
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Change The Look Of The Body Armor (Dam)1801E8C01 00??
2Change The Look Of The Sniper Rifle (Dam)801E8B79 00??
3Change The Sniper Rifle2801E8F4 00??
4Big Glass (Last Tower)801E88A0 00FF
5All Big Alarms801E8944 00FF
801E89D4 00FF
801E8A64 00FF
801E8AF4 00FF
6Big Sniper Rifle801E8B74 00B0
7Big Body Armors801E8BFC 00FF
801E8C84 00FF
8Walk Through Truck801E8D3E 0000
9Big Truck801E8D34 00??
10Move Truck3801E8D3B 00??
11Change Truck4801E8D39 00??
12Change Truck/Move Truck5801E8D3C 00??
13Gun Looking Modifier801DFDDD 00??
801DFEED 00??
801DFF75 00??
801DFFFD 00??
801E0085 00??
801E010D 00??
801E0195 00??
801E032D 00??
801E03B5 00??
801E043D 00??
801E054D 00??
801E05D5 00??
801E065D 00??
801E06E5 00??
801E076D 00??
801E07F5 00??
801E087D 00??
801E0905 00??
801E098D 00??
801E6A15 00??
801E0A9D 00??
801E0B25 00??
801E0BAD 00??
801E0C35 00??
801E0CBD 00??
801E0EFD 00??
801E1185 00??
801E120D 00??
801E1295 00??
801E131D 00??
801E13A5 00??
801E142D 00??
801E14B5 00??
801E153D 00??
14Place To Put Modem Screen Modifier6801E7A4B 00??
15Computer Monitors At End Of Tunnel Screen Modifier801E5B7B 00??
801E5DFB 00??
801E607B 00??
801E62FB 00??
16Enemy Gun Look Modifier7801D05E1 00??
801D0669 00??
801D06F1 00??
801D0779 00??
801D0801 00??
801D0889 00??
801D0919 00??
801D0999 00??
801D0A21 00??
801D0AA9 00??
801D0B31 00??
801D0BB9 00??
801D0C41 00??
801D0CC9 00??
801D0D51 00??
801D0DD9 00??
801D0E61 00??
801D0EE9 00??
801D0F71 00??
801D0FF9 00??
801D1081 00??
801D1109 00??
801D1191 00??
801D1219 00??
801D12A1 00??
801D1329 00??
801D13B1 00??
801D1439 00??
801D14C1 00??
801D1549 00??
801D15D1 00??
801D1659 00??
801D1769 00??
801D17F1 00??
801D1879 00??
801D1901 00??
801D1936 00??
801D1A11 00??
801D1A99 00??
801D1B21 00??
801D1C31 00??
801D1CB9 00??
801D1D41 00??
17Guards Always Throw Grenades801D9280 00FF
801D945C 00FF
801D9638 00FF
801D9814 00FF
801D99F0 00FF
801D9BCC 00FF
801D9DA8 00FF
801D9F84 00FF
801DA160 00FF
801DA33C 00FF
801DA518 00FF
801DA6F4 00FF
801DA8D0 00FF
801DAC88 00FF
18Door Modifiers801C6411 00??
801C6511 00??
801C6611 00??
801C6711 00??
801C6811 00??
801C6911 00??
801C6A11 00??
801C6B11 00??
801C6C11 00??
801C6D11 00??
801C6E11 00??
801C6F11 00??
801C7011 00??
801C7111 00??
801C7211 00??
801C7311 00??
801C7411 00??
801C7511 00??
801C7611 00??
801C7711 00??
801C7811 00??
801C7911 00??
801C7A11 00??
801C7B11 00??
801C7C11 00??
801C7D11 00??
801C7E11 00??
19Guards Have Arms Down & Don't Fire (Cheat Device 3.0 or Higher Needed!)500062EE 0000
801D9277 0000
20Dead Guards Stay On Ground Forever (Cheat Device 3.0 or Higher Needed!)500062EE 0000
801D9277 0038
21Guard Color Modifier (Cheat Device 3.0 or Higher Needed!)8500062EE 0000
801D927? 00FF
22Brown Door Modifier801C8F89 00??
801C9089 00??
801C9189 00??
801C9289 00??
801C9389 00??
801C9489 00??
801C9589 00??
801C9689 00??
23Chair Modifier801CC355 00??
24Walkthrough Chair801CC35A 0000
