
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Deathmatch Level Modifier18002B537 00??
2P1 Character28102B524 0000
8102B526 00??
3P2 Character38102B528 0000
8102B52A 00??
4P3 Character48102B52C 0000
8102B52E 00??
5P4 Character58102B530 0000
8102B532 00??
6Have All 64 Players68002B197 0040
7License to Kill Multiplayer Health Setting78002B499 0039
8102B49C 4300
8Unlimited Health Multiplayer Health Setting8002B4E9 002D
8002B4EC 0020
9Play Any Multi Level With Four Levels8D0064F30 0020
8102B523 0004
10P1 Kills Modifier (All Levels)80079F1B 00??
11P2 Kills Modifier (All Levels)80079F87 00??
12P3 Kills Modifier (All Levels)80079FFB 00??
13P4 Kills Modifier (All Levels)8007A06F 00??
14Died ???? Times Modifier Player 19800CA53B ????
15Died ???? Times Modifier Player 2800CCFBB ????
16Died ???? Times Modifier Player 3800CFA3B ????
17Died ???? Times Modifier Player 4800D24BB ????
18Player 1 Kills Player 1 Modifier1081079F14 ????
81079F16 ????
19Player 1 Kills Player 2 Modifier81079F18 ????
81079F1A ????
20Player 1 Kills Player 3 Modifier81079F1C ????
81079F1E ????
21Player 1 Kills Player 4 Modifier81079F20 ????
81079F22 ????
22Player 2 Kills Player 1 Modifier81079F84 ????
81079F86 ????
23Player 2 Kills Player 2 Modifier81079F88 ????
81079F8A ????
24Player 2 Kills Player 3 Modifier81079F8C ????
81079F8E ????
25Player 2 Kills Player 4 Modifier81079F90 ????
81079F92 ????
26Player 3 Kills Player 1 Modifier81079FF4 ????
81079FF6 ????
27Player 3 Kills Player 2 Modifier81079FF8 ????
81079FFA ????
28Player 3 Kills Player 3 Modifier81079FFC ????
81079FFE ????
29Player 3 Kills Player 4 Modifier8107A000 ????
8107A002 ????
30Player 4 Kills Player 18107A064 ????
8107A066 ????
31Player 4 Kills Player 28107A068 ????
8107A06A ????
32Player 4 Kills Player 38107A06C ????
8107A06E ????
33Player 4 Kills Player 48107A070 ????
8107A072 ????
34Ourumov Mode Player 1118102B524 0000
8102B526 0004
35Ourumov Mode Player 28102B528 0000
8102B52A 0004
36Ourumov Mode Player 38102B52C 0000
8102B52E 0004
37Ourumov Mode Player 48102B530 0000
8102B532 0004
38Play Egyptian Level With 4 Players8002B537 000B
39Play Caverns Level With 4 Players8002B537 000A
40Play Archives Level With 4 Players8002B537 0009
41Play Bunker Level With 4 Players8002B537 0008
42Play Statue Level With 4 Players8002A8F7 0016
43Play Cradle Level With 4 Players8002A8F7 0029
44Almost Everyone Wears Blue Sunglasses8035746D FFFF
45No Fog In Multi-Player800214CF 7B18
46Difficult To Switch Weapons12800???F6 0001
47Super Bond, Blind Bond, ?? Bond [Replace ? With 1-3]13A002B1AO 004?
48Multi-Player Level Modifier148002A8F7 00??
49Multi-Player Level Modifier #2158002B537 ????
50Scenario Modifier168002B543 000?
51Number of Players Modifier178002B523 00??
52Aim Control Modifier8002B53F 00??
53Game Length Modifier8002B53B ????
54You Only Live X Times8004839F 00??
55Suicides Are Kills For Other Person (2P ONLY)188100C0F4 0801
8100C0F6 8090
8100C0F8 AFA4
8100C0FA 0000
81060240 0004
81060242 7600
81060244 3C19
81060246 8008
81060248 932C
8106024A 9F17
8106024C 932D
8106024E 9F8B
81060250 932F
81060252 9F1B
81060254 9338
81060256 9F87
81060258 1580
8106025A 0005
8106025C 0000
8106025E 0000
81060260 15A0
81060262 0008
81060264 0000
81060266 0000
81060268 0800
8106026A 303F
8106026C 0000
8106026E 0000
81060270 258C
81060272 FFFF
81060274 2718
81060276 0001
81060278 A32C
8106027A 9F17
8106027C A338
8106027E 9F87
81060280 0800
81060282 303F
81060284 0000
81060286 0000
81060288 25AD
8106028A FFFF
8106028C 25EF
8106028E 0001
81060290 A32D
81060292 9F8B
81060294 A32F
81060296 9F1B
81060298 0800
8106029A 303F
8106029C 0000
8106029E 0000
56Change Unlimited Text To You Only Live X Times19812AD674 596F
812AD676 7520
812AD678 4F6E
812AD67A 6C79
812AD67C 204C
812AD67E 6976
812AD680 6520
812AD682 XX20
812AD684 5469
812AD686 6D65
812AD688 7300
57P1 Selected Character Modifier2080069743 0001
58P2 Selected Character Modifier80069747 0001
59P3 Selected Character Modifier8006974B 0001
60P4 Selected Character Modifier8006974F 0001

