
Doraemon 3: Nobita no Machi SOS!

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1(M) Enable CodeDE025C00 0000
F1060490 2400
2Invincible1812457B8 000F
3Infinite HP (All Characters)250000602 0000
801B361C 000A
4Infinite Air8121D4FA 04B0
5All Weapons350000702 0000
811B3678 0101
6All Characters450000702 0000
801B361B 0001
7All Normal Items550000902 0000
811B3700 6363
8All Key Items650001602 0000
811B3714 0101
9Press L-Button for Moon Jump7D0082915 0020
812456F4 418E
D0082915 0020
812456F6 38E2
10Press Z-Button for Max Air-Cannon Shot8D0082914 0020
8121D69A 0032
11Can Leave Town9811B362A FFFF

1Can't pick up items with this code ON.
24m expansion pack required for this code to work properly.
34m expansion pack required for this code to work properly.
44m expansion pack required for this code to work properly.
54m expansion pack required for this code to work properly.
64m expansion pack required for this code to work properly.
7Jump first, then hold L-Button while in mid-air.
8Must have Doraemon's Kuuki-Hou (Air-Cannon) equipped.
9Start a new game, and immediately leave town without talking to anyone.

Davin the Raven1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11