
Perfect Dark

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Cheat Device 2.2 Or Higher Needed For This Game, 2.5 or 3.3 Reccomended. (Key Codes Needed)
This Game Requires The Zelda Keycode
1Lo-Res Enable Code (Must Be On) (Cheat Device 3.20 Or Higher Needed!)EE000000 0000
2Hi-Res Enable Code (Must Be On-Cheat Device Version 3.0-3.21) (Cheat Device 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)F1000204 27BD
F1000206 FFE4
F1000208 AFA8
F100020A 0014
F100020C AFA9
F100020E 0018
F1000210 3C1A
F1000212 A05F
F1000214 375A
F1000216 AE00
F1000218 3C08
F100021A A07C
F100021C 3508
F100021E 5C00
F1000220 241B
F1000222 0040
F1000224 8D09
F1000226 0000
F1000228 237B
F100022A FFFF
F100022C AF49
F100022E 0000
F1000230 2108
F1000232 0004
F1000234 1F60
F1000236 FFFB
F1000238 235A
F100023A 0004
F100023C 8FA9
F100023E 0018
F1000240 8FA8
F1000242 0014
F1000244 27BD
F1000246 001C
F1000248 3C1A
F100024A A05F
F100024C 375A
F100024E AE00
F1000250 0340
F1000252 0008
F1000254 2400
81000204 3C1A
81000206 A05F
81000208 375A
8100020A AE00
8100020C 0340
8100020E 0008
81000210 2400
3Hi-Res Enable Code (Must Be On-Cheat Device Version 3.30) (Cheat Device 3.30 Or Higher Needed!)FF1EAE00 0000
4Hi-Res Enable Code #2 (Must Be On-Cheat Device Version 3.30) (Cheat Device 3.30 Or Higher Needed!)FF75C000 0000
Miscellaneous Codes
5JoSim Challenge 30 Infinite Health81504370 0000
6Mr. Blonde Infinite Health Challenge 30815046D8 0000
7Cassandra Infinite Health Challenge 30181504A40 0000
8PD Carrington Instutute Weapon Slot Modifier2805359A9 00XX
805359BD 00XX
805359F9 00XX
9Stare Down Enemies38025FE88 0001
10Enemies Don't Bleed On Themselves80246988 0001
11Joanna Barf (Menu Sequence Intro)8023F488 0001
12Able To Go Through Most Doors48022E5FC 0001
13Able To Go Through Some Other Different Doors8022E608 0001
14Able To Go Through Some Other Doors8022E5F8 0001
15Every Bullet Counts As Six Bullets80282918 0001
16Almost No Collisions80285798 0001
17Enemies Confused When Chasing You80264DE8 0001
18Have X-Ray Scope For All Weapons (Press L/R)802C6D6B 0001
19Have X-Ray Scope When Unarmed802C6D63 0001
20Have Infrared Vision When Unarmed and Aiming802C6D63 0001
21Always Punching/Trying To Attack802C8F5C 0001
22Lights Don't Give Off Glare802D23F0 0020
23All Doors Short Circuit802AEF8C 0020
24Able To Use & Take Weapons Out Of The Firing Range802C92C4 0020
25Low Mission Time8120821E 0078
811EF21E 0078
811d621E 0078
26Prop To Prop Almost No Collisions8028AA4C 0020
27Turn Off/Remove Props8029E314 0020
28Stationary Gravity80283464 0001
29No Props/Other Varying Effects80285FB0 0020
30Shiny Ammo Bar (Ammo Part)802CB834 0020
31Dark Blue Ammo Bar (Ammo Part)802CB830 0020
32Dark Blue Ammo Bar (Empty Part)802CB82C 0020
33Red Ammo Bar (Empty Part)802CB838 0020
34Walk Thru Walls8002804B 0001
80028053 0001
80028057 0021
8002805B 0001
8002805F 0001
8002806B 00A1
8002806F 0001
80028073 0021
80028077 0001
35Fast Joanna8001AC0F 0000
8001AC1F 0080
8001AC4B 0081
8001AC5B 0001
8001AC6B 0081
8001AC7B 0001
8001AC8B 0081
8001AC9B 0001
8001ACAB 0081
8001ACB7 0001
36Some Items Slide On Ground80026C0F 003B
37No Blood, Effects Dissapear Faster8035EC87 0020
38Dragon Ammo Capacity Modifier8107039A ????
39Infinite Laptop Sentry Ammo (Hi-Res, All Players)8129A88C 2400
40Stop Mission Timer812DDCD8 2400
41All Guns (All Levels - No Cheat)81332AF0 A102
81332AF2 1870
42Infinite Reloads (All Levels - No Cheat)812CB6A0 A717
812CB6A2 17AA
43Enable Perfect Dark Difficulty81323E24 1000
44Have All Solo Missions Complete And Perfect Dark Difficulty Enabled58132FC90 A62A
45Have All Combat Sim Cheats813BB1E4 A28F
46Have All Challenges Complete813BC230 A055
47Have Solo/Co-Op Cheats81326D98 1000
81326D9A 001D
81326D9C 2405
81326D9E 0003
81326DF4 5400
48Have Classic Weapons Cheats813BC7A0 2402
49Have All Weapons In Firing Range800A22B5 00FF
810A22B6 FFFF
810A22B8 FFFF
50Have All Weapons In Firing Range (Short Version)813BC8E4 2409
51Goal Score Modifier810ACD22 ????
52Goal Targets Modifier800ACD24 00??
53Time Limit Modifier800ACD25 00??
54Unlimited Time Plus Instant Start813BFC30 AEA0
55Target Movement Speed Modifier810ACD2C ????
810ACD2E ????
56Have All Golds813BC7A0 2402
57Instant Medals813C009C 1000
813C009E 0008
58Bullseye Worth Modifier (Default 000A)813C0B26 ????
59Zone 1 Worth Modifier (Default 0005)813C0B1E ????
60Zone 2 Worth Modifier (Default 0002)813C0B1A ????
61Zone 3 Worth Modifier (Default 0001)813C0B16 ????
62All Guns Fire Armor Piercing Rounds812D1CA8 2402
812D1CAA 00FF
63Damage Multiplier (All Guns)6812D1D58 0C1D
812D1D5A 6C00
812D1D70 0C1D
812D1D72 6C00
812D1D94 0C1D
812D1D96 6C00
8175B000 C442
8175B002 001C
8175B004 3C1B
8175B006 ????
8175B008 449B
8175B00A 2000
8175B00C 03E0
8175B00E 0008
8175B010 4604
8175B012 1082
Shooting Range Codes
64Have 999 Points810B1E32 03E7
65Infinite Time810B1E2E 004D
66255 Targets Destroyed810B1E34 00FF
67Infinate Ammo Firing Range7810AD70E 0001
68Firing Range Points Modifier (Alternate)810AD172 ????
69Firing Range Targets Modifier (Alternate)810AD174 ????
70Firing Range Timer Modifier (Alternate)810AD16E ????
ASM Codes
71ASM Codes Note8N/A
72Infinite Ammo Both Guns (All Levels)(But You Need To Have Some)812BA8AC 2400
73Clip Doesn't Get Emptied When Switching Guns9812CBDF8 2400
74Entire Ammo Suply Is Loaded Into Clip On Weapon Load812B8F04 2400
75Infinite Ammo On Clip All Guns (All Levels)812B8F3C 2400
76Infinite Health (All Levels)812559A4 2400
77Infinite Health & Health Bar Doesn't Appear On Screen (All Levels)81255948 2400

