Diddy Kong Racing Version 1.0 |
WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
This Game Requires A Version 1.08+ Cheat Device |
Have 50 Bananas Codes |
1 | Ancient Lake P1 | 801E32CD 0032 |
2 | Ancient Lake P2 | 801E3b7D 0032 |
3 | Ancient Lake P3 | 801E430D 0032 |
4 | Ancient Lake P4 | 801E4A9D 0032 |
5 | Fossil Canyon P1 | 801E676D 0032 |
6 | Fossil Canyon P2 | 801E701D 0032 |
7 | Fossil Canyon P3 | 801E77AD 0032 |
8 | Fossil Canyon P4 | 801E7F3D 0032 |
9 | Jungle Falls P1 | 801E44CD 0032 |
10 | Jungle Falls P2 | 801E4D1D 0032 |
11 | Jungle Falls P3 | 801E54AD 0032 |
12 | Jungle Falls P4 | 801E5C3D 0032 |
13 | Hot Top Volcano P1 | 801E462D 0032 |
14 | Hot Top Volcano P2 | 801E4CFD 0032 |
15 | Hot Top Volcano P3 | 801E52CD 0032 |
16 | Hot Top Volcano P4 | 801E589D 0032 |
17 | Whale Bay P1 | 801E3AFD 0032 |
18 | Whale Bay P2 | 801E416D 0032 |
19 | Whale Bay P3 | 801E475D 0032 |
20 | Whale Bay P4 | 801E4D4D 0032 |
21 | Pirate Lagoon P1 | 801E295D 0032 |
22 | Pirate Lagoon P2 | 801E2FCD 0032 |
23 | Pirate Lagoon P3 | 801E35BD 0032 |
24 | Pirate Lagoon P4 | 801E3BAD 0032 |
25 | Crescent Island P1 | 801E3A2D 0032 |
26 | Crescent Island P2 | 801E42DD 0032 |
27 | Crescent Island P3 | 801E4A6D 0032 |
28 | Crescent Island P4 | 801E51FD 0032 |
29 | Treasure Caves P1 | 801E371D 0032 |
30 | Treasure Caves P2 | 801E3FCD 0032 |
31 | Treasure Caves P3 | 801E475D 0032 |
32 | Treasure Caves P4 | 801E4EED 0032 |
33 | Everfrost Peak P1 | 801E4F5D 0032 |
34 | Everfrost Peak P2 | 801E569D 0032 |
35 | Everfrost Peak P3 | 801E5BFD 0032 |
36 | Everfrost Peak P4 | 801E61CD 0032 |
37 | Walrus Cove P1 | 801E4A7D 0032 |
38 | Walrus Cove P2 | 801E532D 0032 |
39 | Walrus Cove P3 | 801E5ABD 0032 |
40 | Walrus Cove P4 | 801E624D 0032 |
41 | Snowball Valley P1 | 801E49FD 0032 |
42 | Snowball Valley P2 | 801E52AD 0032 |
43 | Snowball Valley P3 | 801E5A3D 0032 |
44 | Snowball Valley P4 | 801E61CD 0032 |
45 | Frosty Village P1 | 801E5F4D 0032 |
46 | Frosty Village P2 | 801E67FD 0032 |
47 | Frosty Village P3 | 801E6F8D 0032 |
48 | Frosty Village P4 | 801E771D 0032 |
49 | Boulder Canyon P1 | 801E61ED 0032 |
50 | Boulder Canyon P2 | 801E685D 0032 |
51 | Boulder Canyon P3 | 801E6E4D 0032 |
52 | Boulder Canyon P4 | 801E773D 0032 |
53 | Greenwood Village P1 | 801E4AAD 0032 |
54 | Greenwood Village P2 | 801E535D 0032 |
55 | Greenwood Village P3 | 801E5AED 0032 |
56 | Greenwood Village P4 | 801E627D 0032 |
57 | Windwill Plains P1 | 801E9BBD 0032 |
58 | Windwill Plains P2 | 801EA28D 0032 |
59 | Windwill Plains P3 | 801EA85D 0032 |
60 | Windwill Plains P4 | 801EAE2D 0032 |
61 | Haunted Woods P1 | 801E4A1D 0032 |
62 | Haunted Woods P2 | 801E52CD 0032 |
63 | Haunted Woods P3 | 801E5A5D 0032 |
64 | Haunted Woods P4 | 801E61ED 0032 |
65 | Spacedust Alley P1 | 801E654D 0032 |
66 | Spacedust Alley P2 | 801E6C1D 0032 |
67 | Spacedust Alley P3 | 801E71ED 0032 |
