WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
1 | Big Explosions On Impact (Any Explosive Device) | 80032197 0000 800321A0 00F0 |
2 | Random Clip Size Modifier (All Guns) | 50001A70 00?? 81032604 0001 |
3 | All Guns Are Silenced1 | 50001E70 0000 81032618 0000 |
4 | Infinite Ammo For All Guns2 | 50001E70 0000 80032603 0000 |
5 | All Guns Can Shoot Through Objects, Guards, Doors, etc.3 | 50001E70 0000 80032608 00FF |
6 | No Guns Can Shoot Through Objects, Guards, Doors, etc.4 | 50001E70 0000 80032608 0000 |
7 | Damage Modifier (All Guns)5 | 50001E70 0000 81032610 ???? |
8 | Throwing Knife Image Modifier6 | 8103AAE2 ???? 8103AAE6 YYYY |
9 | Sniper Scope On All Guns7 | 8100C0F4 0801 8100C0F6 8080 81060200 AFA4 81060202 0000 81060204 3C02 81060206 8008 81060208 8C42 8106020A 9EE0 8106020C 8042 8106020E 0873 81060210 241B 81060212 0070 81060214 005B 81060216 0019 81060218 0000 8106021A D812 8106021C 277B 8106021E FF90 81060220 3C0F 81060222 8003 81060224 25EF 81060226 2538 81060228 01FB 8106022A 7821 8106022C 3C1B 8106022E 8006 81060230 8762 81060232 7CA4 81060234 240E 81060236 0018 81060238 85F8 8106023A 0000 8106023C 504E 8106023E 0001 81060240 2718 81060242 FFFF 81060244 240E 81060246 0014 81060248 504E 8106024A 0001 8106024C 2718 8106024E 0001 81060250 2B1B 81060252 2000 81060254 5760 81060256 0001 81060258 2418 8106025A 4270 8106025C 0800 8106025E 303F 81060260 A5F8 81060262 0000 |
10 | Sniper Scope On All Guns + Rapid Fire | 8100C0F4 0801 8100C0F6 8080 81060200 AFA4 81060202 0000 81060204 3C02 81060206 8008 81060208 8C42 8106020A 9EE0 8106020C 241B 8106020E 00FF 81060210 A45B 81060212 0892 81060214 241B 81060216 0009 81060218 A45B 8106021A 0C38 8106021C 8042 8106021E 0873 81060220 241B 81060222 0070 81060224 005B 81060226 0019 81060228 0000 8106022A D812 8106022C 277B 8106022E FF90 81060230 3C0F 81060232 8003 81060234 25EF 81060236 2538 81060238 01FB 8106023A 7821 8106023C 3C1B 8106023E 8006 81060240 8762 81060242 7CA4 81060244 240E 81060246 0018 81060248 85F8 8106024A 0000 8106024C 504E 8106024E 0001 81060250 2718 81060252 FFFF 81060254 240E 81060256 0014 81060258 504E 8106025A 0001 8106025C 2718 8106025E 0001 81060260 2B1B 81060262 2000 81060264 5760 81060266 0001 81060268 2418 8106026A 4270 8106026C 0800 8106026E 303F 81060270 A5F8 81060272 0000 |
11 | All Guns Are Accurate8 | 50001870 0000 81032534 0000 |
Fist |
12 | On Screen Gun Separation9 | 81032508 ???? |
13 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032522 00?? |
14 | Clip Size | 81032524 00?? |
15 | Fire Rate | 81032526 ???? |
16 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032528 ???? |
17 | Sound Made | 8103252A 00?? |
18 | Damage | 81032530 ???? |
19 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032534 ???? |
20 | Zoom | 81032538 ???? |
21 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032558 ???? |
22 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103255C ???? |
Fighting Knife |
23 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032578 ???? |
24 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032592 00?? |
25 | Clip Size | 81032594 00?? |
26 | Fire Rate | 81032596 ???? |
27 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032598 ???? |
28 | Sound Made | 810325AA 00?? |
29 | Damage | 810325A0 ???? |
30 | Accuracy/Spread | 810325A4 ???? |
31 | Zoom | 810325C8 ???? |
32 | Loudness To Enemy | 810325C8 ???? |
33 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8102DB2C ???? |
Throwing Knife |
34 | On Screen Gun Separation | 810325E8 ???? |
35 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032612 00?? |
36 | Clip Size | 81032614 00?? |
37 | Fire Rate | 81032616 ???? |
38 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032618 ???? |
39 | Sound Made | 8103261A 00?? |
40 | Damage | 81032620 ???? |
41 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032624 ???? |
42 | Zoom | 81032628 ???? |
43 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032648 ???? |
44 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8102DB8C ???? |
PP7 |
45 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032658 ???? |
46 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032672 00?? |
47 | Clip Size | 81032674 00?? |
48 | Fire Rate | 81032676 ???? |
49 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032678 ???? |
50 | Sound Made | 8103267A 00?? |
51 | Damage | 81032690 ???? |
52 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032694 ???? |
53 | Zoom | 81032698 ???? |
54 | Loudness To Enemy | 810326B8 ???? |
55 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 810326BC ???? |
