
NFL Quarterback Club 2001

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D005FED4 00??
2Activator 2 P1D005FED5 00??
3Dual Activator P1D105FED4 00??
4Activator 1 P2D005FEDC 00??
5Activator 2 P2D005FEDD 00??
6Dual Activator P2D105FED4 00??
7Activator 1 P3D005FEE4 00??
8Activator 2 P3D005FEE5 00??
9Dual Activator P3D105FEE4 00??
10Activator 1 P4D005FEEC 00??
11Activator 2 P4D005FEED 00??
12Dual Activator P4D105FEE4 00??
13Away Team Scores 0801316E1 0000
14Home Team Scores 0801320B1 0000
15Away Team Scores 100801316E1 0064
16Home Team Scores 100801320B1 0064
17Cheat Device Button To Reset Timer To Modifier8907FB28 ????
18Infinite Time To Choose Play810817D8 2800
19Always 1st Down800785D2 0001
20Always 4th Down800785D2 0004
21P1 Press L For 1st DownD005FED5 0020
800785D2 0001
22P1 Press R For 4th DownD005FED5 0010
800785D2 0004
23P2 Press L For 1st DownD005FEDD 0020
800785D2 0001
24P2 Press R For 4th DownD005FEDD 0010
800785D2 0004
25P3 Press L For 1st DownD005FEE5 0020
800785D2 0001
26P3 Press R For 4th DownD005FEE5 0010
800785D2 0004
27P4 Press L For 1st DownD005FEED 0020
800785D2 0001
28P4 Press R For 4th DownD005FEED 0010
800785D2 0004
29Home Team Infinite Time-Outs80053216 0005
30Home Team No Time-Outs80053216 0000
31Away Team Infinite Time-Outs80053796 0005
32Away Team No Time-Outs80053796 0000
Character Creation Codes
33Max Tac80073C9D 0064
34Max Trg80073C9F 0064
35Max Scr80073CA1 0064
36Max Rcg80073CA3 0064
37Max Agl80073CA5 0064
38Max Spd80073CA7 0064
39Max Hnd80073CA9 0064
40Infinite Creation Points8107A0F2 03E7

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
InterAct13, 14, 15, 16