B Destroy dataDyne hovercopter 060C Defeat Cassandra's bodyguards 060D Rendezvous at helipad 060E Accessing elevator controls 060F LIGHTS ARE NOW ON! 0610 Dr. Caroll has been killed! 0611 Dr. Caroll is under attack! 0612 Dr. Caroll has been damagd! 0613 Too late! She's here 0614 You've become quite an annoyance 0615 Good night, Ms. Dark 0616 LIGHTS NOW ON 0617 LIGHTS NOW OFF 0618 MISSION FAILED 0619 MISSION SUCCESSFUL 061A Helichopper warning goes here 061B Obtain Night Vision 061C Cassandra De Vries' 061D Night Vision 061E Night Vision 061F Picked up Night Vision 0620 We meet again, girl! 0621 Foyer elevator accessed 0622 Office elevator door has been unlocked 0623 DataDyne Hovercopter eliminated 0624 Cassandra's bodyguards have been defeated 0625 That's not how it goes 0626 Yes, it is 0627 Give it to me - you're doing it wrong 0628 Stop annoying me 0629 Will you just hurry up! 062A Oh, no...too late 062B She's here 062C Get her! 062D Critical mission object destroyed 062E Obtain CamSpy 062F Dr. Caroll's 0630 CamSpy 0631 A CamSpy 0632 Picked up a CamSpy 063 They've locked down the ground floor - .get to the elevator! 0634 That copter needs to be taken out, or .the jumpship'll get shot down! 0635 I can't leave any bodyguards standing 0636 Don't keep the jumpship waiting - .get back to the landing pad 0637 Obtain alpha key card 0638 Guard's 0639 Office key card 063A Office key card 063B Picked up Cassandra's office key card 063C Sound the alarm - she's here! 063D Lights out! 063E What the...? 063F Going somewhere? 0640 Something I can do for you, old woman? 0641 Return our sapient immediately! You don't .know what you're doing 0642 Yes I do. I'm leaving. 0643 One more chance! Give it back, and you .could come and work for me 0644 Sorry! Gotta shoot 0645 You must get the sapient back. We cannot .proceed without it 0646 I know that! 0647 I also know who to talk to... .Mr. Carrington 0648 Elevator door is inactive on this floor
Villa 20XX
2000 Perfect Agent Briefing 2001 CARRINGTON VILLA 2002 Special Agent Briefing 2003 Agent Briefing 2004 Nothing 2005 Save the negotiator 2006 Eliminate rooftop snipers 2007 Activate wind generator 2008 Locate and eliminate dataDyne hackers 2009 Rescue Carrington 200A Capture dataDyne guard 200B Negotiator has been killed 200C Snipers have been eliminated 200D Negotiator has escaped to safety 200E Cooling systems have been activated 200F Cooling systems have been deactivated 2010 Power systems have been activated 2011 Power systems have been deactivated 2012 Windmill has been reactivated 2013 Windmill has been deactivated 2014 Electricity has been restored to the villa 2015 Critical mission object has been destroyed 2016 Joanna! It's Grimshaw. We've got hackers at .the villa! You've got to stop them. before they get to our files 2017 Hackers have uploaded vial data 2018 Hackers have been eliminated 2019 Carrington has been rescued 201A All objectives not completed - mission failed 201B PC gun 201C Sniper rifle 201D Enemy guard has been subdued 201E Obtain door key 201F Guard's 2020 Door Key 2021 Door Key 2022 Picked up a door key 2023 If I get the wind generator back online, .I'll get power to the lower basement 2024 I've got to be quick, or they'll kill .the negotiator! 2025 Here's where they must be holding Daniel 2026 Those hackers have to be stopped before .I rescue Daniel 2027 Agent Dark Mission Log, 1846 hours. Last .night we got a call from Cassandra de Vries. .A dataDyne team have taken Daniel Carrington .hostage at his private villa on the coast, .and they say they will spare his life in .exchange for the AI. 2028 Unfortunately, we don't have it. Daniel and .Dr. Caroll were at the villa to discuss .'matters of mutual interest.' It looks .like Daniel fond a way to hide Dr. Caroll .inside the villa when the dataDyne hit .squad arrived 2029 Hopefully our phoney negotiator ploy will .give me a chance to surprise the dataDyne .squad. This time it's not just my life .on the line 202A Sir? Are you injured? 202B No, Joanna, I'm okay, but those dataDyne .thugs made me tell them where I'd hidden .Dr. Caroll. If only I'd held out for a .few minutes more 202C It's not your fault, sir. I should have .been quicker 202D Don't blame yourself, Joanna. Dr. Caroll .told me that he expected this to happen. .Actually, when they recaptured him, the .dataDyne team got overconfident and let .slip a few facts when they thought I was .unconscious. They mentioned a meeting in .the G5 Building in Chicago, Illinois, .tonight. I want you to be there, but that .doesn't leave you a lot of time to get .ready 202E That won't be a problem, sir. So, did .Dr. Caroll have any useful information .for you? 202F Oh, yes, indeed. He certainly did, and .I'lyou when you're en route to .Chicago. We might still be able to help .him, even after those butchers remove his .personality. He thinks they'll keep a .copy of it in a safe place. It's about .time I called in some friends to deal .with dataDyne 2030 Operation denied - windmill is active 2031 Mission unsuccessful - enemy guard not captured
Chicago 32XX
