
Perfeck Dark

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Long Range Streaming Laser8006E79E 00E7
8006E79F 0034
2Slayer Mode In Solo18106DC06 D7C8
3Use The Normal Rocket Launcher For Fly-bywire28106D6E2 D7C8
4Auto-farsight8106E0A6 EA20
5Auto Falcon Boost8106B742 F414
8106B73E ED00
8006B709 0050
6Tranq-n-boom Phoenix8106BF4A E3D4
7Turn The X-ray Scanner In Multiplayer Into A Cloak Scanner(ir-scanner)8106F73A F520
8Bloody Bullet Holes On The Walls380084334 000B
80084348 000B
8008435C 000B
80084370 000B
80084398 000B
800843AC 000B
800843C4 000B
800843D8 000B
80084400 000B
9A Blood Red Sky81081060 8800
80081062 0000
10AR53 Falcon 2 Silenced Scope8006ECB1 009C
8006ECB3 009C
8006ECA5 0008
11Perfect Dark Perfect Code48007074f 0001
12Falcon 2 Silenced Scope80110B46 002B
80110B47 0073
80110B48 0029
80110B49 000A
80127346 002B
80127347 0073
80127348 0029
80127349 000A
8006B78F 0074
8006B7B6 00B3
8006B7B7 00BC
13Number Of Player Modifier580062927 000?
14Reversed Turbo Ice Mode68102345A D7C8
Joanna Dark On Hardcore Drugs
15Joanna After 5 Beers8105425C 4040
8105425E 0000
16Joanna After 10 Beers8105425C 3F80
8105425E 0000
17Joanna On Hard Blotter Acid8105425C 0000
8105425E 0000
18Joanna On Serious LSD8105425C 4000
8105425E 0000
Music Modifiers
19MultiD009C7E5 0020
800AA5FB 00??
20Almost Everywhere + Multi7D009C7E5 0020
80094FDF 00??
D009C7E5 0020
800AA5DF 00??
D009C7E5 0020
800AA5FB 00??
D009C7E5 0020
800AA633 00??
D009C7E5 0020
800AA647 00??
D009C7E5 0020
800AA66B 00??
21Menu Modifier8D009C7E5 0028
81086116 5029
D009C7E5 0028
8108611E 5DD8
D009C7E5 0024
81086116 511F
D009C7E5 0024
8108611E 9446
22Dark Combat Sountrack Modifier80087A70 00??


Turn on The Hi-res enable Code and My Code.
First off you must have the all weapons cheat, turn it on and infinate ammo.
Go to The first level, just to get the hang of it.  Go to your inventory and select remote mine. Notice how your remote mine is now fly-by-wire.  You can detenate it by hitting z while flying Or attach it to an enimy and then hit A+B to blow him up.
If when you fire it goes all static, try strafeing a small amount when you fire
it.  Some parts of levels you  have to be moving when you hit Z to launch it

I don’t think this code works on the villa level because my "GS" (Version 3.3  pro) does not even boot that level with no codes on.

This is also a cool multiplayer weapon.
2But I would advise the use of invincibility because this is a rocket not a mine and if it goes static( you were not moving when it was launched) you go boom unless invincible.
30007 - gray paint
0008 - paintball.
4To get challenge- and mission- mode the easy way , this is what you have to do.

Challenge mode.

Select the challenge you want to finish and press A button twice.
In the arena press A button twice.
Now you have completed the challenge.

Solo Missions
Follow these easy steps :

Start game.
Choose your reality.
Solo missions.
Choose mission , difficulty level and accept.
During movie press A button twice and it reads mission failed ,press A button and DECLINE RETRY ( do not accept ) by pressing A button twice.
Now let the camera get inside off Joanna's head and press A button twice , now the mission is COMPLETED.Press A button and continue.
It start al over again with the Rare logo and the N logo and Intro-movie.
Just press the A button untill you go inside Joanna's head*, now push the START button , choose solo mission , choose mission , difficulty level and accept.
The rest is the same as above.

(* it's important that you go inside of Jo's head , because otherwise you can't select solo missions or co-op)

With this Code from me , you get the cheats as well.
5It allows 3 and 4P co-op/counter-op, although first player controls players 1, 3, and 4. The funny thing is, it shows all the players and is not very laggy...if only we could fix this.

