
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Constantly See Status Bar Of Things You Have Picked Up, Cheats On8003689F 0001
2Text Of Last Chat With A Guard Constantly Pops Up800368AF 0001
3Spark Of Gunshot Location Modifier18006EDF1 00??
8006EE25 00??
4Flash Of Gun Location Modifier28007A189 00??
5Fire Screens As Bulletholes8107A178 4120
6Trevelyan's Gun Invisible3801D215B 0080
7Signal Ouromov To Come To Trevelyan And Count Down8003097B 0022
8Trevelyan Keeps Walking801E079B 0010
9Trevelyan Stops At End Of Tanks801E089D 002B
10Trevelyan Action Modifier4D0064F30 0010
811E8414 ????
D0064F30 0010
811E8416 YYYY
11Does A Little Dance And Turns A Aims To Fire.802B34DC 0001
12All Guards Action Modifier (they All Do It) (put On Invisibility Or They Still Fire)5500064DC 0000
811E55D0 ????
500064DC 0000
811E55D2 ????
13All Guards True Size Modifier6500064DC 0000
811E55C4 ????
14All Guards Height They Start At (They'll Fall To Ground With Gun From However Far They Are Up)7500064DC 0000
811E5668 ????
15Fast Trevelyan801E8498 0040
16Insanely Fast Trevelyan801E8498 0041
17No Bond In Intro To Level And In MCM With Out Of Body (Depot Only):8D0064F31 0010
8106BA80 0000
D0064F31 0010
8106BA82 0000
D0064F31 0020
8106BA80 801F
D0064F31 0020
8106BA82 52E8
18Awesome Music (BEST In Depot, You Gotta Hear This!) (I Think It Changes Instruments Around)8006387B 0092
80063887 001D
8006388B 0018
8006388F 00BD
80063893 00AE
8006389B 0059
19No Sound Caverns8106384A 0000
20Surface 2: Texture Of Trees Always Over Top Part Of Fence (I Hacked A Glitch To Always Occur)8007FFA7 0002
21Surface 2: Same Glitch Never Occurs: (I Might As Well Fix It For The Programmers)8007FFA7 0000
22Mini Drivable Tank In Dam801E8D37 002D
801E8D39 0020
8003AFB1 0001
23Temple Door Sound Modifier (All Doors)98019D4E3 00??
8019D5E3 00??
8019D6E3 00??
8019D7E3 00??
8019D8E3 00??
8019D9E3 00??
24All Doors In Temple Won't Open8119D4F0 0000
8119D5F0 0000
8119D6F0 0000
8119D7F0 0000
8119D8F0 0000
8119D9F0 0000
8019D4F2 0000
8019D5F2 0000
8019D6F2 0000
8019D7F2 0000
8019D8F2 0000
8019D9F2 0000
25Frames Per Second(FPS) modifier1080048377 00??
8004849B 00??
27Complex 1 Player Mode8032332A 0001
8102B522 0001
28RC-P1201281032AD4 0078
81032ADA 006E
29Don't Eat The Yellow Snow!13800214D8 00AC
30Multi Colored Snow800214D8 00AA
800214D9 00F1
31Some Enemies Are Not Very Smart. They Think You're On Their Side But If You Shoot A Guy And He Doesn't Die He'll Come After You80357AAF FFFF
32Enemies Always Think That You Are On Their Side80357AAF EEEE
33Kode-Z's Awesome Random Changing Wall Texture Modifier - Stabilized148108C72C ????
8108C72E ????
Bond Modifiers
34Boiler Bond8103DFCA ????
8103DFCE ????
8103DFD8 ????
35Suit Bond8103DFDC ????
8103DFE2 ????
8103DFEC ????
36Timber Bond8103DFF2 ????
8103DFF6 ????
8103E000 ????
37Snow Bond8103E006 ????
8103E00A ????
8103E014 ????
38Natalya8103DF52 ????
8103DF56 ????
8103DF60 ????
39Baron Samedi (All Of Him)8103DF02 ????
8103DF06 ????
8103DF10 ????
40SpiceBond158103E43E ????
8103E442 ????
8103E44C ????
2X Weapons
412x Slapper/Sniper Rifle Butt80032571 0016
80032572 004B
422x Watch Laser80032F11 0070
80032F12 000B
432x Hand Grenade80033061 0052
442x Timed Mine800330D1 0052
452x Proximity Mine80033141 0052
462x Remote Mine800331B1 0052
472x Watch Detonator80033221 0010
482x Taser80033291 0072
80033292 000B
492x Tank1680033301 0017
Tank Missile Stock
50Runway Tank Stock17D01DB0F7 001E
801DB0F7 00XX
51Streets Tank StockD01C90D3 001E
801C90D3 00XX
Silo Inventory Modifiers
Pick Up Item Modifier
52Keycard 4-H48106D2AE ????
53Keycard 4-C38106D2E2 ????
54Keycard 4-K28106D316 ????
55CPU Circuit Board8106B436 ????
56I/O Circuit Board8106B46A ????
57RSP Circuit Board8106B49E ????
58RDP Circuit Board8106B4D2 ????
59Telemetry Data DAT8106C4AA ????
60Ouromov's Briefcase8106C512 ????
61Ouromov's Dot188106D34A ????
62CPU Circuit Board Modifiers (Just Use Hex Ed. And Translate This Stuff To Other Items If You Wish) Location19801CC873 00??
Text In Inventory (One Where Can't Change Item And Able To View Ammo Amount)
63Menu Space 1 (Usually A Blank)801CC8FB 00??
64Menu Space 2 (Usually Specific Item Text)801CC8FF 00??
65Text In Inventory Where You Can Change Item801CC903 00??
66Text On Pickup Of Item801CC90B 00??
67Text Of Larger Text (BUT FROM WHERE??? I Can't Find This Spot - Secret Menu?)20801CC907 00??

