Banjo Kazooie Version 1.0 |
WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
This Game Requires A Version 1.08+ Cheat Device |
1 | Enable Code (This Must Be On) | DE000400 0000 8124C9D8 1000 812876A4 1000 812D3DC0 2400 |
2 | Improved Enable Code (Use This For Hacking) | F10396B0 2402 DE000400 0000 |
3 | Activator 1 P1 | D0281250 00?? |
4 | Activator 2 P1 | D0281251 00?? |
5 | Dual Activator P1 | D1281250 ???? |
6 | Activator 1 P1 #2 | D0285914 00?? |
7 | Activator 2 P1 #2 | D0285915 00?? |
8 | Dual Activator P1 #2 | D1285914 ???? |
9 | Activator 1 P1 #3 | D02812B8 00?? |
10 | Activator 2 P1 #3 | D02812B9 00?? |
11 | Dual Activator P1 #3 | D12812B8 ???? |
12 | Activator 1 P1 #4 | D02812D0 00?? |
13 | Activator 2 P1 #4 | D02812D1 00?? |
14 | Dual Activator P1 #4 | D12812D0 ???? |
15 | Activator 1 P1 #5 | D0281688 00?? |
16 | Activator 2 P1 #5 | D0281689 00?? |
17 | Dual Activator P1 #5 | D1281688 ???? |
18 | Activator 1 P1 #6 | D0281252 00?? |
19 | Activator 2 P1 #6 | D0281253 00?? |
20 | Dual Activator P1 #6 | D1281252 ???? |
21 | Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #2 | D0285916 00?? |
22 | Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #2 | D0285917 00?? |
23 | Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #2 | D1285916 ???? |
24 | Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #3 | D02812BA 00?? |
25 | Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #3 | D02812BB 00?? |
26 | Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #3 | D12812BA ???? |
27 | Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #4 | D02812D2 00?? |
28 | Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #4 | D02812D3 00?? |
29 | Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #4 | D12812D2 ???? |
30 | Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #5 | D028168A 00?? |
31 | Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #5 | D028168B 00?? |
32 | Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #5 | D128168A ???? |
Main Codes |
33 | Level Entrance/Exit/Warp Modifier 11 | 80383301 00?? |
34 | Walk through Walls2 | D0281250 0001 8037C278 0000 D0281250 0002 8037C278 0001 |
35 | Banjo Movement Modifier3 | 8037D167 00?? |
36 | Banjo Glides | 80179BC2 0000 |
37 | Animal Modifier | 8037C2D3 00?? |
38 | Character Select4 | D0281251 0008 8037C2D3 0002 D0281251 0001 8037C2D3 0003 D0281251 0004 8037C2D3 0004 D0281251 0002 8037C2D3 0005 D0281251 0010 8037C2D3 0006 D0281251 0020 8037C2D3 0007 |
39 | Infinite Time On Jigsaw Puzzles | 81385F32 1726 |
40 | Shift Enemies & Doors5 | D0281251 0020 80278220 003E D0281251 0010 80278220 003F |
41 | Enable Beak Buster Attack | 8137C3A2 0001 |
42 | Enable Kazooie Stilt Walk | 8137C3A1 0001 |
43 | You have 99 Notes6 | 81385182 0064 |
44 | Infinite Lives | 80385F8B 0009 |
45 | Infinite Health | 80385F83 0008 80385F87 0008 |
46 | Infinite Red Feathers | 80385F6F 0063 |
47 | Infinite Gold Feathers | 80385F73 0063 |
48 | Infinite Air | 81385F8E 0E10 |
49 | Infinite Mumbo Tokens | 80385FC7 0077 |
50 | Extra Notes | 80385F63 0063 |
51 | Infinite Eggs | 80385F67 0063 |
52 | Extra Jiggies7 | 80385FCB 0063 |
53 | Have Red Honeycombs | 80385F83 0010 |
54 | Infinite Health With Red Honeycombs | 80385F87 0010 |
55 | Time Is Always 00:00.00 | 81386004 1040 |
56 | Take Off And Fly From Anywhere | 8037C1D1 0002 |
57 | Do Shock Spring Jump From Anywhere | 8037C1D2 0002 |
