
FIFA: Road To The World Cup '98

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D01C4684 00??
2Activator 2 P1D01C4685 00??
3Dual Activator P1D11C4684 00??
4Activator 1 P2D01C468C 00??
5Activator 2 P2D01C468D 00??
6Dual Activator P2D11C468C ????
7Activator 1 P3D01C4694 00??
8Activator 2 P3D01C4695 00??
9Dual Activator P3D11C4694 ????
10Activator 1 P4D01C469C 00??
11Activator 2 P4D01C469D 00??
12Dual Activator P4D11C469C ????
13Activator 1 P1 #2D01C3320 00??
14Activator 2 P1 #2D01C3321 00??
15Dual Activator P1 #2D11C3320 ????
16Activator 1 P2 #2D01C3326 00??
17Activator 2 P2 #2D01C3327 00??
18Dual Activator P2 #2D11C3326 ????
19Activator 1 P3 #2D01C332C 00??
20Activator 2 P3 #2D01C332D 00??
21Dual Activator P3 #2D11C332C ????
22Activator 1 P4 #2D01C3332 00??
23Activator 2 P4 #2D01C3333 00??
24Dual Activator P4 #2D11C3332 ????
25Control Stick Activator 1 P1D01C4686 00??
26Control Stick Activator 2 P1D01C4687 00??
27Dual Control Stick Activator P1D11C4686 ????
28Control Stick Activator 1 P2D01C468E 00??
29Control Stick Activator 2 P2D01C468F 00??
30Dual Control Stick Activator P2D11C468E ????
31Control Stick Activator 1 P3D01C4696 00??
32Control Stick Activator 2 P3D01C4697 00??
33Dual Control Stick Activator P3D11C4696 ????
34Control Stick Activator 1 P4D01C469E 00??
35Control Stick Activator 2 P4D01C469F 00??
36Dual Control Stick Activator P4D11C469E ????
37Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #2D01C3322 00??
38Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #2D01C3323 00??
39Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #2D11C3322 ????
40Control Stick Activator 1 P2 #2D01C3328 00??
41Control Stick Activator 2 P2 #2D01C3329 00??
42Dual Control Stick Activator P2 #2D11C3328 ????
43Control Stick Activator 1 P3 #2D01C332E 00??
44Control Stick Activator 2 P3 #2D01C332F 00??
45Dual Control Stick Activator P3 #2D11C332E ????
46Control Stick Activator 1 P4 #2D01C3334 00??
47Control Stick Activator 2 P4 #2D01C3335 00??
48Dual Control Stick Activator P4 #2D11C3334 ????
Away Team Codes
49Score Modifier801AF003 00??
50Shots on Target Modifier801AF1AF 00??
51Attempts on Goal Modifier801AF1B7 00??
52Corners Modifier801AF1BB 00??
53Fouls Modifier801AF1CF 00??
Home Team Codes
54Score Modifier801AF007 00??
55Shots on Target Modifier801AF72F 00??
56Attempts on Goal Modifier801AF737 00??
57Corners Modifier801AF73B 00??
58Fouls Modifier801AF74F 00??
Miscellaneous Codes
59Cheat Device Button For Time Modifier1891AFE26 00??
891AFE2A 00??
60Enable Cheat Modifier 1281147792 ????
61Enable Cheat Modifier 2381147790 ????
62Fake All Player Skin Color Modifier4801955A6 00XX

100 - Beginning of Half
01-EF - Various Time in The Half
F0 - End Half Almost Instantly
20001 - ?
0002 - ?
0004 - Small Players Mode
0008 - Upside Down Mode
0010 - ?
0020 - Line Mode
0040 - Invisible Players
0080 - Ghost Players
0100 - ?
0200 - View Victory Sequences
0400 - No Stadium
0800 - ?
1000 - World Cup Mode Round Select
2000 - ?
4000 - Infinite Player Attribute Points
8000 - ?
FFFF All Of The Above
30001 - ?
0002 - ?
0004 - ?
0008 - ?
0010 - Invisible Walls
0020 - ?
0040 - ?
0080 - ?
0100 - Hot Potato Mode
01FF - All Of The Above

It makes all the players in the player edit screen whatever color you choose. It doesn't make the players that color in a match tho. Some values don't work, but you can get almost any color including neon multi color designs. Try F0-FF to see the best ones.

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
Viper1874, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
Robb60, 61