
Atomic Point

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite CreditsFFDAFE 09
2Infinite Time Player 1FFDBA6 00
3Go to level 99 Player 11FFDB80 62
CODE: 001
4Select next level Player 1FFDB80 62
CODE: 061
5Difficulty always set = 0 Player 1FFDB81 00
6Always "power" Player 1FFDBAE 80
7Set Difficulty to 0 Now! Player 1FFDB81 00
CODE: 001
8Get "power" Now! Player 1FFDBAE 80
CODE: 001
9Infinite Time Player 2FFDC50 00
10Go to level 99 Player 22FFDC2A 62
CODE: 001
11Select next level Player 2FFDC2A 62
CODE: 061
12Difficulty always set = 0 Player 2FFDC2B 00
13Always "power" Player 2FFDC58 80
14Set Difficulty to 0 Now! Player 2FFDC2B 00
CODE: 001
15Get "power" Now! Player 2FFDC58 80
CODE: 001

1Use on "level select" screen
2Use on "level select" screen

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15