
Aerofighters Assault

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Chaffs8027E017 000A
2Infinite Special Weapons8027E4D2 0002
3Extra Planes8127CCEC FFFF
4Extra PointsD027A20C 0000
8027A20C 00FF
5Game Speed Change8127CC00 ????
6Infinite Gun8027E110 0001
7Ultra-Fast Missile Recharge8027E300 0001
8Rocket Squad8027E107 0001
9Tomahawk Squad8027E109 0001
1099 Bonus80130B87 0063
1199 Accuracy80130B80 0063
12Always Have F-15J Eagle8027CCEC 0010
13Always Have X-29A A.T.D.8027CCED 0020
14Infinite Armor Plane8127CFF4 44A0
8127CFF8 44A0
15Infinite Health8027CFF5 00C8
8027CFF9 00C8
16Gun Speed Select18127CC01 ????
17Gun Select28027E023 00??
18Gun Never Loses Charge812C22DC 2400
19Don't Take Damage813190E4 2400
20Invincible812A9624 2400
21Infinite Health P28127E7D4 4420
8127E7D8 4420
22Infinite Chaffs P28027F7F7 000A
23Infinite Special Weapons P28027FCB2 0002
24Infinite Gun P28027F8F0 0001
25Ultra-Fast Missile Recharge P28027FAE0 0001
Miscellaneous Codes
26Can't Use Secondary Weapons8010CA30 0008
27No Background On Menu Modifier8127CC23 ????
28Slow Game Modifier8127CC00 ????
29Stop And Go3800459A6 ABB7
800459A9 ABB7
30Highlighter On Menu Is Stuck On48127CC27 00??

1Replace the ???? with 0000 to FFFF, the 0000 equaling slow shots and the FFFF representing fast shots.

Replace the ?? with any of the following guns:

00 - Chaff
01 - Jammings
02 - Air Mines
03 - Mahibishi
0A - 22mm BB Shot
0B - 22mm
0C - Hunai Shot
0D - Fireball
0E - Sabre
14 - Fire
15 - Tomahawk
16 - Ninja Glitch
17 - Fire Wave
1E - Rocket
1F - Phoenix
20 - Star
21 - Fire Arrow
28 - Ninjabeam
3This code makes the game freeze then comes back to life for a while. It keeps repeating this pattern.
40 - Practice
1 - Main Game
2 - DeathMatch
3 - Boss Attack
4 - Options
5 - Continue
6 - ?

InterAct1, 2, 3, 4, 7
bmblaster5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 30
CodeMaster12, 13 & CodeMaster14
Nintendo Code Center15
Viper18718, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25