Bust A Move 2: Arcade Edition |
WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
1 | Activator 1 P1 | D00F13EC 00?? |
2 | Activator 2 P1 | D00F13ED 00?? |
3 | Dual Activator P1 | D10F13EC 00?? |
Main |
4 | Infinite Credits | 80120171 0005 |
5 | Green Blobs In 2nd Puzzle Select Screen | 800F7382 0001 |
6 | Screen Saver Modifier1 | 8017532F 00?? |
7 | FAKE Infinite Time At Game Select | 801723D7 00?? |
8 | Press `L' For Infinite Time To Choose At Game Select | D00F13ED 0020 8116D19C 02EB |
9 | Access Secret Set of Puzzles2 | 80020951 0001 |
10 | Have Another World (Puzzle Game) | 8116D100 0001 |
1-Player Mode Codes |
11 | P1 Always Gets Bubbles | 80171131 0006 |
12 | P1 Never Gets Bubbles | 80171131 0000 |
13 | Computer Always Gets Bubbles | 80173601 0006 |
14 | Computer Never Gets Bubbles | 80173601 0000 |
15 | Infinite Time To Set Pieces P1 | 8117AAFC 0000 |
16 | Screen Never Fills Over Time P1 | 80171125 000A |
17 | Way Too Many Credits | 80120171 FFFF |
18 | 0 Credits | 80120171 0000 |
2-Player Mode Codes |
19 | P1 Always Gets Bubbles | 801710BD 0006 |
20 | P1 Never Gets Bubbles | 801710BD 0000 |
21 | Infinite Time To Set Pieces P1 | 8117B8F4 0000 |
22 | Screen Never Fills Over Time P1 | 801710B1 000A |
23 | P2 Always Gets Bubbles | 8017358D 0006 |
24 | P2 Never Gets Bubbles | 8017358D 0000 |
25 | Infinite Time To Set Pieces P2 | 81178168 0000 |
26 | Screen Never Fills Over Time P2 | 80173581 000A |
Notes |
1 | 1 - 1 min. 2 - 5 min. 3 - 10 min. |
2 | Look for a new game option called "Another World" on the Game Select screen. It appears in the lower-left corner of the screen. This code also gives you a new character in the two player contest! |
Credits |
CodeMaster | 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 |
InterAct | 4 |
Rune a.k.a. Hitler | 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Robb | 10 |
GSC | 17, 18 |
Powered by Psycho Snake Script v5.0.0 - Anti-GSC Mod
Everything here is copryight my ass. That's right, my ass 0wnz j00!
© Anti-GSC 2005