1Code Master
2Code Master
3Code Master
4Code Master
5Code Master
6Code Master
7These are two new health settings that you can select under HEALTH in Multiplayer Mode. Health -10 will be replaced with License to Kill (one hit death) and Health +10 will be replaced with Unlimited Health (invincible).

Set your number of players to 2. Choose your options (ie weapons etc). Now enter stage select. Every level should be now open. Select the desired stage, now hold Z and press start or A. You should be back at the menu screen where it reads your stage and number of players (4).

9Neither the "Kill Count: ????" Modifiers or the "Died ???? Times" Modifiers effect the scoring of the game.
10The "Player X Kills" MODs, modify how many times each player killed every other player (including themselves).It does effects the scoring of the game. There are 32-bits of values for each. The second line of code controls the "small" digits (0-65535). After the second line reaches 'FFFF' (or 65535),to get 65536, the first line is '0001' and the second line is '0000'.

This is a mode that will make everyone Ourumov. It also makes your weapons Ourumov's Briefcase Bombs. But, you have unlimited ammo. You can select any level then play as Ourumov and have briefcase bombs as your weapons. All you have to do is enter the following codes, and then you are off in Ourumov Mode!

Warning: You need to enter the following codes to make everyone Ourumov. These will work for every level, and also never check the character select screen, otherwise it will crash the game! Also never select more than one level code at once if you choose to use the specific-level codes. Only select one of these at a time. For example, if you wish to play in the Egyptian level, enter the player codes for the Egyptian level only, and then play the Egyptian level!


This code will make it so the only way to change weapons is to go to your watch and you can't fire a weapon. Replace the ??? with these for levels:

Caves- D9BCaverns-C5BArchives- CD3
131 - Makes Bond Float Up High
2 - Makes Bond Only See Black Can't Hurt Anyone
3 - ????

This code is different from the other level modifier because you play these levels with 2,3,or 4 people. You don't have to have 4 people. Also On the multi-player menu the level selection screen will not automatically show the level you are playing but when you start the multi-player game you will play the level that you entered in your Cheat Device. Codes with an asterik ("*") are supported by InterAct.

16 Statue*
18 Archives
19 Complex
1B Bunker
20 Egyptian
22 Facility
26 Temple
27 Caverns
29 Cradle*
2D Basement
2E Library
30 Stack
32 Caves

All of these matches can only have four people playing, never three or two! All the Multi-Player levels that have an asterik to the right of them (*) are by CodeBoy.

00 Random (Always Random Match)
01 Temple
02 Complex
03 Caves
04 Library
05 Basement
06 Stack
07 Facility
08 Bunker *
09 Archives *
0A Caverns *
0B Egyptian *
16This code is a multiplayer Scenario Modifier replace the ? with a number from 0 through 7. If you replace it with 5 it should let you play a 2 player game with the scenario 2 vs. 2. This can be a really weird code.
17If you put ?? as 01 then it is probably the best modifier code I have, because you can play multiplayer levels in 1-player mode! Try putting it into a Cheat Device Button code and press the button. You know the select multiple characters trick well now if it is inside the Cheat Device button then you can make it where ALL of the characters are the same.
18This will make it so that every suicide you have instead counts as a kill for the other person.

Just a question, why didn't this work normally? What happens without the codes below, if just you only live 2 times and you suicide?
19XX = 31 = 1, 35 = 5, etc

[Note: you may leave out any codes with values 0000, nops are already there as default, also the hook location was found by parasyte]

For 3P and 4P, if you want if suicide to give kills to other players I that what you want?
20Note: These codes automatically select your highlighter character. For example, the P1 code will automatically select Bond if you go into the Character Selection screen. These codes are only useful if you have a group of friends over and everyone sticks to the same characters week after week. For example, if P2 always uses Natalya, then you could use these the P2 code with a different code from the GSC archives to have the highlighter always on Natalya.

0 - Selected
1 - Can't Select

phred6@yahoo.com7, 8
Bill Doyle9
Rune a.k.a. Hitler10, 11, 12, 13
Gold6400714, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
SHiner34, 35, 36, 37
InterAct38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
?45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53
Icy Guy54
Icy Guy & Ass Wigit55
Ass Wigit, Parasyte56
Rune a.k.a. Hitler57, 58, 59, 60