
Kobe Bryant In NBA Courtside

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
This Game Requires A Version 1.08+ Cheat Device
1Infinite Shot Clock8012AA07 00FF
2Cheat Device Button For Normal Time Modifier18912AA1A ????
3Activate "Big Heads" Cheat (All Players)800B4857 0001
4Activate "Big Heads" Cheat (Opponent-Only)800B485F 0001
5Activate Disco Court Cheat800CE843 0001
6Activate Small Players Cheat800B485B 0001
7Activate Alien Heads2800CE82B 0001
8Alien Team (Variation)800B4853 0001
9Unlock Hidden Teams81143222 0100
10Team Modifier P1800EDCCE 00??
11Team Modifier P2800EDCCD 00??
12Team Highlighted Modifier P13800D5236 00??
13Team Highlighted Modifier P2800D5235 00??
Option Modifiers
14Music Level Modifier800D4D42 00??
15Sound FX Level Modifier800D4D43 00??
16Crowd FX Level Modifier800D4D44 00??
17Announcer Level Modifier800D4D45 00??
18Stereo Or Mono Modifier800D4D46 00??
19Special Cameras Modifier800D4D47 00??
20Player Indicator Modifier800D4D48 00??
21Passing Indicator Modifier800D4D49 00??
22Rebound Indicator Modifier800D4D4A 00??
23Turbo Indicator Modifier800D4D4B 00??
24Score And Clock Display Modifier800D4D4C 00??
25Statistical Updates Modifier800D4D4D 00??
26Auto Switch Modifier800D4D4E 00??
27(Intro) NBA Screen Is Messed802AAC76 FFFF
28(Intro) NBA Screen is Smeared802AADBD 0063
29(Intro) Long Hands802FE056 FFFF
30(Intro) Occasional Flash of Lines802AADBD 0063
31(Intro) Flash of Lines802AADBD FFFF
32Messed-up Scoreboard4802FEC76 FFFF
33Game Freezes at Title Screen802FE056 FFFF
34Occasional White Dot in Bottom Left Corner of Screen80232056 0063
35White Dot in Bottom Left Corner of Screen80232056 FFFF
36Occasional White Dot on Bottom of Screen80232DBD 0063
37White Dot on Bottom of Screen80232DBD FFFF
38Occasional White Dot in Middle of Screen80267A56 0063
39White Dot in Middle of Screen80267A56 00FF
40Dent on NBA Logo/Stretched Out Shorts5802ABB65 FFFF

11500 - 3 Minutes
2A20 - 6 Minutes
3F40 - 9 Minutes
5460 - 12 Minutes
2This code works only for the "Left Field Production" team.
31E - Eastern
1F - Western
20 - Left Field Productions
21 - Nintendo Plumbers
22 - N64 Team
4The scoreboard that appears right after a team has scored is messed-up!
5This code works only 50% of the time.

Rune a.k.a. Hitler3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 27, 32
Robb8, 9
Viper18714, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Sport913028, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40