
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1D00D9714 00??
2Activator 2D00D9715 00??
3Dual ActivatorD10D9714 ????
4Infinite Health1810D943C 3F80
810D944E 0000
51-Hit Death810D943C 3C80
6P1 Infinite ArmorD0064F30 0020
810D9440 3F80
7P1 No Armor2D0064F30 0020
810D9440 3C80
8Infinite Ammo (Right Gun)800D9BFF 00FF
9Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun)800D9BF0 0011
10Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800D9BE9 0020
11Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun)3800D9BD3 00??
12Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800D9BF1 00FF
13Continuous Fire (Right Gun)800D9BDC 0001
14Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun)800D9BB9 00F7
15Can't Fire Weapon (Right Gun)800D9BF5 0001
16Infinite Ammo (Left Gun)800D9FA7 00FF
17Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun)800D9F98 0011
18Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800D9F91 0020
19Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun)800D9F7B 00??
20Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800D9F99 00FF
21Earthquake Modifier800D9B33 00??
22Distortion Mode Vision800D9B50 0003
23Shoot Through Most Stuff4800D9F84 0001
24Have All Weapons800DA54C 0007
25Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change)800D9BF1 000B
26Only Gun In Left Hand Shows Up800D9BF0 00FF
27Odd Colored Arm/Hand800D9BC4 0002
28All Of The Guards Are Gone In Runway80324A2E 000C
29Improved Infinite Health For 007 Mode810D943C 4CCC
810D944E 0000
30Less Enemies (Runway)80324AAC 002E
31Less Enemies (Surface)80324AAC 002F
32Practically No Enemies (Depot)80324AAC 002B
33Clipping/Somewhat Floating Bond800D939C 0007
34Enemy Gun Modifiers (Runway)801D9038 00??
801D90C0 00??
801D91D0 00??
801D9258 00??
801D92E0 00??
801D9368 00??
801D93F0 00??
801D9478 00??
801D9500 00??
801D9588 00??
35Enemy Gun Modifiers (Surface)801E1CA8 00??
801E1D30 00??
801E1EC8 00??
801E2170 00??
801E21F8 00??
801E2308 00??
801E2418 00??
801E2528 00??
36Inventory Modifiers (Runway)801E4407 00??
801E441B 00??
801E442F 00??
801E4443 00??
801E4457 00??
801E446B 00??
801E447F 00??
801E4493 00??
801E44A7 00??
801E44BB 00??
801E44CF 00??
801E44E3 00??
801E44F7 00??
801E450B 00??
801E451F 00??
801E4533 00??
801E4547 00??
801E455B 00??
801E456F 00??
801E4583 00??
801E4597 00??
801E45AB 00??
801E45BF 00??
801E45D3 00??
801E45E7 00??
801E45FB 00??
801E460F 00??
37Inventory Modifiers (Surface)801EF637 00??
801EF64B 00??
801EF65F 00??
801EF673 00??
801EF687 00??
801EF69B 00??
801EF6AF 00??
801EF6C3 00??
801EF6D7 00??
801EF6EB 00??
801EF6FF 00??
801EF713 00??
801EF727 00??
801EF73B 00??
801EF74F 00??
801EF763 00??
801EF777 00??
801EF78B 00??
801EF79F 00??
801EF7B3 00??
801EF7C7 00??
801EF7DB 00??
801EF7EF 00??
801EF803 00??
801EF817 00??
801EF82B 00??
801EF83F 00??
38Inventory Modifiers (Depot)801FAB67 00??
801FAB7B 00??
801FAB8F 00??
801FABA3 00??
801FABB7 00??
801FABCB 00??
801FABDF 00??
801FABF3 00??
801FAC07 00??
801FAC1B 00??
801FAC2F 00??
801FAC43 00??
801FAC57 00??
801FAC6B 00??
801FAC7F 00??
801FAC93 00??
801FACA7 00??
801FACBB 00??
801FACCF 00??
801FACE3 00??
801FACF7 00??
801FAD0B 00??