3200 Perfect Agent Briefing 3201 CHICAGO STREETS 3202 Special Agent Briefing 3203 Agent Briefing 3204 Nothing 3205 Nothing 3206 Nothing 3207 Nothing 3208 Nothing 3209 Retrieve drop point equipment 320A Attach tracer to limousine 320B Prepare escape route 320C Acquire diversion target 320D Create vehicular diversion 320E Gain entry to G5 building 320F Mine placed correctly 3210 Mine placed incorrectly 3211 Virus already downloaded into NavComp 3212 Hovcab is unresponsive - need Reprogrammer 3213 Accessing hovercab naviation systems 3214 Virus downloaded successfully 3215 Hovercab navigation systems reprogrammed 3216 Connection to hovercab broken 3217 Tracer Bug placed correctly 3218 Tracer Bug placed incorrectly 3219 Mission critical vehicle destroyed 321A MISSION FAILED 321B MISSION SUCCESSFUL 321C DataDyne limo has escaped 321D Mission failed - unacceptable civilian casualties 321E Look out - she's got a gun! 321F There's a maniac on the loose! 3220 Intruder alert - send reinforcements 3221 Elevator access sealed 3222 Hey - what are you doing? 3223 You don't scare me 3224 Tracer Bug has been noticed 3225 Greetings, citizen 3226 Obtain Remote Mine 3227 Dr. Caroll's 3228 Remote Mine 3229 A Remote Mine 322A Picked up a Remote Mine 322B Obtain Tracer Bug 322C Dr. Caroll's 322D Tracer Bug 322E A Tracer Bug 322F Picked up a Tracer Bug 3230 Elevator door cannot be reopened 3231 Obtain Reprogrammer 3232 Dr. Caroll's 3233 Reprogrammer 3234 A Reprogrammer 3235 Picked up a Reprogrammer 3236 Diversion has been created 3237 Obtain Remote Mine 3238 Dr. Caroll's 3239 Falcon 2 323A A Remote Mine 323B Picked up a Remote Mine 323C The only place we could secure the .equipment was a storm drain 323D Either of those blocked-up doors will .do as an escape route 323E Reprogram that taxi - it's a Mark 2 .and should be compatible 323F That car park lift is your only .point of ingress 3240 EEPROM flag has been set 3241 EEPROM flag has been cleared 3242 An alternative diversion has been created! 3243 Tracer Bug has been spotted 3244 We suspect the G5 Corporation is just a .front for dataDyne and whoever else is .involved in this plot. I know Cassandra .de Vries is going to be here, but I need .to know who else is attending and what .they discuss. By the time you get out, .the help I requested should have arrived 3245 Just who is this help you keep .referring to? 3246 Not now, Joanna. Time for radio silence. .Good luck! 3247 Thanks a lot 3248 Remote Mine has been wasted
G5 Building 18XX
1800 Perfect Agent Briefing 1801 G5 BUILDING 1802 Special Agent Briefing 1803 Agent Briefing 1804 Nothing 1805 Nothing 1806 Nothing 1807 Nothing 1808 Nothing 1809 Disable damping field generator 180A Deactivate laser grid systems 180B Holograph meeting conspirators 180C Retrieve Dr. Caroll backup from safe 180D Exit building 180E Obtain alpha key card 180F Guard's 1810 Level 1 key card 1811 Guard's key card 1812 Picked up guard's key card 1813 Obtain alpha key card 1814 Guard's 1815 Level 2 key card 1816 Guard's key card 1817 Picked up guard's key card 1818 Mission critical object destroyed 1819 Damping field generator shut down 181A Generator cannot be restarted 181B Laser grid unit shut down 181C Laser grid unit activated 181D All laser grid systems shut down 181E Obtain DAT tape 181F Dr. Caroll's. 1820 Backup disk 1821 Backup disk 1822 Picked up backup disk 1823 Door Decoder attached to access pad 1824 Initiating cracking routines 1825 Door Decoder finished - door unlocked 1826 INTRUDER ALERT - all security to the vault 1827 Door Decoder placed correctly 1828 Door Decoder incorrectly positioned 1829 Conspirators have been alerted 182A Alarm activated 182B Alarm deactivated 182C Safe door is locked 182D Door Decoder attached 182E Obtain Door Exploder 182F Dr. Caroll's 1830 Door Exploder 1831 Door Exploder 1832 Picked up Door Exploder 1833 Objectives incomplete - MISSION FAILED 1834 MISSION SUCCESSFUL 1835 Communications bug placed correctly 1836 Communications bug placed incorrectly 1837 Obtain CamSpy 1838 Dr. Caroll's 1839 CamSpy 183A A CamSpy 183B Picked up a CamSpy 183C There's no way through while those .lasers are active 183D That must be the meeting room up ahead. .Time to use the CamSpy 183E The safe's heavily encrypted. .The decoder's gonna take a little longer 183F Time to leave! Let's get to the door I set .up earlier 1840 Mission critical object destroyed 1841 Stand back, Joanna. We'll create your escape .route 1842 Nothing 1843 Nothing 1844 Detonator 1845 Detonator 1846 Picked up Detonator 1847 CamSpy has been destroyed - abort mission 1848 We've recovered the sapient from Carrington .and altered its programming. It no longer .has a personality, so there will be no .further incidents 1849 This will reduce its efficiency. My team will .have to take it to the core themselves. This .will endanger them. You should have .anticipated that the sapient might develop .a troublesome moral code 184A No one could have predicted that! And I .resent being singled out for blame! .What about him? 184B The President turned down your request for .the loan of the Pelagic II?.....Could it be you overestimated your .influence over him? 184C No! Perhaps I underestimated his resolve. .We have a contingency plan ready to go, .and we will move as soon as the Presidential .entourage arrives at the air base. All I .need from the President is a tissue sample 184D Ha! Assuming you don't get any interference. .If Carrington has pieced together enough of .this, he will have called for reinforcements 184E There will be no outside help for .Mr. Carrington. The technology you gave us .is installed in Nevada and fully operational. .We can intercept any craft they use 184F Then the devices we gave you are working .correctly? Good. Because we believe .anything which does not work correctly .should be destroyed. Consider that as you .follow your 'backup plans.' 1850 Agent Dark reporting in! Prepare to .receive a download of the meeting data. .Priority request for an Institute Support .Team to protect the President before he .goes to Alaska. 1851 No time for that now, Agent Dark. There's .been a development during radio silence. .The craft carrying those 'friends' I was .talking about was shot down over Nevada. .The weapon responsible was fired from .Area 51... that's where the survivors and .debris will have been taken. You're to .prep for immediate dispatch when you .return here. Carrington out 1852 Area 51? But what about the President?