68 | Spacedust Alley P4 | 801E77BD 0032 |
69 | Darkmoon Caverns P1 | 801E5D0D 0032 |
70 | Darkmoon Caverns P2 | 801E65BD 0032 |
71 | Darkmoon Caverns P3 | 801E6D4D 0032 |
72 | Darkmoon Caverns P4 | 801E74DD 0032 |
73 | Star City P1 | 801E578D 0032 |
74 | Star City P2 | 801E603D 0032 |
75 | Star City P3 | 801E67CD 0032 |
76 | Star City P4 | 801E6F5D 0032 |
77 | Spaceport Alpha P1 | 801E3C6D 0032 |
78 | Spaceport Alpha P2 | 801E433D 0032 |
79 | Spaceport Alpha P3 | 801E490D 0032 |
80 | Spaceport Alpha P4 | 801E4EDD 0032 |
Have All Silver Coins |
81 | Ancient Lake | 801E34AA 0008 |
82 | Fossil Canyon | 801E694A 0008 |
83 | Jungle Falls | 801E513A 0008 |
84 | Hot Top Volcano | 801E480A 0008 |
85 | Everfrost Peak | 801E513A 0008 |
86 | Walrus Cove | 801E4C5A 0008 |
87 | Snowball Valley | 801E4BDA 0008 |
88 | Frosty Village, Spacedust Alley, & Darkmoon Caverns | 801E612A 0008 |
89 | Whale Bay | 801E3CDA 0008 |
90 | Pirate Lagoon | 801E2B3A 0008 |
91 | Crescent Island | 801E3C0A 0008 |
92 | Treasure Caves | 801E38FA 0008 |
93 | Boulder Canyon | 801E63CA 0008 |
94 | Greenwood Village | 801E4C8A 0008 |
95 | Windmill Plains | 801E9D9A 0008 |
96 | Haunted Woods | 801E4BFA 0008 |
97 | Spaceport Alpha | 801E3E4A 0008 |
98 | Star City | 801E596A 0008 |
Have All Silver Coins (Adventure 2 - Must Enter Future Fun Land With The Car) |
99 | Spacedust Alley | 801DF7AA 0008 |
100 | Darkmoon Caverns | 801DF19A 0008 |
101 | Spaceport Alpha | 801DCF0A 0008 |
102 | Star City | 801DE9EA 0008 |
Infinite Bananas (Battle Mode) Codes |
103 | Darkwater Beach P1 | 801DF2DD 0008 |
104 | Darkwater Beach P2 | 801DF94D 0008 |
105 | Darkwater Beach P3 | 801DFF3D 0008 |
106 | Darkwater Beach P4 | 801E052D 0008 |
107 | Ice Battle P1 | 801DE53D 0008 |
108 | Ice Battle P2 | 801DEDED 0008 |
109 | Ice Battle P3 | 801DF57D 0008 |
110 | Ice Battle P4 | 801DFD0C 0008 |
Miscellaneous Codes |
111 | Dino Boss Cannot Move | 811DFCF4 44A0 |
112 | Octo Boss Cannot Move | 811E045C 44A0 |
113 | Shift To Specific Level Spot (In Tracks Mode)1 | 801269CB 000? |
114 | (Fossil Canyon) Your Driver May Occasionally Drive Straight Into The Ground | 801E682A 0001 |
115 | (Fossil Canyon) Your Driver Pops A Double Wheelie #2 | 801E683C 0001 |
116 | (Fossil Canyon) Your Driver Pops A Double Wheelie | 801E683B 0001 |
117 | (Fossil Canyon) Tires Occasionally Flicker Or The Shadow Moves | 801E683A 0001 |
118 | (Fossil Canyon) Your Character Occasionally Jumps/Pops A Double Wheelie/Strange Walls In level/Camera Keeps Spinning Occasionally | 801E682C 0001 |
119 | (Fossil Canyon) Start Race Facing The Wrong Way/Occasional Wheelie & Jumping | 801E682D 0001 |
120 | (Jungle Falls) Your Character Makes Even Bigger & Faster Bounces | 801E452C 0002 |
121 | (Jungle Falls) Your Character Has Higher Jumps When Jumping Up & Down/Sideways | 801E452C 0000 |
