
Perfect Dark

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Real Skedar Sims1D009C7E5 0020
80087561 00FF
D009C7E5 0020
80087875 00XX
81070768 0337
8107076A 0338
8107076C 0339
8107076E 033A
81070770 033B
81070772 033C
81070774 033D
81070776 0336
81065BE0 00C0
81067AA0 0392
81067AE8 0394
810709F4 032A
81070A3C 032A
810656C0 00C0
81067A10 0392
81067A58 0394
81070A84 032A
81070ACC 032A
81070CF8 032F
81070D10 0392
81070D28 0394
81070D40 032A
81070D58 032A
81070D70 032A
81070D88 032A
810663D8 00C0
81067B30 0392
81067B78 0394
81070B14 032A
81070B5C 032A
2DataDyne Sniper Costume And Mask Modifier2D009C7E5 0020
80087569 00FF
D009C7E5 0020
800878BD 00XX
3Biotechnician Costume And Mask Modifier3D009C7E5 0020
80087565 00FF
D009C7E5 0020
80087925 00XX

1They run like Skedar, they roar like Skedar and they die like Skedar! I've finally hacked real Skedar sims!
2They also change the human animations seen in multiplayer into Skedar animations. To get this code working set all the sim characters to ShockTrooper, with ShockTrooper helmets. Exit the character select menu and hold down L for a few seconds. Unfortunately, you can't play as a Skedar, so make sure none of the human players are using the ShockTrooper costume. Once you've pressed L, don't enter the character costume menu again.

Replace the XX on line four with:

5C - Skedar
7B - Mini Skedar
93 - Skedar King

If you want to play with a selection of different Skedar types, use these additional codes. These codes use the same values as above. To give an example, if you want to play with Skedar and Skedar Kings at the same time, set the main code as Skedar (5C), and the dataDyne Sniper code as Skedar King (93). When you select character costumes for the sims, set all Skedar to the ShockTrooper costume, and all Skedar Kings to the dataDyne Sniper costume (with the correct masks).
3This code has one major flaw. The human player animations have been changed into Skedar animations, which means that all the human players that are using human bodies will look weird. They will be flying in the air with their legs and arms sticking out! This code works best with just one player (because you can't see yourself). Several minor flaws result from the fact that the Skedar animations were never meant to be used in multiplayer. When the Skedar run their guns will point downward, but they will still shoot in the right direction. Another flaw is the fact that there is no Skedar bent down animation. I used a BETA halting Skedar animation that has the Skedar look like it's bent down, but they jump up and down. Don't play with the sims in Warehouse because the Skedar sims jump out of the level in the small air ducts.

I changed the "sim standing still with no guns" animation into the BETA Skedar Scratching His Left Ear animation, because it's cute to watch.

The animation codes use the multiplayer death animation modifiers, so thanks go to the person that hacked that part of the code.

Krijy1, 2, 3