Infiltration 2CXX
2C00 Perfect Agent Briefing 2C01 AREA 51 EXTERIOR 2C02 Special Agent Briefing 2C03 Agent Briefing 2C04 Nothing 2C05 Nothing 2C06 Nothing 2C07 Nothing 2C08 Nothing 2C09 Shut down air intercept radar 2C0A Plant comms device on antenna 2C0B Disable all robot interceptors 2C0C Gain access to hangar lift 2C0D Make contact with CI spy 2C0E Obtain grenades 2C0F Dr. Caroll's 2C10 Grenade 2C11 A grenade 2C12 Picked up a grenade 2C13 Robot interceptor disabled 2C14 All robot interceptors disabled 2C15 Obtain comms rider 2C16 Dr. Caroll's 2C17 Comms rider 2C18 Comms rider 2C19 Picked up comms rider 2C1A Communications bug placed correctly 2C1B Communications bug placed incorrectly 2C1C Antenna has been destroyed 2C1D Antenna raised 2C1E Antenna lowered 2C1F Obtain lift key card 2C20 Dr. Caroll's 2C21 Lift key card 2C22 Lift key card 2C23 Picked up lift key card 2C24 Lift access denied - key card needed 2C25 Key card accepted - lift operational 2C26 Lift is fully operational 2C27 Hangar has been accessed 2C28 Met up with CI agent 2C29 Air intercept radar shut down 2C2A Critical mission object destroyed 2C2B Main gate has been opened 2C2C Main gate has been closed 2C2D Access denied 2C2E Explosive has been placed 2C2F Intruder detected - security system online 2C30 Obtain explosive 2C31 Dr. Caroll's 2C32 Explosives 2C33 Explosives 2C34 Picked up explosives 2C35 The air intercept radar is controlled from that .bunker 2C36 There's the antenna, but... I can't throw a bug .that high! 2C37 The hangar lift is on the other side .of that huge door 2C38 Careful with that trigger finger, Agent Dark - .you're closing in on my position 2C39 Lift access terminals destroyed 2C3A Okay, Joanna, take a look at this. Our .operative inside Area 51 was able to get .this out to us. 2C3B This is your entry point. A deserted helipad .on the edge of the base 2C3C The lift down to the hangars and the .rendezvous point is beyond that wall... .Watch out for these guards 2C3D Here is the communications antenna. .Attach a comms rider bug so we can talk to .you when you're inside the base. Again, .watch out for hostiles 2C3E Oh, my God! 2C3F Here is our friend. He appears to be .physically unhurt, though he hasn't .regained consciousness yet. By the look .of it, the surgeons are almost done with .their preliminary tests and will begin .dissection soon 2C40 But who was...? 2C41 Any questions? No. Good. Away you go to .the hangar 2C42 Agent Dark Mission Log, 1028 hours. Against .my better judgement, I'm about to enter .Area 51 2C43 Agent Dark! Over here! 2C44 There you are! I was beginning to wonder .if 2C45 If what? 2C46 If you'd been discovered yet. And frankly, .if this is how you work, I'm amazed that .you lasted longer than five minutes 2C47 I was tidying up one of your loose ends 2C48 My loose ends? 2C49 I'm sorry, I didn't realize you wanted him .to shoot you. I can call in some more guards .if you like 2C4A Okay, okay, forget about it. I'm going to let .the Institute know we've made contact 2C4B Foreign object detected - security alerted
Rescue 2AXX
2A00 Perfect Agent Briefing 2A01 AREA 51 MEDLABS 2A02 Special Agent Briefing 2A03 Agent Briefing 2A04 Nothing 2A05 Nothing 2A06 Nothing 2A07 Nothing 2A08 Nothing 2A09 Obtain and use lab technician disguise 2A0A Destroy computer records 2A0B Locate conspiracy evidence 2A0C Gain access to autopsy lab 2A0D Rescue the crash Survivor 2A0E Research records destroyed 2A0F Obtain lab clothes 2A10 Lab Tech's 2A11 Lab clothes 2A12 Lab clothes 2A13 Picked up lab clothes 2A14 Access to door control systems denied 2A15 Access to light control systems denied 2A16 Access to security control systems denied 2A17 Virus downloaded to console 2A18 Obtain Data Uplink 2A19 Lab Tech's 2A1A Data Uplink 2A1B Data Uplink 2A1C Picked up Data Uplink 2A1D Laboratory accessed successfully 2A1E Data Uplink connected 2A1F Data Uplink connection broken 2A20 Obtain medlab 2 key card 2A21 Guard's 2A22 Medlab 2 key card 2A23 Medlab 2 key card 2A24 Picked up medlab 2 key card 2A25 Who are you? 2A26 Hey - you've got my clothes 2A27 Help - help! 2A28 Don't shoot me! 2A29 Oh, my God - a gun! 2A2A There's an intruder in the complex 2A2B Give me back my clothes - or else! 2A2C Right - you've asked for it! 2A2D Give me my clothes 2A2E I don't have much time!!! 2A2F The enemy has discovered the disguise 2A30 Virus has already been downloaded 2A31 Initiating virus download 2A32 So, you got here at last 2A33 Hey, you're not SECURITY ALERT! 2A34 No guns allowed in here - put your weapon away 2A35 I won't tell you again - lose the weapon 2A36 Right - I'm calling security 2A37 Everyone's been waiting for you 2A38 Critical mission personnel killed 2A39 Cannot gain access to autopsy lab 2A3A Hey, that's not Harry. It's an intruder 2A3B Obtain op room key card 2A3C Guard's 2A3D Op room key card 2A3E Op room key card 2A3F Picked up operation room key card 2A40 Elvis has been killed. 2A41 Get the hell out of here! 2A42 Containment unit raised up 2A43 Containment unit lowered down 2A44 Mission critical equipment destroyed. 