58 | L Button For Moon Jump8 | D0281251 0020 8137C4BC 43E0 |
59 | Mega Jump9 | 80038A8C 0063 |
60 | Honeycomb Modifier10 | 80385F87 000? |
61 | Have Swamp Boots (Invisible) | 8137D468 5019 |
62 | Position Modifier | 8136C5A0 ???? 8137C5A4 ???? 8137C5A8 ???? |
63 | Item Collection Sound | 81281A3A ???? |
64 | Level Music Modifier11 | 8128189A ???? |
65 | Level Music Modifier (Part 2)12 | N/A |
66 | Don't Take Damage & Health Stays Off Screen | 813463DC 2400 |
67 | Invincible | 812B5460 2400 |
68 | Invincible (Alternate) | 8128F440 2400 |
69 | Jump Height Modifier (Normal Jumps - Default 44318000) | 81364CD0 ???? 81364CD2 ???? |
70 | Backflip Height Modifier (Default 44660000) | 81364A20 ???? 81364A22 ???? |
71 | Bottles Puzzle Modifier (0-6) | 8037DF6B 000? |
72 | Only Need 1 Twinkle To Win The Mini Game | D0382F36 0010 80382F36 0001 |
73 | Infinite Oranges | 80385F96 0063 |
74 | Infinite Blubbers Gold | 80385F92 0063 |
75 | Game 100% Complete | 8137C3A0 001F 50000302 0000 8137C3A2 FFFF 50000602 0000 813832C0 FFFF 81383FCA 0064 81383FDC 0064 50000802 0000 813832F0 FFFF 81385FA0 0063 81385FC4 0063 81385FF0 0064 50000602 0000 81385FF2 6464 50001002 0000 813831A8 FFFF 813831B0 FF7F 813831B2 FFB0 813831B4 3DA6 813831B6 F264 813831C6 FF7F |
Mr. Viles Mini Game |
76 | Easy Win For You | 81385F9A 0063 |
77 | Easy Win For Mr.vile | 81385F9E 0063 |
78 | Infinite Jokers (On Gruntys Board Game) | 81385FCE 0063 |
Item Codes |
79 | Have All Secret Items13 | 81283400 FFFF |
80 | Get Rid of the Secrets | 81283400 0000 |
81 | Give Red Present To The Guy14 | 8010DB0C 0000 |
Glitches |
82 | Can't Swim | 81385F8E 0000 |
83 | Weird Music | 81385F63 5AAA |
84 | Can't Switch Levels | 80383190 0001 |
85 | Glitchy Banjo & Enemies | 810004CA 0001 8103CAAE 0001 8108F3DA 0001 8109A2EA 0001 |
86 | No Fourth Rock - Spiral Mountain | 8015455C 0000 |
87 | Screwed Up Controls | 8037D1C4 0067 |
88 | Head Twitching Like Crazy & Fast Jumps | 8037BF27 0002 |
89 | Yellow Trail Up From Shorts | 8009A2F2 0001 |
90 | Backpack Blinks When You Move | 8008F3DB 0001 |
91 | Backpack Goes Up To Top Of Screen | 8008F3DB 0007 |
92 | Health Fill-Up15 | 88385F83 0008 |
93 | Expert Mode16 | 80385F83 0000 80385F8B 0000 |
94 | No BK in Intro17 | 8015304B 6464 |
95 | Smear Mode18 | 810DF01C F00D |
96 | Can't Use Kazooie, Night Glitch, Slow Animation, Animation Skipping, Talking Takes Longer | 8F0EF010 8C61 |
97 | Always Walking | 8003AAA6 0000 |
98 | Inviso Mode19 | 8133AAAD 64DD |
99 | Funky World20 | 810DF9D0 1112 |
100 | Weird Intro21 | 81081081 0810 |
101 | Blue Beard Grunty?22 | 800EFFEF FE04 |
102 | Always Have All Jinjos | 80385F7B 00FF |
103 | Bad Gas-Kazooie23 | 810DFD90 152F |
104 | Ice Skate Mode24 | 8E2A99BB 511A |
105 | See SharkFood Island Cave25 | B0ED11AF 0001 |
106 | Don't Believe Your Eyes | 8008F4B8 00A6 8008F4F8 00A6 8009A3C8 00A6 8008A408 00A6 |
107 | Can get all Secrets26 | D02812A8 0008 8137C580 3FDB D02812A8 0008 8137C588 3FDB |
108 | Some Sound Missing27 | 802819EB 0001 |
Notes |
1 | 01 - Mumbo's Mountain 02 - Treasure Trove Cove 03 - Clanker's Cavern 04 - Bubblegloop Swamp 05 - Freezeezy Peak 06 - Gruntilda's Lair 07 - Gobi's Valley 08 - Click Clock Wood 09 - Rusty Bucket Bay 0A - Mad Monster Mansion 0B - Spiral Mountain
Auto-warp to location, digits same except first two for XX, second two YY.
