
Block Block (Japan 910910)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite BonusE05B 09
2Infinite Bonus (2/2)E05C 99
CODE: 500
3Level 50 when level endsE045 31
CODE: 001
4Select next levelE045 32
CODE: 062
5Infinite Lives Player 1E1AD 99
6Infinite Magnet time Player 11E1B5 B4
7Bat never reduces Player 1E1B3 63
8Bat never reduces Player 1 (2/3)E1AA 00
CODE: 500
9Bat never reduces Player 1 (3/3)E1AB 99
CODE: 500
10Maximum bat size Player 1E1B1 06
11Always have normal ball Player 1E1A9 00
12Always have super ball Player 1E1A9 01
13Always have magnet Player 1E1B4 43
14Get the normal ball Now! Player 1E1A9 00
CODE: 001
15Get the super ball Now! Player 1E1A9 01
CODE: 001
16Get the magnet Now! Player 1E1B4 43
CODE: 001
17Lose the magnet Now! Player 1E1B4 00
CODE: 001
18Infinite Lives Player 2E1ED 99
19Infinite Magnet time Player 22E1F5 B4
20Bat never reduces Player 2E1F3 63
21Bat never reduces Player 2 (2/3)E1EA 00
CODE: 500
22Bat never reduces Player 2 (3/3)E1EB 99
CODE: 500
23Maximum bat size Player 2E1F1 06
24Always have normal ball Player 2E1E9 01
25Always have super ball Player 2E1E9 01
26Always have magnet Player 2E1F4 43
27Get the normal ball Now! Player 2E1E9 01
CODE: 001
28Get the super ball Now! Player 2E1E9 01
CODE: 001
29Get the magnet Now! Player 2E1F4 43
CODE: 001
30Lose the magnet Now! Player 2E1F4 00
CODE: 001

1Get the magnet first
2Get the magnet first

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30