WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
Main |
1 | Infinite Chaffs | 8027E017 000A |
2 | Infinite Special Weapons | 8027E4D2 0002 |
3 | Extra Planes | 8127CCEC FFFF |
4 | Extra Points | D027A20C 0000 8027A20C 00FF |
5 | Game Speed Change | 8127CC00 ???? |
6 | Infinite Gun | 8027E110 0001 |
7 | Ultra-Fast Missile Recharge | 8027E300 0001 |
8 | Rocket Squad | 8027E107 0001 |
9 | Tomahawk Squad | 8027E109 0001 |
10 | 99 Bonus | 80130B87 0063 |
11 | 99 Accuracy | 80130B80 0063 |
12 | Always Have F-15J Eagle | 8027CCEC 0010 |
13 | Always Have X-29A A.T.D. | 8027CCED 0020 |
14 | Infinite Armor Plane | 8127CFF4 44A0 8127CFF8 44A0 |
15 | Infinite Health | 8027CFF5 00C8 8027CFF9 00C8 |
16 | Gun Speed Select1 | 8127CC01 ???? |
17 | Gun Select2 | 8027E023 00?? |
18 | Gun Never Loses Charge | 812C22DC 2400 |
19 | Don't Take Damage | 813190E4 2400 |
20 | Invincible | 812A9624 2400 |
21 | Infinite Health P2 | 8127E7D4 4420 8127E7D8 4420 |
22 | Infinite Chaffs P2 | 8027F7F7 000A |
23 | Infinite Special Weapons P2 | 8027FCB2 0002 |
24 | Infinite Gun P2 | 8027F8F0 0001 |
25 | Ultra-Fast Missile Recharge P2 | 8027FAE0 0001 |
Miscellaneous Codes |
26 | Can't Use Secondary Weapons | 8010CA30 0008 |
27 | No Background On Menu Modifier | 8127CC23 ???? |
28 | Slow Game Modifier | 8127CC00 ???? |
29 | Stop And Go3 | 800459A6 ABB7 800459A9 ABB7 |
30 | Highlighter On Menu Is Stuck On4 | 8127CC27 00?? |
Notes |
1 | Replace the ???? with 0000 to FFFF, the 0000 equaling slow shots and the FFFF representing fast shots. |
2 | Replace the ?? with any of the following guns: 00 - Chaff 01 - Jammings 02 - Air Mines 03 - Mahibishi 0A - 22mm BB Shot 0B - 22mm 0C - Hunai Shot 0D - Fireball 0E - Sabre 14 - Fire 15 - Tomahawk 16 - Ninja Glitch 17 - Fire Wave 1E - Rocket 1F - Phoenix 20 - Star 21 - Fire Arrow 28 - Ninjabeam |
3 | This code makes the game freeze then comes back to life for a while. It keeps repeating this pattern. |
4 | 0 - Practice 1 - Main Game 2 - DeathMatch 3 - Boss Attack 4 - Options 5 - Continue 6 - ? |
Credits |
InterAct | 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 |
bmblaster | 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 30 |
CodeMaster | 12, 13 |
Kablamy12@aol.com & CodeMaster | 14 |
Nintendo Code Center | 15 |
Viper187 | 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 |
Agent999 | 29 |
Powered by Psycho Snake Script v5.0.0 - Anti-GSC Mod
Everything here is copryight my ass. That's right, my ass 0wnz j00!
© Anti-GSC 2005