Also, you can get 2P training (or 3/4P w/ player one controlling 1,3 and 4). Put it to an activator. Exit a solo level, and when you abort hold the button down. You'll have two player training!
6Makes The controls backwards and on speed and the ground Icy. Tested on DataDyne 1st Solo Mission I believe works on all Solo. Probably works in MP, verry funny if it does.
7The multiplayer one works fine, but the "almost everywhere" one is slightly faulty. Solo levels tend to have two soundtracks running, the normal soundtrack and an effects soundtrack like wind or traffic. The music mod changes only one, leaving you sometimes with two soundtracks running at the same time and no effects soundtrack. Press L to activate the code. You have to restart the level to get it to work.

You also need the values. The cut-scenes are without speech. Change ?? to:

01 - Rare Logo
02 - Extraction
03 - Pause Menu Music
04 - Defense
05 - Strange Experiments Noises
06 - Escape
07 - Deep Sea
08 - Traffic
09 - Defection
0A - Solo Death Theme
0B - Jumpship during Defection Intro
0C - Villa
0D - Carrington Institute
0E - Chicago
0F - G5 Building
10 - Defection X
11 - Extraction X
12 - Investigation
13 - Investigation X
14 - Infiltration
15 - BETA multiplayer death theme
16 - Rescue
17 - Air Base
18 - Air Force One
19 - Multiplayer death theme
1A - Jumpship during Villa Intro
1B - Defense level complete soundtrack
1C - Pelagic II
1D - Confrontation
1E - Confrontation X
1F - Attack Ship (Doesn't work in lo-rez!?)
20 - Attack Ship X
21 - Skedar Ruins
22 - Defection Intro (Without hoverbike sounds)
23 - Defection Outro
24 - Defense X
25 - Investigation Intro
26 - Investigation Outro
27 - Villa X
28 - Chicago X
29 - G5 Building X
2A - Infiltration X
2B - Chicago Outro
2C - Extraction Outro
2D - Extraction Intro
2E - G5 Building Intro
2F - Chicago Intro
30 - Villa Intro (Short Version)
31 - Infiltration Intro
32 - Rescue X
33 - Escape X
34 - Air Base X
35 - Air Force One X
36 - Pelagic II X
37 - Deep Sea X
38 - Skedar Ruins X
39 - Air Base Intro (last part)
3A - Dark Combat
3B - Skedar Mystery
3C - The BETA Soundtrack! It starts similar to Deep Sea but changes after about 50 seconds
3D - CI Operative
3E - dataDyne Action
3F - Maian Tears
40 - Alien Conflict
41 - Escape Intro (GAS!)
42 - Rescue Outro
43 - Villa Intro (Long Version)
44 - Villa Intro (Medium Version)
45 - G5 Outro
46 - G5 Special
47 - Fail Mission Theme
48 - Combat Simulator Main Menu
49 - Level Complete Theme
4A - Confrontation Intro
4B - Air Base Intro
4C - Attack Ship Intro
4D - Deep Sea Special (Virus detected!)
4E - Air Force One Intro
4F - Attack Ship Outro
50 - Escape Special
51 - Rescue Intro
52 - Deep Sea Intro
53 - Infiltration Outro
54 - Pelagic II Intro
55 - Escape Outro
56 - Defense Intro
57 - Confrontation Outro
58 - End Credits
59 - Perfect Menu
5A - Deep Sea Outro
5B - Air Force One Special
5C - Pelagic II Outro
5D - Air Force One Outro
5E - Skedar Ruins Intro
5F - BETA a simple bloop sound
60 - Air Base Outro
61 - Defense Outro
62 - Skedar Ruins Outro
63 - Villa Outro
64 - Last Boss (Doesn't work in lo-rez!?)
65 - Training
66 - Wind
67 - Combat Simulator Game Complete
68 - Waves
69 - Even more Wind
6A - Even more Traffic
6B - Perfect Dark Logo
6C - Joanna using PC cut-scene
6D - Insects
6E - Cetan background cries
6F - Attack Ship hum
70 - Hover sound
71 - Even even more Wind
72 - UFO from Escape Outro
73 - A51 Employee commandments
74 - Alternate A51 Employee commandments
75 - BETA a few plongs of what sounds like a false mario theme
76 - Escape Outro (different version)
8While in a multiplayer game you might get sick of the soundtrack and will want to change it. Go to the Control menu with player one and hold down L + C-up until End Game changes into Soundtrack. Select Soundtrack and choose the soundtrack you want to listen to from the soundtrack menu. Obviously, you've changed the End Game menu and you can't end the game! Simply press L + C-down to change things back to normal.

SUPERNAUT692, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
hack master8, 9, 11
Wreck710, 12
Ass Wigit13
The Phantom15, 16, 17, 18
Krijy19, 20, 21, 22