D0281251-0010 8037E8F4-0001 (trigger warp - press R) D0281251-0010 8037E8F5-00XX (warp location) (first two, approximate area) D0281251-0010 8037E8F6-00YY (second two, location within [not always the case, sometimes switch to other levels])
Digits: (In format XXYY)
NOTE: Works in Intro, press R and you will go to warped area. PLAY IN INTRO!!! You get 9 lives but have no moves. And doors aren't opened, but on exit you walk through som
0100 - Coming out of Banjo's House 0200 - Out of Skull Mouth in Mumbo's Mountain 0300 - FREEZE 1000 - Mr Vile 1100 - Tip Tup Choir 1200 - Gobi's Valley by big stairs 1300 - Puzzle 1400 - King Sandybutt's tomb 1500 - Water room with Face on floor 1600 - Snake room 1A00 - Jinxy 1B00 - Mad Monster Mansion 1B01 - MMM Main Door 1B03 - MMM Top of Well 1B04 - MMM Shed of light 1B05 - MMM Church Door 1B06 - MMM Secret stained glass window 1B07 - MMM Top Chimney 1B08 - MMM Drainpipe bottom 1B09 - MMM Cellar entrance 1B0A - MMM Window (left of main door) 1B0B - MMM Window (nearest church gate) 1B0C - MMM Window 1st floor (overlooking green fountain) 1B0D - MMM Window 1st floor (overlooking maze/church) 1B0E - MMM Top Window (overlooking Shed) 1B0F - MMM Top Window (overlooking Warp disk) 1B10 - MMM Top of Clock Tower 1B11 - MMM Clock Face 1B12 - MMM Mumbo 1B13 - MMM Bottom of Bucket 1B14 - MMM Warp Disc 1C00 - MMM Church On Beam (by Honeycomb) 1C01 - MMM Door 1D00 Cellar - MMM 1E00 Concert Intro 1F00 Nintendo Cube 2000 Beach Ending 2100 Witch Switch 2200 Flying Disc 2300 Bottles mound 2400 Glass Puzzle( in shed) - MMM 0100 Entering MMM 2500 Well - MMM 2600 Snorer Main Hall - MMM ................00 On table ................01 Entering Door ................02 Entering Chimney 27 Freezeezy Peak ................00 Bottles mound ................01 Warp disc 28 Pirate Room - MMM 29 Room (window overlooking warp disc - 0F - MMM) 2A Room (window to left of main door - 0A - MMM) ................00 Through Window ................04 THERE ALREADY! 2B Secret Banjo Kazooie Room - MMM 2C Loggo's room ................00 Entering Window ................04 Coming from toilet 2D00 Room with chest MMM 2E00 Room (window overlooking maze/church -0D - MMM) 2F00 In the drainpipe ................00 Fall from top ................02 In thru' hole 30 Mumbo's Hut - MMM ................00 Start there ................01 Enter thru' door 31 Rusty Bucket Bay ................00 By Warp disc ................01 By window - overlooking toxic pool ................02 By window - next to mean pipe, overlooking Blue containers ................03 By good pipe - overlooking main gates ................04 By good pipe - next to cage. ................05 By window - next to boat, overlooking Snacker's pen ................06 By good pipe - overlooking warp disc ................07 Door to machine room ................08 Snacker Pen - from boat room. ................09 By Blue container (door) ................0A By Blue Container (hole on top) ................0B By 2nd Blue Container (door) ................0C By hole , where kabooms fight you ................0D Warehouse by Snacker ................0E By Witch Switch ................0F By Warp Disc ................10 On Warp Disc 32 FREEZE 33 FREEZE 34 Machine Room - RBB ................00 