
Army Men

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
This Game Requires A Version 3.0+ Cheat Device
Activators & Enablers
1Enable Code (Must Be On)F10507CC 2400
2Activator 1 P1D0142844 00??
3Activator 2 P1D0142845 00??
4Dual Activator P1D1142844 00??
5Improved Screen Format8003177E 0001
8003140D 0001
6Maximum Visibility80070F52 0001
7Incendiary Bullets! (Shoot Enemies & They Burn!)80054C94 0001
8Multiplayer Incendiary Bullets (You Burn When Shot)80054C81 0001
9Enemies' Flamethrowers Don't Work! (Neither Does Yours)8006D69D 0001
10Enemies' Ability To Recognize You Lessened Slightly8005742D 0001
11Flamethrowers Fire In All Directions8006BD79 0020
12Everyones' Weapons Float Off When They Move (Switch Weapons To Get Yours Back)8006B1B3 0020
13Get Hit, Then Walls Turn Off (Able To Just Roam)80054C81 0002
14Enemies Do What You Do80054CAD 0020
15Everyone Has A Flamethrower Tank On (Just Graphic)8006B3CB 0001
16Everyone Never Has A Flamethrower Tank On (Just Graphic)8006B3C6 0001
17Pickup Items Invisible80055E54 0001
18Fast Music8008425C 0001
19All Weapons8115969E 0001
20Start With Max Ammo8115FCBE 0001
21Immortal (Invincible)8115FCEE 0001
22Infinite Continues81159692 0001
23Invisible81159682 0001
24Tin Soldier811596A2 0001
25Play As Vikki811609A2 0008
26Play As Plastro811609A2 0009
27Play As The Big Green One811609A2 0007
28Test Info811599E6 0001
29Number of Players Modifier1810AADAE 000x
30Have ALL Weapons/Items In Single Player28135ECCE FFFE
31All items/weapons in Boot Camp Mode8136035A FFFE
All weapons/items in Multi-player
32P18133BA4E FFFE
33P28133BC0A FFFE
34P38133BDC6 FFFE
35P48133BF82 FFFE
Play Level Codes
36Spy Blue381163FFA 0001
8116403E 88A0
37Bathroom81163FFA 0001
8116403E 88B4
38Riff Mission81163FFA 0001
8116403E 88C8
39Forest81163FFA 0001
8116403E 88E0
40Hoover Mission81163FFA 0001
8116403E 88F0
41Thick Mission81163FFA 0001
8116403E 8908
42Snow Mission81163FFA 0001
8116403E 8920
43Shrap Mission81163FFA 0001
8116403E 8938
44Fort Plastro81163FFA 0001
8116403E 8950
45Scorch Mission81163FFA 0001
8116403E 8968
46Showdown81163FFA 0001
8116403E 8980
47Sandbox81163FFA 0001
8116403E 8994
48Kitchen81163FFA 0001
8116403E 89A4
49Living Room81163FFA 0001
8116403E 89B4
50The Way Home81163FFA 0001
8116403E 89C8

1This code changes the amount of players in the select box in the main menu. Use this if you would like to hack more players than you have controllers for. Just unplug the controller and plug it into the controller port you want to hack. 4 players is the maximum, anything more than 4 or less than one will freeze the game.
2Do NOT make this an odd number, this goes for all of the all weapons/items codes, as its will include a weapon that was never programmed, and crashes the game when you try to select it, but the pic of it in the top corner suggests it may have been a howitzer or something
3With these codes, you can only activate one at a time!

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Ryan Toluchanian5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Delta FORCE29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35