122 | (Jungle Falls) Your Driver Pops A Double Wheelie | 801E453C 0001 |
123 | (Jungle Falls) Your Character Keeps Jumping Up & Down/Sideways | 801E452C 0001 |
124 | (Ancient Lake) Red Balloons Give You Bubbles But Box Is Magnet/Blue Balloons Give You A Missile But Box Is Radioactive | 801E342C 0009 |
125 | (Ancient Lake) Red Balloons Give You Bubbles But The Box Is 3 X Shields/Blue Balloons Give You Missile But The Box Is 3 X Droppers/Can Have 10 X Bubbles | 801E342C 0008 |
126 | (Ancient Lake) Red Balloons Give You 3 X Oil Spill But Box Is 2 X Shields/Blue Balloons Give You Missile But Box Is 2 X Droppers | 801E342C 0007 |
127 | (Ancient Lake) Red Balloons Give You X 2 Oil Spill But The Box Is Radiation X 1/Can Have X 10 X 2 Oil Spills/Blue Balloons Give You Missile But The Box Is Oil Spill X 1 | 801E342C 0006 |
128 | (Ancient Lake) Red Balloons Give You X 1 Oil But The Box Says Bubble/Can Have X 10 Oil Spills/Blue Balloons OnlyGive You X 1 Missile | 801E342C 0005 |
129 | (Ancient Lake) P1's Character Is Hopping Up & Down Behind Finish Line (Freezes) | 801E342C 0000 |
130 | (Ancient Lake) Red Balloon Gives You A Homing Missile But The Box Says Oil X 2:/Blue Balloon Gives You Normal X 1 Boost But Box Is Of Missile | 801E342C 0004 |
131 | (Ancient Lake) Red Balloons Give You A Missile But The Box Says Oil X 1/Blue Balloon Gives You A X 3 Boost Item But Box Shows The Missile Picture | 801E342C 0003 |
132 | (Ancient Lake) Red Balloon Box Messed-Up/Get 3 X Boost Items In One Blue Balloon | 801E342C 0002 |
133 | (Ancient Lake) Get Upgraded Items In One Balloon2 | 801E342C 0001 |
134 | (Ancient Lake) When You Get A Red Balloon It Gives You A Upgraded Boost Instead3 | 801E342C 00FF |
135 | (Ancient Lake) Some Graphics Are Missing When Boosting | 801E347F 00FF |
136 | (Ancient Lake) Screen Moves Around Even More Frantically & Often | 801E343F 00FF |
137 | (Ancient Lake) Your Character's Head Twitches | 801E348F 00FF |
138 | (Ancient Lake) Screen Shakes Occasionally Sleightly | 801E343F 0032 |
139 | (Ancient Lake) Your Character Keeps Talking In Race | 801E242F 0032 |
140 | (Ancient Lake) Strange Lightning Effect On Your Character/Difficult To Drive With | 801E342D 00FF |
141 | Character Won't Shut Up | 81053F44 2400 |
Notes |
1 | If you do 6 it puts no name but a track from the level. It freezes with 6 if you go to the bottom-most selection. |
2 | Getting a red balloon twice will give you 10X homing missiles! |
3 | Avoid the turbo (blue) balloons because trying to get one might freeze the game. |
Credits |
Zapdos | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 103, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112 |
John McMahan | 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 |
Stupd boy1 | 107, 108, 109, 110 |
Ass Wigit | 113 |
Jedi | 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 |
Hyperhacker | 141 |