Silenced PP7 |
56 | On Screen Gun Separation | 810326C8 ???? |
57 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 810326E2 00?? |
58 | Clip Size | 810326E4 00?? |
59 | Fire Rate | 810326E6 ???? |
60 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 810326E8 ???? |
61 | Sound Made | 810326EA 00?? |
62 | Damage | 810326F0 ???? |
63 | Accuracy/Spread | 810326F4 ???? |
64 | Zoom | 810326F8 ???? |
65 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032718 ???? |
66 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103271C ???? |
DD44 Destovei |
67 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032738 ???? |
68 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032752 00?? |
69 | Clip Size | 81032754 00?? |
70 | Fire Rate | 81032756 ???? |
71 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032758 ???? |
72 | Sound Made | 8103275A 00?? |
73 | Damage | 81032760 ???? |
74 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032764 ???? |
75 | Zoom | 81032768 ???? |
76 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032788 ???? |
77 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103278C ???? |
Klobb |
78 | On Screen Gun Separation | 810327A8 ???? |
79 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 810327C2 00?? |
80 | Clip Size | 810327C4 00?? |
81 | Fire Rate | 810327C6 ???? |
82 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 810327C8 ???? |
83 | Sound Made | 810327CA 00?? |
84 | Damage | 810327D0 ???? |
85 | Accuracy/Spread | 810327D4 ???? |
86 | Zoom | 810327D8 ???? |
87 | Loudness To Enemy | 810327F8 ???? |
88 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 810327FC ???? |
KF7 Soviet |
89 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032818 ???? |
90 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032832 00?? |
91 | Clip Size | 81032834 00?? |
92 | Fire Rate | 81032836 ???? |
93 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032838 ???? |
94 | Sound Made | 8103283A 00?? |
95 | Damage | 81032840 ???? |
96 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032844 ???? |
97 | Zoom | 81032848 ???? |
98 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032868 ???? |
99 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103286C ???? |
ZMG 9mm |
100 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032888 ???? |
101 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 8102DDF2 00?? |
102 | Clip Size | 8102DDF4 00?? |
103 | Fire Rate | 8102DDF6 ???? |
104 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 8102DDF8 ???? |
105 | Sound Made | 8102DDFA 00?? |
106 | Damage | 8102DE00 ???? |
107 | Accuracy/Spread | 8102DE04 ???? |
108 | Zoom | 8102DE08 ???? |
109 | Loudness To Enemy | 8102DE28 ???? |
110 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8102DE2C ???? |
D5K Deutsche |
111 | On Screen Gun Separation | 810328F8 ???? |
112 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032912 00?? |
113 | Clip Size | 81032914 00?? |
114 | Fire Rate | 81032916 ???? |
115 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032918 ???? |
116 | Sound Made | 8103291A 00?? |
117 | Damage | 81032920 ???? |
118 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032924 ???? |
119 | Zoom | 81032928 ???? |
120 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032948 ???? |
121 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103294C ???? |
Silenced D5K Deutsche |
122 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032968 ???? |
123 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032982 00?? |
124 | Clip Size | 81032984 00?? |
125 | Fire Rate | 81032986 ???? |
126 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032988 ???? |
127 | Sound Made | 8103298A 00?? |
128 | Damage | 81032990 ???? |
129 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032994 ???? |
130 | Zoom | 81032998 ???? |
131 | Loudness To Enemy | 810329B8 ???? |
132 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 810329BC ???? |
Phantom |
133 | On Screen Gun Separation | 810329D8 ???? |
134 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 810329F2 00?? |
135 | Clip Size | 810329F4 00?? |
136 | Fire Rate | 810329F6 ???? |
137 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 810329F8 ???? |
138 | Sound Made | 810329FA 00?? |
139 | Damage | 81032A00 ???? |
140 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032A04 ???? |
141 | Zoom | 81032A08 ???? |
142 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032A28 ???? |
143 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032A2C ???? |