2A45 Obtain X-Ray Scanner 2A46 X-Ray Scanner 2A47 X-Ray Scanner 2A48 Picked up X-Ray Scanner 2A49 Scanner target acquired 2A4A Target ID confirmed - XT origin 2A4B Scanner lock lost 2A4C Disguise has been worn 2A4D The showers 2A4E Now, if I can convince someone .to part with their uniform 2A4F The temperature's dropping. You must be .close to the cryo room 2A50 The air's heavily recycled around here - must. be near the autopsy lab 2A51 There he is, Jo! Hurry or you'll be too late! 2A52 Leave this area now 2A53 Should you be in here? 2A54 Holy 2A55 It's a spy! 2A56 Warn the others 2A57 Imposter! 2A58 Lighting systems overloaded 2A59 Alternative entrance to medlabs created 2A5A The problem you have is that there is no .way to sneak into the research section. .The only way in available to you is a .weak section of wall I've marked in the .room beyond the stores. It can be destroyed .with explosives 2A5B Doesn't sound like a problem to me. Where .are these explosives? 2A5C In that crate 2A5D Cute. Very cute 2A5E By the way, the stores are crawling with .guards. It may go against your nature, but .try sneaking through rather than blasting .everything 2A5F Certainly. Any other pearls of wisdom? 2A60 That crate 2A61 Yes? 2A62 It really doesn't like being shot 2A63 Great. Now, if I can just fight the urge .to report him to Base Security 2A64 Put your hands up and step away from the .alien 2A65 What the hell do you think you're doing? .This is supposed to be a sealed room! .Don't you know anything about autopsy .procedures? 2A66 Don't make me tell you again, Doctor. And .turn that laser off 2A67 Director Easton will hear about this, .young lady 2A68 Of course he's going to hear of it, you .moron. I've just got into his top secret .base, and now I'm stealing his alien. 2A69 Automatic Defenses Disabled
Escape 48XX
4800 Perfect Agent Breifing 4800 AREA 51 ESCAPE 4800 Special Agent Breifing 4800 Agent Breifing 4800 Nothing 4800 Nothing 4800 Nothing 4800 Nothing 4808 Nothing 4809 Locate alien tech medpack 480A Rendezvous with CI spy 480B Revive Maian Bodyguard 480C Locate secret hangar 480D Escape from Area 51 480E Joanna - this is Jonathan. You're in grave danger 480F They've flooded the area with nerve gas 4810 Get our friend to the containment lab. .There's a hiding place there 4811 I'll contact you when you get there - good luck! 4812 Good work, Jo. We need to meet up. They're .getting suspicious of me 4813 Use the maintenance hatch I've opened .in one of the containment labs. Hurry 4814 Obtain alien medpack 4815 Cassandra De Vries' 4816 Alien medpack 4817 Nothing 4818 Picked up an alien medpack 4819 Joanna - over here 481A We need to get back to our friend 481B Right, we're near. Cover me, Jo 481C Okay - stand back 481D Jonathan has been killed 481E Elvis has been killed 481F The secret hangar has been located 4820 Okay, Jo - let's go 4821 Alien medpack activated 4822 Alien medpack operation aborted 4823 Alien medpack has been administered 4824 Mission critical object destroyed 4825 Outer hangar door is opening 4826 Outer hangar door is closing 4827 Inner hangar door is opening 4828 Inner hangar door is closing 4829 It's the only way out of here 482A You're the only one who can fly it, Elvis, so get in 482B But we can't leave you behind 482C There must be a way out of here 482D One of us will have to stay behind and open the .hangar doors 482E I'll get out on that hoverbike. Cover me while I .open the doors 482F Jonathan, go with Elvis. I'll see to the consoles 4830 It's dangerous, Jo 4831 I can handle it... Trust me 4832 Okay 4833 Damn it, Joanna... cover me! 4834 I'll cover the stairs - you take the ramp 4835 The hangar doors are now open 4836 Medical containment doors unlocked 4837 The medpack's got to be somewhere around here 4838 Time to hook up with Jonathan, before he gets .into any more trouble 4839 That smell... oil... I smelt that in the other .hangars 483A The jetbike should get me out before they lock .the base down 483B Oh, no! We have a problem. It's a single seater! 483C Two can get in but no more 483D Plus, it's got no style, you know what I'm saying? 483E I'm not having this. That specimen is government property and should not leave the base. 483F Let's see how that overconfident thief deals with our gas defense system. She'll think twice before messing with me again! 4840 What's that noise? Can't be... Gas! 4841 Noooo, that wasn't meant to happen! 4842 Please stop! I'm not supposed to die. She Arggghhh! 4843 You idiot! We'd better get out of here 4844 Gasps, chokes, and wheezes 4845 ***aahh...! aahaa...! aaaaahhh! aha. ahh.*** 4846 I'm alive. I thought I'd be chopped up like the others by now. You're from the Institute, aren't you? I recognize you from before. You helped me. Thank you 4847 You... You speak our language? 4848 Watch her... she's sharp 4849 Earrggghh...eerggh 484A What's wrong? 484B I have a headache. And with a head this big, that's no joke 484C Can you walk? We must leave before they get organized and hunt us down 484D I think so. What's your name? 484E I'm Agent Dark. Or Joanna, if you prefer 484F Well, Joanna, I'm Protector One. But you can call me... Elvis! 4850 Console is not active 4851 What the hell do you think you're doing? .This is supposed to be a sealed room! .Don't 4852 you know anything about autopsy .procedures? 4853 Director Easton will hear about this, .young lady You can't take that! It's government property! .This is intolerable! It's... it's... .unprofessional!! 4854 I don't care much for procedures!