801FAD1F 00??
801FAD33 00??
801FAD47 00??
801FAD5B 00??
801FAD6F 00??
39Infinite Ammo For PP7, Klobb, and D5K810DA496 013C
40Infinite Ammo For KF7 and Sniper Rifle810DA49E 013C
41Infinite Ammo For Tank810DA502 013C
42Infinite Ammo For Grenade Launcher810DA4BE 013C
43Infinite Ammo For Rocket Launcher810DA4AA 013C
44Infinite Shotgun Shells810DA4A2 013C
45Infinite Magnum Bullets810DA4C2 013C
46Infinite Golden Bullets810DA4C6 013C
47R For Super Speed TankD0064F31 0010
810D94D4 426F
48Unlock Entrance To Bunker Door (Surface 1)801E15BF 0000
49Open Gray Double Doors & Blue Shutter Door (Runway)801DB1C3 0000
801DB2C3 0000
801DB713 0000
50Unlock The Safe (Depot)801EB20B 0000
51Unlock The Safe (Surface 1)801DE8AB 0000
52Mix & Match Weapons - Right Hand5800D9C0F 00??
53Mix & Match Weapons - Left Hand800D9F7B 00??
54Moon Jump6D0064F30 0040
810D93DC 412B
55No Clipping (X-Coordinate)7D0064F31 0030
800D97ED 0050
880D97ED 0000
56No Clipping (Z-Coordinate)D0064F31 0030
800D97F5 0050
880D97F5 0000
57No Bond In Intro To Level & In MCM w/ Out Of Body (Depot Only)8D0064F31 0010
8106BA80 0000
D0064F31 0010
8106BA82 0000
D0064F31 0020
8106BA80 801F
D0064F31 0020
8106BA82 52E8
58Plane Never Leaves From Runway8003097A 0001
59Plane In Runway Takes Off When You Hit LD0064F31 0020
8003097A 0019
60Runway, Start In Plane98106A738 4620
8106A73A 812E
8106A73C C3F7
8106A73E 19FC
8106A740 C6A4
8106A742 BA86
8106A744 801C
8106A746 AEB0
8106A748 4598
8106A74A 25F6
61Terminator WeaponsA00D9BBD 01EE
62Bat Bond800D989C 00CC
63Drone Guns Inactive - Depot801EBF44 0070
64Drone Guns Inactive - Runway801DB78C 0070
801DB874 0070
801DB95C 0070
65Sky Bond810D939C 00A0
66Clear Day (Surface 1)800452E2 FFFF
67Tank Still Able To Move Around (Runway)8103AFB0 3E80
68Tank Position Modifier Part 1 (Facing Right)1080041464 0001
800414B5 0001
80041555 0001
8803644C 0080
8803644D 0006
8803644E 00A4
8803644F 00F4
88036450 0080
88036451 0006
88036452 00A4
88036453 00F4
88036454 0043
88036455 004A
88036456 0058
88036483 0001
D0064F30 0002
8003644B 0001
69Tank Position Modifier Part 2 (Facing Forward)1188036460 00BD
88036461 0095
88036462 00CA
88036463 00F5
88036464 0040
88036465 0092
88036466 0086
88036467 0065
88036474 003D
88036475 0081
88036476 00A3
88036477 00F5
88036478 003F
88036479 004A
8803647A 0090
8803647B 0032
8803647C 0033
8803647D 0018
8803647E 0054
8803647F 0074
88036484 003D
88036485 008E
88036486 00FA
88036487 0035
70Chair Size Modifier (Runway)128003A488 00??
8003A489 00??
71Filing Size Modifier Cabinet (Runway)8003A434 00??
8003A435 00??
72Chair Size Modifier (Runway)8003A489 00??
73Fileing Cabinet Size Modifier (Runway)8003A435 00??
74Enlarge Runway1380044600 003D
80044601 0007
75Shrink Runway80044600 003E
80044601 0010
76Runway Super Duper Visibility80044604 003D
77Enlarge Surface 180044618 003D
78Shrink Surface 180044618 003F
80044619 0030
79Surface 1 Super Duper Visibility8004461C 003C
80Enlarge Depot80044588 003D
81Shrink Depot80044588 003F
80044589 0040
82Depot Super Duper Visibility8004458C 003D
83Number Of Shots Fired Modifier - Right Gun810D9C02 ????
84Number Of Shots Fired Modifier - Left Gun810D9FAA ????

