
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Cheat Device Button For Floating Enemies Doing Split88309F0F 00FF
2Cheat Device Button For Enemies Don't Attack Bond89300A00 FF63
3Red Enemies and Red Bond8002115B FFFF
4Enemies Jack & Attack800370C2 0003
5Enemies Mostly UnAware Of Action800370C2 0001
6Shrink Enemies80051D91 0001
7Enlarge Enemies80051D91 00FF
8Enemies Confused80053721 0001
9Enemies Go Mad80052A68 00FF
10Bouncing Enemies80051D21 0001
11Enemies Feet In Ground80051D21 00FF
12Freeze All Enemies Dead8002C905 00FF
13Freeze All Enemies Alive8002C90C 00FF
14Enemies Hold Weapon With 1 Hand8006918C 00FF
15Enemies Left Arm Up80069180 00FF
16Enemies Right Arm Up80069183 00FF
17Enemies Torso Invisible8002CBA8 00FF
18Enemies Head Invisible8002CA74 00FF
19Fast Enemies8002C901 00FF
20Slow Enemies8002C901 0011
21Enemy Action Modifier180037092 00??
22Gigantic Enemies81051D90 3F80
23Really Big Enemies81051D90 3EFF
24Microscopic Enemies81051D90 3C01
25No Enemies280357735 0001
26Enemies Run in Circles80052A68 FFFF
27Stupid Enemies80037092 0002
28Enemy Injured Sound Modifier380030A37 00??
29Guards Are Always Shooting At You80037090 0001
30Guards Will Only See You Once80037092 0004
31Some Guards Can't See You4803222AE 000C
32Enemies Act Like Civilians580357000 1111
33Guards Don't Leave A Weapon Behind When Shot6A032C50A 7777
34Enemies Seem Impossible To Kill [Rockets Kill Them Well]8002CE48 0001
35Invincible Enemies800---CC 00FF
36Almost All Enemies Unarmed780357005 0005
37Enemies Fire At Walls80053721 0001
38Enemies Hold Guns With One Hand And Like A Pistol80032882 0001
39Enemies With Shaky Trigger Finger80051F21 FFFF
40Frozen Guards8003C905 FFFF
41Giant Guards80357416 FFFF
42Frozen Guards8003C905 FFFF
43Giant Guards80357416 FFFF
44Guards Hold On To Guns81030AA6 0000
45Enemies Spin80054B5D 0001
46Enemies Don't Move, Don't Have Weapons, Can't Die80357498 0001
47Disarm Enemy Code80357841 0001
48No Enemies80357729 0001
49Enemy Modifier (Doesn't Freeze)880367773 00??
50Enemies Will Not Hit You8002CE40 0001
51Enemy's Guns Float Around Their Heads And Other Areas And Point In Diferent Directions801F5950 0002
52Enemy's Guns Are All Weird, 2D, And Big801F5953 0020
53Enemy's Guns Have Weird Blue Design801F5943 0003
54Some Enemies (Ones That Usually Stand Still) Think You're On Their Side980357AAF FFFF
55Some Enemies (Ones That Usually Stand Still) Think You're On Their Side1080357AAF-EEEE
56Manipulate Guard's Body Parts8003D3C1 000B
57Headless Guards80357435 FFFF

101 - Enemies Come After You
97 - Move Around & Check
FF - Check Around Themselves
2This codes removes all of the enemies from the level, except for those created during play (Alarms, etc). This only works for the first level selected.
3Choose a number between 0-23. That will be the sound the enemy will always make when getting injured.
4Only the guards that don't move can't see you.
5Be careful on the Cradle! The only one unarmed is Trevelyan.
6You can only get weapons from enemies when you are right beside one and the enemy's weapon goes flying and you catch it!
7This code has a few glitches, however.
800 - Jungle Outfit
01 - Freezes?
02 - Bunker Suit
03 - Freezes?
04 - Jungle Outfit
05 - Freezes?
06 - Freezes?
07 - Freezes?
08 - Nothing Happens
09 - Freezes?
0A - Freezes?
0B - Freezes?
0C - Random
9 If you wound one, he'll figure out that you're not on their side.
10Their way of slow death is in your hands.

?1, 2, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 57
Ryan Toluchanian4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 45
Ryan Toluchanian & SHiner6, 10
Senor Blevin25
SHiner26, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
Dr. Doak27, 29, 30
Ass Wigit44
Fox31654, 55
Quantum Rift56