Air Base 0EXX
0E00 Perfect Agent Briefing 0E01 PRESIDENTIAL TERMINAL .US AIRBASE, ALASKA 0E02 Special Agent Briefing 0E03 Agent Briefing 0E04 Nothing 0E05 Obtain disguise and enter base 0E06 Check in equipment 0E07 Subvert security monitoring system 0E08 Obtain flight plans from safe 0E09 Board Air Force One 0E0A Obtain suitcase 0E0B Suitcase 0E0C Suitcase 0E0D Picked up a suitcase 0E0E Obtain air stewardess uniform 0E0F Disguise 0E10 Nothing 0E11 Disguise 0E12 Disguise 0E13 Picked up a stewardess uniform 0E14 Obtain flight plans from safe 0E15 Nothing 0E16 Flight Plans 0E17 Flight Plans 0E18 Picked up the flight plans 0E19 Look out - it's an intruder 0E1A Innocent civilians have been killed 0E1B Is he OK? 0E1C I'll go and get some help 0E1D Good afternoon 0E1E OK, you know the way from here 0E1F You'll have to check that weapon in here 0E20 Oh, my God! 0E21 Weapons are not allowed in the base 0E22 Right, I'm calling security 0E23 System shutdown initiated 0E24 Security systems have been shut down 0E25 Weapons have been detected 0E26 Suitcase has been deposited 0E27 Suitcase has been scanned 0E28 Hey, you - this is a restricted area 0E29 Are you new around here? 0E2A Hey - give me back my case 0E2B You get security - I'll deal with her... 0E2C Upstairs...there's an intruder 0E2D Laser grid access denied 0E2E Laser grid system has been overloaded 0E2F Too many neutral casualties inflicted 0E30 Stop them from getting the safe 0E31 Disguise worn 0E32 Now's your chance! Grab the stewardess's .bag and get her uniform 0E33 Use that case to conceal your equipment 0E34 The case will get stopped unless you do something 0E35 So that's Air Force One? Huh, smaller .than I thought 0E36 Stop them - they're breaking into the safe 0E37 Agent Dark in position. I can see the main entrance to the base, and I can just make out the cable car arrival point 0E38 Excellent, Joanna. That cable car is your way in... Our observer at the lower terminus has spotted a member of the flight crew boarding a minute ago. She is being escorted by air base troops. I don't have to remind you that... 0E39 That they're probably innocent of any involvement in Trent's little scheme. And I can't shoot them even if they shoot at me. What about the NSA Agents? 0E3A I don't know how far the conspiracy has spread through the NSA, but I'm willing to bet that the men Trent has around him here are loyal to him and his plan. You have to get the evidence of Trent's betrayal onto Air Force One and show it to the President 0E3B Yes, and protect him from his abductors. Do you have any idea what Trent's plan might be yet, and what about those blonde guys? 0E3C Only vague suspicions, and I won't distract you with those. Good luck. Carrington out 0E3D Lift inoperative - security system is active 0E3E Critical mission personnel disabled 0E3F Critical mission object destroyed 0E40 Entrance to base secured 0E41 We're taking over!! 0E42 Hover trolley has been shut down 0E43 Equipment cannot be checked in
Air Force One 36XX
3600 Perfect Agent Briefing 3601 AIR FORCE ONE 3602 Special Agent Briefing 3603 Agent Briefing 3604 Nothing 3605 Locate and retrieve equipment 3606 Locate President 3607 Get President to escape capsule 3608 Secure Air Force One flight path 3609 Detach UFO from Air Force One 360A Obtain Suitcase 360B Nothing 360C Suitcase 360D Suitcase 360E Picked up a Suitcase 360F Obtain Crossbow 3610 Nothing 3611 Crossbow 3612 Crossbow 3613 Picked up a Crossbow 3614 Too many neutral casualties inflicted 3615 UFO attachment damaged 3616 Unable to detach UFO 3617 Autopilot has been activated 3618 Air Force One has been stabilized 3619 Autopilot systems have been destroyed 361A The President has been incapacitated 361B Pilots have been killed 361C Pilots have been saved 361D Air Force One is about to crash 361E Obtain remote mine 361F Nothing 3620 Remote mine 3621 Remote mine 3622 Picked up a remote mine 3623 Who are you, young lady? 3624 Security, SECURITY!! 3625 Mr. President, you're in danger. Trent is trying to .kidnap you 3626 What the hell was that! 3627 We have to get you to the escape pod. .Follow me 3628 You can't make accusations like that without evidence.. I assume that you have some? 3629 This is a recording of a meeting between .Trent and the other conspirators 362A Seems overwhelming... I'm in your hands. .What do we do now? 362B Hey, that's not 362C It's an intruder 362D How the hell did you get on board? 362E Now, let's retrieve the evidence 362F The President's room is on this .level, Joanna 3630 Something's wrong... You have to get to the cockpit! 3631 Maybe a mine will detach the UFO 3632 Nothing 3633 Nothing 3634 Adrenaline pill 3635 Adrenaline pill 3636 Picked up an adrenaline pill 3637 Nothing 3638 Nothing 3639 Key card 363A Key card 363B Picked up a key card 363C Cargo bay has been lowered 363D Cargo bay has been raised 363E Mission critical object has been destroyed 363F Access denied - lift key card required 3640 Nothing 3641 Nothing 3642 Lift key card 3643 Lift key card 3644 Picked up a lift key card 3645 Timed mine has been wasted 3646 Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha 3647 You'll never save him now 3648 The President is under attack 3649 Have you thought any more about that proposal I gave you, sir? 364A My answer remains the same... I'm sorry Trent, but no. I won't loan the Pelagic II to dataDyne. Now please, can we move on to other matters? 364B But this is a golden opportunity to show that America has faith in its industries and will back them 364C Damn it, man! I say no and I mean no! I'm not gonna change my mind on this! I need my advisors to be unbiased, and recently you've not been giving me the impartiality I require. Let it go, and we'll say no more. This is your last chance 364D As you wish, sir 364E My last chance? Ha! You fool. That was yours 364F Elvis! Elvis! I can't detach that tube from the fuselage! Can you take it out? 3650 Piece of cake, Joanna. Watch this! 3651 Uh-oh 3652 Watch what? Will you stop playing around and shoot! 3653 Out of options... Joanna, brace yourself for impact! 3653 The pilots have stabilized Air Force One
Crash Site 0AXX
0A00 Perfect Agent Briefing 0A01 CRASH SITE 0A02 Special Agent Briefing 0A03 Agent Briefing 0A04 Nothing 0A05 Retrieve Presidential medical scanner 0A06 Activate distress beacon 0A07 Shut down enemy jamming device 0A08 Retire Presidential clone 0A09 Locate and rescue President 0A0A There's the escape pod 0A0B Maybe there's a beacon in there 0A0C The jamming... It's coming from that ship 0A0D Elvis... He'll be able to protect the President 0A0E Distress beacon has been activated 0A0F Critical mission object has been destroyed 0A10 Obtain Presidential Scanner 0A11 Nothing 0A12 Nothing 0A13 A Presidential Scanner 0A14 Picked up a Presidential Scanner 0A15 Jamming device has been shut down 0A16 President has been killed 0A17 Presidential clone has been eliminated 0A18 You'll never save him now! 0A19 President has been rescued 0A1A Obtain Night Vision 0A1B Cassandra De Vries' 0A1C Night Vision 0A1D Night Vision 0A1E Picked up Night Vision 0A1F Take this; you should find it useful! 0A20 Ahhh... uuhhhh... 0A20 Ahhh... uhh... owww... 0A20 Agent Dark! Please report! 0A20 Perfect Dark, come in! 0A20 A-agent Dark reporting in 0A20 Agent Dark! Please reply! 0A20 Something's jamming my transmissions. It's coming from that other craft 0A20 I'd better find the jamming device and check that Elvis is okay. Not forgetting the President, of course 0A20 How are you feeling, Mr. President? 0A20 Better now, young lady. Today, I think, will take a while for me to get over. I can't believe Easton would do such a thing. I knew he was ambitious, yes, but this 0A20 Just one thing, sir? What is the Pelagic II that Trent wanted so badly? 0A20 It's a U.S. government deep sea research vessel, one of a kind. The only ship that can conduct a full-scale diving operation at extreme depth. Trent wanted me to loan it to the dataDyne Corporation, but I refused 0A20 Trent has a lot to answer for, but I don't think we'll find him now 0A20 You have failed, Easton. You are a flawed device, and we need you no longer 0A20 Just try it, you Scandinavian freak! 0A2F Noooooooo!!!