At start of cogs etc. ................01 Top of pipe, thru' door ................02 By Fan Switch (next to window with Grublin) ................03 By Fan Switch (other side) ................04 By Fan Switch (In Room with Grublin) 35 Warehouse by Snackers pen - RBB ................00 Start There ................01 Enter the door 3600 Boat Room - RBB 3700 In first Blue Container - RBB 3800 In Third Blue Contrainer - RBB 3900 In Sea-Grublins Cabin - RBB 3A Kabooms room - RBB ................00 Start There ................01 Fall in. 3B Room with mini kabooms - thru pipe - RBB ................00 Start There ................01 Thru Pipe 3C Kitchen - RBB ................00 Start There ................01 From Pipe 3D00 Navigation Room - RBB 3E In second Blue Container - RBB ................00 Start There ................01 Fall in 3F In Room with Red Egg - RBB ................00 Start There ................01 Thru window 40 Click Clock Wood - Main Hub ................00 By Warp Disc ................01 From Winter ................02 From Spring ................03 From Summer ................04 From Autumn ................05 On Spring Switch ................07 On Warp Disc 41 Boggy's Igloo - FP ................00 Start There ................01 Thru' Door 42 FREEZE 43 Click Clock Wood - Spring ................00 By Gnawty ................01 Entrance to level 44 Click Clock Wood - Summer ................00 By Gnawty ................01 Entrance to level 45 Click Clock Wood - Autumn ................00 In Gnawty's House ................01 Entrance to level 46 Click Clock Wood - Winter ................00 In Gnawty's House ................01 Entrance to level 47 Mumbo's Hut - BGS ................00 Start There ................01 Thru' Door 48 Mumbo's Hut - FP ................00 Start There ................01 Thru' Door 49 FREEZE 4A00 Mumbo's Hut - CCW - Spring 4B00 Mumbo's Hut - CCW - Summer 4C00 Mumbo's Hut - CCW - Autumn 4D00 Mumbo's Hut - CCW - Winter 5B00 - Bees Nest 5C00 - Top of Bees Nest 5D00 - FREEZE 5E00 - Squirrel with Acorns 5F00 - Fat Squirrel 6000 - Squirrel window w/o Squirrel 6100 - w/ Squirrel 6200 - Quarters Rusty Bucket Bay 6300 - Another Window 6400 - Window of Squirrel's House in Click Clock Wood 6500 - Top of Click Clock Wood with slashing weeds 6600 - Top of Click Clock Wood with slashing weeds 6700 - Top of Click Clock Wood with slashing weeds 6800 - Top of Click Clock Wood with slashing weeds 6900 - Mumbo's Mountain in front of closed fence where Termite goes 6A00 - Next to witch picture on floor (later with eyes pushed up) 6B00 - Next to pipe with water 6C00 - Activated Cauldron past pipe underwater 6D00 - In Front of Treasure Trove Cove Entrance 6E00 - In Front Of Gobi's Valley Entrance 6F00 - In Front of Web and Witch Entrance 7000 - In Front of Honeycomb past water 7100 - Bottom of Stairway past big Witch Statue 7200 - Near Walking Guy and two pipes with swamp shoes 7300 - FREEZE 7400 - Near Cheato! 7500 - In Front of Mad Monster Mansion Entrance 7600 - Water before Rusty Bucket Bay (first entrance) 7700 - At entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay 7800 - At honeycomb in Rusty Bucket Bay near entrance 7900 - In front of Tree Click Clock Wood entrance 7A00 - Near Mumbo and Coffin near Mad Monster Mansion Entrance 7B00 - Opening Door to Witch and witch runs!!!! CUT-SCENE!!! 