
Wonder Boy (set 1, old encryption)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite LivesC302 07
2Infinite VitalityC46A 20
CODE: 007
3Invincibility "ON"1C46E 01
4Invincibility "OFF"C46E 00
CODE: 001
5Always Have the AxeC407 02
6Always Have the SkateboardC408 02
7Get the Axe Now!C407 02
CODE: 001
8Get the Skateboard Now!C408 02
CODE: 001
9Lose the Axe Now!C407 00
CODE: 001
10Lose the Skateboard Now!C408 00
CODE: 001
11Always Hidden Bonus LifeC0DA 03
12Always Doll BonusC312 01
13Always Big Bonus FruitsC476 02
14Monster Always = 10000C475 14
15Goto Level 2-1 NextC301 04
CODE: 001
16Goto Level 3-1 NextC301 08
CODE: 001
17Goto Level 4-1 NextC301 0C
CODE: 001
18Goto Level 5-1 NextC301 10
CODE: 001
19Goto Level 6-1 NextC301 14
CODE: 001
20Goto Level 7-1 NextC301 18
CODE: 001
21Goto Level 8-1 NextC301 1C
CODE: 001
22Goto Level 8-4 NextC301 1F
CODE: 001

1This cheat doesn't work for the end of world bosses

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22