
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
This Game Requires A Version 3.3 GS Or Higher
1High Resolution Enable Code (Must Be On)FF500000 0000
2Low Resolution Enable Code (Must Be On)F10B90F4 1000
316-Bit ActivatorD10E4266 ????
4Activator #1D00E4266 00??
5Activator #2D00E4267 00??
High Resolution Codes
6Infinite Gold81277334 3B9A
81277336 CA00
7Model Modifier For First Party Member1810E0D6E XXXX
Low Resolution Codes
8Infinite Gold811FE9F4 3B9A
811FE9F6 CA00
The Following Codes May Crash Your Game
9Infinite Healing Potion (Low Res)801FFC8B 0032
10Infinite Spice (Low Res)801FF62B 0032
11Infinite Healing Potion (High Res)2802785CB 0032
1265,535 XP (High Res)381278BAE FFFF

125F9 - "Alaron"
2A43 - Marari Female
2C17 - Spirit
2CC0 - Marari Male
2D4A - GiantBat
2E82 - Crawdad
3094 - Tweety
324D - Fatboy
32CC - GiantRat

There are hundreds more, but I don't really care to check for all of them.
2You MUST already have Healing Potion available in your inventory before you use this code!! If you do have healing potion, you'll have infinite. Otherwise, the game will crash!
3Only works on emulator - crashes N64 if you load the second save file.

Parasyte1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
CodeMaster & Parasyte2