AR33 Assault Rifle |
144 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032A48 ???? |
145 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032A62 00?? |
146 | Clip Size | 81032A64 00?? |
147 | Fire Rate | 81032A66 ???? |
148 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032A68 ???? |
149 | Sound Made | 81032A6A 00?? |
150 | Damage | 81032A70 ???? |
151 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032A74 ???? |
152 | Zoom | 81032A78 ???? |
153 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032A98 ???? |
154 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032A9C ???? |
RC-P90 |
155 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032AB8 ???? |
156 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032AD2 00?? |
157 | Clip Size | 81032AD4 00?? |
158 | Fire Rate | 81032AD6 ???? |
159 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032AD8 ???? |
160 | Sound Made | 81032ADA 00?? |
161 | Damage | 81032AE0 ???? |
162 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032AE4 ???? |
163 | Zoom | 81032AE8 ???? |
164 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032B08 ???? |
165 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032B0C ???? |
Shotgun |
166 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032B28 ???? |
167 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032B42 00?? |
168 | Clip Size | 81032B44 00?? |
169 | Fire Rate | 81032B46 ???? |
170 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032B48 ???? |
171 | Sound Made | 81032B4A 00?? |
172 | Damage | 81032B50 42C8 |
173 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032B54 ???? |
174 | Zoom | 81032B58 ???? |
175 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032B78 ???? |
176 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032B7C ???? |
Auto Shotgun |
177 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032B98 ???? |
178 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032BB2 00?? |
179 | Clip Size | 81032BB4 00?? |
180 | Fire Rate | 81032BB6 ???? |
181 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032BB8 ???? |
182 | Sound Made | 81032BBA 00?? |
183 | Damage | 81032BC0 42C8 |
184 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032BC4 ???? |
185 | Zoom | 81032BC8 ???? |
186 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032BE8 ???? |
187 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032BEC ???? |
Sniper Rifle |
188 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032C08 ???? |
189 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032C22 00?? |
190 | Clip Size | 81032C24 00?? |
191 | Fire Rate | 81032C26 ???? |
192 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032C28 ???? |
193 | Sound Made | 81032C2A 00?? |
194 | Damage | 81032C30 42C8 |
195 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032C34 ???? |
196 | Zoom | 81032C38 ???? |
197 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032C58 ???? |
198 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032C5C ???? |
Cougar Magnum |
199 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032C78 ???? |
200 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032C92 00?? |
201 | Clip Size | 81032C94 00?? |
202 | Fire Rate | 81032C96 ???? |
203 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032C98 ???? |
204 | Sound Made | 81032C9A 00?? |
205 | Damage | 81032CA0 42C8 |
206 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032CA4 ???? |
207 | Zoom | 81032CA8 ???? |
208 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032CC8 ???? |
209 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032CCC ???? |
Golden Gun |
210 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032CE8 ???? |
211 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032D02 00?? |
212 | Clip Size | 81032D04 00?? |
213 | Fire Rate | 81032D06 ???? |
214 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032D08 ???? |
215 | Sound Made | 81032D0A 00?? |
216 | Damage | 81032D10 42C8 |
217 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032D14 ???? |
218 | Zoom | 81032D18 ???? |
219 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032D38 ???? |
220 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032D3C ???? |
Silver PP7 |
221 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032D58 ???? |
222 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032D72 00?? |
223 | Clip Size | 81032D74 00?? |
224 | Fire Rate | 81032D76 ???? |
225 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032D78 ???? |
226 | Sound Made | 81032D7A 00?? |