7C00 - Banjo sleeping, witch going to snatch Banjo's girl, bird waking Banjo 7D00 - Banjo's gal running, then above. 7E00 - FREEZE 7F00 - AT ICE KEY! 8000 - Banjo at weeds near Click Clock Wood 8100 - Witch Running cut-scene, then door 8200 - Tootie captured cut-scene 8300 - Ending Cut-scene on quit 8400 - Cut-scene guy running in lair, stays there 8500 - Shows tall tower, then witch, cut-scene of Tootie being stolen, etc. 8600 - Witch falling to death!!!!! 8700 - Witch Falling 8800 - Witch Falling 8900 - Tootie Stolen 8A00 - Banjo's HOUSE NO OBJECTS!! FALL THROUGH FLOOR!!! 8B00 - Swimming Rusty Bucket Bay 8C00 - Banjo's House 8D00 - Near puzzle piece Mad Monster Mansion 8E00 - BOARD GAME!!! 8F00 - SHARKFOOD ISLAND!!!! 9000 - FINAL BOSS!!! 9100 - Select Game Screen. How weird...can't play here 9200 - GOBI'S VALLEY SECRET EGG! 9300 - At Dingbot Before Boss 9400 - Mumbo Cooking a barbeque! Cut-scene 9500 - Beach ending!!!!!!!!! Nice Melons. I think you can view secrets w/o collecting jigsaws. 9600 - Beach ending after pictures 9700 - Beach ending after pictures 9800 - Guy sleeping on rock 9900 - Guy sleeping on rock 9A00 - and up, freeze...
8037E8F7-00XX 00 - Normal 01 - Jiggy Exit
Height enter next level part 8137C16C-XXXX ex. 41E8 |
2 | Press Right on the D-pad to activate and C-left to deactivate. Careful you can fall through the ground, you also have unlimited jumps. |
3 | Put this to an activator so you can fire eggs out of even the termite or pumpkin, supposedly offenseless animals! This is fun with even just Banjo. With `0009' you can sometimes clip through the walls! 01 - Can't Move 02 - Gliding On One Foot 03 - Gliding 04 - Run Fast 05 - Head Shakes And Then Buzzing 06 - Swiping Sound 07 - See Kazooie's Feet 08 - Holding Kazooie 09 - Spitting Eggs Without Kazooie 0A - Farting Without Kazooie 15 - Talon Trot Without Kazooie (Press Z for Kazooie to appear. Keep jumping up and you can hop around like that!) 25 - With Running Boots After You Move A Little 40 - Zoom Out With Teleportation (Sometimes you can't leave levels and hop a lot) 21 - Green Sparks Around Banjo 24 - Fly Without Using Red Feathers |
4 | When Mumbo transforms you hold: C-Up for the Termite C-Right for the Pumpkin C-Down for the Walrus C-Left for the Crocc R for the Bumble Bee L for the Washing Machine Press nothing to turn into Banjo |
5 | To get the blue egg, enter Gobi Valley, go up to the door, press L, and the door and Banjo will turn sideways. Now enter the room and press R to deactivate the code. Now get the code. To use this code on other levels, press L to activate it, and R to deactivate it. This code will turn enemies and doors sideways, allowing you to enter locked doors and more. |
6 | Collect 1 note to have all 100 notes. This code works in all of the levels! |
7 | The official codes have side-effects, such as causing Banjo to forget some moves, such as the "Rat-at-tat" and "climbing" maneuvers in the "Mad Mansion" level. Loading that level without any codes would avoid any possibility of this occurring. |
8 | With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and let go when you are at your desired height to fall. |