25Table Modifier801CC4D5 00??
801CC555 00??
801CC6D5 00??
26Walkthrough Tables801CC4DA 0000
801CC55A 0000
801CC6DA 0000
27Stall Modifier (Multi-Player)801EB745 00??
801EB845 00??
801EB945 00??
801EBA45 00??
801EBB45 00??
801EBC45 00??
801EBD45 00??
801EBE45 00??
801EBF45 00??
28Walkthrough Stalls (Multi-Player)801EB74A 0000
801EB84A 0000
801EB94A 0000
801EBA4A 0000
801EBB4A 0000
801EBC4A 0000
801EBD4A 0000
801EBE4A 0000
801EBF4A 0000
29Gray Door Modifier (Multi-Player)801EC045 00??
801EC145 00??
801EC345 00??
801EC445 00??
801EC545 00??
801EC645 00??
801EC745 00??
801EC845 00??
801EC945 00??
801ECA45 00??
801ECB45 00??
801ECC45 00??
30Walkthrough Gray Door (Multi-Player)801EC04A 0000
801EC14A 0000
801EC34A 0000
801EC44A 0000
801EC54A 0000
801EC64A 0000
801EC74A 0000
801EC84A 0000
801EC94A 0000
801ECA4A 0000
801ECB4A 0000
801ECC4A 0000
31Brown Door Modifier (Multi-Player)801EC245 00??
801ECD45 00??
801ECE45 00??
801ECF45 00??
801ED045 00??
801ED145 00??
801ED245 00??
801ED345 00??
32First Computer In Right Room With Scientists Modifier801EC801 00??
33Locker Modifier801CEB65 00??
801CEBE5 00??
801CEC65 00??
801CECE5 00??
801CED65 00??
801CEDE5 00??
801CEE65 00??
801CEEE5 00??
801CEF65 00??
801CEFE5 00??
801CF065 00??
801CF0E5 00??
34Walkthrough Lockers801CEB6A 0000
801CEBEA 0000
801CEC6A 0000
801CECEA 0000
801CED6A 0000
801CEDEA 0000
801CEE6A 0000
801CEEEA 0000
801CEF6A 0000
801CEFEA 0000
801CF06A 0000
801CF0EA 0000
35Gun In Front of Computer Door Image Modifier8011D1191 00??
36Gun In Front of Computer Door Location Modifier8011D1193 00??
37Gas Tanks Modifiers9801C9AA9 00??
801C9B39 00??
801C9BC9 00??
801C9C59 00??
801C9CE9 00??
801C9D79 00??
801C9E09 00??
801C9E99 00??
801C9F29 00??
801C9FB9 00??
38Screen Modifiers801CDC0B 00??
801CDE1B 00??
801CD7EB 00??
801CD9FB 00??
801CE3BB 00??
801CE5CD 00??
801CE7DB 00??
801CE9E7 00??
801CF12B 00??
39Lockers Modifier801DAB21 00??
801DABA1 00??
801DAC21 00??
40Walkthrough Lockers801DAB26 0000
801DABA6 0000
801DAC26 0000
41Explosive Cans Modifier801DACA1 00??
801DAD21 00??
801DADA1 00??
801DAE21 00??
42Walkthrough Explosive Cans801DACA6 0000
801DAD26 0000
801DADA6 0000
801DAE26 0000
43Computer Image Modifier10801DA965 00??
44Table Modifier801DA865 00??
45Walkthrough Table801DA86A 0000
46Chair Modifier801DA7F5 00??
47Walkthrough Chair801DA7FA 0000
48Replace Tank With Motorcycle801DB01F 0007
801DB021 001F
49Change The Airplane Modifier801DA731 001?
50Computer In Key Room801DA96B 00??
51Change Trees (Cheat Device 3.0 or Higher Needed!)1150004080 0000
801A8A15 00??
52Elevator Door Modifier801CD385 00??
801CD485 00??
534 Panel Computers In Beginning Area Screen Modifiers801C9053 00??
801C90C7 00??
801C913B 00??
801C91AF 00??
801C8DEF 00??
801C8E63 00??
801C8ED7 00??
801C8F50 00??
54Flat Natalya Typing Computer801D508B 00??
55Boris' Computer801D55CF 00??
56Computers801D56CF 00??
801D57CF 00??
801D58CF 00??
801D59CF 00??
801D5ACF 00??
801D5BCF 00??
801D5CCF 00??
