
Turok Dinosaur Hunter

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Demon #11802CFE27 00??
2Demon #2802D004F 00??
3Demon #3802C9257 00??
4Demon #4802C947F 00??
5Demon With Spear #1802C9AF7 00??
6Demon With Axe #1802C96A7 00??
7Demon #5802C98CF 00??
8Bionically Enhanced Raptor #1802CD307 00??
9Killer Plant #1802D0277 00??
10Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #1802D06C7 00??
11Demon #6802CB4D7 00??
12Demon #7802CB6FF 00??
13Alien MI #1802CF9D7 00??
14Alien MI #2802D20A7 00??
15Alien MI #3802C6737 00??
16Alien MI #4802C650F 00??
17Alien MI #5802CF7AF 00??
18Alien MI #6802C62E7 00??
19Demon #8802CC83F 00??
20Demon #9802CCA67 00??
21Demon #10802CCC8F 00??
22Killer Plant #2802CBF9F 00??
23Triceratops #1802D049F 00??
24Demon #11802CF35F 00??
25Demon #12802CF587 00??
26Demon Lord #1802D22CF 00??
27Demon #13802CD0DF 00??
28Pur-Lin #1802CD52F 00??
29Pur-Lin #2802CD757 00??
30Pur-Lin #3802CDBA7 00??
31Killer Plant #3802CD97F 00??
32Killer Plant #4802CFBFF 00??
33Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #2802D08EF 00??
34Demon #14802D1A2F 00??
35Demon #15802D1C57 00??
36Bionically Enhanced Raptor # 2802CDDCF 00??
37Demon Lord #2802CCEB7 00??
38Demon With Spear #2802D0D3F 00??
39Demon #16802D0F67 00??
40Demon Lord #3802D0B17 00??
41Pur-Lin #4802C6BEF 00??
42Demon With Axe #2802C76B7 00??
43Demon With Spear #3802C78DF 00??
44Demon #17802C7267 00??
45Demon #18802C817F 00??
46Demon #19802C83A7 00??
47Demon Lord #4802C7F57 00??
48Killer Plant #5802C748F 00??
49Killer Plant #6802C7B07 00??
50Demon Lord #5802C69C7 00??
51Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #3802CB98F 00??
52Bionically Enhanced Raptor #3802C9D87 00??
53Killer Plant #7802C85CF 00??
54Demon Lord #6802C92BF 00??
55Demon Lord #7802C9B5F 00??
56Demon #20802C8C47 00??
57Demon #21802C8E6F 00??
58Demon #22802C9097 00??
59Killer Plant #8802C8A1F 00??
60Demon Lord #8802C6E17 00??
61Demon Lord #9802C703F 00??
62Pur-Lin #5802CBBB7 00??
63Subterranean #1802A49EF 00??
64Subterranean #2802A4C17 00??
65Subterranean #3802CC617 00??
66Subterranean #4802CC3EF 00??
67Subterranean #5802CC1C7 00??
68Alien MI #7802B807F 00??
69Alien MI #8802B82A7 00??
70Alien MI #9802B84CF 00??
71Alien MI #10802B86F7 00??
72Alien MI #11802B891F 00??
73Bionically Enhanced Raptor #4802B91BF 00??
74Bionically Enhanced Raptor #5802B93E7 00??
75Red Robot Guard #1802BEC4F 00??
76Red Robot guard #2802BEE77 00??
77Demon Lord #10802B8B47 00??
78Demon #23802B8D6F 00??
79Demon #24802B8F97 00??
80Demon #25802BF93F 00??
81Demon #26802BFB67 00??
82Bionically Enhanced Raptor #6802B960F 00??
83Bionically Enhanced Raptor #7802B9837 00??
84Demon Lord #11802BA2FF 00??
85Demon Lord #12802B9A5F 00??
86Demon #27802B9C87 00??
87Bionically Enhanced Raptor #8802B9EAF 00??
88Bionically Enhanced Raptor #9802BA0D7 00??
89Bionically Enhanced Raptor #10802BA527 00??
90Yellow Robot Guard #1802BF09F 00??
91Demon With Axe #3802BA74F 00??
92Demon With Spear #4802BA977 00??
93Demon With Spear #5802BB43F 00??
94Demon #28802BAB9F 00??
95Demon #29802BADC7 00??
96Demon Lord #13802BAFEF 00??
97Demon Lord #14802BB217 00??
98Demon #30802BB667 00??
99Demon #31802BB88F 00??
100Demon #32802BC357 00??
101Demon #33802BC57F 00??
102Demon #34802BC7A7 00??
103Demon #35802BC9CF 00??
104Yellow Robot Guard #2802BF2C7 00??
105Red Robot Guard #3802BFD8F 00??
106Demon #36802BD047 00??
107Drone Gun #1802BBAB7 00??
108Drone Gun #2802BBCDF 00??
109Demon Lord #15802BD26F 00??
110Demon Lord #16802BD497 00??
111Drone Gun #3802BC12F 00??
112Alien MI #12802BD6BF 00??
113Alien MI #13802BE3AF 00??
114Alien MI #14802BD8E7 00??
115Drone Gun #4802BBF07 00??
116Alien MI #15802BDB0F 00??
117Drone Gun #5802BDD37 00??
118Drone Gun #6802BDF5F 00??
119Alien MI #16802BE5D7 00??
120Red Robot Guard #4802BF4EF 00??
121Red Robot Guard #5802BF717 00??
122Yellow Robot Guard #3802BFFB7 00??
123Roach #1802CA397 00??
124Roach #2802CA7E7 00??
125Roach #3802CAC37 00??
126Roach #4802CAE5F 00??
127Roach #5802CB087 00??
128Roach #6802CA5BF 00??
129Roach #7802CB2AF 00??
130Roach #8802C9F47 00??
131Roach #9802CAA0F 00??
132Roach #10802CB927 00??
133Roach #11802CBB4F 00??
134Roach #12802CBD77 00??
135Roach #13802CE447 00??
136Roach #14802DEABF 00??
137Roach #15802CECE7 00??
138Roach #16802CEF0F 00??
139Roach #17802CF137 00??
140Roach #18802CE897 00??
141Roach #19802CFDF7 00??
142Roach #20802CE21F 00??
143Roach #21802CE66F 00??

100 = Invisible
01 = Invisible + Frozen
10 = Visible
11 = Visible + Frozen

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