9 | With this code we can try and get secrets such as the waterfall cave! YES! The only problem is you are really slow! To do a mega jump, backflip and then use "Beak Bust" to get back down! |
10 | Put in a number from 1-8. That is the number of honeycomb life boxes you have. |
11 | This changes all levels, but when you go to areas where the music changes, only certain instrument play, giving you cool remixes. 0001 Final Battle with Grunty - (Scrap) 0002 MM - Ants 1,2,3,4 - (Jungle 2) 0003 Freezeezy Peak - All - (Snow 2) 0004 MMM - Church - (Bells) 0005 Treasure Trove Cove - All - (Beach) 0006 BGS - Main - All - (Swamp) 0007 CC - Fighting Crabs - (Crab) 0008 Main Conect Intro - (Titles) 0009 Note Collect - (Notes) 000A Jinjo - No speech - (Jinjo) 000B Red Feather Collect - (Feather) 000C Egg Collect - (Egg) 000D Jiggy dance - (Jigpiece) 000E Wind Blowing - Start Rare Logo - (Sky) 000F MMM - All, with bells - (Spooky) 0010 Spiral Mountain - All - (Training) 0011 TTC - Water, Seagulls - (Lighthouse) 0012 TTC - Fighting Big Crab - (Crab) 0013 TTC - Inside Crab - (Shell) 0014 Gold Feather Collect - (Feather Inv) 0015 Extra Life Collect - (Extra life) 0016 Honeycomb Collect - (Honeycomb) 0017 Big Honeycomb Collect - (Empty honey piece) 0018 Completed Honeycomb - (Extra honey) 0019 ???? Beta ???? - (Mystery) 001A Dead Banjo - (You lose) 001B MM - Inside Termite's hill - (Termites nest) 001C Clanker Cavern - All - (Outside Whale) 001D Mumbo's Spell - (Spell) 001E Grunty's Lair - (Witch House) 001F CC - In Clanker - (In whale) 0020 Gobi's Valley - All - (Desert) 0021 MMM - In the main house - (In spooky) 0022 MMM - In chruch yard - (Grave) 0023 MMM - In church - (Church) 0024 GV - In tomb - (Sphinx) 0025 Invunerability - (Invunerability) 0026 GV - Sandybutts Maze - (Collapse) 0027 GV - Toots and hisstup - (Snake) 0028 TTC - Sandcastle - (Sandcastle) 0029 CCW - Summer - (Summer) 002A CCW - Winter - (Winter) 002B Menu select - ok/ Get moves from Bottles - (Right) 002C No items left - (Wrong) 002D Fanfare before Jiggy - (Achieve) 002E CCW - Autumn - (Autumn) 002F CCW - Main Hub - (Default forest) 0030 All Jinjo Collected - (5 jinjos) 0031 Game Over - (Game over) 0032 Intro screen - Bassoon - (Nintendo) 0033 RBB - Main - (Ship) 0034 Snacker tune - (Shark) 0035 RBB - In machine room - (Ship inside) 0036 All 100 notes - (100 notes) 0037 Door opening?? - (Door Open) 0038 MMM - Church door closing - (Organ sequence) 0039 Beta Song DK-esque - (Advent) 003A FP - Race - (Slalom) 003B FP - Race Winner - (Race win) 003C FP - Race Loser - (Race lose) 003D Jiggy Appearance - (Jigsaw magic) 003E Beta Sound - (Oh dear) 003F Cauldron - (Up) 0040 Witch Falling ? - (Down) 0041 Mumbo's Hut - (Shamen hut) 0042 Open Note Door - (Jig 10) 0043 Warp in to level sound - (Carpet) 0044 CCW - Nabnut - (Squirrel) 0045 CCW - In bee nest - (Hornet) 0046 CCW - Top of tree- (Tree top) 0047 BGS - Tip tup choir - (Turtle Shell) 0048 CCW - Summer house - (House summer) 0049 CCW - Autumn house - (House autumn) 004A RBB - Warehouse by Snacker - (Out building) 004B CCW - Fighting Zubbas - (Hornet 2) 004C RBB - Quarters - (Cabins) 004D Beta MM - Beta Mumbo's Mountain tune. (Rain) 004E Start - whistle pitch bend up - (Jigsaw Open) 004F Whistle Pitch bend down - (Jigsaw