801D5DCF 00??
57Big Screen801D8857 00??
58Control Panel Destroyed Automatically801D8507 00??
801D84FF 00??
59Change The Helicopter In Cradle's Cinema12801D8F1F 00??
801D8F21 00??
801D8F29 0000
60Screen Modifier801DDBB7 00??
61Computer801EB96B 00??
62Big Screen801EC0AF 00??
63Modify Table In Silo801CC6D1 00??
64Walk-thru Table801CC6D6 0000
65Modify Elevator Buttons801CBED1 00??
801CBF51 00??
801CBFD1 00??
801CC051 00??
801CC0D1 00??
801CC151 00??
801CC1D1 00??
801CC251 00??
801CC2D1 00??
801CC351 00??
801CC3D1 00??
801CC451 00??
801CC4D1 00??
801CC551 00??
801CC5D1 00??
801CC651 00??
801CC6D1 00??
66Screen Modifiers - Set 1801CB957 00??
801CBA57 00??
801CBB57 00??
801CBC57 00??
801CBD57 00??
801C624B 00??
801C62BF 00??
801C6333 00??
801C64AF 00??
801C6513 00??
801C6587 00??
801C65FB 00??
801C66F3 00??
801C6767 00??
801C67DB 00??
801C6947 00??
801C69BB 00??
801C501F 00??
801C5107 00??
67Screen Modifiers - Set 2801C6A2F 00??
801C6AA3 00??
801C6B9B 00??
801C6C0F 00??
801C6C83 00??
801C6DEF 00??
801C6E63 00??
801C51FF 00??
801C52E7 00??
801C54C7 00??
801C55AF 00??
801C56A7 00??
801C578F 00??
801C596F 00??
801C5A57 00??
801C5B4F 00??
801C5C37 00??
801C5E17 00??
801C5EFF 00??
801C60DF 00??
801C62BF 00??
801C6E67 00??
801C7043 00??
801C70B7 00??
801C719F 00??
801C7297 00??
68Walkthrough Tank801D2676 0000
69Modify Buildings & Street (Use 40-45)13801C7E7B 00??
801C7EFB 00??
801C7F7B 00??
801C7FFB 00??
801C807B 00??
801C80FB 00??
801C817B 00??
801C81FB 00??
801C827B 00??
801C82FB 00??
801C837B 00??
801C83FB 00??
801C847B 00??
801C84FB 00??
801C857B 00??
801C85FB 00??
801C867B 00??
801C86FB 00??
801C877B 00??
801C87FB 00??
801C887B 00??
801C88FB 00??
801C897B 00??
801C89FB 00??
801C8A7B 00??
801C8AFB 00??
801C8B7B 00??
801C8BFB 00??
801C8C7B 00??
801C8CFB 00??
801C8D7B 00??
801C8DFB 00??
801C8E7B 00??
70Modify Other Parts of Streets - Mines14801CA4AB 00??
801CA5AB 00??
801CA62B 00??
801CA6AB 00??
71Modify Other Parts of Streets - Cars, Road Blocks, Etc.801CA72B 00??
801CA7AB 00??
801CA82B 00??
801CA8AB 00??
801CA92B 00??
801CA9DB 00??
801CAA5B 00??
801CAB8B 00??
801CAC0B 00??
801CAC8B 00??
801CAD0B 00??
801CAD8B 00??
801CAE0B 00??
801CAE8B 00??
801CAF0B 00??
801CAF8B 00??
801CB00B 00??
801CB08B 00??
801CB10B 00??
801CB18B 00??
801CB20B 00??
801CB28B 00??
801CB30B 00??
801CB38B 00??
801CB40B 00??
801CB48B 00??
801CB50B 00??
801CB58B 00??
801CB60B 00??
801CB68B 00??
801CB70B 00??
801CB78B 00??
801CB80B 00??
801CB88B 00??
801CB90B 00??
801CB98B 00??
72Add A Second Tank In Streets15811CB680 0114
801CB683 002D
801CB685 0020
Surface 1
73Screen Modifier801DDBB7 00??
Surface 2
74Modify Hound (Helicopter)16801ECCE3 00??
801ECCE5 00??
75Modify Hound's Size (Helicopter)801ECCE0 00??
Temple (Multi-Player)
76Insert Tank In Level8119CA8C 0114
8019CA8F 002D
8119CA90 0120
77Insert Tank In Level #2178019CA8F 012D
8119CA90 0120
8119CA93 0109
8119CA95 0102
8119CA96 0101
78Insert Tank In Level #3188019E645 002D