227 | Damage | 81032D80 42C8 |
228 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032D84 ???? |
229 | Zoom | 81032D88 ???? |
230 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032DA8 ???? |
231 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032DAC ???? |
Gold PP7 |
232 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032DC8 ???? |
233 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032DE2 00?? |
234 | Clip Size | 81032DE4 00?? |
235 | Fire Rate | 81032DE6 ???? |
236 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032DE8 ???? |
237 | Sound Made | 81032DEA 00?? |
238 | Damage | 81032DF0 42C8 |
239 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032DF4 ???? |
240 | Zoom | 81032DF8 ???? |
241 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032E18 ???? |
242 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032E1C ???? |
Moonraker Laser |
243 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032E38 ???? |
244 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032E52 00?? |
245 | Clip Size | 81032E54 00?? |
246 | Fire Rate | 81032E56 ???? |
247 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032E58 ???? |
248 | Sound Made | 81032E5A 00?? |
249 | Damage | 81032E60 42C8 |
250 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032E64 ???? |
251 | Zoom | 81032E68 ???? |
252 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032E88 ???? |
253 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032E8C ???? |
Watch Laser |
254 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032EA8 ???? |
255 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032EC2 00?? |
256 | Clip Size | 81032EC4 00?? |
257 | Fire Rate | 81032EC6 ???? |
258 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032EC8 ???? |
259 | Sound Made | 81032ECA 00?? |
260 | Damage | 81032ED0 42C8 |
261 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032ED4 ???? |
262 | Zoom | 81032ED8 ???? |
263 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032EF8 ???? |
264 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032EFC ???? |
Grenade Launcher |
265 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032F18 ???? |
266 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032F32 00?? |
267 | Clip Size | 81032F34 00?? |
268 | Fire Rate | 81032F36 ???? |
269 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032F38 ???? |
270 | Sound Made | 81032F3A 00?? |
271 | Damage | 81032F40 42C8 |
272 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032F44 ???? |
273 | Zoom | 81032F48 ???? |
274 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032F68 ???? |
275 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032F6C ???? |
Rocket Launcher |
276 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032F88 ???? |
277 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81032FA2 00?? |
278 | Clip Size | 81032FA4 00?? |
279 | Fire Rate | 81032FA6 ???? |
280 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81032FA8 ???? |
281 | Sound Made | 81032FAA 00?? |
282 | Damage | 81032FB0 42C8 |
283 | Accuracy/Spread | 81032FB4 ???? |
284 | Zoom | 81032FB8 ???? |
285 | Loudness To Enemy | 81032FD8 ???? |
286 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 81032FDC ???? |
Hand Grenades |
287 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81032FF8 ???? |
288 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81033012 00?? |
289 | Clip Size | 81033014 00?? |
290 | Fire Rate | 81033016 ???? |
291 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81033018 ???? |
292 | Sound Made | 8103301A 00?? |
293 | Damage | 81033020 42C8 |
294 | Accuracy/Spread | 81033024 ???? |
295 | Zoom | 81033028 ???? |
296 | Loudness To Enemy | 81033048 ???? |
297 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103304C ???? |
Timed Mines |
298 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81033068 ???? |
299 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81033082 00?? |
300 | Clip Size | 81033084 00?? |
301 | Fire Rate | 81033086 ???? |
302 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81033088 ???? |
303 | Sound Made | 8103308A 00?? |
304 | Damage | 81033090 42C8 |
305 | Accuracy/Spread | 81033094 ???? |
306 | Zoom | 81033098 ???? |
307 | Loudness To Enemy | 810330B8 ???? |
308 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 810330BC ???? |
Proximity Mines |
309 | On Screen Gun Separation | 810330D8 ???? |
310 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 810330F2 00?? |
311 | Clip Size | 810330F4 00?? |
312 | Fire Rate | 810330F6 ???? |