Close) 0050 Grunty's Lair - Normal - (Witch 1) 0051 Grunty's Lair - TTC - (Witch 2) 0052 Grunty's Lair - CC - (witch 3) 0053 Grunty's Lair - GSC - (witch 4) 0054 Grunty's Lair - GV - (Witch 5) 0055 BGS - Mr Vile - eating Yumblies - (M Vile) 0056 Bridge to Grunty's Lair - (Bridge) 0057 Turbo Talon Trot - (Turbo talon trot) 0058 Wellies move - (Long legs) 0059 Grunty's Lair - FP - (Witch 6) 005A Boggy's Igloo sad kids - (Boggy sad) 005B Boggy's Igloo All's ok again. - (Boggy happy) 005C Beta Game Over - Quit 005D Grunty's Lair - (Witch 7) 005E Grunty's Lair MMM - (Witch 8) 005F CCW - Spring - (Spring) 0060 CCW - Nabnut's spare room - (Squirrel attic) 0061 FP - Light the tree - (Lights) 0062 RBB - Fighting the Kabooms - (Box) 0063 |
12 | Grunty's Lair - into Jazzy Game show disc. - (Witch 9) 0064 World Opening - (Open up) 0065 Filling a jigsaw picture - (Puzzle complete) 0066 FP - Christmas Tree - (Xmas tree) 0067 Start - Rare Logo - (Puzzle in) 0068 FP - We are the Twinklies - (Lite tune) 0069 Cauldrons - (Open extra) 006A MMM - Puzzle board - (Ouija) 006B FP - Wozza's Cave - (Wozza) 006C Grunty's Intro - including Tooty's theme & Banjo Snoozing. (Intro) 006D CCW - Gnawty's house - (Gnawty) 006E Start Select screen - sleepy - (Banjo pad) 006F Pause Screen - (Pause) 0070 MMM - In loggo - (Cess pit) 0071 Grunty's Furnace Fun - (Quiz) 0072 BGS - Beat the frogs - (Frog) 0073 Start Selection screen - gameboy - (Gameboy) 0074 Grunty's Main Room - cackles - (Lair) 0075 Red Feather Top Up - (Red extra) 0076 Gold Feather Top Up - (Gold extra) 0077 Blue Egg Top Up - (Egg extra) 0078 Open a note door - (Note door) 0079 Cheato - (Cheaty 007A Brentilda - (Fairy) 007B Life/Death square - GFF - (Skull Square) 007C Grunty square - GFF - (Grunty Square) 007D Banjo square - GFF - (Banjo Square) 007E Joker square - GFF - (Joker Square) 007F Music square - GFF - (Music) 0080 Machine Room - (Lab) 0081 Brentilda -strum - (Fade up) 0082 Strum - (Puzzle out) 0083 Gobi Valley - Secret Fanfare - (Secret Gobi) 0084 Treasure Trove Cove - Secret fanfare - (Secret Beach) 0085 Freezeezy Peak - Ice Key fanfare - (Secret Ice) 0086 Mad Monster Mansion Loggo Fanfare - (Secret Spooky) 0087 Click Clock Wood secret fanfare - (Secret Squirrel) 0088 Collection of Secret Item - (Secret egg) 0089 Jinjo charge - (Jinjup) 008A Turbo Talon Trot - (Turbo Talon Trot short) 008B Strum - (Fade down) 008C Jinjonator - (Big Jinjo) 008D Jinjonator appearing (T1000) 008E End Sequence - Cast List - (Credits) 008F Jinjonator charging - (T1000x) 0090 Grunty's Big Door opening - (Big Door) 0091 Grunty falling (Descent) 0092 Grunty's spell - (Wind up) 0093 Bottles game piece - (Air) 0094 Bottles game music - (Do jig) 0095 Start of bottles game - (Picture) 0096 Pick a piece up - (Piece up) 0097 Put a piece down - (Piece down) 0098 Start of Bottles game - (Spin) 0099 Barbeque tune - (BarBQ) 009A Jinjonator hitting Grunty - (chord1) 009B Jinjonator hitting Grunty 2 - (chord2) 009C Jinjonator hitting Grunty 3 - (chord3) 009D Jinjonator hitting Grunty 4 - (chord4) 009E Jinjonator hitting Grunty 5 - (chord5) 009F Jinjonator hitting Grunty 6 - (chord6) 00A0 Jinjonator hitting Grunty 7 - (chord7) 00A1 Jinjonator hitting Grunty 8 - (chord8) 00A2 Jinjonator hitting Grunty 9 - (chord9) 00A3 Jinjonator hitting Grunty 10 - (chord10) 00A4 Barbeque Shock 1 - (shock1) 00A5 Barbeque Shock 2 - (shock2) 00A6 Barbeque Shock 3 - (shock3) 00A7 Barbeque Shock 4 - (shock4) 00A8 Grunty's Lament - (sad grunty) 00A9 Tooty's theme - (podium) 00AA Beach theme - (endbit) 00AB Grunty's Lament - (Rock) 00AC Final Game Over - (Last bit) |
