
Xexex (World)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Credits0801EA 99
2Select the Starting Level1082019 07
CODE: 061
3Infinite Energy Player 108224D 28
4Invincibility Player 1082221 01
5Always have Max Bullet Power Player 108222D 04
6Always have Max Probe/Flint Power Player 1082309 02
7Always have Max Homing Missiles Power Player 108224B 03
8Select Bullet Power Now! Player 108222D 04
CODE: 071
9Select Probe/Flint Power Now! Player 1082309 02
CODE: 071
10Select Homing Missiles Power Now! Player 108224B 03
CODE: 071
11Infinite Energy Player 208264D 28
12Invincibility Player 2082621 01
13Always have Max Bullet Power Player 208262D 04
14Always have Max Probe/Flint Power Player 2082709 02
15Always have Max Homing Missiles Power Player 208264B 03
16Select Bullet Power Now! Player 208262D 04
CODE: 071
17Select Probe/Flint Power Now! Player 2082709 02
CODE: 071
18Select Homing Missiles Power Now! Player 208264B 03
CODE: 071

1Use anytime before you hit 'Start'

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18