
Perfect Dark

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Able To Kill Carrington Institute Personnel (Cinema Menu Gives Alt. Effect)8022EE80 0020
802C92C4 0020
2Power Outage (Lights Off)8022169C 0020
3Dim Lights802214E0 0020
4Most Lights Are Blown Out80221690 0020
5Lights Always On802216A0 0020
6All Lights On At Full Brightness (Overrides Light Switch)80223D24 0020
7Play When Its Dark Out80223D24 0028
8Perfect Darkness Cheat, But Still Light (Enemies Think Its Dark)80220C38 0020
9Neon Fruity Color Vision80224C20 0020
10Neon Pink Vision80224C20 0028
11Neon Blue Vision80224C28 0020
12Neon Gold Vision80224C28 0028
13Enhance Reflective Detail80224C30 0020
14No Reflective Detail80224C30 0028
15Most Enemies Rapid-Fire Weapons Are In Single-Shot Mode80251700 0020
16Most Enemies Single-Shot Weapons Are In Rapid-Fire Mode80251704 0020
17Enemies Don't Attack You8026E138 0020
18Enemies Immune To Gunfire8028153C 0020
19De-atomizer Ammo (Don't Use Crossbow)80244420 0028
20Change Placement Of Pick Up Items8022D1D8 0020
21Firing Range Encased Weapons Out Of Cases8022D1E4 0020
22Move Main Props Elsewhere8022D204 0020
23Move Main Props Elsewhere Different8022D210 0020
24Super Pushing Power, Push A Hovercrate802A2EEC 0020
25Kill A Enemy And They Throw Their Gun Up High802B6550 0020
26Enlarge Plants (Datadyne Building Type)8022D2C0 0020
27Debug Test Setting? (Game Crashes A Lot)8022BC80 0020
28Stop Clean Bots8029DEA4 0020
29Play The Carrington Institute Intro Level In Counter-Operative18009DFE9 0026
8009DFEB 0040
802C92C4 0020
30Play The Carrington Institute Intro Level In Co-Operative8009DFE9 0026
8009DFEB 0080
802C92C4 0020
31Play The The Duel In Counter-Operative28009DFE9 004F
8009DFEB 0040
80285798 0001
32Play The The Duel In Co-Operative8009DFE9 004F
8009DFEB 0080
80285798 0001
33Smart Enemies (All Enemies Can Now Use Grenades, Other Actions)80273E30 0020
34Gernade Enemies (Enemies Attack With Grenades)80273E50 0020
35More Aggressive Enemies80273E44 0020
36Chickenshit Enemies (Enemies Give Up Easy)80273E2C 0020
37Chickenshit/Hand-To-Hand Combat Enemies80273E24 0020
38Enemies Don't Go On Patrol80273E4C 0020
39Enemies Don't Attack80273E00 0020
40Shield Penetrating Bullets (Able To Kill Chicago Level Bot, Etc.)80255108 0020
41Light Shine812246D6 0100
8027F24C 0020
42Varying Multicolor Vision802246D8 0028
43Varying Multicolor Vision #2802246D8 0030
44All Elevators Don't Work8029E71C 0020
45Immune To Enemy Gunfire In Solo8026AC10 0020
46Invisible To Some Enemies8024E1D4 0020
47See Initial Character Placement8023E698 0020
48Enemy Mind Switch8023E590 0020
49Enemy Mind Switch #28023E59C 0020
50Enemy Mind Switch #38023E59C 0028
51Enemies Stretch Out Their Arms A Lot8026F714 0020
52Enemies Stretch/Can't Get Their Guns To Work8026F700 0020
53Enemies Mostly Inactive8026F6FC 0020

1it works ok, play any level, use hi-res multi codes for P1 & P2 to have weapons in gameplay. Don't try to get weapons out of firing range.
2they are a bit glitchy, play any level, use normal in game cheats to have weapons in gameplay.

Ryan Toluchanian1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53