13 | All the secrets codes do save but you can always put the secrets back where they belong with the get rid of secrets code. The have all secret items code and unlock the secrets code both allow you to access the areas that need to be accessed to collect the secrets. |
14 | You must turn the code off at start-up, then turn on the code after you have present given to the guy and inside the igloo. |
15 | At any time in the game, press the Cheat Device button to fill up your life bar. |
16 | If you take one hit, you get a game over. Kinda sucks, but It's a HUGE challenge. Try it if you've beat the game. |
17 | BK is not in the intro, but everyone else is! |
18 | Some textures on walls are smeared all over the place! |
19 | This makes Banjo, and all the enemies invisible! It's cool though because you can still see your shadow! |
20 | The code that just doesn't stop giving! Everytime you play with this on, different areas of the game will have odd textures. Often when you re-play the game with this code the funky-textures are in different places! |
21 | This is to weird, you have to try it. Unfortunately it doesn't let you play the game like this. |
22 | The giant gruntilda head in spiral mountain has a slimy-blue chin! Very weird... |
23 | When using the "talon trot" move it looks as if Kazooie is passing gas (too many bad eggs?) Other things such as your shadow, and smoke also look weird. |
24 | The character animation is in slow motion, but your character still moves at the same speed, so it looks like you are ice skating! |
25 | This code lets you see through the ground, so when in Treasure Trove Cove, go underwater to the bottom of the Shark Food Island. Now you should be able to see underground and the SECRET CAVE that is shown at the end of the game! |
26 | Go to sharkfood island, stand on it, then turn of the power. All the secrets are now ready to grab! |
27 | Activate this, and then play the game as normal. You'll find that some sound (the puzzle piece-shaped area transitions, Snacker's music, and others) does not play when it should. |
Credits |
InterAct | 1, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52 |
Freeza | 2, 41, 42 |
CodeMaster | 3, 4, 5 |
Viper187 | 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 |
Crock (of shit) | 33, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61, 62, 82, 83 |
Ruff Ryder | 34 |
Ass Wigit | 35, 36, 81, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 |
Zapdos | 37, 39 |
Zapdos & Animal | 38 |
Crock (of shit) & Kola | 40 |
Jaha & Zapdos | 43 |
Banjo-Kazooie GS Lair | 49, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 | | 58, 94, 95, 103, 104, 105 | | 59 |
Noah | 60, 92, 93 |
Ass Wigit and Ice Mario | 63, 64 |
N/A | 65 |
HyperHacker | 71 |
Coolboyman | 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 |
CodeGenius | 79, 80 |
OWL2 | 85 | | 96 | | 97 |
Animal | 106 |
Luigi_1 | 107 |
Icy Guy | 108 |