1Body Armor - Fill in any number from B9-D8
2XX - 07

YY Digits:

00 Classified Folder (At Beginning Of Game)
01 Weird Metallic Cube
02 Folder From Beginning
03 DAT (Green Thing)
04 - 0C: Metallic Cube, Smaller
0D Red Card
0E Red Dossier
0F Tan Folder
10 Credit Card, Very Small
11 Bomb Explosive From Frigate
12 Small Black Box (Orange)
13 Videotape
14 Nintendo Logo
15 Goldeneye Logo
16 Giant Folder from beginning, Weird Sky
17 ? - Might Be Behind Mountains
18 - 1D: FREEZE
1E Black Trailer
1F Motorcycle
21 Car Boat With Wheels
22 Small Soviet Green Boat
25 Safe Door
26 Numbers 1 & 2 With Knob On Piece Of Wall
27 Glass Door
29 Archives Green/White Door
2A Archives Green/White Door
2C Train Door In Depot
2D Small White Car, Streets
2E Small White Car, Streets
2F Small White Car, Streets
30 Small Red Car, Streets
32 Vertical Door (With Spikes?)
34 Red Star On Panel
35 Shutters?
36 Small Beaker With Blue
37 Beaker
38 5 Beaker Set
39 Mines (Blue) From Street
3A Bush From Jungle
3B Bush From Jungle
3C Bush From Jungle
3D Pointy Bush From Jungle
3F Goldeneye Intro Screen
40 Horizontal Streets Roads & Buildings
41 Streets Road & Buildings
42 Intersection Of Streets
43 Streets Road & Buildings
44 Streets Road & Buildings
45 Depot, Silver-lined Door
46 Glass
47 Wall, Brick Sand-Coloured
48 Space Shuttle
49 Part Of Table Aztec Under Shuttle
4A Stand For Table Aztec (Two Gold Pipes Up)
4B Small Wall Piece, Blue-Colored
4C Mainframe From Aztec
4D White Flag, Ship On Frigate
4E Road Block
4F Small, White Piece
50 Small, White Piece (Square, Red/Green Switch From Dam?)
51 Computer
52 Small Pink Knife?
53 Small White Sticking Up Thing

XX = 28

YY Digits:

19 Big Red Truck
1A Brown Helicopter
1B Pirate
1C Hound
1D Soviet Helicopter
20 Tank With RCP-90 Sprite Infront Of It (Unrideable)
23 Big White Airplane
24 Gun-turret/Front End Of A Gunboat (Maybe)
28 Gigantic Satellite Dish Overhead
29 - 30: FREEZE
31 - Small Grayish Car
32 - 40: FREEZE

XX - 2D

YY Digits:

20 - Tank (Rideable)
3Fill in any number nothing above 50. Try 2D. It puts the truck in the first tower (where the sniper rifle is).
4Fill in 18 or 19. 19 is a red big truck (without the back)! 18 is a jeep.
5Try 15, it is the truck without the canopy on the back and also moves it!

Not all codes work on all computers due to size, zoom, and position. The 3F80 variables nearby are the number of that image in size.