313 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 810330F8 ???? |
314 | Sound Made | 810330FA 00?? |
315 | Damage | 81033100 42C8 |
316 | Accuracy/Spread | 81033104 ???? |
317 | Zoom | 81033108 ???? |
318 | Loudness To Enemy | 81033128 ???? |
319 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103312C ???? |
Remote Mines |
320 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81033148 ???? |
321 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81033162 00?? |
322 | Clip Size | 81033164 00?? |
323 | Fire Rate | 81033166 ???? |
324 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81033168 ???? |
325 | Sound Made | 8103316A 00?? |
326 | Damage | 81033170 42C8 |
327 | Accuracy/Spread | 81033174 ???? |
328 | Zoom | 81033178 ???? |
329 | Loudness To Enemy | 81033198 ???? |
330 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103319C ???? |
Watch Detonator Button |
331 | On Screen Gun Separation | 810331B8 ???? |
332 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 810331D2 00?? |
333 | Clip Size | 810331D4 00?? |
334 | Fire Rate | 810331D6 ???? |
335 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 810331D8 ???? |
336 | Sound Made | 810331DA 00?? |
337 | Damage | 810331E0 42C8 |
338 | Accuracy/Spread | 810331E4 ???? |
339 | Zoom | 810331E8 ???? |
340 | Loudness To Enemy | 81033208 ???? |
341 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103320C ???? |
Taser (Gives GREAT Side View of Guns) |
342 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81033228 ???? |
343 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81033242 00?? |
344 | Clip Size | 81033244 00?? |
345 | Fire Rate | 81033246 ???? |
346 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81033248 ???? |
347 | Sound Made | 8103324A 00?? |
348 | Damage | 81033250 42C8 |
349 | Accuracy/Spread | 81033254 ???? |
350 | Zoom | 81033258 ???? |
351 | Loudness To Enemy | 81033278 ???? |
352 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103327C ???? |
Tank Cannon (From Forehead?) |
353 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81033298 ???? |
354 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 810332B2 00?? |
355 | Clip Size | 810332B4 00?? |
356 | Fire Rate | 810332B6 ???? |
357 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 810332B8 ???? |
358 | Sound Made | 810332BA 00?? |
359 | Damage | 810332C0 42C8 |
360 | Accuracy/Spread | 810332C4 ???? |
361 | Zoom | 810332C8 ???? |
362 | Loudness To Enemy | 810332E8 ???? |
363 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 810332EC ???? |
Briefcase Bomb (Acts Like Timed Mine) |
364 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81033308 ???? |
365 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81033322 00?? |
366 | Clip Size | 81033324 00?? |
367 | Fire Rate | 81033326 ???? |
368 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81033328 ???? |
369 | Sound Made | 8103332A 00?? |
370 | Damage | 81033330 42C8 |
371 | Accuracy/Spread | 81033334 ???? |
372 | Zoom | 81033338 ???? |
373 | Loudness To Enemy | 81033358 ???? |
374 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103335C ???? |
Plastique Explosive (Silo) |
375 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81033378 ???? |
376 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81033392 00?? |
377 | Clip Size | 81033394 00?? |
378 | Fire Rate | 81033396 ???? |
379 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81033398 ???? |
380 | Sound Made | 8103339A 00?? |
381 | Damage | 810333A0 42C8 |
382 | Accuracy/Spread | 810333A4 ???? |
383 | Zoom | 810333A8 ???? |
384 | Loudness To Enemy | 810333C8 ???? |
385 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 810333CC ???? |
Flare Gun (Odd Looking Grenade Launcher) |
386 | On Screen Gun Separation | 810333E8 ???? |
387 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81033402 00?? |
388 | Clip Size | 81033404 00?? |
389 | Fire Rate | 81033406 ???? |
390 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81033408 ???? |
391 | Sound Made | 8103340A 00?? |
392 | Damage | 81033410 42C8 |
393 | Accuracy/Spread | 81033414 ???? |
394 | Zoom | 81033418 ???? |
395 | Loudness To Enemy | 81033438 ???? |
396 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 8103343C ???? |
Piton Gun (Same Odd Looking Grenade Launcher) |
397 | On Screen Gun Separation | 81033458 ???? |
398 | Ammo Type Used Up/Pic Displayed | 81033472 00?? |
399 | Clip Size | 81033474 00?? |
400 | Fire Rate | 81033476 ???? |
401 | Number Of Objects That Gun Can Shoot Through | 81033478 ???? |
402 | Sound Made | 8103347A 00?? |
