Doraemon - Mittsu no Seireiseki |
WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
Activators |
1 | Activator 1 P1 | D016D944 00?? |
2 | Activator 2 P1 | D016D945 00?? |
3 | Dual Activator P1 | D116D944 ???? |
4 | Activator 1 P2 | D016D94C 00?? |
5 | Activator 2 P2 | D016D94D 00?? |
6 | Dual Activator P2 | D116D94C ???? |
7 | Activator 1 P3 | D016D954 00?? |
8 | Activator 2 P3 | D016D955 00?? |
9 | Dual Activator P3 | D116D954 ???? |
10 | Activator 1 P4 | D016D95C 00?? |
11 | Activator 2 P4 | D016D95D 00?? |
12 | Dual Activator P4 | D116D95C ???? |
13 | Control Stick Activator 1 P1 | D016D946 00?? |
14 | Control Stick Activator 2 P1 | D016D947 00?? |
15 | Dual Control Stick Activator P1 | D116D946 ???? |
16 | Control Stick Activator 1 P2 | D016D94E 00?? |
17 | Control Stick Activator 2 P2 | D016D94F 00?? |
18 | Dual Control Stick Activator P2 | D116D94E ???? |
19 | Control Stick Activator 1 P3 | D016D956 00?? |
20 | Control Stick Activator 2 P3 | D016D957 00?? |
21 | Dual Control Stick Activator P3 | D116D956 ???? |
22 | Control Stick Activator 1 P4 | D016D95E 00?? |
23 | Control Stick Activator 2 P4 | D016D95F 00?? |
24 | Dual Control Stick Activator P4 | D116D95E ???? |
Main |
25 | Infinite Energy | 800FB897 00FF |
26 | Infinite Lives | 800F38C5 000A |
27 | Bells? Modifier | 800F38C2 00?? |
28 | Don't Take Damage | 81074238 2400 |
29 | Invincible (Pass Through Enemies) | 810FB8E2 0020 |
30 | All Items & Weapons | 810F38CC FFFF 810F38CE FFFF |
31 | All Crystals & Unlock Corona | 810F38CA FFFF |
32 | Switch Characters Anytime | 810F390C 0100 |
Credits |
Viper187 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28 |
Datel | 25, 26 |
Davin the Raven | 29, 30, 31, 32 |
Powered by Psycho Snake Script v5.0.0 - Anti-GSC Mod
Everything here is copryight my ass. That's right, my ass 0wnz j00!
© Anti-GSC 2005