
Gauntlet Legends

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
This Game Requires A Version 3.2+ Cheat Device
Activators & Enablers
1Enable Code (Must Be On)EE000000 0000
2Activator 1 P1D00C5BB2 00??
3Activator 2 P1D00C5BB3 00??
4Dual Activator P1D10C5BB2 00??
5Activator 1 P2D00C5BB6 00??
6Activator 2 P2D00C5BB7 00??
7Dual Activator P2D10C5BB6 00??
8Activator 1 P3D00C5BBA 00??
9Activator 2 P3D00C5BBB 00??
10Dual Activator P3D10C5BBA 00??
11Activator 1 P4D00C5BBE 00??
12Activator 2 P4D00C5BBF 00??
13Dual Activator P4D10C5BBE 00??
14Max Strength P1810C5C04 0000
810C5C06 FFFF
15Max Speed P1810C5C14 0000
810C5C16 FFFF
16Max Magic P1810C5C24 0000
810C5C26 FFFF
17Max Armour P1810C5C34 0000
810C5C36 FFFF
18Infinite Turbo P1800FD30F 0064
19Level 99 P1810C5C44 0000
810C5C46 0063
20Infinite Health P1810C5C54 0000
810C5C56 270F
21Max Health P1810C5C64 0000
810C5C66 270F
22Infinite Special Weapons P1800C5FF7 0009
800C5D37 0009
800C5D67 0009
800C5DE7 0009
810C5EB7 0009
23Always Shoot 5-Way P1800FD198 0200
24Always Shoot 3-Way P1800FD19A 0002
25Always Shoot Rapid Fire P1800FD19A 1000
26Infinite Money P1810C5CF6 FFFF
27Max Strength P2810C6004 0000
810C6006 270F
28Max Speed P2810C6014 0000
810C6016 270F
29Max Magic P2810C6024 0000
810C6026 270F
30Max Armour P2810C6034 0000
810C6036 270F
31Infinite Turbo P2800FD4FF 0064
32Level 99 P2810C6044 0000
810C6046 270F
33Infinite Health P2810C6054 0000
810C6056 270F
34Max Health P2810C6064 0000
810C6066 270F
35Infinite War Hammer & Light Arrow P2800C6137 0009
800C6187 0009
36Infinite Money P2810C60D6 FFFF
37Max Strength P3810C6404 0000
810C6406 270F
38Max Speed P3810C6414 0000
810C6416 270F
39Max Magic P3810C6424 0000
810C6426 270F
40Max Armour P3810C6434 0000
810C6436 270F
41Infinite Turbo P3800FD6EF 0064
42Level 99 P3810C6444 0000
810C6446 270F
43Infinite Health P3810C6454 0000
810C6456 270F
44Max Health P3810C6464 0000
810C6466 270F
45Max Strength P4810C6804 0000
810C6806 270F
46Max Speed P4810C6814 0000
810C6816 270F
47Max Magic P4810C6824 0000
810C6826 270F
48Max Armour P4810C6834 0000
810C6836 270F
49Infinite Turbo P4800FD8DF 0064
50Level 99 P4810C6844 0000
810C6846 270F
51Infinite Health P4810C6854 0000
810C6856 270F
52Max Health P4810C6864 0000
810C6866 270F
53Have Window Schards8104EFCA 000F
54Have Rune Stones8104EFC6 1FFF
55Super Code P1 (Cheat Device 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)150001010 0000
56Super Code P2 (Cheat Device 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)50001010 0000
57Super Code P3 (Cheat Device 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)50001010 0000
810C63F6 FFFF
58Super Code P4 (Cheat Device 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)50001010 0000
810C67F6 FFFF
59Get Infinite Amount Of Item On Pickup50010100 0000
60Infinite Keys2800C5C97 0006

1These codes can glitch on occasion and whatever you have/pick up, you get Infinite of. Once you finish one board inside a level, the whole level will be finished, and there are other goodies that it does as well.
2At first, you won't have infinite keys. Once you get your first key you will.

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52
Zman98218, 31, 41, 49
BGM22, 35, 36
Twix23, 24, 25, 26
Robb53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
Wild Bill59
Game Hacker60