Pelagic II 16XX
1600 Perfect Agent Briefing 1601 Cetan Ship 1602 Special Agent Briefing 1603 Agent Briefing 1604 Nothing 1605 Deactivate GPS and autopilot 1606 Disable primary power source 1607 Secure laboratories and research data 1608 Activate Moon Pool lift 1609 Rendezvous and escape with Elvis 160A Cripple the engines and the ship will .drift Perfect! 160B This must be where the sub's controlled from 160C Without the autopilot and the GPS, the ship .will wander off station 160D They'll be unable to conduct any operations .without any power 160E Autopilot system has been deactivated 160F GPS system has been deactivated 1610 Critical mission object has been destroyed 1612 Reactor shutdown control hatch opened 1613 Reactor has been shut down 1614 Diving control center has been located 1615 Critical mission personnel killed 1616 Research data has been secured 1617 Nothing 1618 Research data disk 1619 A research data disk 161A Picked up a research data disk 161B Critical mission personnel have been killed 161C Lift door has been unlocked 161D Lift has been activated 161E Operation denied - hangar doors still closed 161F Unlocking sequence has been reset 1620 You go on ahead, Jo. I'll secure the perimeter. .We'll meet up later 1621 Elvis has been killed 1622 Joanna... What took you so long? Follow me - .let's get out of this old tub 1623 Civilians have been killed 1624 Critical mission object has been destroyed 1625 Alarm has been activated 1626 Alarm has been deactivated 1627 Right. The diving operation has been disrupted on the surface. .Time for a swim 1628 I hope the government don't want to use this ship anytime soon 1629 Do you think we were a little heavy-handed? 162A Naaahhhh 162B Pull the plug on that now 162C Switch this thing off 162D I'll shut it down 162E Please don't hurt me 162F Die, you traitors 3000 Perfect Agent Briefing 3001 CETAN SHIP 3002 Special Agent Briefing 3003 Agent Briefing 3004 Nothing 3005 Reactivate teleportals 3006 Disable Cetan megaweapon 3007 Secure control room 3008 Restore Dr. Caroll's personality 3009 Escape from Cetan ship 300A This will help us to get round the .ship quicker 300B This antibody masking will protect us from .the automatic defenses 300C There's Dr. Caroll. Let's see if we can .reverse what was done to him 300D We have to get out of here! 300E Elvis has been killed 300F Dr. Caroll has been killed 3010 Cetan ship evacuation successful 3011 Elvis has unlocked the door 3012 Here, take this gun and keep those Skedar .off my back while I'm working 3013 Antibody masking has been obtained 3014 Cetan megaweapon has been disabled 3015 Control Room has been secured 3016 Dr. Caroll's personality has been restored 3017 Nothing 3018 Nothing 3019 Backup disk 301A A backup disk 301B Nothing 301C It looks like this could benefit from .a little bit of sabotage 301D Time to reactivate those teleportals 301E Teleportals have been reactivated 301F This doesn't seem normal. No one's around 3020 No signs of conflict. No spent ammo cases or bullet holes 3021 But there ought to be a rear guard at least. It makes no sense 3022 There has to be someone farther inside. Cover me 3023 Here goes. I just hope dataDyne haven't done anything to prevent this 3024 Virus detected 3025 Me and my big mouth 3026 Commencing countermeasures. Commenc..... *** ooOOoh!! *** eeEEe!! *** aaAhh!! *** oOOoh!! *** aAArRrgghh!! *** YEEeeooOOOOOOowWWwlll!! *** 3027 Dr. Caroll? Are you in control again? Can you stop the program? 3028 Yes, I'm back again, my dear. But the program has run far too long for me to prevent it from completing. There is only one way out now 3029 What do you mean? 302A When the program has run, I will have control of a vastly powerful weapon. It cannot be allowed to exist. So I must destroy the Cetan and, unfortunately, myself along with it. I'm sorry, Joanna... There is no other way and no time to discuss this. Go now - avoid the Skedar and you will have time to escape. It has been an honor to work with you. Goodbye, Joanna Dark 302B Cetan megaweapon has been disabled 302C Ammo wasted - unable to disable megaweapon
CI Defense 22XX
2200 Perfect Agent Briefing 2201 CARRINGTON INSTITUTE 2202 Special Agent Briefing 2203 Agent Briefing 2204 Nothing 2205 Reactivate automatic defenses 2206 Release hostages 2207 Retrieve experimental weapon 2208 Destroy sensitive information 2209 Deactivate bomb 220A Obtain sensitive info 220B Guard's 220C Sensitive info 220D Sensitive info 220E Picked up sensitive info 220F Automatic gun activated 2210 Too many hostages killed 2211 Hostages have been saved 2212 Sensitive information has been destroyed 2213 Carrington has been killed 2214 Joanna - we're under attack 2215 Get the guns back on line hurry 2216 The Skedar have taken hostages 2217 Get up to the offices and save them 2218 They're using a new form of shield technology 2219 Foster was working on a new weapon which may .be useful 221A Damn it. My office. If they get access 221B Get there first, Jo, and destroy the files 221C Things are desperate. They've planted a bomb 221D Find it and get it out of the building 221E Access denied - authorization failure 221F Emergency overrides have been engaged 2220 Well done, Joanna. We're nearly clear 2221 The last dropship is waiting for you. Hurry 2222 Critical mission object has been destroyed 2223 The autodefenses will really help me out 2224 So this is what Foster was working on 2225 I'll have to go carefully. The hostages are .counting on me 2226 Well, at least I won't know if I'm doing .anything wrong 2227 The bomb has been detonated 2228 You have been given a Devastator 2229 All ready, Joanna? We can't keep the Maian delegation waiting. Or the President, of course. 