403 | Damage | 81033480 42C8 |
404 | Accuracy/Spread | 81033484 ???? |
405 | Zoom | 81033488 ???? |
406 | Loudness To Enemy | 810334A8 ???? |
407 | Loudness To Enemy #2 | 810334AC ???? |
Max Ammo Modifiers |
408 | 9MM Bullets | 81035EFE ???? |
409 | Rifle Bullets | 81035F16 ???? |
410 | Shotgun Shells | 81035F22 ???? |
411 | Magnum Bullets | 81035F82 ???? |
412 | Golden Bullets | 81035F8E ???? |
413 | Grenade Launcher Rounds | 81035F76 ???? |
414 | Rockets | 81035F3A ???? |
415 | Tank Shells | 81036042 ???? |
Gun Image Modifiers |
416 | Unarmed *For Digits Only, Changing Will Crash*10 | 8103395E CB20 81033962 3794 8103396A 2504 |
417 | Hunting Knife | 81033996 CA20 8103399A 379C 810339A2 2574 |
418 | Throwing Knife | 810339CE CA40 810339D2 37A4 810339DA 25E4 |
419 | PP7 | 81033A06 C7C0 81033A0A 37B4 81033A12 2654 |
420 | Silenced PP7 | 81033A3E C7E0 81033A42 37BC 81033A4A 26C4 |
421 | DD44 | 81033A76 C800 81033A7A 37C8 81033A82 2734 |
422 | Klobb | 81033AAE C820 81033AB2 37D0 81033ABA 27A4 |
423 | KF7 | 81033AE6 C840 81033AEA 37DC 81033AF2 2814 |
424 | ZMG (9mm) | 81033B1E C860 81033B22 37E4 81033B2A 2884 |
425 | D5K | 81033B56 C880 81033B5A 37EC 81033B62 28F4 |
426 | Silenced D5K | 81033B8E C8A0 81033B92 37F4 81033B9A 2964 |
427 | Phantom (My favorite) | 81033BC6 C9C0 81033BCA 3800 81033BD2 29D4 |
428 | AR33 | 81033BFE C8C0 81033C02 380C 81033C0A 2A44 |
429 | RC-P90 | 81033C36 C8E0 81033C3A 3814 81033C42 2AB4 |
430 | Shotgun | 81033C6E C960 81033C72 381C 81033C7A 2B24 |
431 | Auto Shotgun | 81033CA6 C980 81033CAA 3828 81033CB2 2B94 |
432 | Sniper Rifle | 81033CDE CB40 81033CE2 3834 81033CEA 2C04 |
433 | Cougar Magnum | 81033D16 C920 81033D1A 3844 81033D22 2C74 |
434 | Golden Gun | 81033D4E C940 81033D52 384C 81033D5A 2CE4 |
435 | Silver PP7 | 81033D86 CCC0 81033D8A 3858 81033D92 2D54 |
436 | Gold PP7 | 81033DBE CCE0 81033DC2 3868 81033DCA 2DC4 |
437 | Laser | 81033DF6 C9E0 81033E0A 3874 81033E12 2E34 |
438 | Watch Laser | 81033E2E CFE0 81033E32 387C 81033E3A 2EA4 |
439 | Grenade Launcher | 81033E66 C9A0 81033E6A 388C 81033E72 2F14 |
440 | Rocket Launcher | 81033E9E CA00 81033EA2 389C 81033EAA 2F84 |
441 | Grenades | 81033ED6 CB00 81033EDA 38AC 81033EE2 2FF4 |
442 | Timed Mines | 81033F0E CAC0 81033F12 38B8 81033F1A 3064 |
443 | Proximity Mines | 81033F46 CAA0 81033F4A 38C4 81033F52 3DD4 |
444 | Remote Mines | 81033F7E CA80 81033F82 38D4 81033F8A 3144 |
445 | Taser | 81033FEE CA60 81033FF2 38F0 81033FFA 3224 |
Notes |
1 | This makes it so the enemies don't hear you shoot, but it doesn't change the actual sound that the guns make. |
2 | This gives you infinite ammo without an ammo display. (Every gun's ammo acts like the laser; it just keeps going and going.) |
3 | This code allows all guns to shoot through objects, doors, guards, etc. just like the RC-P90 or Magnum. |
4 | This code makes so none of your guns can shoot through objects, doors, guards, etc. |
5 | With this code you can give every gu the knock down power of the golden gun or makes them do half the damage the normally would--your choice. I wouldn't recommend using a value higher than 4FF0. |
6 | 8D10 + 656C = Laser |
7 | R + C-Up/C-Dowm to zoom in and out with any gun. |
8 | I've always hated the KF7 cause of how utterly inaccureate the damn thing is. This fixes that and all other guns. Your shotguns will be slug guns now too. |
9 | These codes can be used to create your own guns.
Fist 81032508 ???? 81032522 00?? * AMMO TYPE USED UP. 81032524 00?? * CLIP SIZE [not how much you"ve got, how much will fit] 81032526 ???? * FIRE RATE [0100 for rifles, FF00 not as good for rifles] 81032528 ???? * SHOOT THRU ITEMS & ENEMIES [laser digits] 8103252A 00?? * SOUND MADE 81032530 ???? * DAMAGE [golden] 81032534 ???? * ACCURACY/SPREAD [tight] 81032538 ???? * ZOOM [Sniper Rifle digits] 81032558 ???? * LOUDNESS TO ENEMY [above 3F80 attracts guards ???? well] 8103255C ???? * LOUDNESS TO ENEMY [below 3F80 guards gun hearing falls....]
Clip Size Modifiers by Viper187, others by DeltaForce. Special thanks goes to Razor and Seasalt for helping members on the UBB to make their own guns, compiling a complete list from DF's data block, etc. |
10 | Just mix and match the quanity digits (last 4 digits) or each code to change the look of the guns. |
Credits |
Mattgb2064 | 1 |
Viper187 | 2, 9, 10, 11 |
Viper187 & Delta FORCE | 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
The Phantom | 8, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445 |
DeltaForce & Viper187 | 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415 |