16F is right on first vent part, facility
26F is right on first vent part, facility
3USE THIS START POINT, AGENT, FACILITY to start right at Trevelyan.
8106EDB4 45FB
8106EDB8 C39B
8106EDBC C598
8106EDC0 801A
8106EDC2 70AC
(I suggest using the memory editor to test them, but to actually use them put them to activators like I have below)
Press R for action, but set to other activators w/ different actions.

???? YYYY
802B 115C clutch arm
802B 15F4 clutch leg
802B 2E80 fall into ground, but not dead. Knocked out cold.
802B 2578 falls downward
802B 39C4 arms above head (this is what happens when he throws gun to Ouromov. Silly Rare, they just did this and moved coords of gun. It isn't Perfect Dark...)
802B 34D8 walk forward
802B 3594 chase Bond
802B 3530 Sprint!
802B 0274 kneel firing (will only fire if guard nearby)
802B 60D8 kneel
802B 2A88 death animation
802A F4DC stop
802A F884 fire (if guard nearby)
802A F604 aim and fire (if guard nearby)
802A FCD4 firing (if guard nearby)
802A F604 aims
802B AD14 crotch itch
802B 53B0 look around for gunfire
802B AB70 stand on one foot and check around
802B A9E8 swat fly and aim at fly
802B AC88 scratch butt
5NOTE: INCLUDES Scientists, Trevelyan, Ouromov (when he dies), all guards.
63F80 normal
73FE0 is a good one in facility
1.After starting up Depot (Do not hold L or R)
2.Press R at cut scene w/ Bond to disable him.
3.Press L to reenable.
4.Note, you may not be able to leave if R was the last thing you hit, and sometimes your guns are invisible which is interesting!

With MCM out of Body:
R to not have Bond, L to have him.
Do not switch views or game will freeze (Hit L last to switch them and exit menu)
9Replace ?? with any of the following digits:
00 - Silent
01 - Glass Door
02 - Ding
03 - Runway Big Door
04 - Same as 03
05 - Click(Wood?)
06 - Same as 02
08 - Same as 02
09 - Same as 03
0A - Metal Door
0B - Same as 02
0C - Light Click
0D - Same as 02
0E - Whirr door sound (Beta?)
0F - Temple Door Sound
10 - Bunker Door (I Think)
11 - Same as 02
12-FF - Silent
10Put in for ?? for what FPS you want to have at a more constant rate
1180044DD4 00?? - Red Level
80044DD5 00?? - Green Level
80044DD6 00?? - Blue Level
80044DD7 00?? - Clouds On/Off (01 for clouds on, 00 for clouds off)
12*It may not have a cloak, but it was the closest I could get in five minutes
13with this code, there'll be plenty of it! go to surface. it WILL do stuff on other levels, but i don't know what, so look out! or change the AC to a AA for hippy psychadelic colored snow!
14it doesn't crash, haven't made all levels but have most.

I recommend changing it in mem, I don't know if it'll boot if you don't do that.