222A Am I ready? What do you mean? I was ready half an hour ago. It was you holding us up! 222B But you know how it is, Joanna... I had to make sure my hair was just right, and then there was the suit. 222C They should keep you away from mirrors. Nervous? 222D Very. I've waited for this moment for so many years. Contact, friendly contact, between Humans and Maians is what the Institute was founded for. And in a few minutes we'll be at the White House, and it will finally happen. 222E Where did that come from? 222F It was up on ground level 2230 Looks like someone doesn't know when to quit. We've got to get everyone out! 2231 Get clear! I'll hold them off 2232 You can come back and get me later! 2233 At least, I hope you can 2234 You need the Data Uplink 2235 Connection has been made 2236 Bypassing security systems 2237 Virus has been downloaded successfully 2238 Ship's engines have been activated 2239 Connection to ship has been broken 223A Obtain Data Uplink 223B Data Uplink 223C A Data Uplink 223D Picked up a Data Uplink
Attack Ship 26XX
2600 Perfect Agent Briefing 2601 SKEDAR ASSAULT SHIP 2602 Special Agent Briefing 2603 Agent Briefing 2604 Nothing 2605 Disable shield system 2606 Open hangar doors 2607 Access navigational systems 2608 Sabotage engine systems 2609 Gain control of bridge 260A Ship's shields have been lowered 260B Hangar doors have been opened 260C Elvis has been killed 260D Navigational information has been retrieved 260E Lift has been activated 260F All hangar Skedar have been killed 2610 Outside, Joanna. Get the shields down and .we can help you 2611 You've got to open the hangar doors so we can dock 2612 Okay, we're in. I'll meet you in the hangar 2613 Good to see you, Joanna 2614 Take this - you should find it useful 2615 Received AR34 assault rifle 2616 Time to head upwards. I'll take this lift; .you take the other one 2617 Engines have been disabled 2618 Look out, Joanna! I think we've made them angry 2619 Bridge has been captured 261A You go on ahead, Jo. I'll secure the perimeter. .We'll meet up later 261B I've got to get those shields down to let Elvis .in. I need all the help I can get 261C Now only the hangar bay doors are in the way 261D This machine contains the Skedar star maps 261E If we control the bridge, then the ship is ours 261F Time to head upwards 2620 Oohhh. I'd better not be where I think I am 2621 And it's worse than that, my dear. Just look who you've got for company 2622 You! I thought you'd managed to escape. We found no trace of you at all 2623 You couldn't find me. But there was no hiding from the Skedar, as you and Mr. Carrington just discovered 2624 This is it. Wait there! I'll make a distraction; it will give you a chance to get out. Use it or we'll both die 2625 Why are you doing this, Cassandra? 2626 The Skedar used me, Joanna. You are my best chance for revenge 2627 Eeeeaaarrrrggghhh!!! 2628 Wow. That's the first time I've seen another planet from space. It's beautiful 2629 Hmmmm? 262A I don't. I don't believe it! 262B Elvis? What is it? 262C Where are you going? 262D We have to get down to the surface! Follow me! 262E We have to get out of here! 262F Hangar doors locked - shields still active 2630 Critical mission object destroyed 2631 Ammo depleted - consoles can't be destroyed 2632 Obtain De Vries' necklace 2633 Cassandra De Vries' 2634 Necklace 2635 De Vries' necklace 2636 Picked up De Vries' necklace
Skedar Ruins 42XX
4200 Perfect Agent Briefing 4201 SKEDAR BATTLE SHRINE 4202 Special Agent Briefing 4203 Agent Briefing 4204 Nothing 4205 Identify temple targets 4206 Activate bridge 4207 Gain access to Inner Sanctum 4208 Destroy secret Skedar army 4209 Assassinate Skedar leader 420A Obtain Night Vision 420B Nothing 420C Night Vision 420D Night Vision 420E Picked up Night Vision 420F Obtain Scanner 4210 Nothing 4211 Scanner 4212 Scanner 4213 Picked up Scanner 4214 Obtain Target Amplifier 4215 Nothing 4216 Target Amplifier 4217 Target Amplifier 4218 Picked up Target Amplifier 4219 Target Amplifier placed correctly 421A Target Amplifier placed incorrectly 421B Generator has been reactivated 421C Skedar Inner Sanctum has been reached 421D Skedar secret army has been defeated 421E This seems to be one of the special pillars 421F The power's more constant in this area. .The Inner Sanctum can't be far away 4220 OH, NO!!! A Skedar army in suspended animation! 4221 Okay, this is it... Cut off the head and the .body will perish 4222 This is the Skedar fanatics' most holy place. They believe this planet is sacred ground. The Battle Shrine is located at the most holy part of this holy planet 4223 So let me get this straight - it's holy. But there's more to it than that, isn't there? 4224 Yes. In all of the time that we Maians fought the Skedar, we never found this place. We knew that until it was destroyed, the war would never be over. We fought the Skedar to a standstill, we earned a ceasefire - but we always had to be on our guard. The destruction of this place would mean a chance at true peace 4225 Then we have to be certain that no fanatics survive. I'll go in and take out the leader. You'll have to summon the Maian fleet to level the Shrine 4226 If you're caught on the ground when the fleet gets here, you won't stand a chance 4227 That's a mistake I don't intend to make 4228 Yesss 4229 Joanna! Joanna! 422A Elvis! Elvis! Over here 422B No problem. Grab my arms - we'll get you out in no time 422C No, quick! Give me your gun! 422D Will! You! Just! Let! Go! 422E I managed to get the fleet to stop the bombardment while I looked for you. They'll start as soon as we're clear 422F Id have got out in time if that one hadn't grabbed my foot 4230 Of course, Joanna, of course 4231 No, I would have 4232 I believe you 4233 Make your sacrifice to the God of War 4234 Grenade ammo used up - can't enter Shrine 4235 Alternative entrance to Shrine created 4236 Where are you? Are you hurt?