00 - Bond Silhouette
03 - TAPI(backwards E)T
04 - C383PHAEA
06 - White Emblem
07 - Slanted Earth View
08 - Jewish Star Screen
09 - Hot Green/Orange Planet
0A - Asteroid With Lines
0B - Blue Computer Screen
0C - Wheels and Squares of Color
0D - Satellite Above Planet
0E - Shuttle Info and Pic
0F - Computer Windows
10 - White 3D Box
11 - Shuttle Slanted Blasting Off
12 - Shuttle Blasting Off
13 - Earth On Whole Screen
14 - Earth On Whole Screen
15 - Galaxy With Star
16 - Galaxy With Star
17 - Saturn
18 - Earth Great Lakes View
19 - Crosshair On Earth
1A - Galaxy
1B - Fizzled Screen
1C - Radio Wave (Squiggle)
1D - Green Text
1E - Bar Graph
1F - Squares Around Larger Squares
20 - Russian With Hat (From Surface 2 If You Press Computer)
21 - Russian With Hat Arm Up
22 - Russian With Hat Arm Up More
23 - Russian With Hat Arm Up More
24 - Silhouette With SkateBoard (From Bunker 2 In First Room After Cells)
25 - Silhouette With SkateBoard Moving
26 - Silhouette With SkateBoard Moving More
27 - Silhouette With SkateBoard Moving More
28 - Person Talking (From Bunker 2 In First Room After Cells)
29 - Person Talking With Mouth Open
2A - Person Talking With Mouth Open More
2B - Person Talking With Mouth Closed
2C - World Map From Large Screens
2D - 3D Cube
2E - 3D Cube Other Direction
2F - 3D Cube Other Direction
30 - White Flag With Black Piece
31 - Sink?
32 - Sky?
33 - Dots?
34 - Blue?
35 - Copier From Folder Screen!
36 - Eraser From Folder Screen!
38 - A Check (After Completing An Agent Level, The Red Check)
39 - An X
3A - Opal-Shaped Dot
3B - ? (Looks like Texture of Exploding Cans)
3C - Bond Multi Image Piece
3D - Bond Multi Image Piece
3E - Bond Multi Image Piece
3F - Bond Multi Image Piece
40 - Beta Bond Multi Image Piece
41 - Beta Bond Multi Image Piece
42 - Beta Bond Multi Image Piece
43 - Beta Bond Multi Image Piece
44 - Beta Bond 2Multi Image Piece
45 - Beta Bond 2Multi Image Piece
46 - Beta Bond 2Multi Image Piece
47 - Beta Bond 2Multi Image Piece
48 - Beta Bond 3Multi Image Piece
49 - Beta Bond 3Multi Image Piece
4A - Beta Bond 3Multi Image Piece
4B - Beta Bond 3Multi Image Piece
4C - Boris Multi Piece
4D - Boris Multi Piece
4E - Boris Multi Piece
4F - Boris Multi Piece
50 - Ourumov Multi Picture
51 - ?
7C1 - Klobb
B8 - Soviet
BB - Lazer
D0 - Golden Gun
B9 - Grenade Laucher
BC - Assault Rifle
BD - D5K
BE - Magnum
BF - PP7
C0 - Shotgun
C2 - Silenced D5K
C3 - Zmg
C4 - Grenade
C5 - RCP-90
C6 - Briefcase
C7 - Remote Mine
C8 - Proximity Mine
C9 - Timed Mine
CA - Rocket
CB - Grenade Laucher shot
CC - Silenced PP7
CD - Destovi
CE - Silenced D5K
CF - Auto Shotgun
D1 - Knife
D2 - Sniper Rifle
D3 - Rocket laucher
D4 - FF (Firing) Hats
86 - Red
8 - Neon Blue
A - Orange
9 - Black
F - Each guard has Three Squeals When Shot
975 - Gas Tanks
80 - Fire Hydrant
1000 - Normal
0D - Normal Green Lines Text
0F - Bond Fast Streaming
11You need a Cheat Device Pro to use this code. Turn on the codes. At title screen press the Cheat Device Button and turn off the codes. Turn them on before you load the Jungle level otherwise game won't load!

The third code makes the chopper apear even before you complete the mission. The first code is the base code, and the second code is the item code.

1A - Natalya In Helicopter
1B - Pirate Helicopter
1C - Hound Helicopter
1D - Army Helicopter
23 - Airplane
13The first digit has 'B' at the end, thesecond has 'D' (I didn't write it).
14So many digits freeze (ie. No tank!).
15It will be after the second set of mines and to the right.

First Digit - 28

Second Digits:

19 - Big Red Truck! (Beta!)
1A - Brown Helicopter With A Hole In The Middle (Beta!)
1B - Pirate
1C - Hound
1D - Soviet Camoflauge Plane! (Beta!)
17Put on the Moon Jump code for this level, hop up to the tank with the Moon Jump code on (you must) and you get to move with the tank! For some reason it gives it to both players, which I don't understand...
18Flag Tag must be turned on in order for this code to work.

Stupd boy11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 78
Stupd boy1 and Laugh107042, 3, 13
Ass Wigit8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74
Ass Wigit & Jason Von Crush20
Jason Von Crush21
The Sage of Time48
fgkjrujkuejrn59, 72
James Bond 00775