1Charged Maulers still kill. Apparently some are too strong for the 0000 value.
200 - nothing
01 unarmed
02 falcon 2
03 falcon 2 silenced
04 falcon 2 scoped
05 Magsec
06 mauler
07 phoenix
08 dy357
09 dy357-lx
0B Cyclone
0C Callisto
0E Laptop
0F Dragon
10 K7
11 AR
12 Superdragon
13 Shotgun
14 reaper
15 sniper
16 farsight
17 devastator
18 Rocket Launcher
19 Slayer
1A not there
1B Crossbow
1C Tranquilizer
1D Laser
1E not there
1F not there
20 Timed Mine
21 Proxy Mine
22 Remote Mine
23 Combat boost
24 pp9i
25 CC13
26 klo1313
27 Kf7 Special
28 ZZT
29 DMC
2C Psychosis Gun
2D - Night Vision!
2E - CamSpy
2F - x-ray scanner
30 - IR scanner
31 - cloaking device
32 - horizon scanner
33 - TESTER! Glitched grenade pistol!
34 - Screwed up ROCKET LAUNCHER!
35 - ECM Mine
36 - Data Uplink
37 - R-Tracker
38 - Presidential Scanner
39 - Door Decoder
3C-Skedar Bomb
3D - comms rider
3E - Tracer Bug
3F - Target Amplifier
40 - Disguise
41 - Disguise
42 Flight Plans
43 - Research Tape
44 - backup tape
45 - 4C key card
4D - Suitcase
4E - Briefcase
4F - Shield
50 - Necklace
51 - dot - if you choose it, it makes a weapon held weird. odd
52 - dot - if you choose it, it makes a weapon held weird. odd
53 - Rocket
54 - Homing Rocket
55 - Grenade Round
56 - Bolt
57 - Briefcase
58 - rocket
3With this code, it works for almost all Solo levels near perfectly (but only slightly for 1.1 and 1.3). As long as you face, stare at, a enemy they can't shoot you!!! (they can though still punch and kick the crap out of you, up close) If you turn/have you're back to them, they can shoot you. Basically code gives you partial invincibility. Snipers can't be stared down. Code does slightly work on combat simulator, like challange 16, and a bit in a few others. Code works almost perfect, may rarely freeze game.
4With these codes, you can go through locked doors! Use only one door code at a time and u may have to squeeze through or crouch to go through doors.
5Note that The Duel is complete, but it won't show without completing the combat sim challenges or using the code for that.
6This effects both you and enemies (Solo/Co-Op/Combat Sim). ???? is an IEEE float. You can use this to make weapons cause more or less damage because you can multiply by less than 1. 3F00 would be 0.5, 3FC0 is 1.5, 4000 is 2.0, etc.
7This is a weird code after you shoot the first clip, it reloads and takes the ammo away from your clip total so it looks like the code did not work! But when you fire your gun and your clip total goes back up!
8These codes were made for Solo Missions, but odds are they work for Co-Op and Combat Simulator as well and possibly even Combat Sim in lo-res.
9Used with the above code, this should allow you to have Infinite Ammo on both guns provided at least 1 gun has some. ...hard to explain

CodeMaster1, 2, 3
Ass Wigit5, 6, 7, 8
Ryan Toluchanian9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
InterAct20, 25
Viper39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 68, 69, 70
Freeza64, 65, 66
Viper18771, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77