
Beetle Adventure Racing

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Multi-Player Level Codes
1Unlock Airport8002D000 0001
2Unlock Parkade8002D001 0001
3Unlock Stadium8002D002 0001
4Unlock Castle8002D003 0001
5Unlock Ice Flows8002D004 0001
6Unlock Volcano8002D005 0001
7Unlock Dunes8002D006 0001
8Unlock Roof Tops8002D007 0001
9Unlock Woods8002D008 0001
Control Mode (For P1 Only)
10Woods1D10321F4 0020
8029513F 0000
D10321F4 0800
8029514B 0000
D10321F4 0100
8029514C 0000
D10321F4 0030
802956F7 0000
D10321F4 2800
80295703 0000
D10321F4 2100
80295704 0000
11DunesD10321F4 0020
8028F1CF 0000
D10321F4 0800
8028F1DB 0000
D10321F4 0100
8028F1DC 0000
D10321F4 0030
8028F787 0000
D10321F4 2800
8028F793 0000
D10321F4 2100
8028F794 0000
12ParkadeD10321F4 0020
8029228F 0000
D10321F4 0800
8029229B 0000
D10321F4 0100
8029229C 0000
D10321F4 0030
80292847 0000
D10321F4 2800
80292853 0000
D10321F4 2100
80292854 0000
13StadiumD10321F4 0020
8029019F 0000
D10321F4 0800
802901AB 0000
D10321F4 0100
802901AC 0000
D10321F4 0030
80290757 0000
D10321F4 2800
80290763 0000
D10321F4 2100
80290764 0000
14CastleD10321F4 0020
8028E3CF 0000
D10321F4 0800
8028E3DB 0000
D10321F4 0100
8028E3DC 0000
D10321F4 0030
8028E987 0000
D10321F4 2800
8028E993 0000
D10321F4 2100
8028E994 0000
15Ice FlowsD10321F4 0020
8028EB5F 0000
D10321F4 0800
8028EB6B 0000
D10321F4 0100
8028EB6C 0000
D10321F4 0030
8028F117 0000
D10321f4 2800
8028F123 0000
D10321F4 2100
8028F124 0000
16VolcanoD10321F4 0020
8028D8BF 0000
D10321F4 0800
8028DACB 0000
D10321F4 0100
8028DACC 0000
D10321F4 0030
8028E077 0000
D10321F4 2800
8028E083 0000
D10321F4 2100
8028E084 0000
17RooftopsD10321F4 0020
802929EF 0000
D10321F4 0800
802929FB 0000
D10321F4 0100
802929FC 0000
D10321F4 0030
80292FA7 0000
D10321F4 2800
80292FB3 0000
D10321F4 2100
80292FB4 0000
Infinite Power Usage (Beetle Battle)
18P18028EC17 00??
19P28028F1CF 00??
20P38028F787 00??
21P180292437 00??
22P2802929EF 00??
23P380292FA7 00??
24P180294B87 00??
25P28029513F 00??
26P3802956F7 00??
27P180291CD7 00??
28P28029228F 00??
29P380292847 00??
30P18028FBE7 00??
31P28029019F 00??
32P380296757 00??
33P18028DE17 00??
34P28028E3CF 00??
35P38028E987 00??
Ice Flows
36P18028E5A7 00??
37P28028EB5F 00??
38P38028F117 00??
39P18028D507 00??
40P28028DABF 00??
41P38028E077 00??
42P180298237 00??
43P2802987EF 00??
44P380298DA7 00??
'Squashes' Modifiers
45P1802981AF 00??
46P280298767 00??
47P380298D1F 00??
48P480298FF7 00??
49P180291C4F 00??
50P280292207 00??
51P3802927BF 00??
52P480291047 00??
53P18028FB5F 00??
54P280290117 00??
55P3802906CF 00??
56P480290417 00??
57P18028DD8F 00??
58P28028E347 00??
59P38028E8FF 00??
60P48028E457 00??
Ice Flows
61P18028E51F 00??
62P28028EAD7 00??
63P38028F08F 00??
64P48028F037 00??
65P18028D47F 00??
66P28028DA37 00??
67P38028DFEF 00??
68P48028EBF7 00??
69P18028EB8F 00??
70P28028F147 00??
71P38028F6FF 00??
72P48028F6C7 00??
73P1802923AF 00??
74P280292967 00??
75P380292F1F 00??
76P480292F67 00??
77P180294AFF 00??
78P2802950B7 00??
79P38029566F 00??
80P480295537 00??


P2: To take all of p2's health press right on the d-pad To take away P2's current item, press "L". To take away P2's Current lady bugs!, press up on the d-pad.

P3: To take away P3's health hold Z and press right on the d-pad. To take away P3's Current item, Hold "R" and press "L" To take away P3's current lady bugs, hold Z and press Up on the d-pad.

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
slab10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79
Zapdos48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80