1With ALL of these codes, you have to only activate them on the level that they codes are for, and turn them off when not playing that level!
2With these `Armor' codes, you will have Infinite Armor while holding down the 'Z' button.
300 - No Guns
01 - Fist
02 - Fighting Knife
03 - Throwing Knife
04 - Non-Silenced PP7
05 - Soviet thinks it is a Silenced PP7
06 - Dostevis
07 - Klobb
08 - Soviet
09 - ZMG 9mm
10 - Shotgun
11 - Sniper Rifle
12 - Cougar Magnum
13 - Golden Gun
14 - Silver PP7
15 - Golden PP7
16 - MoonRaker Laser
17 - Watch Laser
18 - Grenade Launcher
19 - Rocket Launcher
20 - Tank
21 - Briefcase Bomb
22 - Plastique
23 - Strange Explosion Weapon [Difficult to Aim With As Well]
0A - Deutsche
4With these `Shoot Through Most Stuff' codes, you can shoot doors bullet proof windows, YOU can GO places where you are not supposed to, like in the train, suface 1, in multiplayer if you play 2,3,4 players, select archives, now you can go in the entire level!!!!! Now you can blow up most everything,doors windows other stuff too!
500 - ?
01 - Unarmed
02 - Hunting Knife
03 - Throwing Knife
04 - PP7
05 - PP7 (Silenced)
06 - DD44
07 - Klobb
08 - KF7 Soviet
09 - ZMG (9mm)
0A - D5K
0B - D5K (Silenced)
0C - Phantom
0D - AR33
0E - RC-P90
0F - Shotgun
10 - Auto Shotgun
11 - Sniper Rifle
12 - Cougar Magnum
13 - Golden Gun
14 - Silver PP7
15 - Golden PP7
16 - Laser
17 - Watch Laser
18 - Grenade Launcher
19 - Rocket Launcher
1A - Grenade
1B - Timed Mine
1C - Proximity Mine
1D - Remote Mine
1E - Detonator
1F - Taser
20 - Tank
21 - Bomb Case
22 - Plastique
23 - Flare Pistol
24 - Piton Gun
25 - Bungee
26 - Door Decoder
27 - Bomb Defuser
28 - Camera
29 - Lock Exploder
2A - Door Exploder
2B - Briefcase
2C - Weapon Case
2D - Safe Cracker
2E - Key Analyzer
2F - Covert Modem
30 - Micro Camera
31 - Bug Detector
32 - Guidance Data
33 - Polarized Glasses
34 - Dark Glasses
35 - Credit Card
36 - Gas Keyring
37 - Data Thief
38 - Watch Identifier
39 - Watch Communicator
3A - Watch Geiger Counter
3B - ??????
3C - ??????
3D - GoldenEye Key
3E - Black Box
3F - Circuit Board
40 - Clip Board
41 - Staff List
42 - Red Dossier
43 - Plans
44 - Spy File
45 - Blueprints
46 - Map
47 - Audio Tape
48 - Video Tape
49 - DAT Tape
4A - Spool Tape
4B - Microfilm
4C - Micro Code
4D - Lectre
4E - Money
4F - Gold Bar
50 - Heroine
51 - Keycard
52 - Yale Key
53 - Bolt Key
54 - ??????
55 - ??????
56 - ??????
57 - ??????
58 - Token
6Hold the B button to jump. You must fall off something before you can rise in the air! So if you're in the Dam, get on top of the first tower near the start, hold B, and run off the steps really fast! You'll start going up!


