
NFL Blitz 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Use Team Plays Cheat180282CC7 00??
2"Darker" Cheat80282CD3 00??
3(Teams Must Agree) Show More Field Cheat80282CD7 00??
4Big Head Cheat80282CDB 00??
5Team Big Heads Cheat80282CDF 00??
6Team Tiny Players Cheat80282CE7 00??
7Big Football Cheat80282CEB 00??
8Hide Receiver Name80282CEF 00??
9Weather: Rain Cheat80282CF3 00??
10Punt Hang Meter CheatD0282CF7 00??
11(Requires Human Teammate) Always Receiver Cheat80282CFB 00??
12Night Game Cheat80282CFF 00??
13Headless Team Cheat80282D03 00??
14Fog On Cheat80282D07 00??
15(Teams Must Agree) No CPU Assistance80282D0B 00??
16(Teams Must Agree) No Random Fumbles Cheat80282D0F 00??
17(In A 1 Team Game) Smart CPU Opponent Cheat80282D13 00??
18Show Field Goal % Cheat80282D17 00??
19(In A 2 Team Game) Tournament Mode Cheat80282D1B 00??
20Thick Fog On Cheat80282D1F 00??
21Super Diving Cheat80282D23 00??
22Target Receiver No Hiliting On Cheat80282D27 00??
23Weather: Snow Cheat80282D2F 00??
24Lights Out80282D33 00??
25Powerup Offense Cheat80282D37 00??
26Powerup Defense Cheat80282D3B 00??
27Powerup Teammates Cheat80282D3F 00??
28Super Blitzing Cheat80282D43 00??
29Infinite Turbo Cheat80282D47 00??
30No Punting Cheat80282D4B 00??
31No Interceptions Cheat80282D4F 00??
32No First Downs Cheat80282D53 00??
33Huge Head Cheat80282D57 00??
34Late Hits80282D5F 00??
35(2 Player Agreement) Hyper Blitz Cheat80282D63 00??
36Invisible Cheat80282D67 00??
37Turn Off Stadium Cheat80282D6B 00??
38(Teams Must Agree) No Play Selection Cheat80282D6F 00??
39Fast Passes Cheat80282D73 00??
40Fast Turbo Running Cheat80282D77 00??
41(Teams Must Agree) Powerup Speed Cheat80282D7B 00??
42Powerup Blockers Cheat80282D7F 00??
43Invisible QB Cheat80282D83 00??
44Allow QB To Step Out Of Bounds Cheat80282D87 00??
45Super Field Goals Cheat80282D8B 00??
46(Requires Human Teammate) Always QB80282D8F 00??
47Weather: Clear Cheat80282D93 00??
48No Head Cheat80282D97 00??
49Day Stadium Cheat80282D9B 00??
50Night Stadium Cheat80282D9F 00??
51Snow Stadium Cheat80282DA3 00??
52Old Day Stadium Cheat80282DA7 00??
53Old Night Stadium Cheat80282DAB 00??
54Old Snow Stadium Cheat80282DAF 00??
55City Stadium Cheat80282DB3 00??
56Roman Stadium Cheat80282DBB 00??
57Dirt Field Cheat80282DBF 00??
58Grass Field Cheat80282DC3 00??
59Astroturf Field Cheat80282DC7 00??
60Snow Field Cheat80282DCB 00??
61Asphalt Field Cheat80282DCF 00??
62Team 1 QB/Receiver Cancel Always Cheat80282CFB 0003
80282D8F 0003
80282D5B 00??
63Team 2 QB/Receiver Cancel Always Cheat80282CFB 000C
80282D8F 000C
80282D5B 00??


With these codes, the ?? is the player that activated the code, it will definitely affect that player if it is a code that affects players, and some may affect all players and/or teams. While others may just have an 'on/off' status. You need to experiment to see if it effects the whole team, all players, or single player.

01 - Activated By P1
02 - Activated By P2
03 - Activated By P1 & P2
04 - Activated By P3
05 - Activated By P1 & P3
06 - Activated By P2 & P3
07 - Activated By P1, P2 & P3
08 - Activated By P4
09 - Activated By P1 & P4
0A - Activated By P2 & P4
0B - Activated By P3 & P4
0C - Activated By P3 & P4
0D - Activated By P1, P3 & P4
0E - Activated By P2, P3, & P4
0F - Activated By P1, P2, P3 & P4

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63