Mr. Blondes Revenge 4AXX
4A00 Perfect Agent Briefing 4A01 LUCERNE TOWER 4A02 Special Agent Briefing 4A03 Agent Briefing 4A04 Locate and escort Cassandra to helipad 4A05 Plant explosive device in lab lift 4A06 Eliminate dataDyne Captain 4A07 Get the hell out of my office 4A08 Go to the helipad if you want to live 4A09 You won't shoot me! 4A0A How dare you disturb me! 4A0B You will regret this intrusion, girl 4A0C If I were you, I'd leave... NOW! 4A0D You won't shoot me! 4A0E Cassandra has been immobilized 4A0F Cassandra has been captured successfully 4A10 Security chief has been eliminated 4A11 Nothing 4A12 Nothing 4A13 Skedar bomb 4A14 Skedar bomb 4A15 Picked up Skedar bomb 4A16 Skedar bomb has been placed successfully 4A17 Skedar bomb has detonated 4A18 Lift doors locked - bomb cannot be placed 4A19 Lift has been disabled
Maian SOS 3CXX
3C00 Perfect Agent Briefing 3C01 AREA 51, NEVADA, EARTH 3C02 Special Agent Briefing 3C03 Agent Briefing 3C04 Sabotage enemy medical experiment 3C05 Destroy captured Maian saucer 3C06 Activate distress signal 3C07 Medical experiment has been sabotaged 3C08 Captured Maian saucer has been destroyed 3C09 Distress signal has been sent 3C0A Critical mission object has been destroyed 3C0B Mission failed - cannot escape from medlab 3C0C Alternative escape route found
4600 Perfect Agent Briefing 4601 BATTLE SHRINE 4602 Special Agent Briefing 4603 Agent Briefing 4604 Kill Skedar King 4605 Kill Skedar King 2 4606 Kill Skedar King 3 4607 Maian leader has been killed 4608 Skedar King has been killed
Duel 5EXX
5E00 Perfect Agent Briefing 5E01 LUCERNE TOWER 5E02 Special Agent Briefing 5E03 Perfect Agent Briefing 5E04 Defeat dataDyne guard 5E05 Defeat Jonathan Dark 5E06 Defeat Trent Easton 5E07 THE DUEL 5E08 Defeat your opponent 5E09 Well done! You were too quick for him! 5E0A Well done! You were too quick for him! 5E0B Well done! You were too quick for him! 5E0C Opponent skill level: AGENT 5E0D Opponent skill level: SPECIAL AGENT 5E0E Opponent skill level: PERFECT AGENT 1C08 Collect Night Vision from table to begin 1C09 Activate the Night Vision, Locate the light switch, Turn the lights back on 1C0A Collect Data Uplink from table to begin 1C0B Stand next to the terminal and use the Uplink 1C0C You need to be holding the Data Uplink 1C0D Connection established 1C0E Terminal has been successfully hacked 1C0F Connection broken - too far from PC 1C10 Collect ECM Mine from table to begin 1C11 Locate Hub and throw ECM Mine onto Hub 1C12 ECM Mine has been placed incorrectly 1C13 ECM Mine has been placed correctly 1C14 Collect CamSpy from table to begin 1C15 Locate Info Room PC and holograph it 1C16 Info Room PC successfully holographed 1C17 Lights have been reactivated 1C18 Collect Door Decoder from table to begin 1C19 Use Decoder on door pad to unlock it 1C1A You need to be holding the Door Decoder 1C1B Decoder attached. Initiating cracking routines 1C1C Decoding complete. Door has been unlocked 1C1D Collect Tracker from table to begin 1C1E Locate IR Scanner using Tracker 1C1F IR Scanner has been successfully located 1C20 Collect IR Scanner from table to begin 1C21 Locate secret door using IR Scanner 1C22 Secret door has been successfully located 1C23 Collect X-Ray Scanner from table to begin 1C24 Find hidden switches to shut down laser grid 1C25 All laser grids have been deactivated 1C26 Collect Disguise from table to begin 1C27 Fool someone into giving you Cloaking Device 1C28 Cloaking Device successfully retrieved 1C29 Laser Grid 1 has been deactivated 1C2A Laser Grid 2 has been deactivated 1C2B I'm here to pick up the equipment 1C2C Go away, Joanna. You're not fooling anybody! 1C2D Here you go. Don't drop it now 1C2E Cloaking Device has been secured successfully 1C2F You're meant to use the Disguise, remember? 1C30 You'll have to do better than that, Joanna 1C31 Joanna, where did you spring from? 1C32 You have been detected by the camera 1C33 Collect Cloaking Device from table to begin 1C34 Use Cloaking Device and locate Carrington 1C35 I think we can safely say your now complete! 1C36 Mission complete - Device Training passed! 1C37 Mission failed - you have been detected BR>1C38 Data Uplink Device Training Instructions 1C39 CamSpy Device Training Instructions 1C3A Night Vision Device Training Instructions 1C3B Door Decoder Device Training Instructions 1C3C X-Ray Scanner Device Training Instructions 1C3D Disguise |
2 | War 4601 BATTLE SHRINE
CI 220A Obtain Sensitive Info 220E Picked up Sensitive Info 2228 You have been given a Devastator 222C They should be... 222D Very...
G5 180E Obtain Alpha Keycard 1810 Level 1 keycard 1815 Level 2 keycard 182E Obtain Door Exploder 1830 Door Exploder 1846 Picked up detonator
Chicago 320C Acquire Diversion Target (BETA OBJECTIVE) 322B Obtain Tracer Bug 3240 EEPROM Flag Set 3241 EEPROM Flag Cleared |
3 | Defection 04 NULL3 to 08 NULL7 09 dataDyne Central HQ 0A 2023 Hours 15 Aug 2000 20 CANNOT complete all objectives 22 Computer Executive Erased 2B You've written your last bug, traitor 31 Unable to download, data uplink needed 34 Erase Dr. Carrol conversation 62 You vandal, you've broken it 63 2023, 2214 hours, Lucerne Tower
Investigation 0E Machinery Screen Sound Fx 2B Strange, the experiment is |
Credits |
Perfect Dork | 1 |
MegaMaster | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Krijy | 10 |
Ass Wigit | 11, 12 |