1) Enter the codes, exactly as they are here, in the order they are listed. Only use one of the 3 no clipping codes at a time. And don't enter more than one no clipping code for more than one level, Enter a code only for the level you are going to play!

2) Then, while you are in the level you put the codes in for, stand in any position in the game, then press the L & R top shoulder buttons together! Until you are transported farther away from your current position. Turn around until you see the area you were in, you will be able to see clearly only the area that you were last in, the rest will be transparent. Walk back to that area.. and walk around its edges and shoot the enemies through the walls. You sometimes can't shoot through the wall but if you get close enough to where you gun barely sticks out the wall, then youcan shoot the enemies there. Now to turn the no clipping mode off, you need to go back to where you press the L+R buttons together or at a position in the level that is at the same height off of the ground, this will re position yourself as on the ground level, then walk to the next place you want to use it and repeat this step! The only thing that stinks about this code, is that all the other rooms are transparent! Also, if you wish to use this on a room that has the same floor level for the most of the area, try climbing up the stairs a bit and press L+R, but, just remember that you have to be back at that same position on the stairs to turn the no clipping code off!

3) A tip, when using this code, be sure to use the following code 80069669 0001 and go into the cheat menu and turn on the code that says NO NAME cheat, which is the DEBUG MODE code, it will tell you what room you are still in and it will show you your coordinates, this will make it easier for you to get back on ground level by remembering where you last were before by the coordinates! Also with this code, it will sometimes put you in a position of which you can't get out of, you will have to simply EXIT the level and start over!

4) NOTE: I also have the Y coordinate modifier code, but it is REALLY glitchy because it not only modifies your Y coordinate, but it also modifies what room you are in, and it will take a little more time to get that code ready!

5) Just Added, a third code to each code, this is the Panic button code, a code that will let you move positions if you get stuck, press the Cheat Device Button to go a different position in the room, and hopefully if you can alternate between the L+R and the Cheat Device Button you can get back on track!

Remember: You have to press the L+R buttons to activate these cheat codes.

8I was trying to hack 3rd person, I think I am in the right area/pointer location.
1.After starting up Depot (Do not hold L or R)
2.Press R at cut-scene w/ Bond to disable him.
3.Press L to reenable.
4.Note, you may not be able to leave if R was the last thing you hit, and sometimes your guns are invisible which is interesting!
With MCM out of Body:
R to not have Bond, L to have him.
Do not switch views or game will freeze (Hit L last to switch them and exit menu)
9 For some weird reason if you make the plane take off, you still can't get out of plane shape.
10Hold the Cheat Device button at any spot while holding left on the Control Pad. You will then be in the tank at whatever place you where at (ex. in Runway you can get the tank into the building you start at, nothing too grand). You can't have both Runway and Streets codes on at same time.
11You can use this code along with either other code and your tank will face forward instead of right and be easier to position. Hold the Cheat Device button at the same time along with part 1 of code.

All odd rows (like the 3rd) are 1st row modifiers and all even rows (like the 4th) are 2nd row modifiers

1st Row: 3C
2nd Row:
01 - Microscopic (About Half Size Of Bullet Mark)
80 - Somewhere In Between
FF - About Shrink Size
1st Row: 3E
2nd Row:
01 - About Enlarge Size
2D - Tank Still Able To Move Around In Streets
80 - Tank Still Able To Move Around In Runway
FF - Really Big Size
1st Row: 3F
2nd Row:
01 - Really Big
80 - Gigantic!
FF - Jumbo Size!
1st Row: 40
2nd Row:
01 - Jumbo Size!
54 - About Size Of Runway Level
FF - Game Freezes
13With these codes, for some levels with already very large rooms (Runway/Jungle, Etc), They may freeze, you can (should) change the shrink code around using for the 1st row 00??, (Biggest) 3C, 3D, 3E, and 3F (smallest), And for the 2nd row 00??, 00 - Ff, Whatever you decide, to make the level any size you want, basically the levels largely only work ok within the enlarge and shrink sizes posted below. There isn't a lot of room in which you can actually change them (Also Note: Visibilty codes are needed. If you enlarge a level, see full levels code just won't cut it for these.)

Viper187 & Parasyte1, 2, 3
Code Master4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27
Code Master & SHiner23
Code Master & Jedi24
Jedi30, 31, 32, 33
Viper66634, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
Viper187 & Seasalt36, 37, 38
Wreck7@sprint.ca48, 49, 50, 51
AntGalore52, 53
CodeMaster55, 56
Ass Wigit57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64
Ryan Toluchanian67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82
Viper18783, 84