Depot 801C 3C4C
Streets 801A C070 for some reason only beginning has textures, then disappear, prob cause later

use images not walls
Aztec 801B 7000
Cradle 801B D000
Surface 1 801A D0A0
Facility 8019 80FF <- the best
Archives 801A 2000
Silo 8019 8090
Control 801A 80B0
Bunker 2 801B 7000
15D410 6E80 0100 Camo Guard
D430 6E8C 0100 Grey Guard
D450 6E98 0100 Olive Guard
D470 6EA8 0100 Rus Guard
D490 6EB4 0100 Trev Guard
D910 6EC0 0100 djBond (Suit - NOT USED BY GAME!)
D4B0 6ECC 0101 Boris
D4D0 6ED4 0101 Ouromov
D4F0 6EE0 0101 Trevelyan
D510 6EEC 0101 BoilerTrev
D530 6EFC 0101 Valentin
D550 6F08 0001 Xenia
D570 6F10 0101 Baron Samedi
D590 6F20 0101 Jaws
D5B0 6F28 0001 MayDay
D5D0 6F34 0101 OddJob
D5F0 6F40 0001 Natalya
D610 6F4C 0100 Armour Guard
D630 6F5C 0100 ConmGuard
D650 6F68 0100 Great Guard
D670 6F78 0100 Navy Guard
D690 6F84 0101 Snow Guard
D890 6F90 0100 Boiler Bond
D8B0 6FA0 0100 Suit Bond
D8D0 6FAC 0100 Timber Bond
D8F0 6FBC 0101 Snow Bond
D6B0 6FC8 0100 Blue Woman
D6D0 6FD4 0100 Fastech Woman
D6F0 6FE4 0100 Tech Woman
D710 6FF0 0100 Jean Woman
D730 6FFC 0000 Grey Man
D750 7008 0000 Blue Man
D770 7014 0000 Red Man
D790 7020 0000 Cardiman
D7B0 702C 0100 Check Man
D7D0 7038 0100 Tech Man
D7F0 7044 0101 Pilot
D810 704C 0100 Great Guard
D830 705C 0100 BlueCam Guard
D850 706C 0100 Moonguard
D870 7078 0100 Moonguardfemale
D930 7088 0100 suit_lf_hand (big hand)
DDF0 729C 0001 spicebond
16You must use the "All Guns" cheat with these codes.
17Replace "XX" with any value up to 32 (50 Shells).
Keycard 4-H4:FA60
Keycard 4-C3:FB0C
Keycard 4-K2:FBB8
CPU Circuit Board:C86C
I/O Circuit Board:C924
RSP Circuit Board:C9DC
RDP Circuit Board:CA94
Telemetry Data DAT:D450
Ouromov's Briefcase:D590
Ouromov's Dot:FC64
1948 normal, 49 on top of the circuit board next to this
20?? for text mods in silo =
00-MI6 has been concerned...
01-Infiltrate the silo...
02-The layout of the missile silo...
03-You leave at 1800 hours...
04-Plant bombs in fuel rooms
05-Photograph Satellite
06-Obtain Telemetric Data
07-Retrieve Satellite Circuitry
08-Minimize Scientist Casualties
09-Explosive Charge Placed-6 Minutes to Download
0A-"Ouromov - Kill Him"
0B-Caution: Detonation Imminent
0C-Mission Failure:Unacceptable Non-military Casualties
0D-K I R G H I Z S T A N
0E-MI6 has been concerned...
0F-Infiltrate the silo...
10-The layout of the missile silo...
11-You leave at 1800 hours...
12-Plant bombs in fuel rooms
13-Photograph Satellite
14-Obtain Telemetric Data
15-Retrieve Satellite Circuitry
16-Minimize Scientist Casualties
18-CPU Circuitry
19-CPU Circuit Board
1A-CPU Circuit Board (larger)
1B-Picked up a Circuit Board
1D-I/O Circuitry
1E-I/O Circuit Board
1F-I/O Circuit Board (larger)
20-Picked up a Circuit Board
22-RSP Circuitry
23-RSP Circuit Board
24-RSP Circuit Board (larger)
25-Picked up a Circuit Board
27-RDP Circuitry
28-RDP Circuit Board
29-RDP Circuit Board (larger)
2A-Picked up a Circuit Board
2D-Telemetry Data DAT
2E-DAT - Telemetry DATA
2F-Picked up a DAT
32-Keycard 4-H4
33-Keycard (Level 4-H4)
34-Picked up a keycard
37-Keycard 4-C3
38-Keycard (Level 4-C3)
39-Picked up a keycard
3C-Keycard 4-K2
3D-Keycard (Level 4-K2)
3E-Picked up a keycard
41-Ouromov's Briefcase
42-Ouromov's Briefcase (larger)
43-Picked up Ouromov's Briefcase
44-Soviet Missile Silo, Kirghizstan
45-Two Years Ago
46-Silo Infiltrated-Explosive Charges automatically placed Of course, I assume you can hack the real text modifiers by these values, although the values will not change (they'll all be at different spots). NOTE, the digit before each text mod is 88, modifying it freezes game, maybe it is level code for text?

Ass Wigit1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
jackbox5522, 23, 24
The Phantom26
Razor29, 30
kjn131, 32
Kode-Z & Ass Wigit33
Wreck41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51